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Is humane slaughter of fish possible for industry?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Abstract The objective was to evaluate industrial and research slaughter methods for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), gilt‐head seabream (Sparus auratus) and eel (Anguilla anguilla) with respect to welfare and quality. As a general term of reference, an optimal slaughter method should render fish unconscious until death without avoidable excitement, pain or suffering prior to killing. For Atlantic salmon, commercial slaughter methods (carbon dioxide stunning followed by gill cutting, and gill cutting alone) are not in conformity with the general term of reference, as the fish are not rendered unconscious immediately and possibly experience stress. Evaluation of automated percussive stunning remained unconclusive. More research should enable us to ascertain whether loss of consciousness is instantaneous. Electrical stunning can be humane if applied properly. However, because flesh of electrostunned fish was characterized by occasional bloodspots, optimization of the electrical parameters is required. Prototypes for percussive and electrical stunning of salmon have been recently developed. This implies that humane slaughter of salmon is feasible for industry. For gilt‐head seabream, neither aphyxia in air nor transfer of the fish to an ice slurry were considered to be humane: the methods did not induce immediate brain dysfunction and vigorous attempts to escape occurred. Percussive and electrical stunning can be in conformity with the general term of reference. However, conditions for stunning whole batches of seabream have not been established. Quality of the fish slaughtered by percussive stunning was similar to that obtained by the industrial method, i.e. immersion in an ice slurry. Further work is required to establish optimal stunning conditions and to develop prototypes. For eel, desliming in a salt‐bath followed by evisceration, electrical stunning performed under the conditions prescribed by the German legislation, and live chilling and freezing were not considered to be humane. In contrast, it was established that a 10–20 kg batch of eels in fresh water could be rendered unconscious immediately and until death by applying electricity in combination with nitrogen gas. The conditions used were 0.64 A dm?2 for 1 s, followed by 0.17 A dm?2 combined with nitrogen flushing for 5 min. A preliminary assessment of flesh quality suggests that it may be improved by application of the latter method, compared with the salt bath. The results clearly indicated that humane slaughter of eels is possible in practice.  相似文献   

The overall objective was to evaluate the suitability of electronarcosis as a stunning method for farmed eels. In the first experiment the minimum electrical current needed to induce a general epileptiform insult by head‐only stunning was assessed. The individual eels (n = 40) with a live weight of 700–800 g were fixed in a specially designed re‐strainer. The EEG (electroencephalogram) and ECG (electrocardiogram) recordings, observation of behaviour and responses to pain stimuli were used to assess unconsciousness, insensibility and cardiac function. The applied current of 150, 200 or 250 V, 50 Hz, AC was delivered via scissor‐model stunning tongs for approximately 1 s. A general epileptiform insult was observed in 31 eels for which a successful EEG recording was obtained, using 255 ± 4 V, 545 ± 32 mA, for 1.2 ± 0.2 s. The general epileptiform insult as measured on the EEG was characterized by a tonic/clonic phase and an exhaustion phase. The behaviour showed one phase: tonic cramps alternated by clonic ones. The heart rate was 22 ± 8 beats min?1 (n = 23) prior to stunning. After stunning the ECG revealed fibrillation. In the second experiment the behaviour of seven individual eels able to move freely in water was observed after head‐only stunning (250 V). Two phases were distinguished. Limited tonic and clonic cramps combined with backward swimming were followed by heavy clonic cramps combined with unco‐ordinated movements such as jumping out of the water. A distinct exhaustion phase was not observed in all animals. In the third experiment a head‐to‐tail electrical method was examined in 15 eels for rendering the eels unconscious and insensitive prior to slaughter. They were stunned by applying 253 V for 3 s followed by 50 V for 5 min. In the fourth experiment nine eels were head‐only stunned with 260 V for 1 s immediately followed by 50 V for 5 min applied from head to tail. Results obtained in these two experiments were similar. After stunning no brain activity and no responses to pain stimuli on the EEG were observed and the ECG showed ventricular extra systolae. It was observed that it might take 60 ± 25 min or longer for a complete recovery. It can be concluded that for effective electrical stunning of eels with a weight of 700–800 g an average current of 545 ± 32 mA (at approximate 250 V, 50 Hz AC) is needed. In this case, within a confidence level of 95% at least 91% of the eels are effectively stunned (n = 31). Therefore, it is recommended to increase the minimum current for an effective stun in practice to 600 mA. Further research is needed to determine the conditions to induce permanent unconsciousness and insensibility of the eels to protect the animals at slaughter.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses, blood markers, and fillet properties were investigated after silver catfish exposure to different electric field strengths, frequency, and duration of electric current in the preslaughter stunning. All combinations of electric fields and frequencies were able to stun fish. Longer apparent stun was obtained at the intermediate electrical frequencies. High electric field strength detracted the texture of fillets. At least 5 s was required to stun fish, and longer exposure to electrical current did not prolong the apparent stun or damage fillet properties. Results indicate that silver catfish are relatively resistant to electronarcosis.  相似文献   

