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Understanding collection methodologies and their limitations are essential when targeting specific arthropods for use in habitat restoration, conservation, laboratory colony formation, or when holistically representing local populations using ecological surveys. For dung beetles, the most popular collection methodology is baited traps, followed by light traps and unbaited flight-intercept traps during diversity surveys. A less common collection method, flotation, is assumed to be laborious and messy, and so only a handful of papers exist on its refinement and strengths. Our purpose was threefold: First, we tested the recovery and survival rates of Labarrus (=Aphodius) pseudolividus (Balthasar) and Onthophagus taurus (Schreber) when floating beetle-seeded dung pats to determine potential collection and safety issues. We collected 72.4 and 78% of the seeded L. pseudolividus and O. taurus, respectively, with >95% survival rating. Second, we developed a flotation-sieving technique that enables users to rapidly collect and passively sort dung beetles with less time and effort. Specifically, we often collected 50–100 g of wild dung beetles within a couple of hours of gathering dung and sorted them in a couple more by allowing dung beetles to sort themselves by size within a series of sieves; Third, we reviewed flotation-based advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other methodologies.  相似文献   

Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) has been known to cause severe disease in coconut palm rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros, in Southeastern Asia and is used as a biological control to reduce the pest population. Here, we report for the first time that the OrNV may have landed on Korea and may be the major pathogen for diseased larvae of Korean horn beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma. After peroral inoculation, over 60% of infected larvae perished in 6 wk. This viral disease spreads very fast in several locations throughout Korea. This threat not only makes economic loss of local farms rearing A. dichotoma larvae but also may disturb the ecosystem by transmitting to wild A. dichotoma.  相似文献   

Mechoris ursulus (Roelofs) (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) is a pest weevil of Fagaceae oak trees in eastern Asia. The female has a distinct branch-cutting behavior in conjunction with oviposition in the acorns of its host plant. This study analyzed the factors influencing oviposition preference by carrying out continuous field surveys over the course of 2009–2010 and through laboratory rearing. The field survey showed that for both of the hosts, Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides Schottky (Fagales: Fagaceae) and Quercus franchetii Skan, M. ursulus preferred branches with fewer acorns and larger acorns on the same branch for oviposition. Laboratory rearing experiments showed offspring performance (i.e., survival rate and fresh weight of larvae) was significantly and positively correlated with acorn size. Preference for larger acorns could maximize the fitness of offspring by providing sufficient food source and space.  相似文献   

银合欢豆象[Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus(Schaeffer,1907)]是银合欢属Leucae植物种子上的重要害虫,除银合欢外,也可蛀食南洋楹(Falcataria moluccana)种子。在75%RH及20~35℃的条件下,卵期为4~12 d。幼虫期为18~37 d,蛹期为5~11 d。成虫寿命17~31 d,雌雄性别比约为1∶1。在75%RH及26℃条件下,银合欢豆象完成1个世代需要44~48 d。在野外,银合欢豆象在幼龄阶段常被一种姬小蜂科(Eulophidae)的柄腹姬小蜂属(Pediobius Walker)寄生。在75%~80%RH及25~30℃条件下,使用56%磷化铝片剂对银合欢豆象进行熏蒸,用药量7~9 g/m3,熏蒸时间48~72 h,成虫、幼虫及蛹死亡率100%。  相似文献   

