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One-day-old turkeys were inoculated per os with material shown previously to induce stunting syndrome (SS). Weight gain and feed efficiency of inoculated poults from 1 to 13 days of age were impaired (P less than 0.01) compared with uninoculated poults. Examination of the jejunal mucosa by scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed the presence of long-segmented filamentous organisms (LSFOs) in poults that had been inoculated with SS. These organisms were not seen in jejuna of uninoculated poults. Further research is needed to characterize LSFOs and to determine their involvement, if any, in the adverse effects associated with SS.  相似文献   

Day-old broiler chicks were collected while in transit from a hatchery to a farm and reared in isolation. These chicks did not develop clinical signs of infectious stunting syndrome. When they were 14 days old, susceptible day-old chicks were placed in contact with them and these subsequently developed typical signs and lesions of the disease.  相似文献   

谢启宇  林丽珊 《中国家禽》2002,24(24):38-39
家禽生长与发育障碍综合征(runting and stuntingsyndrome,R&S)自20世纪70年代后期以来在世界肉鸡业中就已经发现."runting"表示生长和发育严重滞后,45日龄时活体重只有300~600克.病鸡的羽毛发育不成熟,有典型的"胎毛头"."stunting"是指生长速度的暂时性抑制,病鸡的体重比正常鸡平均低200克.该病的同义词有"肖化不良综合征"、"鸡苍白症"和"脆骨症".  相似文献   

Immune responses and liveweights of broilers affected with the stunting syndrome (group C) were compared with those of unaffected birds from the same premises (group B) and normal control broilers of the same genetic origin (group A). Measurements of cell-mediated immunity were made using the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) intradermal test and those of humoral immunity by antibody response to sheep red blood cells. Weekly observations were made of birds aged from two to eight weeks. Throughout the investigation the weekly mean weight of affected birds was very significantly lighter (P less than 0.001) than that of unaffected and control birds. From the second to the sixth week, wing web PHA reactions in group C were very significantly less than those in groups B or A (P less than 0.001), and during the seventh and eighth week wattle PHA reactions were significantly less in group C than those in group B (P less than 0.02). No significant differences were detected between the three groups in humoral immunity; the complete, IgG and IgM, antibody levels being closely similar. The significance and possible practical applications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibody (MCA) to avian leukosis virus (ALV) structural proteins p27 and p19 have been established. In an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), MCA 6AL20 (IgG1 isotype) reacted with RPL-40 (ALV subgroup A), avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) (a mixture of subgroups A and B), Rous-associated virus (RAV)-2 (subgroup B), and Carr-Zilber strain of Rous sarcoma virus (CZ-RSV) (subgroup D) but not with Prague strain of RSV (PrC-RSV) (subgroup C) or the endogenous virus RAV-0 (subgroup E). MCA 6AL22 reacted as above and also reacted marginally with PrC-RSV. Both MCAs immunoprecipitated p19 from 35S-methionine-labeled chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) infected with RPL-40 or RAV-1, but not from CEFs infected with RAV-0, thus identifying the viral structural protein p19 as a polypeptide with subgroup-specific epitopes. Both MCAs can be used to differentiate RPL-40 from RAV-0 infection either in an indirect antibody ELISA or by immunoprecipitation. A third MCA, 6AL42 (IgG2a isotype), reacted with the above viruses of subgroups A, B, C, and D at an antibody titer up to 1000-fold higher than with subgroup E RAV-0 virus in indirect ELISAs. MCA 6AL42 immunoprecipitated p27 from cells infected with RPL-40, RAV-1, or RAV-0. These MCAs are potentially useful in developing immunological tests for differentiation of ALV strains.  相似文献   

The first outbreak of reovirus infection in broiler chickens was observed in the Sudan in the largest poultry industry of the country. The disease was characterized clinically by growth retardation, lameness, poor feathering, shank depigmentation and occasionally retraction of the head. Grossly there was enlargement of the proventriculus, atrophy of the pancreas and bone abnormalities. Histopathologic changes included hepatitis, nephritis, myocarditis, pericarditis, catarrhal enteritis, pancreatic necrosis, encephalomalacia and ricketic changes. Details were described. Reovirus was isolated from affected birds and reisolated from experimentally infected chicks. Infection was confirmed by immunoelectrophoresis and agar gel precipitation tests.  相似文献   

Broilers suffering from stunting syndrome from three farms were shown to have pancreatic atrophy and fibrosis similar to that seen in pancreatic duct obstruction in chickens and mammals. Interlobular and intercalated ducts were found to be stenotic or occluded with inflammation and necrosis of the epithelium and wall. Inclusion bodies were seen in some duct cells. It is suggested that pancreatic duct obstruction is responsible for the maldigestion and pancreatic lesions seen in stunting syndrome.  相似文献   

An adenovirus-like agent was isolated from a moribund royal python (Python regius). The DNA containing virus replicated in IgH2-cells at 30 degrees C forming eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies. The virus proved to be stabile to treatment with chloroform, pH3 und pH 12 but it was labile to heat (56 degrees C). Infected IgH2 cells revealed symmetric hexagonal virus particles measuring 67-79 nm in the nucleus. The isolate shared characteristics with the viruses of the family Adenoviridae.  相似文献   

