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Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) allows finding a cause–effect relationship between pollution and adverse changes in a community. In our previous study we found that functional diversity of bacterial communities decreased significantly with increasing metal concentration, in both forest humus and meadow topsoil. Thus, the aim of the present study was to test whether tolerance of soil bacterial communities had increased as an effect of long-term metal pollution. Bacterial tolerance was tested with the use of the Biolog® ECO plates in soils originating from the most polluted and the least polluted sites from three forest and five meadow transects located near smelters in Avonmouth (England), Clydach (Wales), and Głogów and Olkusz (Poland). We found that tolerance of bacterial communities was significantly increased in polluted meadow soils when compared to control meadow soils. On the contrary, no increase in tolerance was detected in polluted forest humus.  相似文献   

In a study to assess the sustainable use of sewage sludge application to land, the long-term effect of Zn and Cu contaminated sludge additions on the structure of the bacterial communities (using T-RFLP analysis) and their tolerance to additional metal exposure through pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) assays was assessed. This used two soils that received metal-rich sludge cake (SC), liquid sludge (LS) or metal salts (MS) additions more than 10 years previously. Soil type had the predominant influence on bacterial community structure and PICT. The source of the metal contamination also had a large influence on community structure and PICT, greater than the effects due to metal concentrations. Nevertheless, in both Zn and Cu contaminated soils, PICT was observed and decreased in the order MS > LS > SC. Within a metal source and site, there was evidence of increased PICT with increasing Zn or Cu contamination, however few differences were significant as a result of high variability between sample replicates. These results highlight the importance of considering soil physico-chemical properties and the source of metal contamination as well as total metal concentrations when considering the long-term effects of metals on soil microbial communities. Further, the matrix that a metal is associated with prior to addition may play an important factor in determining levels of toxicity. This could have consequences for the interpretation and use of data from metal spiking experiments when considering metal limits for sludge application to land.  相似文献   

The effects of soil structure and microbial community composition on microbial resistance and resilience to stress were found to be interrelated in a series of experiments. The initial ability of Pseudomonas fluorescens to decompose added plant residues immediately after a copper or heat stress (resistance) depended significantly on which of 26 sterile soils it was inoculated into. Subsequent studies showed that both the resistance and subsequent recovery in the ability of P. fluorescens to decompose added plant residues over 28 days after stress (resilience) varied significantly between a sandy and a clay-loam soil. Sterile, sandy and clay-loam soil was then inoculated with a complex microbial community extracted from either of the soils. The resulting microbial community structure depended on soil type rather than the source of inoculum, whilst the resistance and resilience of decomposition was similarly governed by the soil and not the inoculum source. Resilience of the clay-loam soil to heat stress did not depend on the water content of the soil at the time of stress, although the physical condition of the soil when decomposition was measured did affect the outcome. We propose that soil functional resilience is governed by the physico-chemical structure of the soil through its effect on microbial community composition and microbial physiology.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of chronic heavy metal (HM) contamination on soil microbial communities in a newly established forest ecosystem. We hypothesized that HM would affect community function and alter the microbial community structure over time and that the effects are more pronounced in combination with acid rain (AR). These hypotheses were tested in a model forest ecosystem consisting of several tree species (Norway spruce, birch, willow, and poplar) maintained in open top chambers. HMs were added to the topsoil as filter dust from a secondary metal smelter and two types of irrigation water acidity (ambient rain vs. acidified rain) were applied during four vegetation periods. HM contamination strongly impacted the microbial biomass (measured with both fumigation-extraction and quantitative lipid biomarker analyses) and community function (measured as basal respiration and soil hydrolase activities) of the soil microbial communities. The most drastic effect was found in the combined treatment of HM and AR, although soil pH and bioavailable HM contents were comparable to those of treatments with HM alone. Analyses of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLPs) of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA showed that HM treatment affected the structure of bacterial communities during the 4-year experimental period. Very likely, this is due to the still large bioavailable HM contents in the HM contaminated topsoils at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Despite an increase in the understanding of the soybean isoflavones involved in root-colonizing symbioses, relatively little is known about their levels in the rhizosphere and their interactions with the soil microbial community. Based on a 13-year experiment of continuous soybean monocultures, in the present study we quantified isoflavones in the soybean rhizosphere and analyzed the soil microbial community structure by examining its phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile. Two isoflavones, daidzein (7, 4′-dihydroxyisoflavone) and genistein (5,7,4′- trihydroxyisoflavone), were detected in the rhizosphere soil of soybean plants, with the concentrations in the field varying with duration of mono-cropping. Genistein concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 μg g−1 dry soil over different years, while daidzein concentrations rarely exceeded 0.6 μg g−1 dry soil. PLFA profiling showed that the signature lipid biomarkers of bacteria and fungi varied throughout the years of the study, particularly in mono-cropping year 2, and mono-cropping years 6-8. Principal component analysis clearly identified differences in the composition of PLFA during different years under mono-cropping. There was a positive correlation between the daidzein concentrations and soil fungi, whereas the genistein concentration showed a correlation with the total PLFA, fungi, bacteria, Gram (+) bacteria and aerobic bacteria in the soil microbial community. Both isoflavones were easily degraded in soil, resulting in short half-lives. Concentrations as small as 1 μg g−1 dry soil were sufficient to elicit changes in microbial community structure. A discriminant analysis of PLFA patterns showed that changes in microbial community structures were induced by both the addition of daidzein or genistein and incubation time. We conclude that daidzein and genistein released into the soybean rhizosphere may act as allelochemicals in the interactions between root and soil microbial community in a long-term mono-cropped soybean field.  相似文献   

