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B-glucan is one of the components that differentiate oats from other cereals and that contribute to the health-related value of oats. However, so far oats cannot easily be applied in bread-like products without loss of product quality. Here we have studied how the content and viscosity of oat β-glucan affect the technological properties of oat dough in both a gluten-free and a gluten-containing system. In both systems, increasing the β-glucan concentration resulted in an increase of dough stiffness and in a reduction of dough extensibility. β-glucan negatively impacted the elastic properties that additional wheat gluten conferred to oat dough. This effect was smaller for medium-viscosity β-glucan than for high-viscosity β-glucan. Interestingly, dough made from low β-glucan flour (<2%) had increased gas retention capacity. Overall, the impact of β-glucan on the properties of oat dough systems was governed by concentration and viscosity, with or without additional wheat gluten. Our findings indicate that β-glucan is a key component that determines the rheology of oat-based dough systems and, with that, the technological functionality of oat in dough systems.  相似文献   

Three commercial wholegrain oat (WO) flours from Finland (WOF), Ireland (WOI) and Sweden (WOS) were evaluated for their bread making ability with the objective of finding predictive relationships between flour physicochemical properties and bread quality. Overall, significant differences were found in the bread making properties of the WO flours. Good bread quality was obtained when using WOS and WOI flour since breads showed high specific loaf volume and slice height as well as low density and hardness. Low quality breads were obtained when WOF flour was used. In addition, positive effects on oat bread quality were observed for low batter viscosity and high deformability, as obtained for WOS and WOI. Based on the physicochemical analysis of the flours, water hydration capacity was found to be the main reason for increased elasticity of WOF batters. Small flour particle size, damaged starch granules and high protein content were identified as the key factors causing increased water hydration capacity. These findings suggest that WO flours with coarse particle size, limited starch damage and low protein content result in superior oat bread quality.  相似文献   

Stir-frying, similar to roasting, is a key step for oat milling process in China. The oat flour milling yield of Bayou No.2 and Bayou No.8 and their corresponding flour quality were investigated under different processing conditions (160 °C, for 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 min). Results showed that oat flour milling yield was increased after stir-frying, Bayou No.2 and Bayou No.8 reached the highest yield after a 10 min and 20 min of stir-frying, which were 45.40% and 52.96%, respectively. With the increasing of stir-frying time, the gelatinization degree and the particle size of oat flour gradually increased, while their angle of repose and L* values were reduced. RVA studies showed that the stir-fried oat flour exhibited lower peak, trough, breakdown and setback viscosities compared to not stir-fried oat flour, indicating that stir-fried oat flour formed a more stable network structure and stir-frying induced an inhibitory effect on the retrogradation of oat flour paste. Rheological analysis suggested that the low tanδ of stir-fried oat flour than that of not stir-fried oat flour, revealing that the stir-fried oat flour paste exhibited more elastic but less viscous behavior.  相似文献   

Incorporating exogenous proteins into food production is a common practice for improving processing characteristics. In the present study, oat dough containing 15% (w/w, blends of protein-oat flour basis [POB]) vital wheat gluten (VWG) or 15% (w/w, POB) egg albumin (EA) was used to produce noodles with or without gluten (i.e., gluten-free). The rheological and noodle-making characteristics of oat dough containing exogenous proteins and the effects of added transglutaminase (TGase) were examined. The results indicate that the extent of TGase’s modification of the thermomechanical and dynamic rheological characteristics (G′ and G″) is dependent on the source of exogenous proteins in the oat dough. By adding 1.0% (w/w, POB) TGase, the cooking qualities of the resulting noodles (i.e., those containing VWG and EA) were significantly elevated with lower cooking loss; the elasticity of both types of noodles increased. The effects of TGase in different dough systems were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. In oat dough prepared with VWG, TGase was shown to catalyse the cross-linking of both oat protein and gluten protein; however, oat protein acted as the only substrate of TGase in the noodles that had been prepared with EA.  相似文献   

