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In an individual feeding experiment (150-500 kg live weight) the influence of the polyether antibiotic Monensin on the fattening, slaughtering and retention performances of crossbreeding dairy bulls (genotype 31) and fattening hybrids (genotype 61) was ascertained. The supplementation of the polyether antibiotic on average resulted in a decrease by approximately equal to 11% of the dry matter and energy expenditure per kg weight gain due to a lower feed intake and a higher live weight gain. The slaughtering parameter investigated and the chemical composition of the empty body remained uninfluenced. The daily nutrient retention values were positively influenced by the Monensin supplementation since the fattening bulls of the test group required 30 days less to achieve the attempted fattening weight. The additional retention of protein, fat and energy per animal and day in the dairy bulls approximately equal to 10.9; 13.5 and 16.4% and in the fattening hybrids 1.9; 3.2 and 2.6%. Due to a higher energy retention at a lower level of feed and energy intake after Monensin supplementation an average of approximately equal to 11.3 and 15.4% resp. more of the consumed digestible protein and the digestible energy resp. were retained in the empty bodies. One can conclude that Monensin improved the utilisation of feed energy; obviously the effect of the polyether antibiotic is due to its influence on processes in the rumen or directly or indirectly on metabolism. 相似文献
纤维素酶和酵母菌处理小麦秸秆喂育肥羊试验 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
选择18只5月龄左右的小尾寒羊,随机分为2组,进行小麦秸秆酶解后的饲喂对比试验,2组精料日粮完全相同,粗饲料试验组饲喂酶解小麦秸秆,对照组饲喂普通小麦秸秆。结果表明,试验组只均日增质量148g,比对照组高60g,日增质量提高68.2%,差异极显著,试验组只均盈利56.1元,比对照组高32.7元,经济效益提高139.7%。应用酶解后的小麦秸秆饲喂小尾寒羊可显著提高生长速度,增加养殖户的经济收入。 相似文献
With a total number of 157 boars 9 feeding variants with different levels of energy and amino acids were checked. The weight increase per fattening day and the energy and lysine expenditure per kg live weight increase were determined. The insufficient supply with lysine had negative effects on the live weight increase and the energy expenditure during the whole fattening period. Between the variantes with a high supply with amino acids (120%) and the supply according to standard (100%) no significant differences concerning the live weight increase could be ascertained up to 90 kg live weight. Between 90 and 120 kg live weight the animals in the variant with medium energy level and 120% lysine supply achieved significantly higher increases than those in the standard variant. Up to 90 kg live weight the energy expenditure for all groups amounted to 2,08 kEFs (energetic feed units for pigs) per kg live weight increase. The most suitable results were achieved by the animals which received the variants rich in energy (1,760 resp. 1,770 kEFs per kg live weight increase). Above the 90 kg live weight limit the energy expenditure rose considerably, remained however under 2,000 kEFs per kg live weight increase for the boars of the variant with medium energy level and 120% lysine supply as well as for the variant rich in energy and 100% lysine supply. The lysine expenditure in the first variant amounted to 25.1 g per kg live weight increase and for the variant rich in energy to 20.6 g lysine per kEFs. 相似文献
Investigations on genetically modified maize (Bt-maize) in pig nutrition: fattening performance and slaughtering results. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A grower finisher performance trial with forty-eight pigs was designed to compare the growth performance of pigs fed diets containing either genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize (NX6262) or its parental maize (Prelude) line. During the experiment, the pigs were fed with a grower and a finisher diet both containing 70% maize investigated in a previously study which showed that they contained similar ME values and digestibility of crude nutrients. The pigs with an initial live weight of 23.9 +/- 3.0 kg were allotted to single boxes. During a 91 days growing period the pigs of both groups recorded equal performance in daily weight gain (AW) 815 +/- 93 vs. 804 +/- 64 g/d depending on equal amounts of feed intake 1.95 +/- 0.15 vs. 1.94 +/- 0.15 kg/d (parental vs. transgenic). The results confirm equal performance among growing-finishing pigs fed parental or genetically modified maize containing diets. For slaughtering the pigs were divided into 4 groups with a different duration of the finishing period. After slaughtering the carcass characteristic were registered. 相似文献
