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The Brazilian apple leafroller, Bonagota salubricola (Meyrick, 1937) (Bonagota cranaodes) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is one of the main pest problems in apple orchards is Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate B. salubricola larval and pupal susceptibility to different species of entomopathogenic nematodes, isolated in Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil, under laboratory and field (apple orchard) conditions. Bioassays for isolates selection and determination of lethal concentration were performed in tubes of 1.5 ml (eppendorf), each containing one B. salubricola third instar larvae and filter paper. Field experiments were performed in commercial orchard, with application of 100 infecting juveniles (IJs)/cm2 for each apple plant previously infected with five B. salubricola larvae covered with plastic trays containing thin cloth. Nematodes H. bacteriophora RS107 and H. bacteriophora RS57 had LC50 of 13 and 4.5 IJs/larvae (4.3 and 1.5 IJs/cm2), respectively. In the field, H. bacteriophora RS107 and H. bacteriophora RS57, applied with sorbitol as an adjuvant, reached 70.2 and 61.1% larval mortality, respectively. The results showed that both isolates had biological activity against B. salubricola under laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

Male Lepidoptera often possess specialized scales, called hair pencils that emit volatiles that are critical to mating success. Spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), males will display hair pencils to females before attempting copulation. The importance of volatiles on these hair pencils is, however, not clear. We compared the proportion of successful copulations in unmanipulated mating pairs to pairs where males had their hair pencils either removed or chemically washed, and to pairs where females were antennectomized. Mean proportions of successful matings were significantly lower in pairs where hair pencils had been manipulated or where females had been antennectomized compared with unmanipulated mating pairs. There was no significant difference in mating success between treatments where hair pencils had been manipulated; however, mating success was significantly lower in hair pencil treatments than in antennectomized treatments. Mean copulation proportions in hair pencil/antennectomized treatments were also significantly less than in respective sham-operated treatments. Our results suggest that volatiles are associated with hair pencils, and they may be required for mating success in C. fumiferana.  相似文献   

Morphological measurements such as head-capsule (HC) width can be very useful and accessible tools that may be employed for classifying Lepidopteran larval instars according to stage of life history. The availability of such measures is crucial in the management of larval pests, because their control relies upon making accurate assessment of the life history stage at which larvae has reached in various environmental conditions. Such forecasts are then used in order to estimate the timing of emergence for future adult populations. Previous studies investigated the use of head-capsule widths from field larvae of European Grapevine Moth (EGVM), Lobesia botrana Den. and Schiff., to describe the distributions of the five instars during three generations of the insect. The observations were performed in 1998 and 2002 in a vineyard near Bordeaux. The results presented here increase the scope of earlier methods by providing statistical confidence. Our method was calibrated on a large number of individuals (N = 552) issued from our insect culture and uses a nonlinear least-squares parameter estimation to describe the distribution of each larval instar inside each generation. The model was tested on a wild larval population (n = 3007) occurring in our experimental vineyard during two complete years. The instar class ranges and boundaries were characterized with the associated probabilities of misclassification. A final classification statistical model is developed for each instar and each generation. From this study, we conclude that larval HC sizes increase statistically according to the generation of the year, and thus is influenced by grape phenology.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is considered the main key pest of corn crops in Brazil. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) may be used to control this pest, applied together with other different entomopathogen agents or phytosanity products in the spraying mixture. Thus, the objective of work was to evaluate the compatibility of EPNs with different insecticides used of S. frugiperda control in laboratory conditions. Three species of EPNs (Heterorhabditis indica, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri) and 18 insecticides registered to control of S. frugiperda in corn crops were tested. Compatibility of the insecticides with EPNs was evaluated by observing mortality and infectivity of infecting juveniles (IJs) 48 h after immersion in solution of the insecticide formulations. Among all insecticides tested, Lorsban™ (chlorpyrifos), Decis™ (deltamethrin), Match™ (lufenuron), Deltaphos™ (deltramethrin + triazophos), Dimilin™ (diflubenzuron), Stallion™ (gamacyhalothrin), Karate Zeon™ (lambdacyhalothrin) Tracer™ (spinosad), Vexter™ (chlorpyrifos), Galgotrin™ (cypermethrin), Certero™ (triflumuron), and Talcord™ (permethrin) were compatible (class 1) with the three nematode species tested under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

