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Trace element deficiencies in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deficiency of cobalt, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, selenium, or zinc can cause a reduction in production. Reduced production occurs most commonly when a deficiency corresponds to the phases of growth, reproduction, or lactation. Because of environmental, nutrient, disease, genetic, and drug interactions, deficiencies of single or multiple elements can occur even when the levels recommended by the National Research Council for these nutrients are being fed. Additionally, random supplementation of trace elements above National Research Council recommendations is not justified because of the negative interaction among nutrients and potential toxicosis. Evaluation of trace element status can be difficult because many disease states will alter blood analytes used to evaluate nutrient adequacy. Proper dietary and animal evaluation, as well as response to supplementation, are necessary before diagnosing a trace element deficiency.  相似文献   

Clinical zinc and copper deficiencies in cattle of western Sudan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Clinical cases of both Zn and Cu deficiencies are reported in a cattle farm in Kordofan Region of the Sudan after drought. The animals showed general weakness, stunted growth, infertility, parakeratosis and achromotrichia. There was macrocytic hypochromic anaemia and low Cu and Zn concentrations in sera. The condition was more prevalent in zebu-Friesian crosses than the local breeds. Drought and marginal or low Cu and Zn content in pasture may be the predisposing factors.  相似文献   

张元跃 《中国饲料》2000,(21):19-20
维生素E是一种不可缺少的动物营养物质 ,在畜牧生产特别是奶牛生产中 ,它作为一种营养物添加剂或营养性药物 ,广泛用于奶业生产、奶牛繁殖和疾病防治中 ,成为提高奶牛生产力如产奶量的有效措施。奶牛维生素E的NRC需要量为 1 5IU/kg干物质采食量 ,即大致相当于干奶牛 1 50IU/d和产奶牛30 0IU/d的摄入量。这个需要量是总量而不是补充量。1 饲料中维生素E的含量饲料中维生素E含量的变化很大 ,新鲜与贮存饲草维生素E含量的变异系数大于 50 %。新鲜青绿饲草的维生素E含量较高 ,为 80~ 2 0 0IU/kg ,而干草和青贮饲草维生…  相似文献   

Using high pressure liquid chromatography the serum concentration of vitamin E was measured in dairy cows fed either hay or silage as their main roughage, in calves fed milk-replacer, and in young intensively fed bulls. The concentrates fed to the cows, calves and bulls were supplemented with 5–10, 25 and 5–10 mg DL-α-tocopheryl acetate per kg, respectively, and the milk-replacer for the calves was supplemented with 50 mg DL-α-tooopheryl acetate per kg powder. Cows fed silage as their main roughage had higher serum vitamin E concentrations (: 3.8–5.2 mg/l) than cows fed only hay (: 2.5–4.1 mg/1). Lactating cows had higher vitamin E concentrations than dry cows (: 4.1–5.2 and 2.5–3.8 mg/l, respectively) and calves and bulls had much lower vitamin E concentrations (: 1.4 and 1.2 mg/l, respectively) than cows. Thirty per cent of the calves and 41 % of the bulls had serum vitamin E concentrations less than 1.0 mg/l, suggesting that in these animals the conventional level of supplementation of feeds with DL-α-tocopheryl acetate in Sweden is probably inadequate for the prevention of nutritional muscular degeneration and other negative effects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the vitamin D status in cattle with malignant catarrhal fever (MCF). Twelve cattle diagnosed as MCF and 6 healthy cattle (controls) were used in the study. Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25-D), 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25-D), calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were determined as 96.83 pg/ml, 30.0 ng/ml, 2.19 mmol/l, 1.57 mmol/l and 15.21 pg/ml in MCF group and 42.33 pg/ml, 37.0 ng/ml, 2.43 mmol/l, 1.96 mmol/l and 36.08 pg/ml in controls, respectively. Although serum 1,25-D level in the MCF group was increased (P<0.01), serum calcium (P<0.01) and PTH (P<0.05) levels were decreased compared to the controls. The results suggest that there might be an interaction between vitamin D status and MCF.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in mineral profiles in serum of grazing dairy cattle and the concentrations of nutrients available from forages were determined in western Sudan. Blood samples were collected seasonally from dairy cows, Kenana and Botana breeds, in 6 locations in Kordofan and Darfur. Data were analysed as a split-plot design with repeated measures. The results indicated there were significant seasonal changes in concentrations of P, Cu and K, Ca, Mg, Na, Co, and Zn in blood serum of grazing cows. Concentrations of P, Ca and Na in serum were lowest during the late dry season (4.5 mg/dl, 8.21 mg/dl and 129 mEq/L respectively), while concentrations of Cu, deficient throughout the year, were lowest during the rainy season (0.35 µg/ml). The interaction of location×season was significant for serum P, Ca, Cu, Mg, Na, Co and K. Kenana cattle had lower Zn in serum (0.96 µg/ml) than Botana cattle (1.13 µg/ml). During the dry season, forages had very low CP (3.5±0.5%), high neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (67.5±1.8%) and high acid detergent (ADF) (38.5±1.2%) content. Calcium, P and Na levels in forages were deficient during the dry season (0.38±0.03%, 0.08±0.03% and 0.047±0.01% respectively). Copper also was deficient in forages during the dry season, but adequate during the mid-rainy season (3.0±2.4 and 26.1±1.5 mg/kg respectively). In conclusion, the low Cu concentration in sera of cattle indicated a possible nutritional deficiency throughout the year, while P, Ca, and Na were low in sera during the late dry season. Thus, seasonal deficiencies of minerals may affect productivity of cattle in the Kordofan and Darfur regions of Sudan.  相似文献   

