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The present study was conducted to determine the spatial heterogeneity of bulk density, soil moisture, inorganic N, microbial biomass C, and microbial biomass N in the ridge tillage system of Turiel compared to conventional mouldboard ploughing on three sampling dates in May, July, and August. The soil sampling was carried out under vegetation representing the ridge in a high spatial resolution down the soil profile. Bulk density increased with depth and ranged from 1.3 g cm−3 at 10 cm depth to 1.6 g cm−3 at 35 cm in ploughed plots and from 1.0 g m−3 at 5 cm to 1.4 g m−3 at 35 cm in the ridges. In the ploughed plots, the contents of microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N remained roughly constant at 215 and 33 μg g−1 soil, respectively, throughout the experimental period. The microbial biomass C/N ratio varied in a small range around 6.4. In the ridged plots, the contents of microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N were 5% and 6% higher compared to the ploughed plots. Highest microbial biomass C contents of roughly 300 μg g−1 soil were always measured in the crowns in July. The lowest contents of microbial biomass C of 85–137 μg g−1 soil were measured in the furrows. The ridges showed strong spatial heterogeneity in bulk density, soil water content, inorganic nitrogen and microbial biomass.  相似文献   

 The effects on soil condition of increasing periods under intensive cultivation for vegetable production on a Typic Haplohumult were compared with those of pastoral management using soil biological, physical and chemical indices of soil quality. The majority of the soils studied had reasonably high pH, exchangeable cation and extractable P levels reflecting the high fertilizer rates applied to dairy pasture and more particularly vegetable-producing soils. Soil organic C (Corg) content under long-term pasture (>60 years) was in the range of 55 g C kg–1 to 65 g C kg–1. With increasing periods under vegetable production soil organic matter declined until a new equilibrium level was attained at about 15–20 g C kg–1 after 60–80 years. The loss of soil organic matter resulted in a linear decline in microbial biomass C (Cmic) and basal respiratory rate. The microbial quotient (Cmic/Corg) decreased from 2.3% to 1.1% as soil organic matter content declined from 65 g C kg–1 to 15 g C kg–1 but the microbial metabolic quotient (basal respiration/Cmic ratio) remained unaffected. With decreasing soil organic matter content, the decline in arginine ammonification rate, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity, earthworm numbers, soil aggregate stability and total clod porosity was curvilinear and little affected until soil organic C content fell below about 45 g C kg–1. Soils with an organic C content above 45 g C kg–1 had been under pasture for at least 30 years. At the same Corg content, soil biological activity and soil physical conditions were markedly improved when soils were under grass rather than vegetables. It was concluded that for soils under continuous vegetable production, practices that add organic residues to the soil should be promoted and that extending routine soil testing procedures to include key physical and biological properties will be an important future step in promoting sustainable management practices in the area. Received: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The influence of surface growth of inoculated cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) on subsurface properties of a brown earth, silt loam soil was studied in reconstituted flooded soil columns. One blue-green algae species, Nostoc muscorum, become dominant within the first 7 days of inoculation. In light control columns (not inoculated) a bryophyte, Barbula recurvirostra, was dominant although significant growth of indigenous blue-green algae occurred. The blue-green algae counts were in the range of 1×106 g-1 dry soil in the surface layer (0–0.7 cm) in both columns. Any effect of surface phototrophic growth on soil properties was restricted to the surface layer. In inoculated columns there was a twofold increase in microbial biomass and an eightfold increase in bacterial numbers by week 13. However, bacterial numbers declined so that there was only a 2.8-fold increase by week 21. Dehydrogenase (x2.1), urease (x2.8) and phosphatase (x3.1) activities and polysaccharides (+69%) increased by week 21 as a result of the blue-green algae inoculation along with a significant improvement in soil aggregation. However, similar increases occurred in the light control columns, indicating that given appropriate conditions of light and moisture indigenous species may be ultimately as effective as introduced species in bringing about biochemical and microbiological changes to soil.  相似文献   