Four oat cultivars adapted for soil and climate conditions in the southern region of Brazil were evaluated for protein nutritive value. Evaluations were done both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro evaluation was done by essential amino acid profile, available lysine, amino acid scoring, and protein digestibility corrected amino acid-scoring (PDCAAS). Nitrogen balance indices and PER were determined in vivo with rats. In all four cultivars (UFP-15, UFP-16, CTC-03, UFRGS-14), lysine was the most limiting amino acid. Available lysine, amino acid score and PDCAAS were highest for cultivar UFRGS-14 and lowest for CTC-03. When compared to casein, only nitrogen retention for UFRGS-14 did not differ statistically (p>0.05); all other indices of protein quality were inferior to casein for the oat cultivars. The oat cultivars tended to be identical among themselves, except for apparent protein digestibility which was significantly higher in the UFRGS-14 and CTC-03 cultivars. On average, the PER values of the oat cultivars were 82% of casein; the net protein utilization was 88% of casein as determined in vivo and 49% by the estimation in vitro (PDCAAS).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of partial-vacuum baking on the quality and storage properties of gluten-free bread (GFB). Conventional (180°C-30 min at atmospheric pressure) and partial-vacuum (180°C-15 min at atmospheric pressure and at 180°C-15 min at 60 kPa vacuum pressure) methods were conducted to bake GFB. Quality attributes (specific volume, colour, texture, total water loss) were assessed, DSC and SEM analyses were carried out to understand the effect on the bread's microstructure when using vacuum during baking. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the hardness and specific volume of the partial-vacuum baked GFB; however, changes in the total water loss and in the total colour change were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The DSC, SEM and XRD results showed that more crystalline structure and different starch crystal types formed after partial-vacuum baking. Storage properties were also investigated over a 3-day period. Partial-vacuum baking significantly affected the total water loss and the texture parameters (p < 0.05) during storage. Partial-vacuum baked samples were softer and had a tendency to become stale more slowly than the control. The findings indicate that the partial-vacuum baking method increases the shelf life of gluten-free products by modifying the microstructure of the bread.  相似文献   

Up to now, most of the research available to improve gluten-free (GF) bread is based on substituting or imitating the gluten network. Slightly less attention is given to technological approaches that modify batter properties such as consistency. This review summarizes the most recent advances to improve GF bread quality, focusing on latest conventional ingredients (e.g. hydrocolloids) and new innovative approaches to replace the gluten-network (i.e., use of enzymes, alternative polymer network), but especially on novel technological approaches, such as high hydrostatic pressure, sourdough technology and non-conventional heating methods. In general, hydrocolloids are still the most studied and well-known additives to gluten-free products, followed by the use of crosslinking enzymes. Within the review, special focus is given to the application of arabinoxylans, which form a stable carbohydrate network in GF batters that may substitute gluten. However, it was seen that technological approaches provide better solutions for enhancing GF bread properties than the latter, especially when non-conventional baking alternatives are applied. From these, ohmic heating resulted the most promising approach to overcome bread quality issues, while remaining time and energy-efficient.  相似文献   

The properties of oat flour can be manipulated by processing to suit various consumption and product development needs. In this work, three different processes typically used on oat flour, namely the extrusion, drum drying and enzyme-treatment spray drying process were evaluated with respect to how each process changes the quality of the oat flour. Results showed that the extrusion process produced oat flour with the best flow ability while the enzyme-treated spray drying process led to the lowest flowability. The color of enzyme-treated spray-drying oat flour was the brightest while the oat flours turned darker after extrusion and drum drying. In addition, drum dried oat flour had the highest capability to hold water. In terms of particle size distribution, the extruded and drum dried oat flour showed smaller particle size and the particle had less complete and irregular surfaces. On the other hand, the enzyme-treated spray-drying samples showed the best particle uniformity and sphericity. The viscosity of all the treated oat flour decreased with increasing shear rate, indicating the shear thinning behavior, and a weak gel-like behavior with very high viscosity was obtained via drum drying. The results reported here can be useful and provide a baseline to fully understand how the oat flour properties changes with different processing methods to offer a wider opportunity in using oat flour for food product fortification and design.  相似文献   

