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Most studies on soil fungi have been carried out with little explicit characterisation of soil structure within which fungi spread and biotic interactions occur. In this paper we use a combination of epidemiological (colonisation efficiency) and soil bio-physical (thin sectioning) techniques to investigate the role of macropores in soil on the spread of a fungal colony. Macropores, in the form of gaps orientated in various directions, were artificially introduced in replicated samples of sand and a sandy loam. The pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG4 was introduced on the surface (encountering a gap whilst the colony expands over the surface) or within soil (encountering a gap whilst the colony spreads through the bulk soil). Depending on the orientation, location and width, gaps were demonstrated to act as preferential pathways (increasing the colonisation efficiency of R. solani), or as a partial barrier (reducing the colonisation efficiency). Within bulk soil, R. solani preferentially followed larger pores, enabling the fungus to by-pass more densely areas. Study of soil thin sections revealed that hyphal densities were greater in gaps than in the surrounding bulk soil. We use the results to discuss how macropore structure in soil can either enhance or reduce the parasitic spread and saprotrophic invasion of soil by fungi.  相似文献   

Calcisol, ferralsol and vertisol soils, representative of different bean production areas of Villa Clara province in Cuba, were selected to determine the impact of soil type on bean hypocotyl rot severity caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG4 HGI (isolate CuVC-Rs7). In inoculated autoclaved soil, hypocotyl rot was most severe in calcisol soil, followed by ferralsol soils and then vertisol soils. In inoculated natural soils, disease severity was lower in vertisol and calcisol soils and higher in ferralsol soil, indicating that biological factors are suppressing or stimulating the pathogenic efficiency of R. solani. Native binucleate Rhizoctonia AGF, Sclerotium rolfsii and R. solani AG 4 HGI were isolated from bean plants grown in natural calcisol, vertisol and ferralsol soils, respectively. Subsequent studies about the interaction between these fungi and R. solani indicated that they were involved in the variability of disease severity caused by R. solani. The addition of R. solani AG4 HGI (isolate CuVC-Rs7) into each autoclaved soil inoculated with binucleate Rhizoctonia or S. rolfsii resulted in a reduction of disease severity caused by this pathogen while in soils inoculated with native R. solani AG4 HGI, disease severity increased. Irrespective of fungal interactions, calcisol was always the most disease conducive soil and vertisol the most disease repressive soil. The mechanisms by which native pathogenic fungi could influence disease severity caused by R. solani are discussed.  相似文献   

Plants of the Brassicaceae contain glucosinolates, the hydrolysis products of which inhibit the growth of many soil-borne fungi that cause plant disease. However, amending soil with green manures of these plants gives inconsistent control of several soil-borne diseases, including those caused by Rhizoctonia solani. To identify factors that contribute to this inconsistency we investigated, in the laboratory and in pot experiments in the glasshouse, the saprophytic behaviour of R. solani AG2-1 (ZG5) in a sandy soil amended with various green manures. Fresh material from either Brassica napus var. Karoo, B. napus B1, B. napus B2, B. nigra, Diplotaxis tenuifolia (a brassicaceous weed) and the non-Brassicaceae species, oat (Avena sativa) or lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) was used at 10 or 100 g of fresh material kg−1 of dry soil in Lancelin sand. At 100 g kg−1 the volatiles of all green manures reduced the hyphal growth of R. solani, except for B. napus B1. D. tenuifolia at 100 g kg−1 inhibited the growth and sclerotial formation of R. solani. Most green manures at 10 g kg−1, and at 40% water holding capacity, stimulated the growth of R. solani for up to 3 months and increased the activity of other microbes. R. solani infected the brassicaceous plants when growing and colonized the residues mixed with soil at 10 g kg−1. This inoculum increased the severity of damping-off in canola, by 27%. Disease was particularly severe when the green manure species, except D. tenuifolia and oat, were grown in situ and residues returned to the pot from which they came, before sowing canola. There is a potential hazard in applying green manures of Brassica species as their residues can, under certain conditions, support the saprophytic activity of R. solani which increases damping-off in canola sown in the amended soils.  相似文献   