It was observed that farmed eels could be rendered unconscious and insensible instantaneously by passing an electrical current through fresh water. The general epileptiform insult on the EEG was characterized by a tonic/clonic and an exhaustion phase. After stunning, the ECG (electro‐cardiogram) revealed fibrillation. The electrical stunning parameters were on average 194 ± 4 V and 0.636 ± 0.040 A/dm2 for 1.6 ± 0.4 s. Within a confidence level of 95%%, taking into account the number of animals with a reliable EEG (n = 29), at least 93% of all eels are effectively stunned in fresh water by an average current of 0.636 ± 0.040 A/dm2. The behaviour of groups of five eels, which were able to move freely in the water was observed before and after stunning with 50 V and 0.17 A/dm2. After 3‐s stunning, two eels were turned upside down. They changed to a normal position after 10 and 13 s respectively. Subsequently, all eels were very active in swimming behaviour and stopped swimming after 75 s. When stunned for a longer duration, all eels were turned upside down and stopped breathing for a limited period of time. In the last experiment the eels were stunned in fresh water (500 μS) with a voltage of 200 V for approximately 1 s, which was followed by 50 V for 5 min. As soon as the stunning started the water was de‐oxygenated by flushing nitrogen to kill the eels by suffocation during the period of unconsciousness and insensitivity. The oxygen saturation decreased from 74 ± 10 to 23 ± 11% at 22 °C. After stunning no brain activity and no responses to pain stimuli were observed on the EEG. The heart rate increased (P < 0.05) after stunning, which was followed by a significant decrease. Only 1 out of 18 eels returned partially from upside down to a normal position 2 h after stunning; however, the eel did not respond to pain stimuli in behaviour. The developed stunning procedure can be recommended for humane slaughter of 50‐kg batches of eels.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon were slaughtered in three ways on a commercial slaughter line: (1) killed by a percussive stun after crowding; (2) killed by percussive stun after crowding, pumping and live chilling; (3) killed by exsanguination after crowding, pumping and live chilling. The live‐chilled fish were exposed to seawater (2°C) saturated with carbon dioxide (pH 5.5–5.7) for 40 min. The fish were calm after live chilling, but not unconscious, as eye rolling was observed in all individuals. Subsequent exsanguination of the unstunned fish resulted in death. Both rapid live chilling and the subsequent exsanguination appeared stressful to the fish, as a large and rapid pH drop coupled with earlier onset of rigor mortis, indicative of high muscle activity during the process were observed. The muscle core temperature during ice storage showed that live chilling only has an effect on carcass temperature during the first 6 h post mortem. After 6 h, no significant differences in temperature were detected between live‐chilled and traditionally ice‐chilled fish. We conclude that commercial use of live chilling in combination with high levels of CO2 does not stun Atlantic salmon. Live chilling followed by exsanguination of the unstunned fish appears to be highly stressful and should be avoided.  相似文献   

The overall objective of the study was to evaluate a slaughter method of eels, which consisted of chilling until their body temperature was <5 °C for stunning, and subsequently placing them in cold brine at −18 °C for 15 min for killing. Three distinct experiments and a control were performed.