We assessed the influences of ambient temperature, rainfall, shade cover and elevation on seasonal abundance of coffee leafminer Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Ménèville) and its natural enemies in coffee farms in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico. Mined coffee leaves were most abundant during the rainy season (i.e. historical average rainfall >200 mm/mo, April–November) compared to the dry season (<100 mm/mo, December–March), and at low (<600 m asl) relative to high (>900 m asl) elevations. The abundance of mined leaves increased with rainfall, and decreased with maximum daily temperatures. Coffee leafminer survivorship was highest during the dry season (>40%), when predation was lowest (<10%). Predation was the main source of coffee leafminer mortality, and was greatest during the rainy season (>25%) when coffee leafminer incidence was highest (>30% mined leaves per plant). None of the weather variables that were evaluated (viz. maximum and minimum temperatures, and rainfall) significantly impacted parasitism ratios. Shade cover moderated on-farm temperatures, by reducing maximum daily temperatures and any potential, direct impacts of rainfall on coffee leafminer, by providing partial shelter from rainfall, but did not significantly affect coffee leafminer incidence. In 48 h laboratory trials, coffee leafminer oviposition was highest at 28 °C (∼15 eggs/female), minimal at 25 °C (∼3 eggs) and nil at 20 °C, and higher during night-time hours (>8 eggs/female/day) compared to day-time hours (<1 egg). Historical average temperatures were higher at low elevation (yearly average ca. 25 °C; range = 18.0–32.0 °C) than at high elevation (ca. 21 °C; 13.5–28.5 °C), and we predicted that physical environmental conditions (i.e. night-time hours with temperatures > 20 °C) were permissive of coffee leafminer oviposition during twice as many hours each year at low elevation (4060 h) compared to high elevation (2081 h). Overall, our results suggested that evident differences in the abundance of coffee leafminer between elevations may be due in considerable part to differences in ambient temperatures, particularly night-time temperatures, rather than rainfall, shade cover, or elevation per se.  相似文献   

The main insect pest in Brazilian corn is fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be used to control this pest, and can be applied together with various insecticides. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of mixtures of EPNs and insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn crops. In laboratory bioassays three species of EPNs were tested (Heterorhabditis indica, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri) together with 18 registered insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn. Efficacy of association between insecticides and EPNs on S. frugiperda larvae was evaluated against the insect's third instar, 2 and 4 days after applications in laboratory. Experiments in the field were performed in two consecutive years, with located application of H. indica and S. carpocapsae (250 IJs/cm2) mixed with chlorpyrifos (0.3 L/ha) and lufenuron (0.15 L/ha) on the corn husk. In laboratory, after two days exposure the interaction between chlorpyrifos and H. indica was synergistic, while interaction with cypermethrin, spinosad, methoxyfenozide and deltamethrin + triazofos was additive, as was interaction between lufenuron, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin with S. carpocapsae. In contrast, the interaction between chlorpyrifos (Vexter™ and Lorsban™) and lufenuron with S. glaseri was synergistic. In the field, the best treatment was the mixture of H. indica with lufenuron (0.15 L/ha), with 62.5% and 57.5% larval mortality in the two evaluation years in the field, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of extracts of different parts of the perennial tropical plant Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del., including various solvent extracts of roots, methanol extracts from leaves, fruits, flowers and roots, partially purified saponins obtained from its roots and a standard saponin were studied on the life cycle (adult longevity, number of eggs, crawlers, adults, weight of adults and % wax content) of a laboratory-reared parthenogenic line of the mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Extracts derived from various parts of B. aegyptiaca (leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots in methanol) affected the life cycle of M. hirsutus with a methanol root extract being the most effective at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Partially purified saponin of B. aegyptiaca and the commercial bark saponin extract (Sigma) from Quillaja saponaria at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1 were effective in reducing the longevity of M. hirsutus. Significant reductions in oviposition by M. hirsutus were found for all the extracts at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Extracts also affected the number of emerging crawlers, number of adults as well as the weight and wax content of emerging adults. These studies suggest that B. aegyptiaca plant extracts and saponins can be useful botanical insecticides for the protection of crops from mealy bugs.  相似文献   