A bacterium having strong chitinolytic activity was isolated from a coastal soil in Korea and identified as Paenibacillus illinoisensis KJA-424 on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 16S rRNA gene. By activity staining after SDS-PAGE, three major chitinase bands with chitinolytic activity, approximate molecular weight of 63, 54 and 38 kDa were detected. On co-culture Rhizoctonia solani with KJA-424, abnormal swelling and deformation of R. solani hyphae were observed, where the release of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine was detected. The bacterium suppressed the symptom of damping-off cucumber seedlings caused by R. solani, in greenhouse trial.  相似文献   

Disease suppressiveness against Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1 in cauliflower was studied in two marine clay soils with a sandy loam texture. The soils had a different cropping history. One soil had a long-term (40 years) cauliflower history and was suppressive, the other soil was conducive and came from a pear orchard not having a cauliflower crop for at least 40 years. These two soils were subjected to five successive cropping cycles with cauliflower or remaining fallow in a greenhouse experiment. Soils were inoculated with R. solani AG 2-1 only once or before every crop. Disease decline occurred in all treatments cropped with cauliflower, either because of a decreased pathogen population or increased suppressiveness of the soil. Disease suppressiveness tests indicated that the conducive soil became suppressive after five subsequent cauliflower crops inoculated each cycle with R. solani AG 2-1. Suppressiveness of all treatments was measured in a seed germination test (pre-emergence damping-off) as well as by measuring the spread of R. solani symptoms in young plants (post-emergence damping-off). Results showed that suppressiveness was significantly stimulated by the successive R. solani inoculations; presence of the cauliflower crop had less effect. Suppressiveness was of biological origin, since it disappeared after sterilization of the soil. Moreover, suppressiveness could be translocated by adding 10% suppressive soil into sterilized soil. The suppressive soil contained higher numbers of culturable filamentous actinomycetes than the conducive soil, but treatments enhancing suppressiveness did not show an increased actinomycetes population. The suppressiveness of the soil samples did also not correlate with the number of pseudomonads. Moreover, no correlation was found with the presence of different mycoparasitic fungi, i.e. Volutella spp., Gliocladium roseum, Verticillium biguttatum and Trichoderma spp. The suppressive soil contained a high percentage of bacteria with a strong in vitro inhibition of R. solani. These bacteria were identified as Lysobacter (56%), Streptomyces (23%) and Pseudomonas (21%) spp. A potential role of Lysobacter in soil suppressiveness was confirmed by quantitative PCR detection (TaqMan), since a larger Lysobacter population was present in suppressive cauliflower soil than in conducive pear orchard soil. Our experiments showed that successive cauliflower plantings can cause a decline of the damage caused by R. solani AG 2-1, and that natural disease suppressiveness was most pronounced after subsequent inoculations with the pathogen. The mode of action of the decline is not yet understood, but antagonistic Lysobacter spp. are potential key organisms.  相似文献   

A cultivation-based approach was used to determine the in vitro antagonistic potential of soil bacteria towards Rhizoctonia solani AG3 and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini (Foln3). Four composite soil samples were collected from four agricultural sites with previous documentation of disease suppression, located in France (FR), the Netherlands (NL), Sweden (SE) and the United Kingdom (UK). Similarly, two sites from Germany (Berlin, G-BR; and Braunschweig, G-BS) without documentation of disease suppression were sampled. Total bacterial counts were determined by plating serial dilutions from the composite soil samples onto R2A, AGS and King's B media. A total of 1,788 isolates (approximately 100 isolates per medium and site) was screened for antifungal activity, and in vitro antagonists (327 isolates) were found amongst the dominant culturable bacteria isolated from all six soils. The overall proportion of antagonists and the number of isolates with inhibitory activity against F. oxysporum were highest in three of the suppressive soils (FR, NL and SE). Characterization of antagonistic bacteria revealed a high phenotypic and genotypic diversity. Siderophore and protease activity were the most prominent phenotypic traits amongst the antagonists. The composition and diversity of antagonists in each soil was site-specific. Nevertheless, none of the antimicrobial traits of bacteria potentially contributing to soil suppressiveness analyzed in this study could be regarded as specific to a given site.  相似文献   

