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The greatest water consumption takes place during irrigation of arid and semiarid areas, therefore, water resource management is fundamental for sustainability. For correct management, several tools and decision-making systems are necessary while paying close attention to aspects such as profitability, water cost, etc. Water resources are scarce and some of them are of low quality. This extremely delicate situation occurs in some regions of the world and it explains increasing water cost. In Europe, the policies relating to water use (2000/60/EC) pay particular attention to the need of its protection and conservation. To ensure this, a large number of measures, including the establishment of prices which really correspond to their usage costs, have been set forth. Water subsidies are relatively important in all European countries. In this study, a specific methodology is applied to a Spanish semi-arid region. It is useful and easy to apply, not only by farmers, but also by water managers and politicians in charge of policy. The methodology also helps in the decision-making process about water cost in agriculture. In this area (Hydrogeological System 08.29, Spain), the resources are mainly underground water with a high variable cost and without any direct subsidies. This model allows us to analyse the effect of different water costs and to find the optimum strategy giving the maximum gross margin in line with water cost and its main determining factors (irrigation system, climatic variability, etc.).The methodology is based on the effect of irrigation on crop yield with its production function, integrating the effect of application efficiency. In this way, a relationship between gross margin and gross irrigation depth is obtained. Working with permanent irrigation systems and four crops (barley, garlic, maize and onion), the main conclusion is that the optimum gross irrigation depths are always fewer than those necessary for maximum crop yield and when irrigation depths are fewer water cost increases. Irrigation depths, which maximise the economic efficiency in the use of water (€ m−3), are fewer than those which maximise the gross margin; therefore, this aspect must be considered in irrigation scheduling. The results also show important differences among crops, depending on their water requirements and their economic profitability.  相似文献   

There are numerous models capable of simulating crop behavior under different water stress conditions. However, none of them takes into account the effect of irrigation water uniformity on yield. The model developed simulates the uniformity effect on yield and the repercussion on gross margin (GM). The application of the model to a maize crop in Albacete (Spain) indicates that for the same irrigation depth, an increase in uniformity of water in the soil (CU) corresponds to a 4% increase in yield for the common irrigation strategy in the area, and a 6.8% increase in yield for the optimal irrigation schedule established by the model. Values of percentage of adequately irrigated area (a) between 50 and 80% appear to be adequate for values of CU > 80%. This effect has special relevance on the GM mainly when designing the irrigation strategy of areas with limited water resources. This leads to improvement of CU from 75 to 95% for the common irrigation depth applied to maize and may increase GM up to 27%. For small irrigation depths, the effect of CU on GM is reduced. The maximum GM is reached at ETa/ETm < 1 and a <100%. The paper also describes a methodology for determining the most suitable irrigation schedule under regulated deficit irrigation conditions.  相似文献   

Like many intensive vegetable production systems, the greenhouse-based system on the south-eastern (SE) Mediterranean coast of Spain is associated with considerable NO3 contamination of groundwater. Drip irrigation and sophisticated fertigation systems provide the technical capacity for precise nutrient and irrigation management of soil-grown crops which would reduce NO3 leaching loss. The VegSyst crop simulation model was developed to simulate daily crop biomass production, N uptake and crop evapotranspiration (ETc). VegSyst is driven by thermal time and consequently is adaptable to different planting dates, different greenhouse cooling practices and differences in greenhouse design. It will be subsequently incorporated into a practical on-farm decision support system to enable growers to more effectively use the advanced technical capacity of this horticultural system for optimal N and irrigation management.VegSyst was calibrated and validated for muskmelon grown in Mediterranean plastic greenhouse in SE Spain using data of four melon crops, two grown in 2005 and two in 2006 using two management strategies of water and N management in each year. VegSyst very accurately simulated crop biomass production and accurately simulated crop N uptake over time. Model performance in simulating dry matter production (DMP) over time was better using a double radiation use efficiency (RUE) approach (5.0 and 3.2 g MJ−1 PAR for vegetative and reproductive growth phases) compared to a single RUE approach (4.3 g MJ−1 PAR). The simulation of ETc over time, was very accurate in the two 2006 muskmelon crops and somewhat less so in the two 2005 crops. The error in the simulated final values, expressed as a percentage of final measured values was −1 to 6% for DMP, 2-11% for crop N uptake, and −11 to 6% for ETc. VegSyst provided effective simulation of DMP, N uptake and ETc for crops with different planting dates. This model can be readily adapted to other crops.  相似文献   