为研究微生物发酵小麦秸秆对肉牛生长性能和屠宰性能的影响,试验采用单因素设计,选择体重相近的健康肉牛120头,随机分成4组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头,试验1、2、3、4组分别饲喂微生物发酵小麦秸秆替代0%、20%、40%、60%普通小麦秸秆的基础日粮,试验期为60 d,在试验结束时测定生长性能和肉品质。结果表明:(1)试验3、4组料重比较1组分别降低6.74%、5.87%(P<0.05);试验2、3、4组的平均日采食量均高于1组(P>0.05);试验3、4组的日增重较1组分别提高36.6%、24.4%(P<0.05);试验2、3、4组熟肉率、失水率、肉色、嫩度与1组均差异性不显著(P>0.05);试验2、3、4组的粗灰分、p H均低于1组(P>0.05);试验3、4组粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、大理花纹分别较1组提高19.28%、18.94%、45.15%、42.35%、46.75%、43.09%(P<0.05)。综上所述,饲喂微生物发酵小麦秸秆替代40%普通小麦秸秆日粮可以提高肉牛的生长性能和肉品质。 相似文献
The influence of different Ca- and/or P-supply on metabolic parameters and Ca-resp. P-balance was tested in 12 balance trials with mature wethers at different feeding regimes. Furthermore the influence of dietary Ca-excess on metabolic parameters and fattening performance of bulls was also tested. Increasing the P-intake at normal Ca-supply (Ca/P-ratio 1:1.7 ... 3.6) or at Ca-excess (Ca/P-ratio approximately 1.6:1) led to a higher P-concentration in blood and urine and lowered the Ca-content in serum as well as the apparent Ca-balance. These effects were greater in the ration rich in concentrate than in the ration rich in roughage. Increasing the dietary Ca-intake (Ca/P-ratio approximately 3.6:1) had no influence on metabolic parameters of wethers. In a vitamin-D-deficiency trial the Ca supplementation (Ca/P-ratio approximately 4.2:1) improved the performance of bulls and retarded the incidence of signs of rickets (lower feed intake, higher concentration of alkaline phosphatase in serum, lower bone mineralisation) for about 100 days compared with the control group (Ca/P ratio: 1.2:1). 相似文献
A total of 110 barrows fed varying levels of energy and amino acids in 8 treatments, were tested. The weight gains per fattening day and energy expenditure were found to be mainly determined by energy intake. Up to a liveweight of 100 kg both low and high levels of amino acid supply produced the same fattening performance results as amino acid supply to standard. In the 100-120 kg liveweight range, the animals fed higher levels of protein proved slightly superior. As to energy expenditure, animals subjected to restricted feeding up to 70 kg liveweight and fed full rations later, consumed 2.22 kEFs (2.22 kilo energetic feed equivalents/swine) per kg gain and proved significantly superior to those animals that were very intensively fed at the beginning and put to restricted feeding beyond 70 kg liveweight (2.53 kEFs per kg gain) as well as to those receiving high levels of energy all the time (2.39 kEFs/kg gain). In the latter case, 23 g of lysine were required per kg gain. 相似文献
In 2 experiments with a total of 108 black-and-white dairy bulls feed intake, growth performance and energy expenditure for live weight and carcass production with low feeding intensity were ascertained. The performance level varied between 600 and 650 g; 24-month-old bulls achieved a final weight of 458 and 517 kg resp. Growth and retention performance were considerably influenced by the energy concentration of the ration and by daily energy intake. 相似文献
Two lots of straw pellets (supplemented with 10% molasses), produced either with a 5 mm sieve in a hammer mill (lot A) or with a 12 mm sieve (lot B) from wheat straw, were tested with 4 sheep (wethers, average live weight 43 kg) and 4 bulls (average 170 kg). After carrying out a digestibility experiment, the mean retention time (mrt), the 80%-excretion of the markers and the transit time were ascertained with the help of 51Cr-EDTA and 103Ru-phenanthroline. The digestibility of carbohydrates (both crude fibre and N-free extracts) was significantly higher for the bulls than for the sheep. Mrt, transit time and 80%-marker excretion were ascertained as follows: (Table: see text) The better digestion performance of carbohydrates from pelleted wheat straw in bulls in contrast to the sheep is due to the longer retention time of the digesta in the digestive tract of bulls. In connection with the considerably higher ruminating capacity of cattle in comparison to sheep, a longer retention time of the straw particles (Welch, 1982) in the reticulo-rumen must be considered. 相似文献