Firstly, 19 eels with an average live weight of 758±44 g were restrained and equipped with EEG, ECG electrodes and a temperature sensor inside the body. Then, they were placed in the ice water. Indices for the induction of unconsciousness and insensibility were the appearance of theta and delta waves and no response on pain stimuli, which disappeared at a body temperature of 8.0±2.1 °C after 12±5 min in 15 eels. The responses to pain stimuli did not disappear in three eels. Within a confidence level of 95%, the percentage of eels that is not effectively stunned during the procedure in ice water of <5 °C was at least 5%. The heart rate decreased from 24±10 beats/min (n=14) to 7±4 (n=11) and became irregular during cooling down. When placed in the brine water of −18 °C, the EEG showed rapid and extreme depolarisation of the membranes, which started after 27±17 s (n=18). The ECG showed fluttering of the heart in all eels. None of the eels recovered after this procedure.

For 10 eels with an average live weight of 128±27 g, it was observed that the body temperature decreased from 17.1±0.6 to 4.0±0.5 °C in the ice water. After 15 min in the brine water of −16.1±2.2 °C, the body temperature decreased to −3.1±2.3 °C.

Finally, three groups of seven eels and eight single eels were placed in ice water of −0.0±0.1 °C. The observation of unrestrained eels revealed four phases. Animals were (1) swimming around in the water, (2) attempting to escape from the ice water, (3) pressing their nose to the wall or corner while showing clonic muscle cramps, and finally (4) breathing only, while all other muscle activity was totally suppressed. Afterwards, they were transferred to cold brine at −18 °C, and none of the eels recovered.

The eight control eels, which were transferred to water at 18 °C, swam around, except for one that was lying in an S-shape position at the bottom. After 570 and 605 s, two eels tried to escape from the box.

The obtained results show that the eels, which were transferred from water at 18 °C to ice water, might be stressed, a specific behaviour and an irregular heart rate were observed. From an animal welfare point of view, it is therefore not recommended to stun eels by live chilling. Moreover, at least 5% of the eels will not be stunned at a body temperature of <5 °C. Placing eels in brine water of −18 °C is an effective method to kill the eels before slaughter. However, it cannot be recommended to place conscious eels in cold brine water, because it takes more than 27 s before unconsciousness may be induced.  相似文献   

Eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) were slaughtered using two procedures. The commercial method consisted of desliming the fish in dry salt followed by evisceration. The alternative method consisted of stunning and killing in water with a combination of electricity and oxygen removal. Eels slaughtered as commercially exhibited aversive reactions and consequently a higher level of muscular activity before death. In raw fillets, differences appeared clearly between the two batches. The alternative slaughter by electricity and gas led to redder, firmer flesh with a higher pH. Myofibrillar proteolysis, lipid oxidation and loss of freshness (as evaluated by K‐value) were reduced. After hot‐smoking, which is a process that greatly modifies the fish flesh properties, differences between batches were less pronounced. However, eels slaughtered by the alternative method were characterized by a higher pH and a redder colour of the dark muscle, a desirable property form a commercial point of view. When assessed by sensory difference tests, appearance seemed to be the only attribute that allowed panellists to discriminate the two batches. Overall, it is concluded that slaughter by electricity and gas improved the quality of raw and smoked eels compared with the commercial method.  相似文献   

Food quality aspects of farmed turbot (Psetta maxima) were compared following two methods of slaughter: the current commercial method, by immersion in an ice slurry, which is then dewatered after approximately 20 min, or by first humanely, electrically stunning the fish using a prototype commercial stunner, before immersion in an ice slurry, which is dewatered after 20 min. Quality was assessed for up to 10 days of storage on ice following slaughter. No differences were found between the slaughter methods in terms of an overall carcass quality: overall appearance, haemorrhage, damage, burst gall bladder, staining of the body cavity by leakage from the gut or damage to the spine. No detectable difference was found between the treatments using the industry standard freshness scoring system, the Quality Index Method. Both groups of fish were classified as ‘Fresh’ after 10 days of storage on ice. Using objective measurements of colour, no differences between fish from either treatment were found in fillet colour. Changes in flesh pH were similar in electrically stunned and traditionally killed fish with a mean pH (±SE) at 2 h post‐mortem of 6.80±0.027 declining to 6.44±0.032 at 24 h post‐mortem. Humane electrical stunning of turbot at slaughter neither detectably improved nor decreased product quality as measured between 1 and 10 days of storage on ice.  相似文献   