The red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a highly destructive pest of date palms, Phoenix dactylifera L. (Arecales: Arecaceae), in Saudi Arabia. Data spanning a six year period (2007–2012) from Al Ghowaybah, a 1104 ha date producing region in the Al Ahsaa Directorate in Saudi Arabia, were analyzed to assess the impact enhanced management efforts that commenced in Oct. 2009 had against this pest. Within six months of initiating the areawide management program significant reductions in the mean monthly number of weevils trapped and percentage traps with R. ferrugineus were detected. Mean monthly trap captures of R. ferrugineus and the percentage of traps capturing weevils declined significantly from 2009 to 2012 by an average of 65% and 90%, respectively, indicating that trapping and dispersal pressure was significantly reduced. By 2011, average monthly trap captures and percentage of traps with R. ferrugineus were significantly lower than all pre-management capture data and this was maintained through 2012 when data collection ceased. Additionally, over the period 2010–2012, insecticide application and palm eradication rates dropped by 91% and 89%, respectively. The total number of R. ferrugineus captured in 2012 declined by 86% when compared to total captures for 2010. At the end of 2012, the estimated infestation rate of date palms in Al Ghowaybah was 0.36%, which was below the economic threshold of a 1% infestation rate set by the Directorate of Agriculture supervising the program. It is concluded that the mandatory areawide management program that commenced in Oct. 2009 against R. ferrugineus in Al Ghowaybah had a significant and rapid impact against this pest.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a periodical survey of sap-sucking insects of jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] at five locations in the North Central and Central regions of Chile and describes their damage to the plants. The diaspidid Aspidiotus nerii Bouché, which was commonly found in two of the locations (Casablanca, near Valparaiso, and Curacaví, near Santiago) was potentially the most severe pest of the crop, as it damages the fruits directly. Next in importance as pests, because of their reproductive potential, were the aphids Aphis craccivora Koch and Myzus persicae Sulzer, which were found on leaves and young shoots, in Casablanca, Curacaví, and Hacienda Camarones (IV region). Other species of certain importance because of their numbers were the pentatomid Acledra albocostata (Spinola) and the cicadellid Balclutha sp. (both common in Casablanca and Curacaví). When ovipositing, the cicadid Tettigades chilensis Arm. & Serv. (collected in Las Cardas, in the IV region), was found to produce deep wounds with the oviscapt on branches, which affected their vascular system. The scelionid micro-hymenopteran Trissolcus scuticarinatus Costa Lima was found parasitizing eggs of hemipterans throughout the locations studied. Except in Casablanca, the predatory activity on aphids of the coccinellids Eriopis connexa Germ., Hippodamia variegata Guer., and Scymmus bicolor Goeze was observed in all locations surveyed, including Agua Amarilla, a southern location in the IV region.  相似文献   

