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An 8-year-old, spayed female toy poodle presented with wounds sustained from a dog fight. The multiple orthopedic injuries present were managed surgically. Months later, a chronic cough developed secondary to an aspirated canine tooth in the mainstem bronchus of the right cranial lung that was nonresponsive to medical management. A thoracotomy and primary bronchotomy were performed to remove the aspirated tooth, resulting in complete resolution of clinical signs. Bronchial foreign bodies are rarely diagnosed in companion animals. Primary bronchotomy is an alternative to bronchoscopy or lung lobectomy in cases that do not respond to medical management.  相似文献   

An eight-month-old male Pomeranian was presented with hypovolaemic shock 7 days after successful oesophageal foreign body removal. On presentation the dog was anaemic and no coagulation abnormalities were detected. A fluid-filled oesophagus was visible on thoracic radiography and frank blood was aspirated from the oesophagus following oro-oesophageal intubation. Fluid resuscitation and blood transfusions were administered but attempts at stabilisation were unsuccessful and the dog died. At post-mortem examination, a 2-mm aortic oesophageal fistula was identified on the ventral aspect of the aorta at the level of heart base that communicated with the overlying oesophagus. Aortic oesophageal fistula has been reported in human medicine and occurs secondary to a number of conditions including oesophageal foreign bodies. These prove fatal without rapid stabilisation and surgery.  相似文献   

A three-year-old, 30-kg, spayed female German wirehaired pointer was presented for coughing, pyrexia and lethargy. Thoracic radiographs showed mild right-sided pleural effusion, moderate pneumothorax and a pulmonary lesion in the right middle or caudal lung lobe. A diagnosis of pyothorax was established by fine needle aspiration of the pleural effusion. Thoracoscopic exploration was performed using one-lung ventilation. A vegetal foreign body (grass awn) and an abscess were observed in the distal part of the right middle lung lobe. The foreign body was removed and a right middle lung lobectomy was performed, both thoracoscopically. No complications were noted. The dog was discharged 48 hours after surgery, and no recurrence of the clinical signs was observed during the follow-up time period (three years and three months). Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive alternative to thoracotomy to explore and successfully treat some non-chronic pyothoraces in dogs, including lesions affecting the right middle lung lobe.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old, spayed female, mixed-breed dog was presented for evaluation of a progressive asymmetric tetraparesis and cranial nerve deficits with a 3-week duration. Computed tomography showed a contrast-enhancing lesion along the left side of the junction of the medulla and the cervical spinal cord. An exploratory surgery determined the presence of an intramedullary lesion of the first cervical spinal cord segment. The mass was removed through a dorsal midline myelotomy. Microscopic examination identified a foreign body granuloma that contained a dense, anisotropic outer wall, supporting the conclusion that the foreign body was of plant origin. The dog recovered to a more improved ambulatory status than prior to surgery.  相似文献   

A dog that was referred to the University of Florida Veterinary Medical Center was discovered to have a bamboo skewer within the right atrium and right ventricle, traversing the tricuspid valve. The skewer was ingested approximately four months prior to referral and was partially removed via gastrotomy. The presenting complaint at the time of referral included coagulopathy, anemia and leukocytosis. A linear, hyperechoic structure was identified in the right heart during an echocardiogram. The foreign body was suspected to be a portion of the skewer that the patient had previously ingested. Cardiopulmonary bypass was performed and the foreign body was removed successfully. Complications following surgery included the development of tricuspid valve and ventricular wall thrombi, atrial flutter and amiodarone toxicity. Many indications have been described in the veterinary literature for cardiopulmonary bypass. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, successful removal of an intracardiac foreign body with cardiopulmonary bypass has not been reported in a veterinary patient. This represents a new indication for cardiopulmonary bypass in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old Golden Retriever dog was presented with a 10-month history of right-sided exophthalmos. Radiographs and CT demonstrated a linear density, suggestive of a foreign body, in the region of the ramus of the right mandible. A 7 cm stick, located medial to the right zygomatic arch, was removed during exploratory surgery. The dog recovered with the aid of antibiotics, however was left with a residual facial nerve paralysis.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, castrated male golden retriever was presented for evaluation of recurrent ocular discharge of 4 months' duration from the left eye. Dacryocystorhinography was performed and demarcated a cystic dilatation of the left nasolacrimal duct with obstruction of the duct distal to the cystic cavity. Surgical exploration of the left maxillary sinus was performed to confirm the diagnosis and reestablish drainage into the nasal cavity. Recovery was uneventful, and the dog has been asymptomatic for >36 months postoperatively. This report documents the third published case of surgical treatment for cystic dilatation of the nasolacrimal duct.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old Shih-tzu dog was presented with a 2-week history of cough and nasal discharge. Upon presentation, the dog had constant open-mouth breathing with stertor and blood-tinged mucopurulent nasal discharge. Oral examination revealed a missing right mandibular second premolar tooth and severe periodontal disease. Computed tomography showed a radiodense, retropharyngeal foreign body. The foreign body was removed using caudal rhinoscopy. The foreign body was the right mandibular second premolar covered by thick calculus.  相似文献   

A case report of a 4-month-old dog that swallowed a 31 cm (12 inches) knife is presented.
Résumé. On présente le rapport du cas d'un chien ayant avalé un couteau de 31 cms (12 inches).
Zusammenfassung. Ein Bericht über einen Fall von einem vier Monate altem Hund der ain 31 cm langes Maser schluckte, wird dargestellt.  相似文献   

Objective: To report a case of myocardial perforation by a stick foreign body in a dog. Case Summary: A 3‐year‐old castrated male Labrador Retriever was examined because of a puncture wound seen after an unsupervised run in the woods. The wound was suspected to penetrate into the thoracic cavity on the basis of physical exam and radiographs. Uniform ventricular premature complexes (VPCs) and junctional beats were noted on electrocardiogram (ECG). Thoracotomy was performed and a 6‐cm wooden stick was seen protruding from the right ventricle through the pericardium toward the sternum. The stick was removed while purse string sutures were tied around the resultant myocardial defect. Follow‐up echocardiography revealed intact intracardiac structures. VPCs were treated with lidocaine and resolved completely within 24 hours of presentation. New or Unique Information Provided: Thoracic trauma can result in myocardial injury; penetration into the myocardium represents a life‐threatening situation for the emergency clinician. Cardiac injury should be included in the differential diagnoses of penetrating thoracic foreign bodies.  相似文献   

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