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Bovine cysticercosis is a zoonosis that is mainly of socioeconomic and public health importance. A survey of this disease was carried out in Northern Turkana District, Kenya to estimate the prevalence through both serology and meat inspection, to determine the prevalence of the adult tapeworm in the human definitive host, and to determine risk factors for cattle seropositivity. This information is of public health importance and will be of use in assessing economic losses due to downgrading, refrigeration or condemnation of infested carcasses.The study area was stratified into the three livestock grazing regions of Oropoi to the south, Lokichoggio–Mogilla centrally and Kibish in the north for the purposes of the serological and questionnaire (n = 53 herd owners) data. Five adakaars (grazing units) were selected and 34, 63, 49, 75 and 571 cattle serum samples obtained from these. The slaughter slabs of Lokichoggio and Kakuma were visited and 188 serum samples were obtained from slaughter cattle and compared to results of meat inspection. Human stool samples were collected in each of the three grazing areas and 66, 97 and 78 samples were obtained.The seroprevalence of cysticercosis in cattle was estimated at 16.7% (95% CI 13–20.9%) using a secretory–excretory antigen detection ELISA. There was poor agreement between meat inspection and serology (k = 0.025; p = 0.2797). The prevalence of taeniosis was estimated as 2.5% (95% CI 0.8–5.6%) by microscopy.A backwards elimination logistic regression analysis indicated that the grazing unit (Adakaar), the deworming history of household members and the distance (>2 km) of grazing fields from the homestead were significant explanatory variables for cattle being found to be positive on serology. An intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.07 (0.02–0.12); p < 0.0001 was calculated for bovine cysticercosis in this area.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina antibodies in communal herds in northern and eastern Zimbabwe was determined using the ELISA technique. The animals in different herds in the study region had different levels of natural exposure to B. bovis (mean 32%, range 0-79%) and B. bigemina (mean 52%, range 5-92%) infections. The majority of herds (90%) were endemically unstable for B. bigemina and 62% were unstable for B. bovis. Natural region 5 and Manicaland province had the highest seroprevalence of B. bovis infection, while natural region 5 and Masvingo province had the highest seroprevalence of B. bigemina infection.  相似文献   

A sero-epidemiological study of Taenia saginata cysticercosis was carried out in adult cattle in Zambia to determine the prevalence and study the influence of the farming system on the infection rate. Serum samples were examined for circulating parasite antigen by a monoclonal-based sandwich ELISA. Thirty-eight of 628 serum samples were found positive (prevalence 6.1%). Cysticercosis was significantly more prevalent in feedlots and in traditional farming systems than in dairy farms. It is suggested that the continuous man to animal contact and the use of casual workers in feedlots may be factors that are conductive to T. saginata transmission.  相似文献   

Distribution of bovine cysticercosis in Washington   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from slaughter plants (n = 3) and feedlots (n = 18) in eastern Washington were analyzed to characterize occurrence patterns of cysticercosis in Washington during 1984. Three concurrent peaks in cysticercosis rates (0.6/1,000 to 5/1,000 slaughtered cattle) were detected at 3 slaughter plants. Peaks were observed at 8 feedlots from December 1983 to March 1984, at 6 feedlots from April to July 1984, at 2 feedlots from August to October 1984, and at 3 feedlots from November 1984 to February 1985. Affected feedlots were not closely associated geographically and were feeding cattle from many, predominantly northwestern, origins. For 3 feedlots for which time in the feedlot was available for each slaughter shipment, an increase in cysticercosis rate with increasing time in the feedlot was noticed. Within these 3 feedlots, cases of cysticercosis were widely scattered spatially. The pattern of cysticercosis indicated human fecal contamination of a regionally available feed source. Of feedstuffs in use, potato waste, a byproduct of the processed potato industry, appeared to be the most likely source of Taenia saginata ova.  相似文献   