The fluorescent antibody (FA) assay was developed for detecting the stunting syndrome agent (SSA) from intestinal tissue. Similarly, the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) assay was developed for detecting serum antibodies to SSA. Convalescent antiserum from turkeys orally immunized with SSA was found to be the primary antibody of choice for the FA assay. Intestinal jejunal samples from poults inoculated 3-4 days postinoculation (DPI) was found to be the best antigen source for the IFA assay. SSA was detected from the intestinal tracts of experimentally inoculated birds at 2 DPI with highest level of reactivity at 3 DPI by the FA assay. After 4 DPI the level of SSA infectivity of the intestines waned to low levels. Serum antibody was detected from experimentally inoculated birds as early as 7 DPI with all birds tested seroconverting by 12 DPI. These assays should prove useful for future studies concerning stunting syndrome.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the current field strains of egg drop syndrome (EDS) 1976 viruses adapt to chickens, we compared the growth efficiency of three Japanese field strains (PA-1/79, AWI/98, Gifu/01) in chicken and duck embryo liver cells. The growth efficiency in chicken or duck embryo liver cells was almost similar in these strains. The fiber protein may carry the type-specific antigen and the hemagglutination activity, and hexon protein may contain the subgroup-specific antigenic determinants. Therefore, the fiber head and hexon loop 1 DNA domain sequences of the six Japanese field strains UPA-1/79, ME/80, 44/81, Kyoto/91, AWI/98, Gifu/01) were compared, but these DNA domains were identical among the six field strains. Our data suggested that the EDS virus was maintained without discernible changes for the last two decades in the field.  相似文献   

On a broiler farm with a rearing capacity of about 200,000 chickens, a disease characterised by growth retardation, variability in chick size, 'leg weakness', diarrhoea and increased mortality at 3 weeks of age occurred repeatedly, in several successive broiler flocks. Gross and histopathological findings were dominated by widening of the hypertrophic and ossification layers of the physes of long bones as well as by thickening, unevenness and defective calcification of the cartilage trabeculae. In the parathyroid gland, vacuolar degeneration of the cytoplasm of glandular epithelial cells, connective tissue proliferation and, here and there, cyst formation were seen. Additional findings included severe cerebellar oedema and neuronal degeneration. The pancreatic, myocardial and intestinal changes typical of infectious stunting syndrome (ISS) occurred only in a mild form. Four-week-old chickens exhibiting 'leg weakness' had significantly lower blood inorganic phosphate concentration and tibial ash content as compared to healthy chickens. The disease was successfully transmitted by oral administration of small intestinal homogenate from affected chickens. In a second experiment, however, the disease could not be transmitted with intestinal homogenate sterilized by irradiation. Large doses of vitamin D3 reduced the rate of growth retardation and defective calcification of bones. The digestive enzyme activities of the pancreas and small intestinal mucosa of 'infected' chickens were decreased as is typical of ISS.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight PRRS viruses (PRRSVs) isolated from various pig farms in Korea between 2002 and 2003 were sequenced for open-reading frame (ORF) 5 and/or full-length genome and compared with numerous PRRSVs reported from North America, Europe and Asia. All Korean isolates examined were genetically of the North American genotype. The ORF5 sequence of one isolate was identical to Ingelvac PRRS MLV vaccine virus. ORF5 nucleotide sequence divergence of the remaining 27 Korean PRRSVs from VR-2332, the prototype of the North American PRRSV and parental strain of the MLV vaccine virus, ranged from 1.3% to 12.9%, which corresponded to 2.0% to 14.9% divergence at the amino acid level, raising a concern on the efficacy of the MLV vaccine. Phylogenetic analyses of ORF5 and/or full-length sequences revealed that the Korean PRRSVs formed a clade distinct from PRRSVs reported from other Asian countries (China, Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand). Our study demonstrated that PRRSVs of the North American genotype were introduced to the Korean swine population some time ago and have evolved independently from PRRSV in other Asian countries, suggesting that geographic separation might influence the molecular evolution of PRRSV. This should be taken into consideration when a national PRRS prevention and control policy for international trade is established.  相似文献   

Ten adult dogs with multiple spontaneous defects of renal tubular reabsorption were studied. Clinical signs included polydipsia, polyuria, and glycosuria for 2 to 12 months. Eight of the dogs were Basenjis. Urinalyses revealed hyposthenuria, glycosuria, and amino aciduria in most dogs. Renal function was normal in 5 dogs and slightly reduced in the remainder. Moderate metabolic acidosis had developed in 3 dogs. Renal clearance studies revealed reduced tubular reabsorption of glucose, phosphate, sodium, potassium, and uric acid. Abnormal glucose tubular maximal curves were found. Results of oral glucose tolerance tests were normal. Two patterns of abnormal amino aciduria were evident: generalized amino aciduria and a pattern similar to that of cystinuria in dogs. Radiography of long bones and bone densitometry did not reveal any skeletal abnormalities. Five of the dogs died within 90 days of diagnosis; death was due to acute renal failure associated with profound dehydration, acidosis, and papillary necrosis. The other dogs remained stable without treatment after 18 months. Histopathology of kidneys did not reveal uniform abnormalities; some dogs had variable and nonspecific changes and others were normal. Electron microscopy did not reveal ultrastructural abnormalities in renal tubular cells. It was concluded that the syndrome in these dogs represents a new entity of renal disease in dogs, similar to idiopathic Fanconi syndrome in man.  相似文献   

利用固相酶联方法对分离自吉林省猪群中的3株H3N2亚型流感病毒进行了受体亲和性鉴定.结果显示,这3株病毒与SAα2,3和SAα2,6受体都能结合,并且偏嗜SAα2,6受体,暗示它们具有感染人的潜能.因此应该加强猪流感的流行病学调查,及时发现那些具有引发人流感流行潜能的病毒,为防控人间流感提前做好准备.  相似文献   

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