Spring‐sown oat (Avena sativa L.) is well adapted for forage production in Central Europe; however, environmental conditions make this crop susceptible to crown rust disease (Puccinia coronata) when grown in summer. The objective of this study was to assess oat cultivars sown in late summer, when conditions for crown rust are less favourable, and harvest in autumn for forage with potential use for feeding lactating dairy cows. Three oat cultivars: Berdysz, Zuch and ForagePlus, the first two from Poland and the latter from United States, were sown 1 and 15 August, and 1 September, over three consecutive years, and harvested for forage in late October. The two Polish cultivars had 61% leaf area affected by rust with 1 August sowing, but ForagePlus was not affected by rust with any sowing date. Sowing 15 August significantly reduced crown rust incidence and increased DM yield of the Polish cultivars 21% relative to the 1 August sowing date, but decreased ForagePlus DM yield by 35%. Sowing 1 September resulted in best forage nutritive value, but the lowest DM yields for all cultivars. Calculated milk production per ton of forage for all cultivars was lowest with the 1 August sowing date. Calculated milk production per hectare was greatest for Berdysz sown in mid‐August. Oat can be sown 15 August and harvested in autumn for forage production, avoiding crown rust disease during summer in Poland. Nutritive value of autumn oat forage is adequate to meet forage requirements of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Hylamorpha elegans (Burmeister) is a native Chilean scarab beetle considered to be a relevant agricultural pest to pasture and cereal and small fruit crops. Because of their cryptic habits, control with conventional methods is difficult; therefore, alternative and environmentally friendly control strategies are highly desirable. The study of proteins that participate in the recognition of odorants, such as odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), offers interesting opportunities to identify new compounds with the potential to modify pest behavior and computational screening of compounds, which is commonly used in drug discovery, may help to accelerate the discovery of new semiochemicals. Here, we report the discovery of four OBPs in H. elegans as well as six new volatiles released by its native host Nothofagus obliqua (Mirbel). Molecular docking performed between OBPs and new and previously reported volatiles from N. obliqua revealed the best binding energy values for sesquiterpenic compounds. Despite remarkable divergence at the amino acid level, three of the four OBPs evaluated exhibited the best interaction energy for the same ligands. Molecular dynamics investigation reinforced the importance of sesquiterpenes, showing that hydrophobic residues of the OBPs interacted most frequently with the tested ligands, and binding free energy calculations demonstrated van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions to be the most important. Altogether, the results suggest that sesquiterpenes are interesting candidates for in vitro and in vivo assays to assess their potential application in pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Pineapple production in Costa Rica increased nearly 300-fold during the last 30 yr, and >40,000 hectares of land are currently dedicated to this crop. At the end of the pineapple cropping cycle, plants are chopped and residues incorporated into the soil in preparation for replanting. Associated with increased pineapple production has been a large increase in stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), populations. Stable flies are attracted to, and oviposit in, the decomposing, chopped pineapple residues. In conjunction with chemical control of developing larvae, adult trapping is an important control strategy. In this study, four blue-black fabric traps, Nzi, Vavoua, Model H, and Ngu, were compared with a white sticky trap currently used for stable fly control in Costa Rica. Overall, the white sticky trap caught the highest number of stable flies, followed by the Nzi, Vavoua, Model H, and Ngu. Collections on the white sticky trap increased 16 d after residues were chopped; coinciding with the expected emergence of flies developing in the pineapple residues. During this same time period, collections in the blue-black fabric traps decreased. Sex ratio decreased from >7:1 (females:males) 3–7 d after chopping to 1:1 at 24–28 d. White sticky, Nzi and Vavoua traps collected similar numbers of colonizing flies 3–7 d after residues were chopped. However, white sticky traps collected more flies once emergence from the pineapple residues began. Although white sticky traps collected more flies than fabric traps, they remain labor intensive and environmentally unsound because of their disposable and nonbiodegradable nature.  相似文献   

Euproctis pseudoconspersa is a major pest of tea plants, and also causes a skin rash on workers in tea plantations. Research on virus could provide fundamental insights for classification, genetic diversity, evolution, and host–virus interaction mechanisms. Here, we identified a novel RNA virus, Euproctis pseudoconspersa bunyavirus (Phenuiviridae), and found that it is widely distributed in field populations of E. pseudoconspersa. The replication of virus in E. pseudoconspersa was indicated by Tag-PCR. These results contribute to the classification of bunyaviruses and provide insight into the diversity of commensal E. pseudoconspersa bunyavirus and the host.  相似文献   

The orange wheat blossom midge, S. mosellana (Gehin) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a global pest of wheat (Tritium aestivum L.), has recently invaded Montana's Golden Triangle, an important wheat producing region. Unchecked, S. mosellana populations can quickly grow to damaging levels. In this study, we document the prevalence of S. mosellana and its main natural enemy, Macroglenes penetrans (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), in this newly invaded area of Montana, and compared the effects of irrigated versus dryland cropping systems on S. mosellana and its parasitoid. Different approaches to monitoring S. mosellana populations were examined, including pheromone traps for adults, collection of larvae from wheat heads, and overwinter sampling of soil to measure the levels of larvae and cocoons. Adults of the M. penetrans were surveyed through daily sweep net sampling. This study demonstrated that the emergence of M. penetrans was usually well synchronized with emergence of S. mosellana as the emergence of parasitoids occurred shortly after the pest with the highest peak (90%) at 26 June and 14 July, 2015, respectively. Irrespective of sampling techniques; pheromone traps or soil sampling, no significant difference was observed in population of S. mosellana between irrigated and dryland cropping systems. In contrary, cropping systems played a significant role in the abundance of parasitoids since the irrigated fields had significantly higher population of parasitoids (five times on an average) compared to dryland cropping system. The possible implications of these findings in monitoring of S. mosellane and the establishment of M. penetrans are discussed.  相似文献   