Since the amount, intensity, and frequency of rainfall in desert regions vary strongly over space and time, the response by soil biota to this variability is of great importance. We conducted a study in the Negev desert in order to examine the immediate response by the soil nematode populations and the microbial biomass to varying amounts of water applied in a single pulse. Soil samples from the 0–10-cm depth were collected from areas undergoing four different wetting treatments, comprising 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm of water, and from a non-irrigated control soil. There was a correlation between diurnal variations in nematode populations and the diurnal fluctuations in soil moisture. The greatest abundance of nematodes was found in the soil treated with 20 mm water (970 individuals 100 g-1 dry soil) which was 2, 4, 5, and 14 times larger than that found in the soil treated with 15, 10, 5, and 0 mm of water, respectively. Bacterialfeeding and fungal-feeding nematodes accounted for approximately 95% of the total nematode population found in all treatments. The microbial biomass examined in the current study exhibited an immediate response to the wetting which was greater in soil treated with, 10, 15, and 20 mm of water compared with 0 and 5 mm. However, after 4 days (96 hours) the microbial biomass stabilized again at the basic level of the 0-mm control. However, our results indicated that the major trigger for changes in the nematode populations, and in the microbial biomass, was diurnal fluctuations in soil moisture, since peaks in nematode populations and in the microbial biomass were observed at various times of the day.  相似文献   

Climatic warming leads to the expansion of deciduous shrubs and trees in the Arctic. This leads to higher leaf litter inputs, which together with warming may alter the rate of carbon and nutrient cycling in the arctic ecosystems. We assessed effects of factorial warming and additional litter on the soil ecosystem of a subarctic heath in a 7-year-long field experiment. Fine root biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total C concentration increased in response to warming, which probably was a result of the increased vegetation cover. Litter addition increased the concentration of inorganic P in the uppermost 5 cm soil, while decreasing the pool of total P per unit area of the organic profile and having no significant effects on N concentrations or pools. Microbial biomass C and N were unaffected by the treatments, while the microbial biomass P increased significantly with litter addition. Soil ergosterol concentration was also slightly increased by the added litter in the uppermost soil, although not statistically significantly. According to a principal component analysis of the phospholipid fatty acid profiles, litter addition differed from the other treatments by increasing the relative proportion of biomarkers for Gram-positive bacteria. The combined warming plus litter addition treatment decreased the soil water content in the uppermost 5 cm soil, which was a likely reason for many interactions between the effects of warming and litter addition. The soil organic matter quality of the combined treatment was also clearly different from the control based on a near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopic analysis, implying that the treatment altered the composition of soil organic matter. However, it appears that the biological processes and the microbial community composition responded more to the soil and litter moisture conditions than to the change in the quality of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Biolog, 16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses were used to assess soil microbial community characteristics in a chronosequence of tea garden systems (8-, 50-, and 90- year-old tea gardens), an adjacent wasteland, and a 90-year-old forest. Biolog analysis showed that the average well color development (AWCD) of all carbon sources and the functional diversity based on the Shannon index decreased (P 〈 0.05) in the following order: wasteland 〉 forest 〉 tea garden. For the DCCE analysis, the genetic diversity based on the Shannon index was significantly lower in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland. However, compared to the 90-year-old forest, the tea garden soils showed significantly higher genetic diversity. PLFA analysis showed that the ratio of Gram positive bacteria to Cram negative bacteria was significantly higher in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland, and the highest value was found in the 90-year-old forest. Both the fungal PLFA and the ratio of fungi to bacteria were significantly higher in the three tea garden soils than in the wasteland and forest, indicating that fungal PLFA was significantly affected by land-use change. Based on cluster analysis of the soil microbial community structure, all three analytical methods showed that land-use change had a greater effect on soil microbial community structure than tea garden age.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of large- and small-scale changes of soil temperature and humidity on soil microbial biomass C and N, ergosterol, carbon utilization potential, organic and inorganic N and rate of C and N mineralization at 25°C. Large-scale variations are identified with seasonal changes in temperature and humidity. To simulate small-scale changes, soil temperature and humidity were manipulated in the field. The treatment resulted in damping of temperature fluctuations and a decrease of soil humidity.The majority of the studied variables exhibit pronounced seasonality, showing a clear-cut distinction between summer (July–August) and winter (December). In summer, C mineralization rate and carbon utilization potential was high but microbial and fungal biomass (ergosterol) was low.C and N mineralization rate and microbial and fungal biomass were only affected by sampling date, demonstrating that gross parameters of biomass and activity of microorganisms are not affected by small-scale changes in temperature and humidity. In contrast, variables relating to N availability (organic N, NH4+ and NO3, microbial biomass N) and carbon utilization potential of the microbial community were highly affected by small-scale changes in soil abiotic conditions. The results suggest that changes in N dynamics induced by small-scale changes of temperature and humidity are caused by shifts in the structure of the microbial community rather than by variations in microbial biomass.  相似文献   