The effect of sprinkler irrigation uniformity on crop yield is an important consideration for the design of sprinkler irrigation system. A model that relates yield response to evapotranspiration deficits at special growth stages to evaluate the impacts of uniformity on crop yield was developed from a crop water production function. The simulation results of the model showed that crop yield increased with increasing uniformity. Optimum irrigation amount and uniformity for the maximum net return were determined with the model. The optimum irrigation amount depends on irrigation uniformity and on economic factors, decreasing with the uniformity but increasing with the ratio of product price to water cost. The optimum uniformity increased with an increase of irrigation amount expressed by a ratio between gross and required irrigation amount, but approximated 90% when the ratio exceeded 0.85. Field experiments conducted to study the relationship between spatial distribution of soil moisture and sprinkler application uniformity demonstrated that the water in the soil was more uniformly distributed than that measured for the application at the soil surface.  相似文献   

Urban expansion in western arid regions has increased competition for available water supplies, encouraging more efficient agricultural water use. The implementation of alternative low water-use crops is one option for producers, but is it economically feasible? This study uses the EPIC model to model yields to alternative crop production under differing irrigation levels. Risk analysis, or the distribution of returns, to alternative crop production is examined through the use of SIMETAR. Data on current and alternative crops for this study include cost and return studies, producer interviews, and field trials in Northwest Nevada. Study results show that there are alternative crops that could be feasibly substituted for alfalfa or used as a diversification strategy, while reducing water use by at least one-half.  相似文献   

Estimates of the effects of alternative discrete irrigation water scheduling options on consumptive use or evapotranspiration and on crop yield are developed for a northeastern Colorado case study. The analysis proceeds from the premise that farmers, rather than considering irrigation water as a continuously variable input, tend to treat irrigations as discrete events, and make scheduling decisions as choices among numbers of irrigations of approximately equal volume. The van Genuchten-Hanks model is employed to develop a transient-state water-crop production function model. Results for two crops – corn grain and edible dry beans – are presented here. Findings are that the effect of the number of irrigations on evapotranspiration and yield per hectare varies widely, depending upon the timing of applications. When farmers can choose the optimal timing of irrigations, a reduced number of irrigations has a relatively limited adverse effect on crop production until irrigations are reduced to less than four per season. However, there are many situations in which an inability to apply water can result in a very large reduction from potential maximum yield, particularly if water is withheld early in the season and/or during the rapid growth period of the crops. In many contexts of irrigation water management, water policy analysts will wish to consider the more realistic discrete-input simulation model for policy evaluation. Received: 1 November 1996  相似文献   

All horticultural production in Botswana is irrigated, as average rainfall is less than average reference evapotranspiration in all parts of the country for all of the year, and most of the irrigation in the country is used for horticultural crops. In the main, the water used for irrigation comes from groundwater, and much of this can be classified as moderately saline. A survey was carried out of 60 cabbage farmers in five regions of the country to identify the level of salinity of irrigation water and the irrigation practices used. It was concluded that there was no relationship between the irrigation rate (average irrigation depth divided by average irrigation interval) and the salinity of the water used or the salinity of the soil, such that some farmers were over-irrigating and others under-irrigating. This means that water is being wasted and yields are likely to be reduced. In addition, there is a risk of long-term build-up of salinity and soil degradation.  相似文献   

