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采用浸杀方式分别比较了印楝油石油醚、氯仿和乙酸乙酯溶剂提取物的杀螨活性,并测定了活性和得率高的溶剂提取物对兔疥螨幼虫的离体毒力,应用互补重对数模型对毒力测定数据进行分析。结果表明:印楝油石油醚、氯仿和乙酸乙酯溶剂提取物的得率分别为56.82%、25.36%和5.14%。印楝油石油醚、氯仿和乙酸乙酯溶剂提取物都具有一定杀螨活性,其中石油醚提取物活性最高,氯仿和乙酸乙酯提取物活性相近。石油醚提取物和氯仿提取物对幼螨的毒力表现为:24 h半数致死浓度(median lethal concentration,LC50)分别为1.347 7,3.917 4μL/mL,500μL/mL的半数致死时间(median lethal time,LT50)为8.404 0 h和9.643 4 h。  相似文献   

将印楝油氯仿提取物经硅胶柱层析和丙酮重结晶进行生物活性跟踪分离纯化,并运用互补重对数模型(CCL模型)分析活性化合物的离体生物活性,求出半数致死浓度(LC50)和半数致死时间(LT50).结果显示,从印楝油氯仿提取物中分离出一种白色雪花状丙酮结晶物,熔点为60~61℃,经结构鉴定为18-碳酸-3,4-呋喃二酯,其对兔疥螨幼虫的杀螨活性呈时间浓度依赖性,24 h的LC50和LC90分别为0.0818和9.842 4 g/L,7.500 g/L时的LT50和LT90分剐为15.332 4 h和24.678 4 h.这表明印楝油氯仿提取物的杀螨活性成分主要为酯类物质,对兔疥螨具有较强的杀螨活性.  相似文献   

三种杀螨药对离体兔疥螨的杀灭试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔疥螨病是由兔疥螨寄生于皮肤表皮内引起的一种外寄生虫病,具有高度接触性和传染性,能引起病兔发生剧痒以及各种类型的皮炎,严重影响家兔的生长发育,降低皮毛质量,严重时可引起死亡,给养兔业造成巨大的经济损失。临床上用于防治疥螨病的药物较多,如六六六、敌百虫、螨净、双甲  相似文献   

兔疥螨病是由兔疥螨(Sarcoptes scabiei cuni-culi)寄生于皮肤表皮内的一种重要外寄生虫病,具有高度接触性传染性,在流行区内未采取有效措施的兔场,发病率可达50%以上,严重者可达100%。疥螨病主要发生在冬、春季节,特别在光照不足,阴雨潮湿、卫生状况不良和密集饲养等条件下,疥螨最容易繁殖蔓延。本病能引起病兔发生剧痒以及各种类型的皮炎,严重影响家兔生长发育,降低皮毛质量,严重时可引起死亡,给养兔业造成巨大经济损失[6]。为了进一步了解疥螨的传播机制和传播能力,制定出更加有效的措施以预防和控制疥螨病的传播和流行,我们在实验室进…  相似文献   

以苦参碱、对叶百部碱、瑞香素、青蒿素为试验用药,采用浸杀方式测定中药单体对免疥螨幼虫的离体杀螨活性,并测定最强杀螨活性药物的半数致死浓度(Median lethal concentration,LC5。)和半数致死时间(Median lethal time,LT50)。结果显示,在药物质量浓度为10.00g/L时,苦参碱、对叶百部碱、瑞香素和青蒿素的起效时间分别为45.00、127.50、165.00、263.50min,全部死亡时间分别为1455.00、1890.00、2130.00、2280.00min。质量浓度为25.00g/L的苦参碱在试验24h时的LC50为2.86g/L;质量浓度为25.00、12.50、6.25g/L的苦参碱LT5。分别为7.54、9.85、14.55h。结果表明,4种中药单体都具有一定的体外杀螨活性,其中苦参碱的蒂螨活性最强,对叶百部碱和瑞香素次之,青蒿素杀螨活性最弱。  相似文献   

印楝素(Azadirachtin AZ)是从印楝树的种子中提取的一类高度氧化的柠檬素.是一种新型植物源杀虫剂.试验设0.3%印楝素750 ml/hm2、900 ml/hm2、1 050 ml/hm23个试验处理和4.5%氯氰菊酯450 ml/hm2、600 ml/hm2、750 ml/hm23个对照处理.试验结果表明:0.3%印楝素3个浓度对防治草原蝗虫均具有良好的防治效果,其中:900 ml/hm2和1 050ml/hm2浓度水平与对照药品氯氰菊酯的中等浓度水平(600ml/hm2)的防治效果无显著差异.因印楝素杀虫广谱,作用机制特殊,杀虫机理多样,对环境、人畜安全,在防治草原蝗虫时可选择使用.  相似文献   

“喜农疥螨灵”(含有效成分烯虫磷20%)的体外杀螨和防治螨病的效果观察表明:150-500mg/L浓度可在18-70min内杀死100%体外螨虫;防治羊只疥螨病最适浓度为200mg/L,补充药液浓度以400mg/L为宜;经5746只羊的春、秋两季药浴,药浴后患病羊迅速痊愈,药物残效期内未见新发病羊。  相似文献   