In a mature Vitis labrusca L. “Niagara” vineyard, we compared an airblast sprayer and an air-assisted rotary atomizer (AARA) low-volume sprayer for coverage of grape clusters and control of grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana. In addition, the effect of spray volume on control of fungal diseases was evaluated using the fungicides ziram and azoxystrobin applied with an airblast sprayer. For evaluation of coverage, sprayers applied kaolin clay at 28 kg/ha to grapevines while operating at low, medium and high water volumes. Kaolin residues on grape clusters were analyzed to compare the total amount of spray material deposited, percent of fruit surface covered, number of deposits, size of deposits and distance between deposits. There were no significant differences between sprayers or water volumes in the total amount of kaolin deposited on clusters, but the percent surface coverage was much greater on outside-facing berry surfaces (facing the sprayer) than inside-facing surfaces (facing the rachis). On the outside-facing berry surfaces, the airblast sprayer at 468 L/ha of water (medium volume) provided the highest percent coverage, the greatest density of deposits, the largest deposit diameter, and the smallest distance between deposits. On the inside-facing berry surfaces, the same sprayer–volume combination provided the highest percent coverage and greatest deposit diameter, but deposits from the airblast sprayer operating at 935 L/ha (high volume) had the smallest distance between deposits. No significant differences between sprayers or among water volumes were detected in the deposit density on the inside-facing berry surfaces. Bioassays of grape clusters sprayed with fenpropathrin or methoxyfenozide using the airblast or AARA sprayers at two water volumes revealed the greatest fruit protection from P. viteana at the higher volume for the airblast sprayer, but at the lower volume for the AARA sprayer. Spray volume of the airblast sprayer also affected disease control by the protectant fungicide ziram more than by the systemic fungicide azoxystrobin, with 468 L/ha providing better control than 187 L/ha. However, for most diseases, fungicide type was more influential than spray volume in determining the disease control outcome. The results of this study emphasize the need for appropriate water volumes relative to the sprayer and pesticide being used to optimize pest and disease control in juice grape vineyards.  相似文献   

The diamond-back moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is a destructive cosmopolitan pest of cruciferous crops. The pest is present wherever its host plants exist and is considered to be one of the most widely distributed of all the Lepidoptera. We investigated the effect of various host plants on the fitness of P. xylostella and tested the hypothesis by studying development time, growth, fecundity and survival on cabbage (Brassica oleracea capitata), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis), radish (Raphanus sativus), turnip (Brassica rapa), mustard (Brassica compestris) and canola (Brassica napus var. canola). The developmental time from eggs to adult eclosion was the shortest (10 days) on canola and the longest (13 days) on turnip. Fecundity was greatest on canola (350) followed by cauliflower (268 eggs) by females eclosed from the pupae reared on canola and cauliflower, respectively, while the minimum numbers of eggs (184) were observed on cabbage. The number of eggs hatched was the highest (80%) when larvae fed on cauliflower. Survival to the adult stage was the highest (94%) on mustard followed by cauliflower and lowest (64%) on turnip. The net replacement rate was lowest for populations reared on cabbage (32.3), which was also reflected by the lowest intrinsic rate of population increase (0.20). The correlation between the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) and the mean relative growth rate was significant (t = 20.02 d.f. = 4, P < 0.05). Canola and mustard proved to be the most suitable hosts for P. xylostella because of shorter developmental period, higher percentage of survival and higher number of eggs. The data point to the role of host plants in increasing local P. xylostella populations.  相似文献   

The response of vegetative soybean (Glycine max) to Helicoverpa armigera feeding was studied in irrigated field cages over three years in eastern Australia to determine the relationship between larval density and yield loss, and to develop economic injury levels. Rather than using artificial defoliation techniques, plants were infested with either eggs or larvae of H. armigera, and larvae allowed to feed until death or pupation. Larvae were counted and sized regularly and infestation intensity was calculated in Helicoverpa injury equivalent (HIE) units, where 1 HIE was the consumption of one larva from the start of the infestation period to pupation. In the two experiments where yield loss occurred, the upper threshold for zero yield loss was 7.51 ± 0.21 HIEs and 6.43 ± 1.08 HIEs respectively. In the third experiment, infestation intensity was lower and no loss of seed yield was detected up to 7.0 HIEs. The rate of yield loss/HIE beyond the zero yield loss threshold varied between Experiments 1 and 2 (−9.44 ± 0.80 g and −23.17 ± 3.18 g, respectively). H. armigera infestation also affected plant height and various yield components (including pod and seed numbers and seeds/pod) but did not affect seed size in any experiment. Leaf area loss of plants averaged 841 and 1025 cm2/larva in the two experiments compared to 214 and 302 cm2/larva for cohort larvae feeding on detached leaves at the same time, making clear that artificial defoliation techniques are unsuitable for determining H. armigera economic injury levels on vegetative soybean. Analysis of canopy leaf area and pod profiles indicated that leaf and pod loss occurred from the top of the plant downwards. However, there was an increase in pod numbers closer to the ground at higher pest densities as the plant attempted to compensate for damage. Defoliation at the damage threshold was 18.6 and 28.0% in Experiments 1 and 2, indicating that yield loss from H. armigera feeding occurred at much lower levels of defoliation than previously indicated by artificial defoliation studies. Based on these results, the economic injury level for H. armigera on vegetative soybean is approximately 7.3 HIEs/row-metre in 91 cm rows or 8.0 HIEs/m2.  相似文献   