The primary objective of an agriculture water management system is to provide crop needs to sustain high yields. Another objective of equal or greater importance in some regions is to reduce agriculture impacts on surface and groundwater quality. Kandil et al. (1992) modified the water management model DRAINMOD to predict soil salinity as affected by irrigation water quality and drainage system design. The objectives of this study are to incorporate an algorithm to quantify the effects of stresses due to soil salinity on crop yields and to demonstrate the applications of the model. DRAINMOD-S, is capable of predicting the long-term effects of different irrigation and drainage practices on crop yields. The overall crop function in the model includes the effects of stresses caused by excessive soil water conditions (waterlogging), soil water-deficits, salinity, and planting delays. Three irrigation strategies and six drain spacings were considered for all crops. In the first irrigation strategy, the irrigation amounts were equal to evapotranspiration requirements by the crops, with the addition of a 10 cm depth of water for leaching applied during each growing season. In the second strategy, the leaching depth (10 cm) was applied before the growing season. In the third strategy, a leaching depth of 15 cm was applied before the growing season for each crop. Another strategy (4th) with more leaching was considered for bean which is the crop most sensitive to salinity. In the fourth strategy, 14 days intervals were used instead of 7 and leaching irrigations were applied: 15 cm before the growing season and 10 cm at the middle of the growing season for bean. The objective function for these simulations was crop yield. Soil water conditions and soil salinity were continuously simulated for a crop rotation of bean, cotton, maize, soybean, and wheat over a 19 years period. Yields of individual crops were predicted for each growing season. Results showed that the third irrigation strategy resulted in the highest yields for cotton, maize, soybean and wheat. Highest yields for bean were obtained by the fourth irrigation strategy. Results are also presented on the effects of drain depth and spacing on yields. DRAINMOD-S is written in Fortran and requires a PC with math-coprocessor. It was concluded that DRAINMOD-S is a useful tool for design and evaluation of irrigation and drainage systems in irrigated arid lands.  相似文献   

In both arid and semi-arid areas the use of saline water for irrigation is a common practice, even though it may cause a drop in crop yield and progressive soil salinization. In order to determine the most suitable irrigation strategy for higher yield, profitability, and soil salinity management of certain crops, the MOPECO-Salt Model has been developed. This model was first validated in the Eastern Mancha Agricultural System in Albacete (Spain) through a test carried out on onion crop in April-September 2009, where the simulated yield was 2% lower than the observed one. The model was then tested at Tal Amara Research Station in the Central Bekaa Valley Agricultural System (Lebanon) using data from a 5-year experiment on the effects of deficit irrigation on two cultivars of potato (Spunta: July-October 2001, and June-September 2002; and Agria: March-August 2004, 2005, and 2007). Furthermore, these results were compared with those obtained through AquaCrop, which does not currently assess crop response to salinity. Differences between observed and simulated yields were lower than 3% for MOPECO-Salt and up to 12% for AquaCrop. According to findings from simulations, the irrigation strategies without leaching fraction employed in both areas are remediable since the off-season rainfall is sufficient to wash out soluble salts supplied with irrigation water. Results showed that as much as 14.4% water could be saved when this strategy was adopted for onion crops.  相似文献   

作物节水灌溉需水规律研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
基于节水灌溉条件下作物需水量试验资料,分析了控制灌溉和覆膜旱作节水灌溉的水稻需水规律以及节水高效灌溉模式下冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花作物的需水规律。结果表明,节水灌溉模式通过对水稻、冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花等作物产生的生长调控作用与补偿生长效应,使植株蒸腾量和棵间蒸发量较大幅度减少,各阶段需水量、需水强度和需水模系数均发生显著变化,形成了节水灌溉模式的主要农作物新的需水规律。可为节水灌溉制度的制定、节水型灌区动态配水及灌溉预报等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Irrigation scheduling based on the daily historical crop evapotranspiration (ETh) data was theoretically and experimentally assessed for the major soil-grown greenhouse horticultural crops on the Almería coast in order to improve irrigation efficiency. Overall, the simulated seasonal ETh values for different crop cycles from 41 greenhouses were not significantly different from the corresponding values of real-time crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Additionally, for the main greenhouse crops on the Almería coast, the simulated values of the maximum cumulative soil water deficit in each of the 15 consecutive growth cycles (1988–2002) were determined using simple soil-water balances comparing daily ETh and ETc values to schedule irrigation. In most cases, no soil-water deficits affecting greenhouse crop productivity were detected, but the few cases found led us to also assess experimentally the use of ETh for irrigation scheduling of greenhouse horticultural crops. The response of five greenhouse crops to water applications scheduled with daily estimates of ETh and ETc was evaluated in a typical enarenado soil. In tomato, fruit yield did not differ statistically between irrigation treatments, but the spring green bean irrigated using the ETh data presented lower yield than that irrigated using the ETc data. In the remaining experiments, the irrigation-management method based on ETh data was modified to consider the standard deviation of the inter-annual greenhouse reference ET. No differences between irrigation treatments were found for productivity of pepper, zucchini and melon crops.  相似文献   