试验选择自然感染疥螨的病兔.采集病料,进行虫体分离与鉴定.应用4种不同的杀螨药物,进行了离体试验及药物残效期测定。结果表明:胺丙畏1:2000倍稀释(200μL/L浓度).离体杀螨时问为126min,兔体残效保护期测定为65d,每吨药浴水成本为30元人民币;螨净1:1000倍稀释(250μL/L浓度).离体杀螨时间为137min,兔体残效保护期测定为62d,每吨药浴水的成本为55元人民币。  相似文献   

兔疥螨又叫疥癣、癞,是由寄生于兔皮内的兔疥螨、背肛螨等引起的一种慢性接触性传播性皮肤病。剧痒,脱毛,皮肤龟裂,患部逐渐向周围扩散,具有高度传染性为本病特征。该病在兔群中传播很快,发病率高,严重影响兔的生产性能和机体免疫力,若发生继发感染可引起死亡。  相似文献   

兔螨病是一种常见而难以根除的外寄生虫病,病程可长达几个月.患兔少食、不安,逐渐消瘦,衰竭而死,且皮毛受损,严重影响养兔业的发展.兔螨病按侵袭部位分为耳癣和身癣.耳癣为痒螨科兔痒螨引起,主要侵害外耳道;身癣为疥螨科兔疥螨和背肛螨引起.前者主要侵害四肢,甚而侵害头部、嘴等,后者多侵害耳廓、嘴、鼻,亦可蔓延到四肢.尤以兔疥螨最为普遍且危害严重.治疗本病的方法虽多,但疗效均不理想.有的药品,如敌百虫等还易引起中毒.1987年我们用750ppm螨净及750ppm塔克敌克水溶液浸泡患部治疗兔螨病,方法简便,效果良好.但对结痂厚者,治疗时需要除  相似文献   

将从病兔痂皮内收集的疥螨经研磨、冻融、离心后,制成可溶性抗原,作为诊断抗原,建立Dot-ELISA方法检测兔疥螨血清抗体.研究确定了该方法的最佳工作条件.制备的诊断膜片特异性强,不与兔瘟病毒、兔大肠埃希菌、兔附红细胞体等阳性血清反应.膜片具有良好的灵敏性,高免血清作1∶210稀释亦能检出;重复性试验表明该法重复性良好.诊断膜片在4 ℃保存5个月其检测活性不变.结果表明,建立的Dot-ELISA可用于免疥螨抗体的检测.  相似文献   

Du YH  Jia RY  Yin ZQ  Pu ZH  Chen J  Yang F  Zhang YQ  Lu Y 《Veterinary parasitology》2008,157(1-2):144-148
The acaricidal activity of the petroleum ether extract, the chloroform extract and the acetic ether extract of neem (Azadirachta indica) oil against Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi larvae was tested in vitro. A complementary log-log (CLL) model was used to analyze the data of the toxicity tests. The results showed that at all test time points, the petroleum ether extract demonstrated the highest activity against the larvae of S. scabiei var. cuniculi, while the activities of the chloroform extract and the acetic ether extract were similar. The activities of both the petroleum ether extract and the chloroform extract against the larvae showed the relation of time and concentration dependent. The median lethal concentration (LC(50)) of the petroleum ether extract (1.3muL/mL) was about three times that of the chloroform extract (4.1muL/mL) at 24h post-treatment. At the concentrations of 500.0muL/mL, the median lethal time (LT(50)) of the petroleum ether extract and the chloroform extract was 8.4 and 9.6h, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— Humoral antibody responses to experimental Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes infection in 10 beagle dogs were demonstrated by an ELISA in three experiments. In the first experiment, four dogs, infected with a relatively high dose of S. scabiei, seroconverted 2 weeks post infection. All four animals showed clinical signs of sarcoptic mange. In the second experiment, six dogs were infected with a relatively low dose of S. scabiei. Three of the dogs developed clinical signs of sarcoptic mange and only in these three were antibodies to S. scabiei demonstrated. Seroconversion occurred 4–5 weeks post infection. The six dogs infected with a low dose of Sarcoptes were re-infected with a relatively low dose of mites 7 weeks after the spontaneous clinical recovery of the three dogs that had exhibited mange following the primary infection. The later three dogs showed a specific antibody response within 1 week and the other three dogs within 2 weeks following the re-infection. Resumen En tres experimentos se demostraron las respuestas humorales de anticuerpos a la infección con Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes en 10 perros de la raza Beagle por medio de pruebas ELISA. En el primer experimento cuatro de los perros infectados con una dosis relativamente alta de Sarcoptes, seroconvirtieron 2 semanas despues de la infección. Estos cuatro animales mostraban cuadro clínico de infección. En un segundo experimento seis de los perros se sometieron a una dosis relativamente baja del ácaro. Solo tres de estos perros demostraron cuadro clínico de la infección, y en éstos animales exclusivamente se encontraron anticuerpos de S. scabiei. Cinco o seis semanas después de la infección se produjo la seroconversión de los mismos. Los seis perros infectados con una dosis baja se volvieron a re-infectar con otra dosis relativamente baja siete semanas después de la recuperatión clínica espontánea de los tres perros que habían padecido el cuadro clínico de la sarna, después de la infección previa. Los últimos tres perros produjeron una respuesta de anticuerpos específica en una semana, y los otros tres perros en dos semanas después de la infección.  相似文献   

