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Landscape ecology as a theoretical basis for nature conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conservation of representative biotopes, single species populations or biodiversity usually embraces two or more biotopes, and is often affected by surrounding croplands. The conclusions from landscape ecological studies can, therefore, offer important contributions to conservation, especially at early levels of landscape change or habitat fragmentation. Indicator and keystone species are useful for monitoring and managing fragmented biotopes, respectively. Communities as well as single species are affected by the juxtaposition of successional and climax biotopes, which influence climatic equability, seasonality, productivity and dispersal. Low levels of fragmentation may result in ill-functioning communities, and greater fragmentation may result in species losses and ultimately in the loss of whole communities. Fragmented habitats retain species with high reproductive and dispersal rates and generalized habitat selection. New combinations of interacting species will lead to trivialization of earlier habitat-specific interactions. Validation of these concepts was made with data from a Swedish research program on fragmented biotopes in production landscapes. General reserve selection and methods of management for preserving climax communities, single specialized species and high biodiversity are suggested.  相似文献   

Landscape ecology is in a position to become the scientific basis for sustainable landscape development. When spatial planning policy is decentralised, local actors need to collaborate to decide on the changes that have to be made in the landscape to better accommodate their perceptions of value. This paper addresses two prerequisites that landscape ecological science has to meet for it to be effective in producing appropriate knowledge for such bottom-up landscape-development processes—it must include a valuation component, and it must be suitable for use in collaborative decision-making on a local scale. We argue that landscape ecological research needs to focus more on these issues and propose the concept of landscape services as a unifying common ground where scientists from various disciplines are encouraged to cooperate in producing a common knowledge base that can be integrated into multifunctional, actor-led landscape development. We elaborate this concept into a knowledge framework, the structure–function–value chain, and expand the current pattern–process paradigm in landscape ecology with value in this way. Subsequently, we analyse how the framework could be applied and facilitate interdisciplinary research that is applicable in transdisciplinary landscape-development processes.  相似文献   



Simulation models are increasingly used in both theoretical and applied studies to explore system responses to natural and anthropogenic forcing functions, develop defensible predictions of future conditions, challenge simplifying assumptions that facilitated past research, and to train students in scientific concepts and technology. Researcher’s increased use of simulation models has created a demand for new platforms that balance performance, utility, and flexibility.


We describe HexSim, a powerful new spatially-explicit, individual-based modeling framework that will have applications spanning diverse landscape settings, species, stressors, and disciplines (e.g. ecology, conservation, genetics, epidemiology). We begin with a model overview and follow-up with a discussion of key formative studies that influenced HexSim’s development. We then describe specific model applications of relevance to readers of Landscape Ecology. Our goal is to introduce readers to this new modeling platform, and to provide examples characterizing its novelty and utility.


With this publication, we conclude a > 10 year development effort, and assert that our HexSim model is mature, robust, extremely well tested, and ready for adoption by the research community. The HexSim model, documentation, worked examples, and other materials can be freely obtained from the website www.hexsim.net.

Landscape ecology is a broad field in a patchwork of related disciplines. Giving landscape ecology a definition and delimiting it from related research areas is both a challenge and a necessity. Past endeavors have focused on expert opinions, analyses of published papers, and conference proceedings. We used a mix of all three, including a unique keyword analysis in two leading landscape-related journals, to highlight latest developments in landscape ecology between 2010 and 2013. Our analysis confirms the key topics of Wu (Landscape Ecol 28(1):1–11, 2013), and suggests that of those connectivity is dominating in terms of research output. However, we also found evidence that the borders of the journal Landscape Ecology are fuzzier than sketched in recent publications. There is a large overlap with the journal Landscape and Urban Planning, and in general a growing weight of conservation, landscape management, and planning related issues in the landscape ecology community. We conclude by encouraging the continued inclusion and strengthening of socio-ecological hot topics such as urban studies and landscape-human interactions in landscape ecological studies and subsequently in the journal landscape ecology.  相似文献   