A comprehensive irrigation assessment was conducted using on-farm water use information and simulated crop water requirements in a Mediterranean greenhouse area, mainly dedicated to horticultural crops, located on the Almería coast.  相似文献   

在有限供水条件下,为了使全灌区增产净效益达到最大。研究依据非充分灌溉中的调亏灌溉原理和作物的水分生产函数,推导出作物产量与土壤含水率之间的函数关系,并建立了全灌区某次供水增产净效益最大的优化配水模型。根据RS技术能够快速获取信息的特点,以陕西关中冯家山水库北干十一支灌区为例,用RS技术获取灌区土壤含水率情况,再用GIS计算出不同作物灌溉需水量数据,并根据来水量用Matlab计算软件对模型进行求解,可快速获得各斗渠优化配水量。模型在求解时不受灌区类型的限制,因此,模型具有较强的通用性、可操作性和推广性。  相似文献   

Characterizing water use and management in irrigated agriculture is a prerequisite for conserving agricultural water. We carried out a detailed analysis of irrigation performance by documenting the water use of about 840 parcels in an irrigation scheme (Genil–Cabra irrigation scheme; GCIS) located in Andalusia, southern Spain, from 1996 to 2000. Performance indicators based on the water balance detected two water-management strategies, depending on the crop: (1) cotton, garlic, maize and sugar beet had average ratios of measured irrigation supply to the simulated optimum demand (ARIS) ranging between 0.73 and 0.91 and (2) winter cereals, sunflower and olive had a much lower average ARIS (with a 4-year average of 0.28–0.39). We found a large variability in water usage among the management units in all cases. For instance, in cotton, even though the average ARIS was around 0.8, about 50% of the fields were not irrigated adequately (41% with deficit, 9% with excess). Water productivity (WP) in the GCIS was highest for the horticultural crops (garlic, olive; from 1.13 €/m3 to 6.52 €/m3) while it varied among the field crops, being lowest in maize (4-year average of 0.28 €/m3) and highest in sugar beet (4-year average of 1.04 €/m3). Large year-to-year variations in WP were observed in all crops, particularly in sunflower and garlic due either to fluctuating prices for garlic or to the effects of the 1998/1999 drought for sunflower. In fact, WP was lowest in all crops in that year, because seasonal irrigation depths were much higher than in the other 3 years. The combination of ARIS and other performance indicators allowed for determining performance levels and improvement measures. It was found that if more irrigation water is used in the GCIS, garlic and olive will be the crops that profit most from the additional supply. However, it was concluded that, given the wide range in water use and management encountered at the parcel level, improvement policies at the scheme level should always consider individual performance when designing measures for water conservation in irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

Improvement of irrigation management in areas subjected to periods of water scarcity requires good knowledge of system performance over long time periods. We have conducted a study aimed at characterizing the behaviour of an irrigated area encompassing over 7000 ha in Southern Spain, since its inception in 1991. Detailed cropping pattern and plot water use records allowed the assessment of irrigation scheme performance using a simulation model that computed maximum irrigation requirements for every plot during the first 15 years of system operations. The ratio of irrigation water used to maximum irrigation requirements (Annual Relative Irrigation Supply, ARIS) was well below 1 and oscillated around 0.6 in the 12 years that there were no water supply restrictions in the district. The ARIS values varied among crops, however, from values between 0.2 and 0.3 for sunflower and wheat, to values approaching 1 for cotton and sugar beet. Farmer interviews revealed some of the causes for the low irrigation water usage which were mainly associated with the attempt to balance profitability and stability, and with the lack of incentives to achieve maximum yields in crops subsidized by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. The response to water scarcity was also documented through interviews and demonstrated that the change in crop choice is the primary reaction to an anticipated constraint in water supply. Water productivity (value of production divided by the volume of irrigation water delivered; WP) in the district was moderate and highly variable (around 2€ m−3) and did not increase with time. Irrigation water productivity (increase in production value due to irrigation divided by irrigation water delivered) was much lower (0.65€ m−3) and also, it did not increase with time. The lack of improvement in WP, the low irrigation water usage, and the changes in cropping patterns over the first 15 years of operation indicate that performance trends in irrigated agriculture are determined by a complex mix of technical, economic, and socio-cultural factors, as those that characterized the behaviour of the Genil-Cabra irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