Résumé— Cet article décrit le cas d'une chienne Colley de 12 ans ovariohystérectomisée qui présentait un prurit sévère. Les racalges cutanés ont permis de mettre en évidence deux on trois sarcoptes et des ?ufs par champ à faible grossissement. Le chien avait des symptômes compatibles avec une hypothyroïdie qui a été objectivée ensuite par des tests hormonaux dynamiques. La similarité de ce cas avec la gale norvégienne de l'homme est discutée. L'hypothèse d'une prédisposition des chiens hypothyroïdiens à développer ce type de gale est soulevée. [Jackson, H. A. A case of concurrent Sarcoptes scabiei infestation and hypothyroidism in a dog (A propos d'un cas de gale àSarcoptes scabiei associée à une hypothyroïdie). Resumen— En este articulo se describe un caso de un perro hembra (castrada) de raza Collie de pelo duro que presentaba un cuadro de intenso prurito. Tras un raspado cutáneo se detectaron dos o tres ácaros y huevos del género Sarcoptes mediante observación microscópica a pequeño aumento. El perro presentaba un cuadro clinico compatible con hipotiroidismo, que fue confirmado posteriormente con una prueba de estimulación. Se discute la semejanza de esta presentación con la sarna sercóptica noruega en la especie humana y se postula que la posibilidad que un estado hipotiroideo pueda predisponer a desarrollar sarna sarcóptica. [A case of concurrent Sarcoptes scabei infestation and hypothyroidism in a dog (Un caso de infestación por Sarcoptes scabei concomintante con hipotiroidismo en un perro). Abstract— This report describes a 12-year-old ovariohysterectomised female rough collie which was presented with severe pruritus. On scraping the skin two or three sarcoptic mites and eggs per low power field could be seen under microscopic examination. The dog had clinical features compatible with hypothyroidism which was subsequently confirmed with provocative testing. The similarity of this presentation with that of Norwegian scabies in man is discussed and it is postulated that a hypothyroid state might predispose to the development of severe sarcoptic mite infestation.  相似文献   

The possible acaricidal activity of Eupatorium adenophorum was analyzed using extracts created by water decocting, ethanol thermal circumfluence, and steam distillation. The toxic effect of each extract was tested against Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei in vitro. Ethanol thermal circumfluence extract had strong toxicity against mites, killing all S. scabiei at 0.5 and 1.0 g/ml (w/v) concentration, while 1g/ml extract was also found to kill all P. cuniculi within a 4-h period. Similarly, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g/ml concentration of extract had strong toxicity against S. scabiei, with median lethal time (LT(50)) values at 0.866, 0.785 and 0.517 h, respectively. 0.5 g/ml and 1g/ml showed strong acaricidal action against P. cuniculi; the LT(50) values were 0.93 h and 1.29 h, respectively. The median lethal concentration (LC(50)) values were 0.22 g/ml for Scabies mite and 0.64 g/ml for P. cuniculi in 1h. The results indicated that E. adenophorum contains potent acaricidal ingredients; as a first step in the potential development of novel drugs, it may provide new acaricidal compounds for the effective control of animal acariasis.  相似文献   

Sarcoptes scabiei infestation was identified as the cause of pruritic dermatitis in a donkey in the UK. Treatment with i.m. doramectin and topical selenium sulphide was successful in eliminating clinical signs. Foxes were identified as the possible source of infestation. Sarcoptic mange should be considered as a potential differential diagnosis for pruritic dermatitis in equids in the UK.  相似文献   

A pony presented with a severe, chronic dermatitis around the ears, neck and trunk of the body, hind quarters and ventral abdomen. The pony was intensely pruritic as was an in‐contact pony and both owners. A superficial skin scraping demonstrated multiple living mites, identified as Sarcoptes scabiei. Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) was diagnosed as an underlying, potentially immunosuppressive disorder. The pony was treated for Sacroptes scabiei as well as PPID and is doing well 2 months after initial presentation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨藏兽药蓝花侧金盏对兔螨的抑杀作用。方法:应用体外培养杀螨实验,比较了蓝花侧金盏水提取物、甲醇提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物及石油醚提取物的杀螨活性,并对活性较强的提取物的毒力和治疗兔螨病效果进行了评价。结果:4种提取物中,乙酸乙酯提取物具有较强的体外杀螨活性,高剂量(500 mg/mL)在体外培养6 h内全部杀死螨虫,4种浓度(500、250、125和62.5 mg/mL)的半数致死时间分别为0.743、2.73、5.919和22.536 h,并且其能有效治疗兔螨病,总有效率为90%。结论:蓝花侧金盏乙酸乙酯提取物具有良好的杀兔螨活性。  相似文献   

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