The relationship between organic matter decomposition and changes in microbial community structure were investigated in Antarctic soils using 13C-labelled plant materials. Soils with and without labelled Deschampsia antarctica (a native Antarctic grass) were incubated for 42 days and sampled at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days. Changes in microbial community structure were assessed using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) and an analysis of the fatty acids associated with the neutral lipid fraction (NLFA). These studies showed that there were no significant changes in PLFA or NLFA profiles over time suggesting no change in microbial community structure during residue decomposition. There was a marked increase however, in ergosterol levels in these soils indicative of growth of the fungal biomass. Analysis of this ergosterol using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry confirmed the transformation of the plant residue by showing the incorporation of 13C-plant C into the ergosterol. This incorporation of 13C into the ergosterol increased over the incubation period. Importantly, these changes associated with fungal growth were not evident in the analysis of either the PLFA or NLFA fractions thus questioning the reliability of such approaches for studying changes in microbial communities associated with the decomposition of plant residues.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is the most active soil area for material transformation and energy flow of soil, root, and microorganism, which plays an important role in soil biochemical cycling. Although the rhizospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) were easily disturbed in the agroecosystem, the effects of rhizosphere on the dynamics of soil N and P cycling have not yet been systematically quantified globally. We summarized the magnitude, direction, and driving forces of rhizosphere effects on agroecosystem's N and P dynamics by 1063 observations and 15 variables from 122 literature. Rhizosphere effects increased available N (AN, 9%), available P (AP, 11%), and total P (TP, 5%), and decreased nitrate N (NO3–N, 18%) and ammonia N (NH4–N, 16%). The effect of rhizosphere on total N (TN) was not significant. These effects improved AN in tropical (12%) and subtropical (14%) regions. The effect of rhizosphere on TP was greater under subtropical conditions than in other climates. The most substantial effects of the rhizosphere on TP and AP were observed under humid conditions. Rhizosphere effects increased AN and AP in vegetables more than in other crop systems. Application of N > 300 kg ha−1 had the most significant and positive rhizosphere effects on TN and AN. P application of 100–150 kg ha−1 had the greatest rhizosphere effects on TP and AP. These effects also improved the microbial (biomass N and P) and enzymatic aspects (urease, acid phosphatase, and alkaline phosphatase) of soil P and N cycling. Structural equation modeling suggested that aridity indices, fertilizer application rate, soil pH, microbial biomass, and soil enzymes strongly influence the magnitude and direction of the rhizosphere's effect on the P and N cycles. Overall, these findings are critical for improving soil nutrient utilization efficiency and modeling nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere for agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Although elevation of CO2 has been reported to impact soil microbial functions, little information is available on the spatial and temporal variation of this effect. The objective of this study was to determine the microbial response in a northern Colorado shortgrass steppe to a 5-year elevation of atmospheric CO2 as well as the reversibility of the microbial response during a period of several months after shutting off the CO2 amendment. The experiment was comprised of nine experimental plots: three chambered plots maintained at ambient CO2 levels of 360 μmol mol−1 (ambient treatment), three chambered plots maintained at 720 μmol mol−1 CO2 (elevated treatment) and three unchambered plots of equal ground area used as controls to monitor the chamber effect.Elevated CO2 induced mainly an increase of enzyme activities (protease, xylanase, invertase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase) in the upper 5 cm of the soil and did not change microbial biomass in the soil profile. Since rhizodeposition and newly formed roots enlarged the pool of easily available substrates mainly in the upper soil layers, enzyme regulation (production and activity) rather than shifts in microbial abundance was the driving factor for higher enzyme activities in the upper soil. Repeated soil sampling during the third to fifth year of the experiment revealed an enhancement of enzyme activities which varied in the range of 20-80%. Discriminant analysis including all microbiological properties revealed that the enzyme pattern in 1999 and 2000 was dominated by the CO2 and chamber effect, while in 2001 the influence of elevated CO2 increased and the chamber effect decreased.Although microbial biomass did not show any response to elevated CO2 during the main experiment, a significant increase of soil microbial N was detected as a post-treatment effect probably due to lower nutrient (nitrogen) competition between microorganisms and plants in this N-limited ecosystem. Whereas most enzyme activities showed a significant post-CO2 effect in spring 2002 (following the conclusion of CO2 enrichment the previous autumn, 2001), selective depletion of substrates is speculated to be the cause for non-significant treatment effects of most enzyme activities later in summer and autumn, 2002. Therefore, additional belowground carbon input mainly entered the fast cycling carbon pool and contributed little to long-term carbon storage in the semi-arid grassland.  相似文献   

