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转基因产品日益走进人们的日常生活,目前已批准商品化的转基因作物有大豆、玉米、油菜、棉花、番茄、烟草、菊苣等。玉米作为世界上重要的粮食作物之一,其安全性与实用性受到了高度重视。从基因结构、潜在安全性和现有检测方法等方面简要介绍了转基因Bt-176玉米的研究进展。  相似文献   

The bacterial ring rot disease of potato (Corynebacterium sepedonicum) can be detected in seed potato lots by serological tests with greater accuracy than by visual field inspections. Indexing tests can make use of highly specific immunofiuorescence probes, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and perhaps other procedures. Sensitivity and specificity of these procedures need to be determined in order to estimate the confidence with which ring rot can be detected in a seed lot. In addition to the laboratory tests, the sampling strategy determines the efficacy and sensitivity of the indexing procedure. Samples might consist of stems, leaf petioles, or tubers in single or composite units. Disease incidence and number of plants sampled also determine the confidence level with which ring rot can be detected in a potato seed lot. Although research has been conducted on many aspects of ring rot testing procedures, further work needs to be done. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that indexing potato seed lots for the presence of ring rot will be a significant factor in control and eradication of the disease.  相似文献   

农业转基因生物环境安全检测标准是农业转基因生物安全管理必不可少的技术保障.截至2021年1月,农业部/农业农村部共发布了农业转基因生物环境安全检测标准47项.本文对我国农业转基因生物环境安全检测标准体系现状进行初步总结,对国内外农业转基因生物环境安全检测标准的发展现状进行比较,探讨了今后一段时间内农业转基因生物环境安全...  相似文献   

Long days partially depress tiller growth of spring cereals. In this study we characterised and quantified growing conditions and cultivar-induced variation in tiller traits and contribution of tillers to grain yield. Experiments were done at two locations in southern Finland, incorporating two nitrogen fertiliser application rates (80 and 120 kg N ha−1) and 12 two-row barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), 10 six-row barley, ten oat (Avena sativa L.) and 11 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Spring cereal species differed significantly in their tillering: two-row barley was superior compared with other spring cereals, with the highest number and growth capacity of tillers and head-bearing tillers. Grain yield produced by tillers was, however, always modest compared with that of main shoots, ranging from 13% and 15% in oat and wheat to 20% in six-row barley and 64% in two-row barley. Cultivar and growing condition-induced differences were marked in tiller traits, but tillers were never able to out-yield the main shoot. This is likely to be emphasised by standard use of high seeding rates. Tillers are dominated by the main shoot under long day conditions at high latitudes, and tiller yield potential remains clearly underutilised even under conditions favouring growth.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Lagrangian random flight model was constructed for numerical simulations of maize pollen dispersion. The model simulates the paths of tracer particles which are interpreted as individual pollen grains, with particle motion determined by the mean flow and a stochastic turbulent velocity. The Lagrangian approach was chosen because it can be extended to complex flow regimes. The capacity of the model to simulate measured patterns of pollen deposition was tested by comparing simulations to measurements for a small maize canopy isolated within a large field of soybeans near Ames, Iowa, USA in August 2003. For this application, measurements from a single point meteorological observation were used to generate a surface layer wind profile over the maize canopy and surrounding soybean field. The method used to construct the wind field included development of internal boundary layers as the airflow passed from one canopy surface to another. The dispersion model produced spatial patterns of particle deposition that included the sharp near-source deposition gradient consistent with observations. The model tended to over-predict particle deposition near the source field and under-predict deposition at greater distances. Inclusion of the effect of the roughness difference between the maize canopy and the surrounding soybean canopy on the flow field was found to be essential for simulation accuracy. Agreement with observations improved considerably by including an approximation for vertical motions induced by changes in surface cover. These results indicate that the Lagrangian random flight model provides a realistic simulation of pollen dispersal from an isolated maize canopy. A more complete hydrodynamic model should be explored to better represent the influence of surface inhomogeneities on winds and turbulence.  相似文献   