In March, 1973, a large feedlot near Phoenix, AZ, reported an increased incidence of bovine cysticercosis. Approximately 10% of cattle sent to slaughter from January to April, 1973, were infected with the cysticercus stage of Taenia saginata. One employee who worked at the feed mill and loaded hay in the fields was also found to be infected with T saginata. Recommendations for control of similar epizootics included educating employees about mode of transmission and improved personal hygiene, the inauguration of a surveillance program that included examination of employees prior to employment and periodically thereafter, maintenance of animal source and destination records, restriction of unauthorized personnel to critical areas, and periodic microbiologic assay of water supply.  相似文献   

Summary Collections of gastro-intestinal contents of60 sheep, in all, in groups of 6–8 made during three seasonal periods in three geographical areas of Iraq. Twenty-three species of gastro-intestinal helminth parasites were identified in this survey. New distribution records forO. ostertagi, T. capricola, N. spathiger, T. discolor, S. ovis, A. chalmersi, M. expansa andM. benedeni were established during this investigation.
Sumario Se hicieron colecciones de contenido gastrointestinal de 60 ovinos durante tres periodos de tiempo y areas geográficas distintas en Irak. Se recuperaron 23 especies de parásitos helmintos gastrointestinales de los ovinos examinados en esta encuesta e Se establecieron nuevos registros de distribución paraO. ostertagi, T. capricola, N. spathiger, T. discolor, S. ovis, A. chalmersi, M. expansa, yM. benedeni, durante esta investigación.

Résumé Le contenu gastro-intestinal de 60 moutons a été récolté pendant trois périodes différentes et dans trois régions géographiques d’Irak. Vingt-trois espèces d’helminthes gastro-intestinaux de moutons ont été recueillies au cours de cette prospection. Cette étude a permis d’établir de nouvelles données pour la distribution d’O. ostertagi, T. capricola, N. spathiger, T. discolor, S. ovis, A. chalmersi, M. expansa, etM. benedeni.

Serum samples from a total of 6979 dairy cattle from 55 herds in northern Italy (51 herds) and central Italy (4 herds), were examined by the serum neutralization test for the presence of antibody to bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1). It was found that 84.31% of the farms selected in northern Italy and all the farms from central Italy had seropositive animals at titers of 1:4 or higher. The prevalence of infection was essentially the same among the cattle populations of the two selected areas of the country, being of 34.99% in the north and of 38.65% in central regions. A comparison of the data from the present study with those obtained in a serological survey conducted in Italy in 1966, shows that the rate of seropositive cattle to BHV-1 has increased by about 5.0% in the last 30 years.  相似文献   

Bovine cysticercosis is an important food safety issue and can cause economic loss. A cross sectional study on Taenia saginata cysticercosis was carried out in slaughtered cattle in Iran in order to determine the infection rate during a three-years period, from 2005 to 2007. A total of 4,534,105 cattle were examined by routine meat inspection. The results showed that 11,410 cattle (0.25 %) were infected with Cysticercus bovis; among those 1,041 carcasses (0.02%) were condemned. In such carcasses the metacestodes caused extensive damage in the vicinity of cysts in infected cattle. The rejected carcasses had an average of 410 thousands USD loss annually.  相似文献   

The results of the study of the epidemiology and epizootology of Taenia saginata in the Jindrich?v Hradec district indicate that this tapeworm species has adapted successfully to anthropogenic conditions. Mass occurrence of bovine cysticercosis, coming from a limited source, was observed in the Jindrich?v Hradec district. Our of the 907 employees of one farm, T. saginata was found in two workers engaged in animal production and in one person working in crop production. Their recovery resulted in the eradication of cysticercosis in the cattle kept on that farm; before eradication the disease was responsible for losses of several hundreds of thousands of crowns.  相似文献   

A survey of the abattoirs in 10 selected towne in Nigeria showed that about 41.9 per cent of whole carcasses condemned between 1975 and 1977 were due to tuberculosis and 22.2 per cent to beef cysticercosis. Seventy per cent of organ condemnations, mainly of livers, were due to fascioliasis. Other major causes of organ condemnations were hydatid cysts, tuberculosis and pneumonia of various causes. An estimated 500 tonnes of meat valued at about 1.25 million Naira (US $1.8 million) are condemned each year throughout Nigeria. The use of abattoirs as monitoring stations in national animal disease eradication programmes is highlighted.  相似文献   

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