Prolonged summer droughts are projected to occur as a consequence of climate change in Central Europe. The resulting reduced soil water availability may lead to alterations in rates of soil processes such as nitrogen partitioning among soil organic matter fractions and stabilization within soil. To study the effect of climate change-induced drought on (1) the distribution of nitrogen among soil organic matter fractions and (2) nitrogen stabilization, we performed a space-for-time climate change experiment. We transferred intact plant–soil–microbe mesocosms of a Rendzic Leptosol with a young beech tree from a slope with northwestern exposure in southern Germany characterized by a cool-moist microclimate across a narrow valley to a slope with southwestern exposure with a warm-dry microclimate, which reflects projected future climatic conditions. A control transfer was also done on the northwest-facing slope within the same area of origin. We combined a homogenous 15N labeling approach using ammonium nitrate with a physical fractionation procedure and chemical soil extraction protocols. Our aim was to follow the partitioning of 15N in different soil organic matter fractions, i.e. light fractions, organo-mineral fractions, and extractable soil fractions including microbial biomass, ammonium, nitrate, and dissolved organic nitrogen. Within less than one growing season, we observed a modified partitioning of recently applied inorganic 15N between different soil fractions in relation to drier summer conditions, with attenuated nitrogen turnover under drought and consequently significantly higher 15N concentrations in the relatively labile light fractions. We ascribed this effect to a decelerated mineralization immobilization turnover. We conclude that prolonged summer droughts may alter the stabilization dynamics because the induced inactivity of microorganisms may reduce the transfer of nitrogen to stabilization pathways. A retarded stabilization in organo-mineral associations enhances the risk of nitrogen losses during extreme rainfall events, which are projected to increase in the 21st century predicted by future climate change scenarios for Central Europe.  相似文献   

Gradients in stressed areas potentially provide a powerful tool to interpret relations between soil biodiversity and site quality. We measured soil chemistry, soil microbiology and nematodes along three transects representing a fertility gradient and at a disturbed site near a road in a Dracophyllum subulatum-dominated shrubland in which frosts are a major factor in preventing succession to forest; we used D. subulatum size as a site-quality index. Significant correlations between both shrub height and shrub growth rate and volumetric measures of total soil phosphorus and anaerobically mineralisable nitrogen indicate that nitrogen and phosphorus regulate plant growth. Microbial biomass and total nematode abundance significantly increased with greater plant growth, presumably in response to greater litter input. Conversely, neither heterotrophic microbial diversity nor nematode diversity was correlated with shrub performance along the transects. Litter was from a single species and thus likely similar in quality so changes in microbial or nematode diversity might not be expected. In this oligotrophic environment, nutrient levels were not only the important regulators of plant growth but also appeared to have an indirect influence on the size of the microbial and nematode populations.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of adding two organic wastes (cotton gin crushed compost, CGCC, and poultry manure, PM) to a saline soil (Salorthidic Fluvaquent) in dryland conditions near Seville (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain) was studied during a period of 5 years. Organic wastes were applied at rates of 5 and 10 t organic matter ha−1. One year after the assay began, spontaneous vegetation had appeared in the treated plots, particularly in that receiving a high PM dose. After 5 years the plant cover in this treated plot was around 80% (compared with the 8% of the control soil). The effect on the soils physical and chemical properties, soil microbial biomass, and six soil enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, protease, β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase, and phosphatase activities) were ascertained. Both added organic wastes had a positive effect on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, although at the end of the experimental period, the soil physical properties, such as bulk density, increased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (23%) and the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (50%) compared to the unamended soil. Water soluble carbohydrates and soil biochemical properties were higher in the PM-amended soils compared to the CGCC-amended soils (by 70% for water soluble carbohydrates, and by 34, 18, 37, 39, 40 and 30% for urease, protease, β-glucosidase, phosphatase, arylsulfatase and dehydrogenase activities, respectively). After 5 years, the percentage of plant cover was >50% in all treated plots and 8% in the control soil.  相似文献   