转基因食品的安全问题一直为人们所关注,针对与食品链关系密切的转基因大豆在加工过程中各个环节进行分析及跟踪溯源研究,建立起我国转基因大豆的溯源与污染评估体系,为我国的转基因产品的标识、监管、保护消费者知情权等方面制度建立提供重要科学依据与研究基础。  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer represents a significant cost of production for the grower and may also have environmental impacts through nitrate leaching, use of fossil fuels for manufacture and application, and N2O emissions associated with denitrification. The development of N-efficient cultivars will be of economic benefit to farmers and will help to reduce environmental contamination associated with excessive inputs of N fertilizers. The physiological, metabolic and physio-chemico processes that may contribute to high N-use efficiency (NUE) and reduced N fertilizer inputs while maintaining an acceptable yield are reviewed and the prospects for application in breeding programs discussed. Promising N management strategies for high NUE are also considered. Traits operating from the cellular to the whole-crop scale, including root traits, nitrate assimilation, N partitioning, leaf and canopy photosynthesis, senescence, grain N remobilization and grain protein content and composition, are discussed in relation to their optimization in both feed and bread-making cultivars. Promising traits for selection by breeders to increase NUE are identified, and approaches for their integration at the whole plant level discussed. It is concluded that: (i) increased root length density (RLD) at depth, (ii) a high capacity for N accumulation in the stem, potentially associated with a high maximum N-uptake rate, (iii) low leaf lamina N concentration, (iv) more efficient post-anthesis remobilization of N from stems to grain, but less efficient remobilization of N from leaves to grain, both potentially associated with delayed senescence, and (v) a reduced grain N concentration may be of particular value for increasing NUE in feed wheat cultivars; and (vi) for bread-making cultivars, high NUE may be associated with high capacities for uptake and assimilation of N, with high post-anthesis N remobilization efficiency and/or specific grain protein composition.  相似文献   

采用PCR技术检测CaMV 35S启动子,并进一步通过PCR检测RoundUp Ready Soybean(RRS)和Btl76 Maximaizer的特异性DNA片段,判断大豆和玉米加工产品中是否含相应转基因成分.在1份豆粕和豆腐样品中检测到了RoundUp Ready大豆特异性的498 bp片段,而在玉米粒样品中检测到了Btl76特异性转基因成分.PCR检测的灵敏度达到0.1%,稳定性良好.结果表明,PCR技术检测外源基因是灵敏和准确的,可以广泛地应用到转基因作物及其加工产品的转基因成分检测中.  相似文献   

旱稻生产现状分析及发展策略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了发展旱稻生产的意义,从种植分布、种植方式、品种资源等方面分析了旱稻生产的现状,从根系特征特性、产量及构成因素、抗旱形态特征等方面分析了旱稻的抗旱机理,综述了旱稻栽培技术的发展情况,在此基础上提出了发展旱稻生产的策略.  相似文献   

植物虚拟研究现状及展望   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
在阐述虚拟植物研究意义的基础上。介绍了生成植物图形的方法.概述了国内外虚拟植物模型研究情况,提出了虚拟研究存在的问题,并对此领域的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

microRNA(miRNA)是一类小分子的非编码RNA,可通过对其靶基因mRNA的降解或翻译抑制调控基因表达。目前除对拟南芥、水稻和杨树等模式植物已进行研究之外,对麦类作物的miRNA也进行了初步研究。利用生物信息学预测和小分子RNA测序的方法,目前已克隆了一系列小麦和大麦miRNA,包括物种保守的miRNA及麦类特有的miRNA。靶基因预测及miRNA表达谱分析显示这些麦类miRNA的表达具有时空特异性,可能参与生长发育及胁迫应答的调控。这些数据为进一步研究植物miRNA的进化及麦类miR-NA参与的特异调控功能提供了线索及依据。  相似文献   

指出了目前汉寿县油菜生产中存在的问题,剖析了问题的症结,提出了"行政引导、推广良种、规范栽培和产业化开发"的振兴油菜生产的对策.  相似文献   

In the northernmost European environments of Finland, large variability in the yield and quality of crops is a critical source of uncertainty for growers and end-users of grain. The aims of this study were (i) to quantify and compare the plasticity, i.e., cultivar responsiveness to environment, in yield of spring oat, spring wheat, six-row barley, two-row barley, winter rye, winter wheat, turnip rape and oilseed rape, (ii) to explore the existence of hierarchies or positive correlations in the plasticity of agronomic, yield and quality traits and (iii) to probe for trends in yield plasticity associated with different eras of breeding for yield potential and agronomic traits. Plasticities of yield, agronomic and quality traits were derived as slopes of norms of reaction using MTT Agrifood Research Finland data sets combining long-term (1970-2008 for cereals and 1976-2008 for rapeseed) results from 15 to 26 locations. Plasticity of yield ranged typically between 0.8 and 1.2, was smallest for six-row barley (0.84-1.11) and largest for winter rye (0.72-1.36). We found two types of associations between plasticity of yield and yield under stressful or favourable conditions for cereals but none for rape. In spring wheat, oat and six-row barley, high yield plasticity was associated with crop responsiveness to favourable conditions rather than yield reductions under stressful conditions. Modern spring wheat cultivars had higher maximum grain yields compared to older ones at the same level of plasticity. In winter wheat and rye, high yield plasticity resulted from the combination of high yield in favourable conditions and low yield in stressful environments. Many associations between yield plasticity and other traits were identified in cereals: e.g., high yield plasticity was often associated with higher grain weight, more grains per square meter, later maturity (contrary to turnip rape), shorter plants, less lodging and lower grain protein content and in winter cereals with higher winter damage.  相似文献   