Background, Aims, and Scope  The genetic structure and the functionality of soil microbes are both important when studying the role of soil in the C cycle in elevated CO2 scenarios. The aim of this work was to investigate the genetic composition of the fungal community by means of PCR-DGGE and the functional diversity of soil micro-organisms in general with MicroResp-based community level physiological profiling (CLPP) in a poplar plantation (POPFACE) grown under elevated [CO2] with and without nitrogen fertilization. Materials and Methods  The POPFACE experimental plantation and FACE facility are located in central Italy, Tuscania (VT). Clones of Populus alba, Populus nigra and Populus x euramericana were grown, from 1999 to 2004, in six 314 m2 plots treated either with atmospheric (control) or enriched (550 μmol mol−1) CO2 with FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) technology in each growing season. Each plot is divided into six triangular sectors, with two sectors per poplar genotype: three species × two nitrogen levels. After removal of the litter layer one soil core per genotype (10 cm wide, 20 cm depth) was taken inside each of the three sectors in each plot, for a total of 36 soil cores (3 replicates × 2 [CO2] × 2 fertilization × 3 species) in October 2004 and in July 2005. DNA was extracted with a bead beating procedure. 18S rDNA gene fragments were amplified with PCR using fungal primers (FR1 GC and FF390). Analysis of CLPP was performed using the MicroResp method. Carbon substrates were selected depending on their ecological relevance to soil and their solubility in water. In particular rhizospheric C sources (carboxylic acids and carbohydrates) were chosen considering the importance of root inputs for microbial metabolism. Results  The fertilization treatment differentiated the fungal community composition regardless of elevated [CO2] or the poplar species; moreover the number of fungal species was lower in fertilized soil. The effect of elevated [CO2] on the fungal community composition was evident only as interaction with the fertilization treatment as, in N-sufficient soils, the elevated [CO2] selected a different microbial community. For CLPP, the differ ent poplar species were the main factors of variation. The FACE treatment, on average, resulted in lower C utilization rates in un-fertilized soils and higher in fertilized soils. Discussion  Fungal biomass and fungal composition depend on different factors: from previous studies we know that the greater quantity and the higher C/N ratio of organic inputs under elevated [CO2] influenced positively the fungal biomass both in fertilized and in un-fertilized soil, whereas nitrogen availability resulted to be the main determinant of fungal community composition in this work. Whole active microbial community was directly influenced by the soil nutrient availability and the poplar species. Under elevated CO2 the competition for N with plants strongly affected the microbial communities, which were not able to benefit from added rhizospheric substrates. Under Nsufficient conditions, the increase of microbial activity due to [CO2] enrichment was related to a more active microbial community, favoured by the current availability of C and N. Conclusions  Different factors influenced the microbial community at different levels: poplar species and root exudates affected the functional properties of the microbial community, while the fungal specific composition (as seen with DGGE) remained unaffected. On the other hand, factors such as N and C availability had a strong impact on the community functionality and composition. Fungal community structure reflected the availability of N in soils and the effect of elevated [CO2] on community structure and function was evident only in N-sufficient soils. The simultaneous availability of C and N was therefore the main driving force for microbial structure and function in this plantation. Recommendations and Perspectives  Using the soil instead of soil extracts for CLPP determination provides a direct measurement of substrate catabolism by microbial communities and reflects activity rather than growth because more immediate responses to substrates are measured. Further applications of this approach could include selective inhibition of different microbial functional groups to investigate specific CLPPs. To combine the structural analysis and the catabolic responses of specific microbial communities (i.e. fungi or bacteria) could provide new outlooks on the role of microbes on SOM decomposition. ESS-Submission Editor: Dr. Kirk Semple (k.semple@lancaster.ac.uk)  相似文献   

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