Using EPIC model to manage irrigated cotton and maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simulation models are becoming of interest as a decision support system for management and assessment of crop water use and of crop production. The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model was used to evaluate its application as a decision support tool for irrigation management of cotton and maize under South Texas conditions. Simulation of the model was performed to determine crop yield, crop water use, and the relationships between the yield and crop water use parameters such as crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and water use efficiency (WUE). We measured actual ETc using a weighing lysimeter and crop yields by field sampling, and then calibrated the model. The measured variables were compared with simulated variables using EPIC. Simulated ETc agreed with the lysimeter, in general, but some simulated ETc were biased compared with measured ETc. EPIC also simulated the variability in crop yields at different irrigation regimes. Furthermore, EPIC was used to simulate yield responses at various irrigation regimes with farm fields’ data. Maize required ∼700 mm of water input and ∼650 mm of ETc to achieve a maximum yield of 8.5 Mg ha−1 while cotton required between 700 and 900 mm of water input and between 650 and 750 mm of ETc to achieve a maximum yield of 2.0-2.5 Mg ha−1. The simulation results demonstrate that the EPIC model can be used as a decision support tool for the crops under full and deficit irrigation conditions in South Texas. EPIC appears to be effective in making long-term and pre-season decisions for irrigation management of crops, while reference ET and phenologically based crop coefficients can be used for in-season irrigation management.  相似文献   

甘肃地区水资源短缺,合理利用农业水资源对地区发展非常重要。根据甘肃瓜州1983-2012年30年的气象资料,计算出瓜州地区棉花作物的参考作物蒸发蒸腾量以及作物的实际蒸发蒸腾量,进而计算甘肃瓜州棉花作物多年灌溉需水量。通过调节灌水次数来调节灌溉供水量,以得出不同供水条件下的灌溉设计保证率,根据不同灌水次数对作物经济效益的影响,得到最大效益时的灌水量和灌溉设计保证率。分析结果表明,灌溉设计保证率在53%时经济效益最高,从而确定甘肃瓜州地区的最优灌水量为440mm,达到既保证效益又能做到节水灌溉的目的。  相似文献   

甘肃景泰提水灌区作物需水量与灌溉制度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据甘肃景电一期灌区节水改造规划,利用当地19年的逐日气象资料,计算了灌区不同水平年的作物需水量和净灌溉需水量。利用计算机模型对灌区主要作物的现行灌溉制度进行了模拟和评价,并针对现行灌溉制度中存在的主要问题提出了改进方案。  相似文献   

大田作物非充分灌溉实施效果分析评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将现有非充分灌溉技术研究成果应用于大田作物中,从作物耗水量、单产、产量要素、水分生产率、节水量与总效益等方面进行了综合评价。结果表明,与充分灌溉相比,非充分灌溉(Ⅰ)节水增效显著,非充分灌溉(Ⅱ)总产量或总效益下降较大,实际应用中应把握好非充分灌溉度的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, an economic optimisation model for hydrologic planning in deficit irrigation systems is proposed. Irrigation water allocation between agricultural demands is carried out following an economic efficiency criterion with the aim of maximising the overall economic benefits obtained, allocating available water to each user as a function of the water’s profit margin. Water resources constraints in the system are considered. Aggregated economic functions for each irrigation district are generated optimising the water used for the cropping pattern. Stochastic nature of water availability and irrigation requirements have been taken into account.Due to the complexity of the system, the problem has been broken down into three independent optimisation sub-problems that perform hierarchically. Each of these sub models takes into account a different resolution level of the system: crop, irrigation district and the whole basin.The proposed model has been used in a subsequent paper to optimise water allocation planning in a small basin in southern Spain; the Bembézar system.  相似文献   

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