In this study, gluten free breads (GFBs) made from rice and carob flour in different proportions were investigated. Water added changed in response to the carob amount. Structural and textural parameters of the samples such as porosity, crumb grain characteristics, firmness and relative elasticity of crumb, were measured. Simple mathematical models were developed to correlate the measured properties with carob flour and water content. The simplest and most convenient mathematical model developed was a power model, indicating that water influence on GFBs characteristics was more pronounced than that of carob flour. Carob flour addition enhanced the protein, fiber and minerals amount of the produced samples, and improved their functional properties as well, when water amount used was adequate. GFBs with a ratio of carob flour/water 10/110, 15/130 and 15/140 presented higher quality, in terms of dough proofing, porosity, crumb firmness and viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of sourdough fermentation on the biochemical, rheological and bread-making performances of buckwheat flour was investigated. In order to assess the effects of the solely acidification, a chemically acidified batter with the same pH of the sourdough was prepared. Extensive hydrolysis of the globulin fraction and release of small polypeptides occurred upon fermentation. A major reduction in the extent of interactions was observed in the sourdough, mainly due to the modification of the major structural components of buckwheat during the fermentation. The hydrolysis of proteins and, possibly, starch was in turn responsible for the major decrease in elasticity observed in the sourdough. In the batters destined for bread-making, the presence of acids was the major cause for reduced elasticity and increased strength, which could be related to the enhanced water-holding capacity of the proteins and/or protein/starch complexes. The addition of sourdough induced dramatic inhibition of the CO2 production by the baker’s yeasts during proofing, resulting in lower volume and harder crumb of the sourdough bread. On the other hand, the solely acidification induced hardening of the starch gel upon cooking, which was responsible for lower volume and irregular crumb grain in buckwheat bread.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel method for making gluten-free bread using mesoscopically structured whey protein. The use of the meso-structured protein is based on the hypothesis that the gluten structure present in a developed wheat dough features a particle structure on a mesoscopic length scale (100 nm–100 μm). Whey protein particles were prepared by cold gelation of soluble whey protein aggregates during phase separation. The addition of a 2.4% whey protein particle suspension to wheat starch resulted in a dough that could be baked into a leavened bread with a specific volume up to 3.7 ml/g and a bubble size comparable with a normal bread. The relevance for structuring the whey protein into mesoscopic particles was confirmed by tests in which only a homogeneous whey protein gel or a whey protein solution was used. The protein particle system gave better results after proving and baking compared with these systems.  相似文献   

Maize prolamin (zein), together with starch, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, sugar, salt, yeast and water can form wheat-like cohesive, extensible, viscoelastic dough when mixed above room temperature (e.g. 40 °C). This dough is capable of holding gas. However, it is excessively extensible, and when used for hearth-type rolls, it tends to become flat. Bench-scale defatting of zein with chloroform at room temperature significantly (P < 0.05) improved specific volume (4.5 ml/g vs. 3.3 ml/g) and shape of the rolls (width-to-height 2.0 vs. 3.9). The total lipid content determined by accelerated solvent extraction (100 °C, 69 bar, chloroform), however, only decreased from 8.0 to 6.6% due to this bench-scale defatting. Staining experiments with Naphthol Blue Black suggested that bench-scale defatting removed surface lipids from the zein particles, and thus facilitated their aggregation. Aggregation experiments with zein and water at 40 °C, and laser scanning confocal microscopy with zein-starch dough confirmed that zein particles aggregated more easily when surface-defatted. Dynamic oscillatory temperature sweeps demonstrated that surface-defatting lowered the temperature at which protein cross-linking occurred by 2 °C. This research can help to produce superior gluten-free bread and could also possibly contribute to the better understanding of wheat dough.  相似文献   