The development and survival of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans associated with sclerotia of the plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was studied in pasteurised and non-sterile (untreated) soil. Using scanning electron microscopy, developing pycnidia were first seen within the sclerotial medulla at 7 days post-inoculation with the mycoparasite in pasteurised soil. However, by 14 days post-inoculation, pycnidia had developed fully in both pasteurised and non-pasteurised treatments, and conidial droplets were exuded onto the outer surface of the infected sclerotia. Thirty days post-inoculation, irrespective of soil treatment, the majority of the sclerotial medulla had been converted to pycnidia, with the sclerotial rind remaining largely intact. The pycnidia and dried intact droplets were still observed 6 months post-inoculation with C. minitans, although the conidia on the outer surface of the dried droplets had largely collapsed by this stage. Germinability studies at 10 months post-inoculation showed that approximately 13% of the conidia in dried droplets were still viable. This work shows the potential for infected sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum to provide a unique reservoir for the survival of C. minitans.  相似文献   

Two fungal plant pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini, were studied in relation to general responses of soil fungi and bacteria following incorporation of Brassica juncea. Our aim was to understand to what extent the changes in the biological and physicochemical characteristics of the soil could explain the effects on the studied pathogens and diseases, and to determine the temporal nature of the responses. Short-term effects of mustard incorporation (up to 4 months) were investigated in a microcosm experiment, and compared with a treatment where composted plant material was incorporated. In a field experiment, the responses were followed up to 11 months after removal or incorporation of a mustard crop. In general, responses in the variables measured changed more after incorporation of fresh mustard material than after addition of similar amounts of composted plant material (microcosms) or after removal of the mustard crop (field). The soil inoculum potential of R. solani AG 2-2 decreased directly after incorporation of mustard, but increased later to disease levels above those in the untreated soil. Neither of these effects could be explained by changes in the population density of R. solani AG 2-2. Fusarium spp. were less influenced, although an increase in the suppressiveness to Fusarium wilt was observed after mustard incorporation as compared with the treatment where mustard was removed. The microbial responses to mustard incorporation were more pronounced for bacteria than for fungi. After an initial substantial increase, the bacterial density decreased but remained above the levels in the control treatment throughout the experimental periods. The bacterial community structure was modified up to 8 months after mustard incorporation. We conclude that incorporation of fresh mustard influences soil microbial communities, especially the bacteria, and has a potential to control the pathogenic activity of R. solani 2-2 on a short-term perspective. The time dependency in microbial responses is important and should be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the potential of Brassicas to control plant disease on a field scale.  相似文献   

Understanding the survival and persistence of Escherichia coli in soil with different microbial composition is essential for the accuracy of water quality assessment and microbial source tracking. This microcosm experiment was conducted to investigate the survival pattern of three E. coli strains (originated from soil, dog feces and human feces, separately) in soil with modified microbial community composition. Bile salt No. 3 (BS3) of progressively increased density (0.05%, 0.15%, 0.30% and 0.50%) was added into sandy loam soils and incubated for 90 days. Laboratory cultured E. coli were then inoculated into soil and incubated for another 150 days to monitor their survival pattern. Change of bacterial community diversity by BS3 was detected by both cultivation based and cultivation independent (PCR-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) methods. In general, progressively increased BS3 concentration resulted in decreased CFU counts both at 10 days and 90 days incubation. DGGE analysis indicated only a slight change in bacterial community composition at 10 days but a significant change at 90 days. Cluster analysis suggested that BS3 treatment grouped separately from controls. Survival of E. coli in soil was significantly influenced by the complexity of the microbial community, as die-off rate of E. coli progressively declined with the reduction of microbial community diversity. Differential survival of E. coli under different soil microbial stress highlights the importance of incorporating biotic factors in predictive models for water quality management and microbial source tracking study.  相似文献   