Transgenic corn hybrids that express toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are highly effective against the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and the closely related Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée). Since the registration of Bt corn hybrids in the U.S. in 1996, there has been a great deal of information generated on O. nubilalis. However, relatively little information exists for O. furnacalis. To help determine whether the information generated for O. nubilalis can be leveraged for decisions regarding the use of transgenic Bt corn against O. furnacalis, experiments were designed to determine whether the pattern of sensitivity to various Bt Cry1 toxins is similar between the two species. Test insects included laboratory-reared O. furnacalis originating from Malaysia, a Bt-susceptible laboratory colony of O. nubilalis maintained at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and an out-group consisting of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), from Louisiana which represents a different genus from the same family. O. furnacalis and O. nubilalis exhibited a similar pattern of susceptibility to all the Cry1 toxins and were highly susceptible to the range of Bt toxins tested including Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac and Cry1F. Both of the Ostrinia species were more tolerant to Cry1Ba compared with D. saccharalis, although sensitivity of O. furnacalis was intermediate and did not differ significantly from that of O. nubilalis and D. saccharalis. D. saccharalis was also susceptible to the range of toxins tested but unlike the two Ostrinia species, was more tolerant to Cry1F and more susceptible to Cry1Ba. These results indicate that both of the Ostrinia corn borer species are similar in sensitivity to the Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ba and Cry1F toxins, thus suggesting shared toxin receptors and mechanisms of toxicity for the two species.  相似文献   

Field corn, Zea mays L., plants expressing Cry1Ab and Cry1F insecticidal crystal (Cry) proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Berliner are planted on considerable acreage across the Southern region of the United States. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is an economically important pest during the mid-to-late season on non-Bt and some commercial Bt corn hybrids. The objective of this study was to quantify foliar injury and survivorship of fall armyworm on transgenic corn lines expressing Cry1Ab or Cry1F Bt proteins. Corn lines/hybrids expressing Cry1Ab, Cry1F, and a conventional non-Bt cultivar were evaluated against artificial infestations of fall armyworm in field trials. Larvae (second instars) of fall armyworm were placed on corn plants (V8-V10 stages). Leaf injury ratings were recorded 14 d after infestation. Hybrids expressing Cry1F had significantly lower feeding injury ratings than non-Bt corn plants. Development and survivorship of fall armyworm on Bt corn lines/hybrids were also evaluated in no-choice laboratory assays by offering freshly harvested corn leaf tissue to third instars. Transgenic corn hybrids expressing Cry1Ab or Cry1F significantly reduced growth, development, and survivorship of fall armyworm compared to those offered non-Bt corn tissue. However, 25-76% of third instars offered Bt corn leaf tissues successfully pupated and emerged as adults. These results suggest Cry1Ab has limited effects on fall armyworm; whereas Cry1F demonstrated significant reductions in foliar injury and lower survivorship compared to that on non-Bt corn tissues. Although fall armyworm is not considered a primary target for insect resistance management by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, these levels of survivorship could impact selection pressures across the farmscape, especially when considering that transgenic Bt cotton cultivars express similar Cry (Cry1Ac or Cry1F) proteins.  相似文献   