The difficulty in finding gluten-free bread and its high price make it necessary to prolong its shelf life to facilitate its availability. Freezing is an interesting alternative. The storage of bread at over zero temperatures, 20 °C and 4 °C, showed faster staling at refrigerator temperatures. A good relationship between crumb firmness and the extent of starch recrystallization was obtained, although the effect of water loss was also detected. The study of freezing and frozen storage at −14 °C and −28 °C for 7 days showed a substantial effect of the storage temperature on gluten-free bread quality and shelf life. Breads stored at −28 °C retained a quality similar to that of fresh breads while a marked deterioration of the breads stored at −14 °C was observed. This effect, the strongest on bread texture, was a result of starch recrystallization. The glass transition, Tg’ and onset of ice melting, Tm’ of the maximally freeze-concentrated bread crumb were −37.1 ± 0.6 °C and −19.3 ± 0.2 °C respectively. The higher amount of unfrozen water at −14 °C could explain the acceleration of reactions responsible for bread staling during frozen storage. The use of storage temperatures below Tm’ is recommended to retain high quality of the gluten-free bread during frozen storage.  相似文献   

Genetic yield improvements in oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars grown at high latitudes have resulted from marked changes in harvest index and yield components. This study was designed to investigate whether such changes have entailed alterations in duration of different developmental phases: vegetative, generative and grain filling phases and pre-anthesis generative sub-phases such as pre-fertile, pre-abortion, fertile pre-abortion, fertile and abortion sub-phases. We tested 14 oat cultivars released between 1921 and 1988 and 6 breeding lines. Ten randomly sampled plants of each oat entry were collected every 3–4 d (18 times) from seedling emergence until pollination, and apical developmental stages were determined on the most advanced spikelet. Cumulated degree-days (Cdd) for each critical developmental stage and component phases were determined (5 °C as a base temperature). At each measurement the number of leaves, green leaves and tillers on main shoot, apex length (mm) and height to the uppermost node, and stipule (cm) were recorded. Phyllochron (°C d leaf−1) and relative elongation rates (RER) for height characterising traits were calculated. Grain filling was the only period altered by breeding, while no consistent effects on duration of vegetative and generative pre-anthesis phases and sub-phases were detected. Different developmental phases were interrelated: in some cases cultivars with similar duration of pre-anthesis phase, however, differed in duration of some pre-anthesis sub-phases. Their duration was not, however, consistently associated with measured growth and yield parameters. Likely long days that make the northern growing conditions exceptional and unique, substantially narrowed the differences among oat entries in duration of different developmental phases, thereby making their role also less critical in yield determination contrary to the situation in the main global temperate cereal production regions.  相似文献   

Oats are generally considered as a health food and widely accepted by human beings nowadays. Oat flakes are the main commercial oat products around the world. In order to understand the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of the naked oat flakes from China and the hulled oat flakes from western countries, 37 flake samples from China and 44 samples from western countries (8 from the USA, 8 from Canada, 5 from Sweden, 8 from Denmark, 7 from the United Kingdom, and 8 from New Zealand) were investigated in the present study. The results indicated that naked oat flakes showed significantly higher (P < 0.01) contents of lipid and Na, a higher level of whiteness (P < 0.05) and lower (P < 0.01) contents of β-glucan and Fe, compared to hulled oat flakes from western countries. No significant differences of Zn, Ca, and total ash contents were observed between naked oat flakes and hulled oat flakes. In addition, naked oat flakes showed significantly higher water absorption index at room temperature (P < 0.01) when compared with hulled oat flakes. Hulled oat flakes showed higher sensory evaluation score than naked oat flakes (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Gluten- and additive-free rice bread is suitable for consumption by individuals who are sensitive to gluten and prefer to avoid additives. Here, we prepared 100% rice bread, which is a gluten-free rice bread prepared in the absence of additives, using 19 rice flour samples containing amylose contents ranging from 9.6 to 22.3%. The amylose content was positively correlated with the specific volume of the 100% rice bread, whereas no correlation was observed between the protein content and the specific volume. The amylose content was also positively correlated with the specific volume of gluten-free rice bread prepared following protease treatment of the dough. The dough of 100% rice bread prepared from rice flour containing higher amylose contents was better stabilized during leavening than that prepared from rice flour containing a lower amylose content. It was therefore apparent that amylose plays an important role in the preparation of 100% rice bread with a high loaf volume through stabilization of the dough.  相似文献   

