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Communities arising through adaptive radiation are generally regarded as unique, with speciation and adaptation being quite different from immigration and ecological assortment. Here, I use the chronological arrangement of the Hawaiian Islands to visualize snapshots of evolutionary history and stages of community assembly. Analysis of an adaptive radiation of habitat-associated, polychromatic spiders shows that (i) species assembly is not random; (ii) within any community, similar sets of ecomorphs arise through both dispersal and evolution; and (iii) species assembly is dynamic with maximum species numbers in communities of intermediate age. The similar patterns of species accumulation through evolutionary and ecological processes suggest universal principles underlie community assembly.  相似文献   

The extent to which random processes such as founder events contribute to evolutionary divergence is a long-standing controversy in evolutionary biology. To determine the respective contributions of founder effects and natural selection, we conducted an experiment in which brown anole (Anolis sagrei) lizard populations were established on seven small islands in the Bahamas, from male-female pairs randomly drawn from the same large-island source. These founding events generated significant among-island genetic and morphological differences that persisted throughout the course of the experiment despite all populations adapting in the predicted direction-shorter hindlimbs-in response to the narrower vegetation on the small islands. Thus, using a replicated experiment in nature, we showed that both founder effects and natural selection jointly determine trait values in these populations.  相似文献   

Scanning tunneling microscopy was used to characterize the growth of oxidized areas on galena (100) surfaces and the formation of gold islands by the reductive adsorption of AuCl(4)(-) from aqueous solution. The gold islands and galena substrate were distinguished by atomic resolution imaging and tunneling spectroscopy. Oxidized areas on galena have [110]-trending boundaries; gold islands elongate along [110] directions. However, there are no obvious structural registry considerations that would lead to elongation of gold islands in a [110] direction. Instead, it is probable that a direct coupling of gold reduction and sulfide surface oxidation controls the initial formation of gold islands. Gold islands grow less quickly on preoxidized galena surfaces and show no preferred direction of growth.  相似文献   

An electrodeposition technique is described that produces atomically flat epitaxial metal overlayers of quality similar to that obtained by ultrahigh vacuum techniques at elevated temperature. In this approach, a metal of interest such as silver is co-deposited with a reversibly deposited mediator metal. The mediator is periodically deposited and stripped from the surface, and this serves to significantly increase the density of two-dimensional islands of silver atoms, promoting a layer-by-layer thin-film growth mode. In situ scanning tunneling microscopy was used to demonstrate the growth process for the heteroepitaxial system silver/gold (111) with either lead or copper as the mediator.  相似文献   

An analysis of the range of morphology among arthropods demonstrates that disparity among living arthropods is similar to that in Cambrian arthropods. The range of morphological design resulting from the Cambrian "explosion" has been overestimated, reflecting a tendency to separate as "problematic" taxa that cannot be accommodated in the classification on the basis of the living biota. Problematic taxa are largely an artifact of an inadequate taxonomy. Special evolutionary processes may not be necessary to explain the early radiation of the metazoans.  相似文献   

Cave-adapted arthropods have evolved in lava tubes in Hawaii. This is the first report of cavernicoles from the Hawaiian islands. The specialization of the cavernicolous insects and the recent origin of the lava tubes suggest that subterranean connections between lava tubes regularly occur and provide dispersal routes. The discovery that lava tubes were colonized by representatives of the adaptively radiating native fauna offers significant potential for evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

人工浮岛技术在北方地区水质改善中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工浮岛技术是近年发展迅速的一种生态污水处理技术,主要应用于富营养化水质的净化。综述了浮岛发展的历史,介绍了建设的种类及方法。宏观地阐述了人工浮岛改善水质的原理,并结合实例,分析了在应用上对处理效果有影响的种种因素。最后对人工浮岛的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

In Hawaii, flies of the genus Drosophila have undergone spectacular adaptive radiation, resulting in the evolution of more than 500 species of Drosophila that are found nowhere else on earth. This taxonomic uniqueness is reflected in behavior and morphology. Hawaiian Drosophila sing songs, as do continental Drosophila; however, the Hawaiian songs have diverged strongly in form and mechanism of production. The click-song of D. fasciculisetae's (Maui) has a carrier frequency an order of magnitude higher than those reported in familiar continental species, such as D. melanogaster (170 hertz). Drosophila fasciculisetae's song resembles a cicada's more than a fly's song. The song of D. cyrtoloma (Maui) has a complex pulse rhythm more typical of crickets than flies. The pulse song of D. silvestris (Hawaii) closely resembles that of D. melanogaster in both pulse rhythm and carrier frequency, but D. melanogaster sings by vibrating its wings, whereas D. silvestris sings through abdominal vibrations. These mechanisms are radical departures from the continental wing song mechanism and are further examples of the remarkable behavioral innovation that has occurred in the Drosophila of Hawaii during their evolutionary transit through these islands.  相似文献   