青花菜是近年闽东南沿海地区发展迅速的一种出口蔬菜,但其病虫害发生过重,农残超标已严重制约了该地区青花菜的可持续发展,因此,建立并推广应用可持续病虫控制技术已势在必行。本研究以福建省惠安县青花菜生产田块为研究对象,在跟踪监测种植季节(9月份到翌年3月份)主要虫害发生动态并确立重点防治对象及其关键时期的基础上,研究了灯诱、性诱和高效低毒农药对其主要虫害的防治效果,从而建立起一套青花菜田间虫害的可持续控制技术。这一研究成果对闽东南沿海青花菜及类似十字花科蔬菜生产的可持续发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

We have described the morphological variation of five Western Palaearctic species of Monochamus Dejean, 1821. The variation was assessed using wing measurements. Special emphasis was placed on the differences between Monochamus sartor (F., 1787) and Monochamus urussovii (Fischer-Waldheim, 1805). There was an interesting pattern of variation between the two species. Individuals of M. sartor from the Carpathians differed markedly from individuals of M. urussovii from Siberia, but individuals from north-eastern Poland were intermediate between those two populations. The intermediate individuals were more similar to the Siberian M. urussovii than to the Carpathian M. sartor despite the relatively large geographic distance between north-eastern Poland and Siberia. The occurrence of the intermediate individuals in north-eastern Poland may be the effect of hybridization between M. urussovii and M. sartor, which might have occurred after secondary contact between the two species in the Holocene.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanism of the underlying patterns (abundance, species richness, diversity and similarity) of rove beetles in transgenic Bt (MON810) and in near isogenic maize stands in Hungary. During the three-year (2001–2003) survey, 1538 individuals and 21 species were sampled with pitfall traps. The Cry1Ab protein expressed by the MON810 maize hybrid did not influence the overall community structure. After grouping staphylinids into guilds we found no significant differences for non-aphidophagous predators and parasitoids, whereas there were significantly and marginally significantly higher abundances for predators with aphids in their diet in isogenic maize stands in 2002 and 2003 respectively. The abundance of the prey Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) showed a high fluctuation between stands and years and was numerically higher only in isogenic stands in the second half of the maize-growing season. The abundance of predatory guilds including aphids in their diet did not correlate with the total annual number of R. padi in the same year, but there was a linear correlation in successive years.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama being a vector of huanglongbing (HLB), citrus greening disease is the most destructive pest of citrus and the management of D. citri is crucial for successful control of HLB. We evaluated adult populations of D. citri from twelve districts of Punjab, Pakistan for resistance to seven different insecticides. Different levels of resistance ratios were observed for all insecticides (chlorpyrifos, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, nitenpyram and chlorfenapyr). Field collected populations of D. citri were highly resistant to imidacloprid as compared to the susceptible population. The resistance ratios were in range of 236.6–759.5, 55.5–212.8, 13.1–46.4, 31.4–216.7, 8.6–89.4-fold for imidacloprid, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, nitenpyram, and thiamethoxam, respectively and 39.8–107.1 and 32.7–124.5-fold in case of conventional insecticides i.e., bifenthrin and chlorpyrifos, respectively. Nitenpyram and thiamethoxam, with no or very low resistance should be used in combination or in rotation with other pest management tactics for managing resistance in D. citri. The correlation analysis of the LC50's of insecticides showing positive and negative correlations among different insecticides in all tested populations, suggests mechanism of cross-resistance. Imidacloprid showed a positive correlation with acetamaprid, but a negative correlation with thiamethoxam from the neonicotenoid group, while the resistance to chlorfenpyr positively correlated with chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin in the pyrethroid group. Multiple resistance mechanisms could be the reason behind the development of such a high resistance in the D. citri.  相似文献   