Gluten-free bread was prepared from commercial zein (20 g), maize starch (80 g), water (75 g), saccharose, NaCl and dry yeast by mixing above zein's glass transition temperature (Tg) at 40°C. Addition of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC, 2 g) significantly improved quality, and the resulting bread resembled wheat bread having a regular, fine crumb grain, a round top and good aeration (specific volume 3.2 ml/g). In model studies, HPMC stabilized gas bubbles well. Additionally, laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) revealed finer zein strands in the dough when HPMC was present, while dynamic oscillatory tests showed that HPMC rendered gluten-like hydrated zein above its Tg softer (i.e. |G*| was significantly lower). LSCM revealed that cooling below Tg alone did not destroy the zein strands; however, upon mechanical impact below Tg, they shattered into small pieces. When such dough was heated above Tg and then remixed, zein strands did not reform, and this dough lacked resistance in uniaxial extension tests. When within the breadmaking process, dough was cooled below Tg and subsequently reheated, breads had large void spaces under the crust. Likely, expanding gas bubbles broke zein strands below Tg resulting in structural weakness.  相似文献   

Protease has been shown to be an effective food additive for improving the quality of gluten-free rice bread. In this study, we found that bacillolysin (Protin SD-NY10, metallo protease), papain (cysteine protease), and subtilisin (Protin SD-AY10, serine protease) increased the specific volume of gluten-free rice breads by 30–60% compared with untreated breads. These proteases also decreased crumb hardness by 10–30% compared with untreated breads. Many fine bubble cells were observed in the crumb of the protease-treated rice breads using scanning electron microscopy. Optical microscopic observation revealed fine networks of small protein aggregates stained by Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) in the rice batter of the improved gluten-free rice breads. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of protein in the rice batter suggested that the amount of low molecular weight proteins (less than 10 kDa) increased with the use of Protin SD-NY10, Protin SD-AY10 and papain treatments compared with untreated rice batter. Thus, we considered that the small proteins aggregates were formed through disulfide bonds. This fine network was effective for retaining CO2 gas during the fermentation process, resulting in an increase in the specific volume and a decrease in the crumb hardness of gluten-free rice bread.  相似文献   

Wheat flour, which was rendered gluten-free by sourdough lactic acid bacteria fermentation and fungal proteases, was used for manufacturing experimental gluten-free pasta (E-GFp), according to a traditional process with low temperature drying cycle. Chemical, technological, structural, nutritional and sensory features were characterized and compared with those of commercial gluten-free (C-GFp) and durum wheat pasta (C-DWp). As shown through immunological analyses, the residual concentration of gluten of the hydrolyzed wheat flour was below 10 ppm. E-GFp showed rapid water uptake and shorter optimal cooking time compared to the other pastas. Despite the absence of the gluten network, the supplementation with pre-gelatinized rice flour allowed structural properties of E-GFp, which were comparable to those of C-GFp. The in vitro protein digestibility of E-GFp resulted the highest. Probably due to proteolysis during sourdough fermentation; chemical scores, essential amino acid profile, biological value and nutritional index of E-GFp were higher than those of C-DWp. The hydrolysis index (HI) of E-GFp was ca. 30% lower than that found for C-GFp. As shown by sensory analysis, the characteristic of E-GFp were acceptable. The manufacture of E-GFp should be promising to expand the choice of gluten-free foods, which combine sensory and nutritional properties.  相似文献   

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