Applicability of near infrared reflectance (NIR) and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques was tested on highly organic arctic soil. Soil samples were obtained at a long-term climate change manipulation experiment at a subarctic fell heath in Abisko, northern Sweden. The ecosystem had been exposed to treatments simulating increasing temperature (open-top greenhouses), higher nutrient availability (NPK fertilization) and increasing cloudiness (shading cloths) for 15 years prior to the sampling. For each of the 72 samples from the 0 to 5 cm soil depth and 36 samples from the 5 to 10 cm depth, the wavelength range of 400-2500 nm (visible and near infrared spectrum) was scanned with a NIR spectrophotometer and fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) were recorded with a spectrofluorometer.Principal component analyses of the visible, NIR and fluorescence spectra clearly separated the treatments, which indicates that the chemical composition of the soil and its spectral properties had changed during the climate change simulation. Similarly to the results from the conventional analyses of soil chemical and microbiological properties, fertilization treatment posed strongest effects on the spectra. Partial least-squares (PLS) regression methods with cross-validation were used to analyse relationships between the spectroscopic data and the chemical and microbiological data derived from the conventional analyses. The fluorescence EEMs of the dried solid soil samples were moderately related to soil ergosterol content (correlation coefficient r=0.84), bacterial activity analysed by leucine incorporation technique (r=0.78) and total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) content (r=0.74), but in general fluorescence provided inferior predictions of the chemical and microbiological variables to NIR. NIR was highly related to soil organic matter content (r>0.9) and showed promising predictions of soil ergosterol content (r>0.9), microbial biomass C, microbial biomass P, and total PLFA contents (r=0.78-0.79).These results suggest that especially NIR could be used to predict soil organic matter and fungal biomass. Since it is rapid and inexpensive, and requires little sample mass, it could be used as a ‘quick and dirty’ technique to estimate progression of the treatment responses in long-term ecosystem experiments, where extensive soil sampling is to be avoided.  相似文献   

Soil microbial organisms are central to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations in soils, yet not much is known about the stable isotope composition of these essential regulators of element cycles. We investigated the relationship between C and N availability and stable C and N isotope composition of soil microbial biomass across a three million year old semiarid substrate age gradient in northern Arizona. The δ15N of soil microbial biomass was on average 7.2‰ higher than that of soil total N for all substrate ages and 1.6‰ higher than that of extractable N, but not significantly different for the youngest and oldest sites. Microbial 15N enrichment relative to soil extractable and total N was low at the youngest site, increased to a maximum after 55,000 years, and then decreased slightly with age. The degree of 15N enrichment of microbial biomass correlated negatively with the C:N mass ratio of the soil extractable pool. The δ13C signature of soil microbial biomass was 1.4‰ and 4.6‰ enriched relative to that of soil total and extractable pools respectively and showed significant differences between sites. However, microbial 13C enrichment was unrelated to measures of C and N availability. Our results confirm that 15N, but not 13C enrichment of soil microbial biomass reflects changes in C and N availability and N processing during long-term ecosystem development.  相似文献   

Afforestation and reforestation of pastures are key land-use changes in New Zealand that help sequester carbon (C) to offset its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. However, relatively little attention has been given so far to associated changes in trace gas fluxes. Here, we measure methane (CH4) fluxes and CO2 production, as well as microbial C, nitrogen (N) and mineral-N, in intact, gradually dried (ca. 2 months at 20 °C) cores of a volcanic soil and a heavier textured, non-volcanic soil collected within plantations of Pinus radiata D. Don (pine) and adjacent permanent pastures. CH4 fluxes and CO2 production were also measured in cores of another volcanic soil under reverting shrubland (mainly Kunzea var. ericoides (A. Rich) J. Thompson) and an adjacent pasture. CH4 uptake in the pine and shrubland cores of the volcanic soils at field capacity averaged about 35 and 14 μg CH4-C m−2 h−1, respectively, and was significantly higher than in the pasture cores (about 21 and 6 μg CH4-C m−2 h−1, respectively). In the non-volcanic soil, however, CH4-C uptake was similar in most cores of the pine and pasture soils, averaging about 7-9 μg m−2 h−1, except in very wet samples. In contrast, rates of CO2 production and microbial C and N concentrations were significantly lower under pine than under pasture. In the air-dry cores, microbial C and N had declined in the volcanic soil, but not in the non-volcanic soil; ammonium-N, and especially nitrate-N, had increased significantly in all samples. CH4 uptake was, with few exceptions, not significantly influenced by initial concentrations of ammonium-N or nitrate-N, nor by their changes on air-drying. A combination of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and stable isotope probing (SIP) analyses of only the pine and pasture soils showed that different methanotrophic communities were probably active in soils under the different vegetations. The C18 PLFAs (type II methanotrophs) predominated under pine and C16 PLFAs (type I methanotrophs) predominated under pasture. Overall, vegetation, soil texture, and water-filled pore space influenced CH4-C uptake more than did soil mineral-N concentrations.  相似文献   

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