Vitamin D (VitD) is involved in important mammalian physiological mechanisms, such as Ca–P metabolism, bone development and immunological response. VitD deficiencies are frequently detected in domestic animals and related to various health problems (e.g., rickets, bone deformation). However, knowledge about the status of VitD in wildlife species, such as the wild boar, is scarce. The aims of this work were to explore VitD status in wild boar populations from mid‐western Spain and to elucidate the influence of daylight exposure and food supplementation in levels of VitD. Serum concentration of VitD (measured as 25‐hydroxivitaminD) was assessed in 276 wild boar from 27 game estates located in mid‐western Spain using a commercial ELISA kit. In 19 out of 27 estates, the staff supplied a specific VitD‐enriched food (2,000 UI/Kg) ad libitum throughout the year, while in the remaining estates (8), no food was supplied. Blood samples were extracted from hunted animals (198) between October and February of hunting seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, and from live wild boar (78) that were captured, sampled and released (March–September of 2017). The percentage of animals with VitD deficiency (<20 ng/ml), VitD insufficiency (20–30 ng/ml) and VitD sufficiency (>30 ng/ml) was estimated, and the relationship of these levels to factors like sex, age and season was assessed using chi‐square tests. Furthermore, associations between daylight exposure and supplemental food with VitD levels were explored using linear models. Of the studied wild boar population, 82.2% showed a VitD deficiency or insufficiency. VitD deficiencies were more frequent in animals sampled in winter and spring. Furthermore, levels of VitD positively correlated with daylight exposure and supplemental food intake. Ad libitum supplementation with VitD‐enriched food was insufficient to prevent VitD deficiencies in wild boar from November to April, probably because food consumption is lower during this period.  相似文献   

Diabetes insipidus, arising from damage to or congenital abnormalities of the neurohypophysis, is the most common pituitary deficiency in animals. Hypopituitarism and isolated growth hormone or thyrotropin deficiency may result in growth abnormalities in puppies and kittens. In addition, treatment of associated hormone deficiencies, such as hypothyroidism and hypoadrenocorticism, in patients with panhypopituitarism is vital to restore adequate growth in dwarfed animals. Secondary hypoadrenocorticism is an uncommon clinical entity; however differentiation of primary versus secondary adrenal insufficiency is of utmost importance in determining optimal therapy. This article will focus on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of hormone deficiencies of the pituitary gland and neurohypophysis.  相似文献   

From early 1999 onwards, cattle health problems accompanied by chronic wasting of unknown aetiology were reported on a number of dairy farms. An association between these health problems and the compulsory use of gE-negative marker vaccines against bovine herpesvirus 1 was presumed by farmers. On one dairy farm an increased milk production of 50% was reported within a few days after parenteral vitamin B12 treatment. Therefore, the current study was designed to determine the effect of parenteral vitamin B12 treatment on the milk production of dairy herds with wasting cattle. A randomized blind trial was performed in five problem herds and two control herds. On each farm five lactating cows were injected intramuscularly with 20 mg vitamin B12 and paired with five untreated lactating cows. The milk production of treated and untreated animals was measured for 19 days following treatment and compared to pre-treatment production. No effect of vitamin B12 treatment on milk production was established on either problem farms or control farms. Neither was a difference detected in the response to vitamin B12 treatment between problem herds and control herds. In a second experiment, parenteral vitamin B12 treatment was applied in three problem herds by local veterinary practitioners. The results of this experiment were in line with the results of the first experiment.  相似文献   

The role of tocopherol in animal health, and its inter-relationship with selenium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, are reviewed.  相似文献   

Analysis of liver from clinically normal animals showed a mean alpha-tocopherol level of 20 mg/kg for cattle and 6 mg/kg for sheep. The corresponding normal values (mean +/- 2 S.D.) were 9 to 44 mg/kg and 1.8 to 20 mg/kg. The usefulness and assessment of tocopherol analyses on liver and serum samples are discussed in the light of these normal values and routine diagnostic submissions.  相似文献   

Background: Marbling, or intramuscular fat, is an important factor contributing to the palatability of beef. Vitamin A, through its active metabolite, retinoic acid, promotes the formation of new fat cells(adipogenesis). As intramuscular adipogenesis is active during the neonatal stage, we hypothesized that vitamin A administration during the neonatal stage would enhance intramuscular adipogenesis and marbling.Methods: Angus steer calves(n = 30), in a completely randomized design, were randomly allotted to three treatment groups at birth, receiving 0, 150,000, or 300,000 IU of vitamin A at both birth and one month of age.A biopsy of the biceps femoris muscle was collected at two months of age. After weaning at 210 d of age, steers were fed a backgrounding diet in a feedlot until 308 d of age, when they were transitioned to a high concentrate finishing diet and implanted with trenbolone/estradiol/tylosin mixture. Steers were harvested at an average of 438 d of age. All diets were formulated to meet nutrient requirements.Results: Weaning weight and weight during the backgrounding phase were linearly increased(P 0.05) by vitamin A level, though no difference in body weight was observed at harvest. Intramuscular fat of steers at 308 d of age, measured by ultrasound, quadratically increased(P 0.05) with vitamin A level from 4.0±0.26 % to 4.9±0.26 %.Similarly, carcass marbling score in the ribeye quadratically increased(P 0.05).Conclusion: Administration of vitamin A at birth increased weaning weight and enhanced marbling fat development.Thus, vitamin A administration provides a practical method for increasing marbling and early growth of beef cattle.  相似文献   

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