Food characteristics strongly regulate digestive enzymatic activity of insects through direct influences on their midgut mechanisms. Insect performance is better on diets that contain nutrients in proportions that fit its digestive enzymes. Little is known about the influences of rearing history on parasitism success of Habrobracon hebetor Say. This research focused on the effect of nutrient regulation on survival, development, and parasitism of H. hebetor. Life history and digestive enzyme activity of fourth-stage larvae of H. hebetor were studied when reared on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. This parasitoid was then introduced to Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), and above-mentioned parameters were also studied in the first and fourth generations after transfer. In term of parasitism success, H. hebetor preferred E. kuehniella over He. armigera. When the first and fourth generations of He. armigera-reared H. hebetor were compared, the rearing history affected the life history and enzymatic activity of the parasitoid. A better performance of H. hebetor was achieved after it was reared on He. armigera for the four generations. Because, digestive α-amylase and general protease of the parasitoid were matched with the new host, it used reserve energy for a better performance. Thus, a better performance of H. hebetor could be obtained when the parasitoid was reared on its original host for at least four generations.  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2004, collections of egg masses of Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) were made from corn-planting sites on the major Philippine islands of Luzon (Laguna, Pangasinan, Camarines Sur and Isabela provinces) and Mindanao (Bukidnon and South Cotabato provinces). The resulting neonates were bioassayed for susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1Ab protein. The median lethal concentrations (LC50s) for the different collections ranged from 0.42 to 2.37 ng/cm2. The bioassay results suggest that Philippine corn borer populations were highly susceptible to Cry1Ab protein prior to the widespread deployment of Bt corn. The upper limit of the estimated LC99 (104 ng/cm2) from the pooled bioassay data was selected as a candidate diagnostic concentration and subsequently tested on eleven ACB populations. Results of the validation assays showed that the mortality response of all the tested ACB populations was higher than the expected mortality (99%). Therefore, the concentration of 104 ng/cm2 was used to monitor susceptibility in ACB populations in the Philippines. Monitoring of field populations during 2009 in areas where Bt corn had been grown for 3 years found some enhanced survival of neonates at the diagnostic concentration but progeny of the diagnostic-concentration survivors did not survive on Bt corn, indicating that ACB populations in the Philippines remain susceptible to Cry1Ab-containing Bt corn hybrids.  相似文献   

The Mexican rice borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), is the key pest of sugarcane, Saccharum hybrids, in south Texas, having largely displaced the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), and it is moving into rice- and sugarcane-growing areas of east Texas and Louisiana. While a number of alternative weed and crop hosts have been reported, the extent to which they might support Mexican rice borer populations is unknown. This study involved choice assays that compared oviposition preference for and larval infestations of five mature graminaceous weed species. Levels of infestation between sugarcane and corn, Zea mays L., crop hosts and between corn and sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, were also assessed. We determined that the average number of larval entry holes in sudangrass stems was ≥2.5-fold more than for any of the other four weed host plants, that corn had ≥5.9-fold more larval entry holes than sorghum and ≥8.2-fold more than sugarcane. Greater oviposition and infestation of one non-crop host over another was not related to numbers of stems per plant, but was associated with the greater stem diameter and abundance of dry leaf tissue found in Sudangrass, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ssp. drummondi (Nees ex Steud.) de Wet & Harlan, johnsongrass, S. halepense (L.) and barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.; relative to the other weed species in this study. In terms of the crop plants, stalk diameter and quantity of dry leaf tissue were not associated with numbers of eggs or larval entry holes in the choice assays between corn and sorghum, and between sugarcane and corn. While corn has been known as a host of the Mexican rice borer for at least 84 yr, its role in area-wide population dynamics and control efforts has likely been greatly underestimated.  相似文献   

Stink bugs, primarily southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), are a major pest complex of soybeans (Glycine max) throughout the southern United States. Densities sometimes peak during late R6 and R7 soybean growth stages when soybeans are approaching physiology maturity and the rate of injury from stink bugs is reduced. Field cage trials were conducted from 2005 to 2008 to examine the type and extent of soybean damage caused by southern green stink bugs during the R7 growth stage. The yield response was variable, but overall was not significant. The impact of southern green stink bugs on quality was more consistent. Test weight decreased, and heat damage and total damage increased as stink bug density increased. Based on these data, three economic injury models were developed using different assumptions. The model that assumes no yield loss, does not predict economic injury within the range of stink bug densities tested. However, if the statistically non-significant yield losses are accepted as real, then the models suggest that the southern green stink bug economic injury level and action threshold for soybeans during R7 stage is generally between nine and 15 stink bugs per row m.  相似文献   

Two sugarcane, Saccharum hybrids, varieties were grown in the greenhouse under well watered or drought conditions to examine the influences of stress on Mexican rice borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), oviposition preference and selected nutritional components without impinging factors common to field conditions that alter responses. Our research revealed that, under controlled conditions, drought induced a wider range and greater uniformity of free amino acid (FAA) accumulations than have been previously reported. Drought stress resulted in increased dry leaf tissue and elevated concentrations of 7 of 9 detectable free essential (for insect health) amino acids in stalks, the chief food of Mexican rice borer larvae. Stressed sugarcane was preferred for oviposition, likely related to greater numbers of dry leaves and heightened host plant nutritional quality. Dry leaf tissue, which is not consumed, may be a cue for improving chances of larvae encountering nutrient-enhanced living tissue, and for concealing eggs in folds. Excised dry leaf tissue from the treatments was indistinguishable for oviposition preference; therefore, biochemical status of living tissue may provide oviposition cues. Varieties exhibited no major genotypic differences in FAA accumulations or oviposition preference.  相似文献   