The recent idea that fish, like all vertebrates, have emotional brains is based on new evidence about the evolution of the brains of vertebrates, and about homologies between behavioural, neurohormonal and neurostructural features of fish and mammals (humans). Therefore it is now assumed that fish are liable to suffer, and should be slaughtered by methods that induce insensibility by the fastest way, as is required for mammals. Two commercial methods for slaughtering eel, decapitation and brining, were experimentally tested and found inadequate: severed eel heads showed signs of life for up to 8 h; after the brining procedure eels remained alive for up to 18 h. It has been too readily assumed that, like a mammal, a fish is killed immediately by decapitation. The so-called isolated gill preparation, a standard method for studying various gill functions, but actually involving part of a severed fish head, is one further example of this shallow generalization.  相似文献   


Eleven commercial processing lines for the slaughter of Atlantic salmon were evaluated to investigate the efficiency of the refrigerated seawater live chilling method with respect to stunning fish and reducing body temperature. The method is commonly used in the Norwegian salmon industry to both stun and chill fish before killing. Carbon dioxide gas was added to the live chilling tanks, or in some cases, to a subsequent carbon dioxide stunning tank. Criteria used for evaluation were water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, temperature, total ammonium, ammonia, alkalinity, color, total organic carbon, and ferric ion), fish behavior, white muscle pH, and body and core temperatures. At two processing plants, fillet quality (Roche color, texture, ultimate pH, and water content) was also determined. The results are discussed in terms of fish acclimation temperatures, water quality, welfare, handling stress, chilling efficiency, pre-live chilling factors, refrigerated seawater live chilling process parameters, and fillet quality. Even though the live chilling method can be used to minimize fish handling stress during slaughter and may serve as an efficient chilling method, it was found in most cases that under commercial conditions when large biomasses were slaughtered, both handling stress and chilling efficiency were less than optimal. However, no adverse effects on the fillet texture and color were observed as a result of fish processing.  相似文献   

The most common commercial slaughter method for portion-sized rainbow trout is asphyxiation in ice slurry. This method is however widely believed to expose the fish to unnecessary pain and suffering. The industry is consequently seeking an alternative method, which offers improved welfare of the fish at slaughter. Electric stunning of fish in water is identified as a suitable method. Parameters of an electric field that stuns trout beyond the point of recovery without causing carcass damage have been identified. A 60-s exposure to a 1000-Hz sinusoidal electric field of 250 V/m r.m.s. is recommended. Several practical options for implementing this method on commercial trout farms are identified and equipment for one of these approaches has been built and tested. The UK trout industry appears to be moving towards electric stunning as its preferred slaughter method.  相似文献   

Pre‐slaughter handling involves fasting fish and catching them, which can affect fish welfare and flesh quality, but few studies have considered their combined effects. In this study, adult rainbow trout (320 ± 10 g average weight) were fasted for 7 days (135.6 degree days) and subjected to a long catch duration (20 min), compared with controls (no fasting or short catch duration). Condition factor, organ weight indexes and carcass yield decreased with fasting but not catch duration. Plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased after a long catch, while plasma triglycerides decreased with fasting. Liver glycogen concentration was lower in fasted fish, and liver luminosity and chroma were higher after fasting with a long catch. Regarding flesh quality, rigor mortis resolved more slowly and final muscle pH at 48 hr post‐mortem was higher for fasted fish with a long catch time. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in fasted fish, where chroma was also lower. Fasted fish had lower lipid oxidation, but there were no differences in fat content in muscle. Fasted fish with a long catch duration also had less monounsaturated and more saturated fatty acids. In conclusion, a long catch triggered a stress response that had negative effects on flesh quality, independently of fasting.  相似文献   

Fish welfare at harvest is easily compromised by poor choice of handling and slaughter methods, lack of attention to detail and by unnecessary adherence to fish farming traditions. The harvest process comprises fasting the fish to empty the gut, crowding the fish, gathering and moving the fish using brails, fish pumps, and sometimes also road or boat transport and finally stunning and killing the fish. The harvesting processes commonly used for bass, bream, carp, catfish, cod, eel, halibut, pangasius, salmon, tilapia, trout, tuna and turbot are outlined. These harvesting processes are discussed; the consequences for fish welfare identified and practical tests which can be made at the harvest site highlighted. Welfare at harvest for the majority of farmed fish species can be improved by adopting and adapting existing procedures already known to be beneficial for fish welfare through their use in other fish farming systems or with other species. It is seldom necessary to develop completely new concepts or methods.  相似文献   