The rise and diversification of the dinosaurs in the Late Triassic, from 230 to 200 million years ago, is a classic example of an evolutionary radiation with supposed competitive replacement. A comparison of evolutionary rates and morphological disparity of basal dinosaurs and their chief "competitors," the crurotarsan archosaurs, shows that dinosaurs exhibited lower disparity and an indistinguishable rate of character evolution. The radiation of Triassic archosaurs as a whole is characterized by declining evolutionary rates and increasing disparity, suggesting a decoupling of character evolution from body plan variety. The results strongly suggest that historical contingency, rather than prolonged competition or general "superiority," was the primary factor in the rise of dinosaurs.  相似文献   

近岛礁海域距离大陆较远,风浪较小,已经成为发展水产养殖业的重点区域。研究发现,岛礁附近强烈的波浪反射会导致波浪能量的相对集中,进而造成养殖结构破坏。目前,有关养殖结构动力响应的研究大多集中在平坦海床海域,针对近岛礁海域的研究相对较少。为此,本文通过物理模型试验研究了一种布置在岛礁附近的铰接式多体浮式渔场平台在自存工况下的动力响应。结果表明,在自存工况下,岛礁地形增大了渔场平台的纵荡运动,其功率谱峰值相比平坦海床增加61.78%;平台迎浪侧系缆力的有效值增大为平坦海床的2.03倍。同时,岛礁地形引起的波浪反射使平台垂荡运动最大的位置由迎浪侧网箱转移至中间网箱,平台整体的纵摇运动减弱,但中间网箱与两侧网箱的相对转动增大。研究结果为近岛礁海域养殖设施及其系泊系统的设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   

利用微卫星标记分析4个猪品种的遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用5个微卫星标记对4个猪品种(山西马身猪、大白猪、长白猪和太原花猪)的遗传结构进行了分析,计算了遗传杂合度、有效等位基因数,得到了由Nei氏标准遗传距离为基础的NJ聚类图。结果表明:大白猪与马身猪以及大白猪与太原花猪的遗传关系较远,而山西马身猪与太原花猪的遗传关系较近;山西马身猪与太原花猪的进化历史相近,大白猪与山西马身猪组合及大白猪与太原花猪的组合,可能产生较大的杂种优势。  相似文献   

Topical application of as little as 5x10(-12) moles of pure siderochromes (polyhydroxamate iron-transport compounds from bacteria and fungi) onto detached bean leaves causes spots of chlorophyll retention that are surrounded by chlorotic halos. These spots appear similar to "green islands" that are caused by certain fungal infections on leaves and are somewhat similar to zones where senescence is delayed by cytokinin.  相似文献   

Analyses of the floras of the high north Andean habitat islands (paramos) and the Galápagos Islands show that plant species diversity conforms to the MacArthur and Wilson model of island biogeography but that immigration occurred primarily during glacial periods. Modern plant species diversity is more significantly correlated with area and distance measures of the glacial forms of the islands than with similar measures of the present-day islands.  相似文献   

结合浙江舟山市无居民海岛开发利用现状,分析了当前无居民海岛开发利用存在的问题,并探讨了无居民海岛的重点开发、适合开发、保护开发和禁止开发4种开发模式,提出了无居民海岛可持续发展的保障条件,为今后舟山市无居民海岛的开发利用提供了参考模式。  相似文献   