Seven variants with graduated energy and amino acid levels were tested at 105 growing sows in a live weight range between 30 and 120 kg. The weight increase and the energy expenditure showed a distinct dependence on the energy level of the ration and are mainly determined by the energy intake. Up to a live weight of 90 kg a 20% lysine over- or undersupply in comparison with the norm had no influence on the growth intensity of the animals. On the low and medium energy levels there was a tendency of superiority of the animals which received feeds rich in protein in the section between 90 and 120 kg. In the variant with a high energy level, however, a diminishing increase was detected in the last third of the fattening period in connection with the growing lysine level. The overall most suitable result was achieved in variant M 120 with a daily increase of 675 g and an energy expenditure of 2.04 kilo energetic feed units for pigs per kg increase. 相似文献
NaOH treated (T) or untreated (UT) barley straws were supplemented either with protein (P) or with concentrates based on maize (M) or beet pulp (BP) at rates of 25 or 50% of the diet. Each of the 8 diets was fed to 8 sheep near ad libitum and near maintenance. Energy balances were determined by indirect calorimetry. Straw and feed intakes were doubled by the alkali treatment (P, BP25 and BP50 diets) or increased by 83% (M25 diet) and 63% (M50 diet). Near maintenance, energy digestibility (dE) and metabolizability (q) of the straw were improved by 36% and 40% respectively in the P diet and by 28% and 25% on average in the other diets. Ad libitum feeding reduced energy digestibility of treated straw by 11% and metabolizability by 5% on average in the BP25, BP50 and M25 diets; in the case of the M50 diet dE of the T straw was depressed by 30% and the beneficial effect of the alkali treatment was suppressed. The efficiency of metabolizable energy (ME) of the treated straw diets for maintenance was also raised by 9% (P diet) to 3% (M50 diet) and the corresponding net energy content of the treated straw was increased by 58 to 30%. ME efficiencies of the diets for fattening ranged from 44.0 to 52.8%. Energy retention of sheep was considerably increased by the alkali treatment of straw, whereas their maintenance requirement could not be met by the untreated straw diets supplemented with 25% concentrate. 相似文献
Feeding trials were performed with two groups of dairy cows receiving ammonized straw pellets supplemented with varying levels of concentrates as sole basal diet. The trials were carried out over periods of 546 days and 120 days. An annual milk production of 4217.9 kgs (calculated on the basis of 3.5% of milk fat) per cow was achieved in group I by feeding 3060.6 kgs of straw pellets and 2014.7 kgs of concentrates per animal. After subtracting all additives an amount of 2641.1 kgs of pure straw (= 52%) and of 2434.2 kgs of concentrated food (= 48%) remained so that the resulting amount of dry feed consumed per 100 kg of milk was 120.3 kg. A total of 6309.6 kgs of milk was produced per cow over a period of 546 days of trial. During this period the average weight gain per cow was 98.4 kgs. 1517.3 kgs of milk (calculated on the basis of 3.5% milk fat) per cow were produced in group II (56 cows) over a period of 105 days by feeding 892.5 kgs of straw pellets and 682.5 kgs of concentrate pellets. The concentrate pellets contained 50% of ammonized dried sugar beet chips but not extracted meals. 相似文献
Research findings and management recommendations typically emphasize responses of the "average" individual, yet more than half of the animals in a group may differ significantly from the mean regarding food preference and intake. The productivity of a herd may be adversely affected if animals differing from the mean are fed a uniform diet formulated to meet the needs of the "average" individual. We compared the intake and performance of beef calves offered a choice or no choice among foods. Diets consisted of ad libitum access to either a chopped, mixed ration of rolled barley (31.3%), rolled corn (31.3%), corn silage (15.5%), and alfalfa hay (18.9%) (n = 16 calves) or a choice among those foods offered individually (n = 15 calves). Averaged across the 63-d trial, the two groups did not differ in ratios of protein to energy ingested (43 vs 43 g CP/Mcal ME; P = 0.50), but preference for foods high in energy or protein varied markedly for animals fed free-choice: on d 21 they had protein:energy ratios higher than those of animals fed the mixed ration, on d 2 the ratios were equal, and