Tirumala limniace Cramer as an ornamental butterfly is utilized in butterfly garden, in this article we study their adult activities include flight, foraging, courtship, mating, and oviposition. We found that males spent 22.1% of its time flying, 14.1% foraging, 63.8% in courtship and mating. And females spent 30.8% of its time flying, 10.1% foraging, 57.1% in courtship and mating, and 2% ovipositing. Adults emerged from pupae when temperatures were above 23.5°C and eclosion took only ∼1 min, typically followed by a small amount of flight on the first day. Flight activity peaked from the ninth to the thirteenth day after eclosion, and there were two daily peak flight times: 10:00–13:00 and 15:00–18:00. The peak of flower-visiting activity was from the eighth to the thirteenth day after eclosion, and there were two daily peak foraging times: 11:00–12:00 and 16:00–17:00. Flight and foraging frequency and time were positively correlated and both were closely related to temperature, with very little flight or foraging below 18°C and an increase at temperatures above 22°C. Courtship and mating took place on the sixth day after eclosion, while oviposition occurred the following day. Oviposition occurred over 8 d, and the shortest time of a single oviposition was 2 s. The average life expectancy of males was 16.5 d, while that of females was 15 d.  相似文献   

Present study was carried out in order to assess the constituents of Adenanthera pavonina wax esters by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and Gas chromatography (GC). After extraction of oil from A. pavonina seeds, wax esters were separated from oil by centrifugation and then purified through crystallization process in acetone. The white crystalline solid with melting point of 83-85 °C was initially characterized as wax esters by FT-IR. Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) provided the separation of various wax esters from C34 to C48 including odd and even chain esters. C46 wax ester was found to be predominant. For separation, identification and estimation of individual constituents of fatty acid methyl esters and fatty alcohol acetates were carried out by GC-MS after saponification and derivatization of wax esters. GC-MS analysis indicated the presence of saturated methyl esters from Cl4 to C30. Predominant methyl ester was C22. Wax esters contained the saturated fatty alcohols from C14 to C28. The major alcohol was saturated C24 fatty alcohol. The results indicated that A. pavonina wax esters have potential to be used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry due to its better composition of long chain fatty acids and fatty alcohols.  相似文献   

For 16 years a bucket-type trap known as the Sensus fruit fly trap has been used to monitor three fruit fly pest species Ceratitis capitata, Ceratitis rosa and Ceratitis cosyra in South African fruit industries. The relative efficiencies of lures sold for monitoring fruit flies with the Sensus trap in South Africa were determined in field experiments where laboratory-reared C. capitata, C. rosa and C. cosyra were released in a mango orchard within a few metres of Sensus traps containing either Capilure (trimedlure or tert-butyl 4 (or 5) -chloro-2-methylcyclohexane carboxylate), Ceratitislure (protein hydrolysate plus β-caryophyllene) or Questlure (protein hydrolysate plus plant extracts). When using 12-day-old flies, Capilure caught 3 times more C. capitata males than C. rosa males and this difference was more extreme when 3-day-old flies were released. Ceratitislure caught significantly more 12-day-old C. cosyra males than 12-day-old C. capitata males, but the difference was reversed when 3-day-old flies were compared. Questlure showed the least differences between species and age but recovered the lowest proportion of released species. Further comparisons were conducted in an orchard with wild flies using other known attractants in larger yellow Probodelt bucket traps. Capilure caught more male C. capitata than BioLure Fruit Fly 3-component, but BioLure 2-component (trimethylamine and ammonium acetate) was more effective than Questlure for C. capitata females. The 3-component lure was also more effective than both Capilure and Questlure for male and female C. rosa, respectively. Ceratitislure was the most effective lure for male C. cosyra flies and BioLure 3-component was more effective than Ceratitislure and Questlure for female C. cosyra flies. The intervention threshold of 4 flies/trap/week previously used in citrus with Capilure for C. rosa was lowered to 2 C. rosa/trap/week when using the Sensus trap due to the lower sensitivity of this trap-lure combination found for C. rosa in this study. The 3-component lure, or the 2-component combination of trimethylamine and ammonium acetate in a ratio of 1:8 in the Sensus trap capsule, would be more effective for both sexes of all three Ceratitis species than the Questlure that is currently being used.  相似文献   

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