In coastal foredunes, the grass Ammophila arenaria develops a soil community that contributes to die-back and replacement by later successional plant species. Root-feeding nematodes and pathogenic soil microorganisms are involved in this negative feedback. Regular burial by wind-blown beach sand results in vigorous growth of A. arenaria, probably because of enabling a temporary escape from negative soil feedback. Here, we examine the role of root-feeding nematodes as compared to the whole soil community in causing negative feedback to A. arenaria. We performed a 3-year sand burial experiment in the field and every year we determined the feedback of different soil communities to plant growth in growth chamber bioassays.In the field, we established A. arenaria in tubes with beach sand, added three endoparasitic root-feeding nematode species (Meloidogyne maritima, Heterodera arenaria and Pratylenchus penetrans) or root zone soil to the plants, and created series of ceased and continued sand burial. During three subsequent years, plant biomass was measured and numbers of nematodes were counted. Every year, bioassays were performed with the field soils and biomass of seed-grown A. arenaria plants was measured to determine the strength of feedback of the established soil communities to the plant.In the field, addition of root zone soil had a negative effect on biomass of buried plants. In the bioassays, addition of root zone soil also reduced the biomass of newly planted seedlings, however, only in the case when the field plants had not been buried with beach sand. Addition of the three endoparasitic root-feeding nematodes did not influence plant biomass in the field and in the bioassays. Our results strongly suggest that the negative feedback to A. arenaria is not due to the combination of the three endoparasitic nematodes, but to other components in the soil community, or their interactions with the nematodes.  相似文献   

The fungus Trichoderma atroviride SC1 is an experimental biocontrol agent (BCA) that is active against the fungus Armillaria mellea. Following the application of Trichoderma to the surface soil of a vineyard, we used a highly specific real-time PCR, previously validated for the analysis of soil microcosms, to monitor the populations of this fungus at different soil depths over several months. The quantification obtained using this molecular method was highly correlated with laboratory assays of colony-forming units. The native communities of bacteria and fungi in the soil were analyzed using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), and transient changes were observed following the application of T. atroviride SC1 conidia. A principal component of variance analysis demonstrated that the introduction of T. atroviride SC1 had an effect on the soil microflora during the first two weeks following inoculation. However, at later dates, environmental conditions had a higher influence on the surveyed communities than the BCA application, as confirmed through the use of the Shannon index of biodiversity. Soil depth had a strong influence on the composition and biodiversity of fungal communities.  相似文献   

Ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produced from apothecia are the primary source of inoculum for causing diseases such as white mold of common bean, pod rot of pea, stem blight of canola and head rot of sunflower and safflower in the Canadian prairies. A field study was conducted for 4 years to determine efficacy of control of production of apothecia from carpogenically germinated sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum by soil amendment with Perlka® (calcium cyanamide) and S-H mixture (a formulated compound). Results of the 4-year experiments showed that amendment of soil with Perlka® at low (30 g/m2) or high (60 g/m2) rate was effective in reducing carpogenic germination of sclerotia and production of apothecia under the canopy of host crops (common bean and canola) and a non-host crop (wheat). In the experiments of 1988, for example, the numbers of apothecia produced in the treatments of Perlka®-low rate (30 g/m2), Perlka®-high rate (60 g/m2) and untreated control were 42, 46, and 182 apothecia/plot (m2), respectively, for bean; 89, 42, and 318 apothecia/plot (m2), respectively, for canola; and 146, 143, and 412 apothecia/plot (m2), respectively, for wheat. However, soil amendment of S-H mixture at low (30 g/m2) or high (60 g/m2) rate was ineffective in reducing carpogenic germination of sclerotia and production of apothecia for all the 4 years of testing in all three crops. The ineffectiveness of S-H mixture and the practicality of Perlka® for control of Sclerotinia diseases of crops grown under Canadian prairie conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Litter decomposing basidiomycetous fungi produce ligninolytic oxidases and peroxidases which are involved in the transformation of lignin, as well as humic and fulvic acids. The aim of this work was to evaluate their importance in lignin transformation in forest litter. Two litter decomposing basidiomycete species differing in their abilities to degrade lignin - Hypholoma fasciculare, and Gymnopus erythropus - were cultured on sterile or non-sterile oak litter and their transformation of a 14C-labelled synthetic lignin (dehydrogenation polymer 14C-DHP) was compared with that of the indigenous litter microflora. Both in sterile and non-sterile litter, colonisation by basidiomycetes led to higher titres of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes, in particular of laccase and Mn-peroxidase (MnP). The titres of the latter were 6 to 40-fold increased in the presence of basidiomycetes compared to non-sterile litter. During 10 weeks, G. erythropus mineralised over 31% of 14C-DHP in sterile litter and 23% in non-sterile litter compared to 14% in the non-sterile control. Lignin mineralization by H. fasciculare was comparable to the non-sterile control, 12% in sterile litter and 16% in the non-sterile litter. The largest part of 14C from 14C-DHP was transformed into humic compounds during litter treatment with both fungi as well as in the control. In addition to the fast lignin mineralization, microcosms containing G. erythropus also showed a lower final content of unaltered lignin and 23-28% of the lignin was converted into water-soluble compounds with relatively low molecular mass (<5 kDa). Both G. erythropus and H. fasciculare were also able to further mineralise humic compounds. During a 10-week fungal treatment of an artificial 14C-humic acid (14C-HA) supplemented to the natural humic material of a forest soil, the fungi mineralised 42% and 19% of the labelled material, respectively, under sterile conditions. The 14C-HA mineralization by introduced basidiomycetes in microcosms containing non-sterile humic material, however, did not significantly differ from that of a non-sterile control and was around 12%. Altogether the results show that saprobic basidiomycetes can considerably differ in their rates of lignin and humic substance conversion. Furthermore, lignin degradation in forest soil can rather slow down by interspecific competition than it is accelerated by cooperation of different microorganisms occupying specific nutritional niches. Therefore, the overall contribution of saprobic basidiomycetes depends on their particular eco-physiological status and the competitive pressure, and may be often lower than initially expected. Significant lignin transformation including partial mineralization is seemingly not exclusively dependent on exceptional high titres of ligninolytic enzymes but also on so far unknown factors. Higher endocellulase production and subsequent weight loss was found in microcosms where saprobic basidiomycetes were combined with indigenous microbes. Potentially, lignin degradation by the basidiomycetes may have increased cellulose availability to the indigenous microbes.  相似文献   

Based on the enclosed chamber method, soil respiration measurements of Leymus chinensis populations with four planting densities (30, 60, 90 and 120 plants/0.25 m2) and blank control were made from July 31 to November 24, 2003. In terms of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities and their corresponding root biomass, linear regressive equations between soil respiration rates and dry root weights were obtained at different observation times. Thus, soil respiration rates attributed to soil microbial activity could be estimated by extrapolating the regressive equations to zero root biomass. The soil microbial respiration rates of L. chinensis populations during the growing season ranged from 52.08 to 256.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Soil microbial respiration rates in blank control plots were also observed directly, ranging from 65.00 to 267.40 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. The difference of soil microbial respiration rates between the inferred and the observed methods ranged from −26.09 to 9.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Some assumptions associated with these two approaches were not completely valid, which might result in this discrepancy. However, these two methods' application could provide new insights into separating root respiration from soil microbial respiration. The root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities could be estimated based on measured soil respiration rates, soil microbial respiration rates and corresponding mean dry root weight, and the highest values appeared at the early stage, then dropped off rapidly and tended to be constant after September 10. The mean proportions of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations attributable to the inferred and the observed root respiration rates were 36.8% (ranging from 9.7 to 52.9%) and 30.0% (ranging from 5.8 to 41.2%), respectively. Although root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations declined rapidly, the proportion of root respiration to soil respiration still increased gradually with the increase of root biomass.  相似文献   