on d 40 they had protein:energy ratios lower than those of animals fed the mixed ration. Throughout the trial, no two animals consistently chose the same ingredients, and none selected a diet similar to the nutritionally balanced mixed ration, yet each animal ate a diet adequate to meet its needs. Animals offered the mixed ration tended to eat more than animals offered a choice (109 vs 102 g/kg MBW/d; P = 0.10), but they did not gain at a faster rate (0.89 vs 0.92 kg/d; P = 0.65). Gain/unit of food consumed also was similar for both groups (0.09 vs 0.10 kg/kg; P = 0.38). However, food cost/day was higher for animals fed the mixed ration than for those offered a choice ($1.58 vs $1.36; P = 0.03). Consequently, cost/kilograms of gain was higher for the mixed ration than for the choice group ($1.84 vs $1.49/kg; P = 0.045). These findings suggest that 1) animals can more efficiently meet their individual needs for macronutrients when offered a choice among dietary ingredients than when constrained to a single diet, even if it is nutritionally balanced; 2) transient food aversions compound the inefficiency of a single mixed diet by depressing intake even among animals suited to that nutritional profile; and 3) alternative feeding practices may allow producers to efficiently capitalize on the agency of animals, thus reducing illness and improving performance. 相似文献
4 digestibility trials (4 male sheep per group) and 2 growth trials were carried out with 24 (V 1) and 32 (V 2) fattening lambs to investigate the effect of abundant oral Fe doses on the digestibility of crude nutrients in a ration of barley + dried green feed and on the results of fattening and carcass yields. Fe supplementation (less than 1400 mg per sheep/day) did not significantly change the digestibility coefficients of crude nutrients. Increasing Fe levels in the concentrates decreased the rates of liveweight increase and food consumption in both growth trials. Well-established statistical evidence was provided for the decline in absolute carcass yields resulting from the lower weight of the lambs at the end of the fattening period after Fe supplementation. 相似文献
Monitoring body temperature of newly received cattle allows for identification of fever episodes not visually detected by feedlot personnel (FENO). Information concerning the occurrence, duration, and impact on performance of these FENO is not available in the literature. Such information is crucial to assess the potential benefit of the identification and treatment of FENO. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to describe the occurrence and duration of FENO and to evaluate their impact on ADG. One hundred twelve beef bulls (initial BW = 346 ± 36 kg) were studied for 40 d after arrival at 3 French fattening operations. At d 1, each animal was administered orally a reticulo-rumen bolus, which allowed continuous measurement and recording of reticulo-rumen temperature. Animals were weighed on d 1 and 40. Bulls were observed twice daily by personnel for visual signs of apparent disease. Bulls that appeared ill, had a rectal temperature ≥39.7°C, and demonstrated symptoms consistent with bovine respiratory disease (BRD) were treated with antibiotics. After d 40, data obtained from the boluses were retrospectively analyzed using a cumulative sum test to detect significant increases in reticulo-rumen temperature considered as fever episodes. Numerous fever episodes (n = 449) were retrospectively detected in 110 bulls. Of these 449 fever episodes, 74% were not associated with any visually detected clinical signs of disease and thus were identified as FENO. These FENO were often transitory (75% lasted less than 47 h). However, 25% lasted from 47 to 263 h. Of the 112 bulls, 88 were treated for BRD with 20 and 7 animals treated, respectively, 2 and 3 times. In treated animals, fever episodes began 4 to 177 h (mean = 50 h) before BRD treatment. The duration of FENO was associated (P = 0.002) with a lesser ADG (d 1 to 40): -33 g/d for daily FENO duration. Our results demonstrated that FENO occurred frequently in bulls during the first weeks after entrance into a fattening operation and can last up to 11 d. The impact of FENO observed on ADG in this study indicated a potential benefit of treating affected animals, specifically those with FENO of long duration. However, further research is needed to determine the medical and economic relevance of such treatment. 相似文献