The need to understand how anthropogenic landscape alteration affects fauna populations has never been more pressing. The importance of developing an understanding of the processes behind local extinction is widely acknowledged, but inference from spatial patterns of fauna distribution continues to dominate. However, this approach is limited in its ability to generate strong predictions about future distributions and local extinctions, especially when population-level responses to landscape alteration are subject to long time lags. We review the potential for indices of physiological stress and condition to contribute to understanding of how landscape pattern affects species persistence. Such measures can indicate habitat quality from the perspective of the individual animal, and can reveal environmental stressors before their negative consequences begin to manifest at a population level. Spatial patterns of chronic stress may therefore yield valuable insight into how landscape alteration influences species. We propose that the emerging disciplines of conservation physiology and macrophysiology have much to offer spatial ecology, and have great potential to reveal the physiological pathways through which habitat alteration affects fauna populations and their persistence in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Investigations of European floodplain rivers demonstrate how landscape ecology can provide an effective framework to integrate pattern and process in river corridors, to examine environmental dynamics and interactive pathways between landscape elements, and to develop viable strategies for river conservation. The highly complex and dynamic nature of intact river corridors is particularly amenable to a landscape ecology perspective. Analysis of spatial patterns has provided considerable insight into environmental heterogeneity across river corridors and is an essential prelude to examining dynamic interactions. For example, data from aerial photographs, digitized maps and year-round field measurements in a glacial flood plain, enabled us to distinguish six channel types, based on the correspondence between connectivity and physicochemical attributes. Spatial data were also used to analyze longitudinal changes in landscape elements along the course of a morphologically-intact riverine corridor, providing insight into the structural complexity that must have characterized many Alpine rivers in the pristine state. Landscape indices were employed to investigate seasonal dynamics in a glacial flood plain of the Swiss Alps which exhibits a predictable expansion/contraction cycle, with corresponding shifts in flow paths (surface and subsurface) and water sources (snowmelt, englacial, subglacial, alluvial aquifer, hillslope aquifer). Surface connectivity exhibited an unexpected biphasic relationship with total channel length, whereas riverscape diversity progressively increased along the entire range of channel length. Reconstituting the functional integrity that characterizes intact river corridors should perhaps be the major goal of river conservation initiatives. Although understanding functional processes at the landscape scale is essential in this regard, few data are available. In the Alluvial Zone National Park on the Austrian Danube, three phases of hydrological connectivity were identified (disconnection, seepage connection and surface connection) that corresponded to the predominance of three functional processes (biotic interactions, primary production and particulate transport) within the river corridor.  相似文献   

The relationship between groundwater and landscape in representative areas of the Spanish plateaux is discussed, with special attention given to the Douro River basin. The study focusses on the transference of water and matter that is conditioned by groundwater flow systems, and also on water bodies, wet meadows, marshes, saline soils under their influence.These factors are of great importance in semiarid areas. Using photointerpretation, interviews, vegetation plots, water samples from wells and springs and soil samples, and the results of data processing (principal component analysis, shared information) we find that hydrological processes are the main controlling factor in the ecological function and variation of uncultivated lowlands. These processes include the alternation of recharge and discharge areas, the geochemical evolution of groundwater and the independent flows of the regional system.The landscapes in recharge and discharge areas are compared, as well as the influence of the evolutionary stage of the groundwater in the latter areas (glycophyte or halophyte vegetation). After observing the ecological importance of these aquifer discharges systems, the causes of their accelerated transformation are analyzed.  相似文献   

Landscape ecology: the science and the action   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(2):103-103

In urbanising landscapes, planning for sustainable biodiversity occurs in a context of multifunctional land use. Important conditions for species persistence are habitat quality, the amount and configuration of habitat and the permeability of the landscape matrix. For planning purposes, these determinants should be integrated into simple indicators for spatial conditions of persistence probability. We propose a framework of three related indices. The cohesion index is based on the ecology of metapopulations in a habitat network. We discuss how an indicator for species persistence in such a network could be developed. To translate this network index into an area index, we propose the concept of spatial cohesion. Habitat cohesion and spatial cohesion are defined and measured for single species or, at best, for species profiles. Since species differ in their perception of the same landscape, different species will rate different values of these indices for the same landscape. Because landscapes are rarely planned for single species, we further propose the index of landscape cohesion, which integrates the spatial cohesion indices of different species. Indices based on these concepts can be built into GIS tools for landscape assessment. We illustrate different applications of these indices, and emphasise the distinction between ecological and political decisions in developing and applying such tools. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Landscape ecology: Population genetics at the metapopulation level   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distribution of genetic diversity in a landscape depends on both within and among population processes. Selective pressures within populations have traditionally been studied by population genetics, which usually assumes that populations are at equilibrium. However, when selection pressures within and among populations are different, landscape processes are required to define an equilibrium (landscape being defined as the habitat of a set of populations called a metapopulation, and populations will differ depending on their situation in the landscape, i.e. their age and the state of neighboring populations). We examine reproduction systems and life history traits, for which variation depends on landscape processes. Predictions of their states in a metapopulation are drawn from theoretical models, and confronted to observations collected in natural populations.  相似文献   