从玉米转基因的受体选择、遗传转化方法和原理、标记基因的选择、表达载体构建和启动子的选择及玉米转基因研究、生产和应用前景等方面,阐述了玉米转基因研究的进展。  相似文献   

自从1990年首次获得可育的玉米转化体以来,转基因玉米研究与产业化取得飞速发展。应用转基因技术培育了一批抗除草剂、抗虫、抗病、抗逆、优质的转基因材料,转基因玉米生产已实现产业化。本文就近年来玉米转基因研究在转化技术体系、影响因素、筛选、鉴定等方面的进展做一概述,并就有关问题提出建议。  相似文献   

Flower color, an important rapeseed character, has great practical value and research significance. It has become an area of intensive research in recent years. This paper summarizes the latest research progress on rape flower color in terms of variety, source, pigment composition, formation mechanism, and omics. Moreover, it provides an overview of rape flower color breeding and omics.  相似文献   

转基因抗草甘膦除草剂大豆GTS 40-3-2作为目前在最多国家和地区批准种植的转基因大豆,除榨取大豆油外,剩余的豆粕等副产品被用作动物饲料。通过对山西省太谷周边11个动物养殖户的饲料进行转基因标识情况专项调查,采用定性和定量PCR技术对转基因抗草甘膦除草剂大豆GTS 40-3-2含有的Ca MV35S启动子、NOS终止子、Cp4-EPSPS及大豆内标Lectin基因进行检测。结果表明:11份饲料全部含有转基因抗草甘膦除草剂大豆GTS 40-3-2成分,且其含量各不相同,其中蛋鸡饲料GTS 40-3-2转化体的含量最低,但所有饲料均无转基因标识。试验为我国转基因饲料饲用安全性评价体系提供了试验数据支持,同时也对来源于转基因作物的原材料产品的合理应用以及通过转基因饲料喂养动物所产生的农畜产品的安全性评价具有重要的现实和理论意义。  相似文献   

利用多重PCR结合DHPLC技术首次建立转基因玉米高通量快速检测方法。根据公布的转基因玉米外源基因序列设计并合成适合多重PCR的引物序列,以转基因玉米为模板,通过优化多重PCR和DHPLC的反应条件,建立一套同时快速筛选检测玉米中多种转基因成分的7重PCR-DHPLC检测方法。该方法的检测灵敏度为0.195 ng/μL,质粒检测灵敏度为1×103拷贝/μL。  相似文献   

为了满足转基因玉米成分检测中阳性对照不易获得及不易长久保存的缺陷,通过分析公共数据库资源,建立了包含玉米内标准基因zSSIIb及遗传转化中常用的CaMV35S启动子、nos启动子、CaMV35S终止子、nos终止子的的标准分子.灵敏度检测发现,在检测体系中含有1 000个分子时,可以非常清楚扩增到所有5个片段的目的条带.随机挑选我国批准进口的7种转基因玉米,对标准分子进行验证,结果表明,在相应的阳性样品和标准分子中都能扩增到特异的目的条带,构建的标准分子可以满足作为转基因玉米筛选检测中阳性对照的要求.  相似文献   

Endogenous reference genes(ERGs) provide vital information regarding genetically modified organisms(GMOs). The successful detection of ERGs can identity GMOs and the source of genes, verify stability and reliability of the detection system, and calculate the level of genetically modified(GM)ingredients in mixtures. The reported ERGs in rice include sucrose-phosphate synthase(SPS),phospholipase D(PLD), RBE4 and rice root-specific GOS9 genes. Based on the characteristics of ERGs,a new ERG gene, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(PEPC), was selected, and further compared with the four existing genes. A total of 18 rice varieties and 29 non-rice crops were used to verify the interspecies specificity, intraspecies consistency, sensitivity, stability and reliability of these five ERGs using qualitative and quantitative PCR. Qualitative detection indicated that SPS and PEPC displayed sufficient specificity, and the detection sensitivity was 0.05% and 0.005%, respectively. Although the specificity of both RBE4 and GOS9 were adequate, the amplicons were small and easily confused with primer dimers. Non-specific amplification of the PLD gene was present in maize and potato. Real-time quantitative PCR detection indicated that PLD, SPS and PEPC displayed good specificity, with R~2 of the standard curve greater than 0.98, while the amplification efficiency ranged between 90% and 110%. Both the detection sensitivities of PLD and PEPC were five copies and that of SPS was ten copies. RBE4 showed typical amplification in maize, beet and Arabidopsis, while GOS9 was found in maize, tobacco and oats. PEPC exhibited excellent detection sensitivity and species specificity, which made it a potentially useful application in GM-rice supervision and administration. Additionally, SPS and PLD are also suitable for GM-rice detection. This study effectively established a foundation for GMO detection,which not only provides vital technical support for GMO identification, but also is of great significance for enhancing the comparability of detection results, and the standardization of ERG testing in GM-rice.  相似文献   

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