Nematodes belonging to the genus Meloidogyne are the most ubiquitous and widespread plant-parasitic nematodes. They occur worldwide, are polyphagous and can parasitize most cultivated plants leading to reduced crop yields. They are especially harmful in developing countries because of the lack of suitable and feasible management strategies. Among all the control practices (chemicals, physical techniques, cultural practices, resistance), the use of natural enemies as biological control agents is the most recently developed. Pasteuria penetrans which is an obligate Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium, is perhaps the most promising plant-parasitic nematode biocontrol agent. Despite much research conducted on prey-predator interactions (host-parasite specificity, mechanisms of attachment, field efficacy), the influence of the soil environment on host-parasite interactions is poorly understood even when the soil appears to be the key factor. Beyond common studies on the influence of climatic conditions on the attachment of endospores of P. penetrans to nematodes, more knowledge about the systemic interactions between plants, soil water dynamics, soil texture and structure, and other biota on the parasitism of nematodes by P. penetrans would improve their utilization as biological control agents. The aim of this review is to analyze the literature dealing with the influence of the soil on nematode - P. penetrans interactions in order to suggest a helpful conceptual model based on partitioning the Pasteuria population in sub-populations according to their soil habitat (dispersible and non-dispersible aggregates, microporosity, macroporosity), not all of them being available for attachment and infection on nematodes. Such concerns should be taken into account by epidemiologists for improving biological management strategies based on the use of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Altered rates of native soil organic matter (SOM) mineralisation in the presence of labile C substrate (‘priming’), is increasingly recognised as central to the coupling of plant and soil-biological productivity and potentially as a key process mediating the C-balance of soils. However, the mechanisms and controls of SOM-priming are not well understood. In this study we manipulated microbial biomass size and composition (chloroform fumigation) and mineral nutrient availability to investigate controls of SOM-priming. Effects of applied substrate (13C-glucose) on mineralisation of native SOM were quantified by isotopic partitioning of soil respiration. In addition, the respective contributions of SOM-C and substrate-derived C to microbial biomass carbon (MBC) were quantified to account for pool-substitution effects (‘apparent priming’). Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of the soils were determined to establish treatment effects on microbial community structure, while the 13C-enrichment of PLFA biomarkers was used to establish pathways of substrate-derived C-flux through the microbial communities. The results indicated that glucose additions increased SOM-mineralisation in all treatments (positive priming). The magnitude of priming was reduced in fumigated soils, concurrent with reduced substrate-derived C-flux through putative SOM-mineralising organisms (fungi and actinomycetes). Nutrient additions reduced the magnitude of positive priming in non-fumigated soils, but did not affect the distribution of substrate-derived C in microbial communities. The results support the view that microbial community composition is a determinant of SOM-mineralisation, with evidence that utilisation of labile substrate by fungal and actinomycete (but not Gram-negative) populations promotes positive SOM-priming.  相似文献   

Plants often impact the rate of native soil organic matter turnover through root interactions with soil organisms; however the role of root-microbial interactions in mediation of the “priming effect” is not well understood. We examined the effects of living plant roots and N fertilization on belowground C dynamics in a California annual grassland soil (Haploxeralf) during a two-year greenhouse study. The fate of 13C-labeled belowground C (roots and organic matter) was followed under planted (Avena barbata) and unplanted conditions, and with and without supplemental N (20 kg N ha−1 season−1) over two periods of plant growth, each followed by a dry, fallow period of 120 d. Turnover of belowground 13C SOM was followed using 13C-phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers. Living roots increased the turnover and loss of belowground 13C compared with unplanted soils. Planted soils had 20% less belowground 13C present than in unplanted soils after 2 cycles of planting and fallow. After 2 treatment cycles, unlabeled soil C was 4.8% higher in planted soils than unplanted. The addition of N to soils decreased the turnover of enriched belowground 13C during the first treatment season in both planted and unplanted soils, however no effect of N was observed thereafter. Our findings suggest that A. barbata may increase soil C levels over time because root and exudate C inputs are significant, but that increase will be moderated by an overall faster C mineralization rate of belowground C. N addition may slow soil C losses; however, the effect was minor and transient in this system. The labeled root-derived 13C was initially recovered in gram negative (highest enrichment), gram positive, and fungal biomarkers. With successive growing seasons, the labeled C in the gram negative and fungal markers declined, while gram positive markers continued to accumulate labeled belowground C. The rhizosphere of A. barbata shifted the microbial community composition, resulting in greater abundances of gram negative markers and lower abundances of gram positive, actinobacteria and cyclopropyl PLFA markers compared to unplanted soil. However, the longer-term utilization of labeled belowground C by gram positive bacteria was enhanced in the rhizosphere microbial community compared with unplanted soils. We suggest that the activities of gram positive bacteria may be major controllers of multi-year rhizosphere-related priming of SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