A working method for landscape planning is proposed. There are 11 steps in this method. In step one, an issue (or set of related issues) is identified as posing a problem or an opportunity to people and/or the environment. In step two, a goal (or several goals) is established to address the problem. In steps three and four, ecological inventories and analyses are conducted at two scales, first at the regional level (drainage basins are suggested as an appropriate unit) and then at the landscape level (watersheds are recommended). These inventories and analyses consider human ecology as well as bio-physical processes. Step five involves detailed studies, such as suitability analyses, that link inventory and analysis information to the problem(s) and goal(s). In step six, concepts are developed that lead to a landscape (watershed) master plan in step seven. During step eight, the plan is explained through a systematic educational effort to the affected public. In step nine, detailed designs are developed. In step 10 the plan and designs are implemented. Step 11 involves administering and monitoring the plan. The method is explained through an example of soil conservation planning. The case study was undertaken in the Missouri Flat Creek watershed of the Palouse region in the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.) to help achieve the goals for erosion control established by the federal Food Security Act of 1985 and state clean water legislation.  相似文献   



In the face of global change, evidence-based information for policy development and political action is needed. Research syntheses have the potential to produce more reliable and generalizable results than are possible from small and regional extent primary studies. Data-sharing and detailed reporting are indispensable prerequisites for syntheses, however syntheses often are seriously hindered by insufficient reporting of primary data.


Since many ecological processes are strongly influenced by spatial pattern, we suggest reporting guidelines for landscape-ecological studies. Better data reporting will not only benefit the quality of primary research studies, and allow replication, but also facilitate research syntheses.


We evaluated how landscape context information was reported in primary research articles including recently published articles in the journal Landscape Ecology. We further looked at the author guidelines for several journals to check what authors are expected to report.


Specifically, we found that the existing reporting of landscape context information was insufficient to evaluate the effects of tropical forest edges on bird nest predation risk. More generally, exact study locations were not provided in any evaluated article. No journal gave detailed instructions to authors on how to report study characteristics.


We argue that consideration of the following reporting guidelines could substantially facilitate research syntheses: (1.1) detailed map of study area, (1.2) spatial location of sampling points; (2.1) land-use types; (2.2) vegetation, key resources, soil, geology, and disturbance history; (2.3) additional site parameters; (3) results for each sampling point.

In Europe, landscape research has a long tradition of drawing on several disciplines. ‘National schools’ of landscape research developed, which were related to the characteristic landscapes found in the different countries and to specific linguistic meanings and legal traditions when using landscape related concepts. International co-operation demands a certain harmonization of these concepts for better mutual understanding. The 2000 European Landscape Convention provided an important momentum to rethink research, policy and management of landscapes from the perspective of sustainable development and participatory planning. Landscape ecology as a transdisciplinary science with a dynamic and holistic perspective on landscape offers a great potential for an integrative approach. The specificity of the European landscape research rests on its long history and on integration based on the great diversity of the landscapes, characterised by an intimate relationship between the varied natural environment and the different cultural traditions which define the identity of countries, regions and people. Within a unified Europe, with increasing international and trans-border co-operation and increasing common environmental problems, the creation of a specific European Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE-Europe), in addition to the existing international association and its national chapters, became justified by the need for a collaborative endeavour to address the specific problems of landscapes in Europe and to stimulate co-operation between landscape ecologists in research, education and practice.  相似文献   

The planning and management of urban forest has become increasingly important as a focus of urban environmental management. The objectives of this study were to analyze the landuse/land cover and to map functional zones of the urban forest in the upper catchment area of Addis Ababa. This study identifies five landuse/land cover types: (i) Eucalyptus–Juniperus dominated forest, (ii) mixed native forest, (iii) built-up areas, (iv) Eucalyptus plantation (v) crop/grazing lands. The vegetation analysis shows 44 woody plant species representing 31 families, out of which 13 tree species, 29 shrubs and two species of lianas. The woody species diversity was 1.35 with the species richness and evenness of 44 and 0.80, respectively. This indicates that the forest has poor species diversity which is attributed to high anthropogenic pressure and monoculture plantation development strategies in the last decades. The density of plants ranged from 25 for Olea europea to 825 individuals per hectare for Eucalyptus globules from the tree layers and from 50 for Dombeya torrida and Erica arborea to 900 individuals per hectare for Myrsine africana from shrub layers. Based on importance value index (IVI), Eucalyptus globulus and Juniperus procera showed the highest IVI of 96.37 and 54.80, respectively as compared to other species. The forest structure showed higher contagious distribution where out of the recorded 44 species, 37 species showed contagious distribution. The result also showed poor regeneration potential in all studied forest layers. Based on the landuse/cover analysis, the phytosociological study and field observation, this study recommends six urban forest zoning. These include: (i) conservation zone, (ii) recreation zone, (iii) production zone, (iv) agroforestry zone, (v) reforestation zone, (vi) buffer zone between the green area and the built-up environment. The green area in the upper catchment has no definite boundaries and needs re-demarcation activities.  相似文献   

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