Baseline responses to a range of pesticides scheduled for the statutory eradication of outbreaks of Liriomyza trifolii, a leaf miner alien to the UK, were established using a topical application bioassay against a susceptible laboratory population. Using the same technique the responses of outbreak populations of L. trifolii, and also the related species L. huidobrensis, have been investigated. Field populations of L. trifolii showed resistance to the pyrethroids tested but no evidence of resistance to organophosphates was found. There was some evidence of resistance to gamma-HCH. L. huidobrensis showed a response to pyrethroids similar to that of resistant L. trifolii, and levels of tolerance to organophosphates approximately eight times that of susceptible L. trifolii. The response to gamma-HCH was similar to that of susceptible L. trifolii.  相似文献   

Insecticides can have consequences for beneficial arthropods. Insect parasitoids can contact insecticides through direct exposure spray droplets or residues on crop foliage. Here, we focus on better understand the response of Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), a parasitoid wasp of lepidopteran pests, and its detoxification mechanisms on stress caused by phoxim and cypermethrin. Hence, we determined the dose–mortality curves and estimating the sublethal concentrations (LC30 and LC50). Then, we applied the sublethal concentrations against adult parasitoids to assess its survival, parasitism efficacy, and also developmental and morphometric parameters of their offspring. Simultaneously, we check the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and peroxidase (POD) after sublethal exposure of both insecticides, which has measured until 48 h after treatment. Overall, phoxim and cypermethrin exhibited acute lethal activity toward the parasitoid with LC50 values 4.608 and 8.570 mg/liter, respectively. Also, we detect that LC30 was able to trigger the enzymatic activity of GST, AChE, and POD, suggesting a potential detoxification mechanism. However, even when subjected to sublethal exposure, our results indicate strong negatives effects, in particular for phoxim, which has affected the parasitism efficacy and also the developmental and morphometric parameters of M. pulchricornis offspring. Therefore, it can be concluded that both phoxim and cypermethrin have negative impacts on M. pulchricornis and we suggest cautioning their use and the need for semifield and field assessments to confirm such an impact.  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper Empoasca onukii Matsuda (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), the orange spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintanca) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and the green plant bugs Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür (Hemiptera: Miridae) are the important piercing–sucking herbivores in tea trees Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae). The goal of this study was to evaluate the laboratory toxicities and field control efficacies of botanical insecticides including matrine, azadirachtin, veratrine, and pyrethrin to three tea pests. Via leaf-dip bioassay, toxicity tests with botanical insecticides indicated that there were significant differences between the LC50 values for botanical insecticides within the same insect species. Matrine had the highest toxicity to E. onukii, A. spiniferus, and A. lucorum with the LC50 values of 2.35, 13.10, and 44.88 mg/liter, respectively. Field tests showed that, among four botanical insecticides, matrine at dose of 9 g a.i. ha−1 can significantly reduce the numbers of E. onukii and A. spiniferus and the infestation of A. lucorum on the tea plants. Furthermore, botanical insecticides matrine and azadirachtin had no obvious influence on the coccinellids, spiders, and parasitoids densities in tea plantations. The results of this study indicated that use of botanical insecticides, such as matrine, has the potential to manipulate the population of E. onukii, A. spiniferus, and A. lucorum and will be an effective and environmentally compatible strategy for the control of tea pests.  相似文献   

As part of on-going efforts to use eco-friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides, methanol crude extracts of Plectranthus glandulosus and Callistemon rigidus leaves were sequentially fractionated in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol to establish the most active fraction(s) against Callosobruchus maculatus in cowpea. Cowpea seeds (25 g) were treated with 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 g/kg of extract to evaluate the contact toxicity and F1 progeny production of the beetles in the laboratory. Mortality was recorded 1, 3, and 7 d postexposure. P. glandulosus hexane fraction was more toxic than the other fractions recording 100% mortality at 4 g/kg, within 7 d with LC50 of 0.39 g/kg. Hexane fraction of C. rigidus showed superior toxicity, causing 100% mortality at 4 g/kg within only 1 d of exposure with LC50 of 1.02 g/kg. All the fractions greatly reduced progeny emergence, with C. rigidus hexane fraction being the best progeny inhibitor. Fractions of P. glandulosus and C. rigidus leaves had sufficient efficacy to be a component of storage pest management package for C. maculatus.  相似文献   

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