利用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记法,对千岛湖片段化生境中14个岛屿上的黄足厚结猛蚁(Pachycondyla luteipes)种群遗传结构和多样性进行研究。利用5对SRAP引物对42份材料的基因组进行扩增,共得到大小在50-800 bp之间的71个可重复位点,其中63个为多态性位点,多态性比率达88.73%。AMOVA分析结果显示,65.03%的遗传变异存在于种群间,34.97%的遗传变异来自种群内(P < 0.001)。利用PopGene Version 1.32软件对SRAP多态性数据进行分析,不同岛屿种群的多态位点比例和Nei''s基因多样性指数变化范围分别介于35.21%-91.55%和0.2662-0.4905之间,平均值分别为58.25%和0.3729,其中多态位点比率最高的岛屿为面积最大的JSE岛。多态位点比例和Nei''s基因多样性指数与岛屿面积、海拔均无显著相关性,但与隔离度呈显著正相关关系。种群间遗传分化指数介于0.0777-0.9328之间,平均值为0.4419,基因流值介于0.0360-5.9350之间,平均值为1.0451,种群间遗传分化程度较高,基因流较低。利用UPGMA聚类分析法对14岛屿上的42个个体进行遗传聚类分析,表明地理距离较近的个体和岛屿具有优先聚在一起的趋势。Mantel 检验表明黄足厚结猛蚁各种群间地理距离与遗传距离间存在显著相关性(r=0.7757,P < 0.01)。以上结果表明地理隔离是影响千岛湖黄足厚结猛蚁种群遗传结构和多样性的主要因素。  相似文献   

景观破碎化经常引起生态系统的边缘效应.千岛湖典型破碎化景观中岛屿灌木层植物的边缘效应,在10个孤立岛屿上选取灌木层植物物种作为研究对象,采用样方法调查其种类和数量.对野外调查的物种数据进行单因素方差分析,结果显示,F=23.386,P=0.000<0.01,表明物种丰富度差异显著.用Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数对两种环境中的植物种类多样性进行定性分析,在边缘样地,H=2.304、D=0.883、E=0.880;在内部样地,H=1.716、D:0.751、E=0.755.表明岛屿边缘的物种多样性在各个样地中都高于内部.而且岛屿边缘存在特有种,例如牡荆(Vitex negundo L.var.cannabi folia)和木莓(Rubus swinhoei Hcnce).物种相似性系数的变化范围较大(B=[0.300,0.800]),表明植物种类对景观破碎化影响的反应比较缓慢,但这种反应在某些岛屿已经表现出来.进一步的Spearman相关性分析表明,岛屿面积和灌木层物种无论在边缘样地还是内部样地的相关性都不显著.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition driving divergence in adaptive radiation has not previously been tested experimentally. Natural selection on a morphologically variable species of stickleback fish was contrasted in the presence and absence of a close relative. Selection was nondirectional when the target species was alone, whereas addition of the second species favored individuals most different from it morphologically and ecologically. Disproportionately severe competition between similar phenotypes indicates frequency-dependent selection, verifying a crucial element of theory of competition and character divergence. The findings help resolve outstanding debates on the ecological causes of diversification and the evolutionary consequences of competitive interactions.  相似文献   

以重庆市主城区及周边区域为研究靶区,基于遥感影像(Landsat-8)数据反演地表温度,运用半变异函数,从多方向和多尺度综合分析城市热岛的空间异质性,并探究其驱动原因.结果表明:重庆市热岛整体空间自相关性较强,呈带状分布于3条山脉中间建筑密集的区域;各向实验半变异函数和分维数都表明热岛呈现出明显的各向异性,且在0°~22.5°(北偏东)方向上的变异最为简单,但由于山脉对城市热岛空间分布的阻隔,导致其在与山脉延伸方向相垂直的90°~112.5°方向上表现出最为复杂的空间变异;随着尺度的减小,结构性引起的变异越来越强,半变异函数所能描述的空间异质性越来越精细;同时发现在某些特定尺度下,河流与山脉对于热岛空间异质性所产生的影响较为相似,且城市建筑引起的变异比较稳定.  相似文献   

Hydropic degeneration of the islands of Langerhans and permanent severe diabetes mellitus have followed the prolonged injection of intraperitoneal glucose-saline solution in normal as well as in partially depancreatized cats. Positive results were associated with prolonged hyperglycemia. These findings add further evidence in support of the hypothesis that a sustained elevation of blood glucose may, under certain conditions, lead to the production of damage to the islands of Langerhans in this species. Besides hyperglycemia, other disturbances which might be responsible wholly or in part for the island lesions are under study.  相似文献   

阐述了闽台两岸金门、厦门、平潭、东山四岛各自的优势,并从国际旅游外汇收入、财政收入方面分析了实行"四岛免税"方案的经济效应,指出实行这一方案面临的政策执行力等问题,最后提出加强基础设施建设,消除商品、人员和资本自由流动的障碍,设立专门的执行和监管机构,加强市场信息体系建设等对策建议。  相似文献   

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