Tool use was once considered the sole domain of humans. Over the last 40 years, however, it has become apparent that tool use may be widespread across the animal kingdom. Pioneering studies in primates have shaped the way we think about tool use in animals, but have also lead to a bias both in terms of our expectations about which animals should be capable of using tools and the working definition of tool use. Here I briefly examine tool use in terrestrial animals and consider the constraints of the current working definition of tool use in fishes. Fishes lack grasping limbs and operate underwater where there are clear constraints with respect to the physics of tool use that differ dramatically from the terrestrial environment. I then examine all of the documented accounts of tool use in fishes. The review reveals that tool use seems to be confined to a limited number of fish taxa, particularly the wrasse, which may show similarities with the greater than expected number of examples of tool use in primates and corvids amongst mammals and birds, respectively. As fish are seldom studied as intensely as birds and mammals, there is a clear need for further observation of tool use in fishes. It is likely that further examples will be unveiled allowing us to perform comparative analyses of the evolution of tool use in fish.  相似文献   

A framework for the study of macronutrient intake in fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A good understanding of the capabilities of commercially reared fish species to regulate intake of specific macronutrients has potential economic, welfare and environmental benefits. We present a conceptual and experimental framework for studying macronutrient intake in fish. This ‘geometric’ approach addresses the multidimensional and interactive nature of nutrition. It was developed from work on insect herbivores and has successfully been applied to mammals and birds. The various components of the framework are introduced in simple outlines, and key experimental designs are described for assessing whether or not fish specifically regulate their intake of macronutrients, how they balance over-ingesting some nutrients against undereating others when provided with suboptimal diets, and how they regulate growth post-ingestively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess whether high‐pressure injection of air into the brain of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) could render the animal unconscious and insensible immediately and permanently. In the study, 48 African catfish with a live weight of 900–1900 g were restrained and equipped with EEG and ECG electrodes and then stunned. The catfish were stunned mechanically using a captive needle pistol. The pressure to shoot the needle was 8 bar and that to inject the air was 3 bar for 1.5 s. The catfish behaviour was observed during and after stunning. τ and δ waves and spikes, which precede a stoppage in brain activity as measured on the EEG, were used as indices for the measurement of immediate induction of unconsciousness and insensibility In 23 of 42 fish, an iso‐electric line was observed after an average of 13.4 s, while in the remaining fish the τ and δ waves and spikes remained on the EEG during the recording period. In all cases, the ECG showed an irregular heart rate with fibrillation and extra systolae. Moreover, the configuration showed ischaemia. Before the captive needle stunning, free‐swimming fish (n=7) explored the tank for an average of 21±12 s before lying down at the bottom. After stunning, they showed clonic uncoordinated swimming movements. The movements stopped after an average of 38±50 s. In another group (n=7) that was stunned and subsequently placed in ice water, clonic cramps were observed in two out of seven animals. When taking into account the number of animals with a reliable EEG (n=42) and using 95% confidence intervals, it was concluded that at least 93% of the catfish were effectively stunned using a correctly positioned captive needle pistol. Furthermore, it is recommended to immobilize the stunned fish by chilling, as the post‐stun clonic cramps may hinder gutting and filleting.  相似文献   

以动物福利和人类福利的关联性为出发点,探讨我国水产养殖产业的潜在升级驱动力,目标是探索从终端品质倒推我国水产养殖产业从量到质升级的切实可行性。本文以养殖鱼类为焦点,从动物福利视角探索我国水产品形象与品质的提升空间,从以下几个方面进行了系统回顾。第一,基于对陆生脊椎动物福利的五项自由原则和三大范畴的系统回顾,对比动物福利在家畜家禽业的研究发展历程,对鱼类福利的发展历程与现状进行了脉络梳理;第二,针对鱼类福利的量化评估问题,从生理应激、行为应激以及心理应激三大应激响应机制,对与鱼类福利评价体系相关的研究进展进行了回顾,重点针对评价指标及评价方法进行了归纳总结;第三,针对养殖鱼类产业,重点对养殖过程、离水捕捞以及致死处置三个主要环节的鱼类福利特点及研究利用现状进行了分析讨论。最后,分析指出我国渔后动物福利存在盲区,提出了品质易逝期动物福利方案的思路。提出基于品质易逝期动物福利原则以实现锁鲜调控的展望:①为最大限度保持原料天然属性,突破“活而不鲜”的困局;②为改变初级水产品销售现状,减少渔后损失实行渔后的产业化;③为降低水产品供应链碳排放;④为实现水产动物福利等,提供一揽子解决方案的研究与实践范式。总之,科学解读渔后动物福利对于终端品质升级提供具有靶向性指导,同时通过优质产品形象为我国渔业产业赋予人文内涵。  相似文献   

. A reliable assessment of animal welfare-suffering and of its impact on product quality requires a multidisciplinary approach that takes into account fish behaviour and the different biochemical and physiological processes involved. This might be done by the contemporary study of changes of indicators of brain function, endocrine responses, post mortem tissue biochemical processes and quality changes. This work reviewed some of the most used indices of stress at the time of slaughter, commercial slaughter methods and related stress effects on physical and biochemical parameters of fish quality. The set of the available data seemed to indicate that, although of some results appear contradictory, pre-slaughter and slaughter stressful practices could have an important effect on the flesh quality in fish. A clear effect emerged mostly on the physical properties of flesh, because severe stress at slaughter time exhausted muscular energies, produced more lactic acid, reduced muscular pH, increased the rate of rigor mortis onset. In this way they could have significant negative effects on technological traits, flesh quality and keeping quality of fish. Asphyxia and electrically stunned fish were more stressed than spiked, knocked and live chilled fish. Combining various methods together might be a more satisfactory strategy for both animal welfare and product quality.  相似文献   

European eels reaching the silver stage stop feeding in freshwater and during their spawning migration to the Sargasso sea (6000 km at least in the Ocean). The total duration of this exceptional fast is not well known. Few data are available on the general condition and the endocrine responses to starvation of migrating eels. In this study male (silver) and female (yellow and silver) eels were kept in freshwater without food for various lengths of time. Animals were killed after 7 months to 3 or 4 years. After a gradual decrease, the final body weight was reduced by 84% in males (52 months) and 67–69% in females (up to 4 years). The condition factor (K) followed a parallel curve. In the pituitary gland, GH cells were hypertrophied and highly stimulated. Their cross-sectional area was negatively correlated to K. Large GH cells remained well immunostained with an anti-eel GH serum after 7 to 12 months of starvation. In the leanest eels, the immunostaining was often reduced and many GH cells appeared degranulated, suggesting a low hormonal storage. In contrast, SL cells were reduced in size and number in the anterior half of the neurointermediate lobe (NIL), but showed a more heterogeneous picture in the caudal portion. GH and SL cell activities seemed to be negatively correlated in starved fish and controlled by different mechanisms. GH appears to play a major role in the long-term survival of fasted eels; SL does not seem to be involved.  相似文献   

This experiment deals with the effects of pre‐slaughter stress and storage temperature on muscle pH, fillet contraction, colour and texture in pre‐rigor filleted farmed cod fillets. The fish were either sedated with a low dose of MS‐222 (14.3 mg L?1) (unstressed groups) or exposed to the air for 3 min (stressed groups) before being submerged in a benzocaine bath (150 g L?1). The fish were then killed by a blow to the head, their gills cut, filleted and finally stored at either 4 or 20°C. The stressed groups had significantly lower pH values after slaughter (pH=7.0) than the unstressed groups (pH=7.3). This difference was maintained until post rigor for the fish stored at 4°C, but at 20°C it was immediately overshadowed by a decrease in pH caused by temperature‐dependent processes. The length contraction and changes in registered colour values were more pronounced at both the higher temperature and the higher level of pre‐slaughter stress. Again temperature dominated, but significant and consistent effects were registered from stress. No significant effects of stress on texture post rigor were observed. It is concluded that high storage temperature masks the majority of effects caused by pre‐slaughter stress on the measured variables. Stress management protocols, however, are important when the fillets are kept at the common storage temperature of 4°C.  相似文献   

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