The flow of new and native plant-derived C in the rhizosphere of an agricultural field during one growing season was tracked, the ratios in different soil C pools were quantified, and the residence times (s) were estimated. For this the natural differences in 13C abundances of: (1) C4 soil (with a history of C4 plant, Miscanthus sinensis, cultivation), (2) C3 soil (history of C3 plant cultivation), and (3) C4/3 soil (C4 soil, planted with a C3 plant, Triticum aestivum) were used. Total amounts and 13C values of total soil C, non-hydrolysable C, light fraction C, water-soluble C, microbial biomass C, and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) were determined. Using the 13C values of soil C in a mixing and a 1-box model enabled the quantification of relative contributions of C3 plant and C4 plant C to the total amount of the respective C pools in the C4/3 soil and their s. Compared to early spring (March), the percentage of C3 plant C increased in all pools in June and August, showing the addition of new C to the different soil C fractions. In August the contribution of new C to microbial biomass C and water-soluble C reached 64 and 89%, respectively. The s of these pools were 115 and 147 days. The 13C values of the dominant soil PLFA, 18:17c, cy19:0, 18:19c, 16:0, and 10Me16:0, showed wide ranges (–35.1 to –13.0) suggesting that the microbial community utilized different pools as C sources during the season. The 13C values of PLFA, therefore, enabled the analysis of the metabolically active populations. The majority of 13C values of PLFA from the C4/3 soil were closely related to those of PLFA from the C3 soil when T. aestivum biomass contributions to the soil were high in June and August. Specific populations reacted differently to changes in environmental conditions and supplies of C sources, which reflect the high functional diversity of soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are key organisms of the soil/plant system, influencing soil fertility and plant nutrition, and contributing to soil aggregation and soil structure stability by the combined action of extraradical hyphae and of an insoluble, hydrophobic proteinaceous substance named glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). Since the GRSP extraction procedures have recently revealed problems related to co-extracting substances, the relationship between GRSP and AM fungi still remains to be verified. In this work the hypothesis that GRSP concentration is positively correlated with the occurrence of AM fungi was tested by using Medicago sativa plants inoculated with different isolates of Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices in a microcosm experiment. Our results show that (i) mycorrhizal establishment produced an increase in GRSP concentration - compared to initial values - in contrast with non-mycorrhizal plants, which did not produce any change; (ii) aggregate stability, evaluated as mean weight diameter (MWD) of macroaggregates of 1-2 mm diameter, was significantly higher in mycorrhizal soils compared to non-mycorrhizal soil; (iii) GRSP concentration and soil aggregate stability were positively correlated with mycorrhizal root volume and weakly correlated with total root volume; (iv) MWD values of soil aggregates were positively correlated with values of total hyphal length and hyphal density of the AM fungi utilized.The different ability of AM fungal isolates to affect GRSP concentration and to form extensive and dense mycelial networks, which may directly affect soil aggregates stability by hyphal enmeshment of soil particles, suggests the possibility of selecting the most efficient isolates to be utilized for soil quality improvement and land restoration programs.  相似文献   

The concentration of glucosinolates (GSLs) and isothiocyanates (ITCs) was monitored in soil following the incorporation of pulverised high and low GSL varieties of rape (Brassica napus) and mustard (Brassica juncea) biofumigant crops. The concentration of both GSLs and ITCs in soil was highest immediately (30 min) after incorporation and they could be detected for up to 8 and 12 d, respectively. Irrigating with 18 mm of water over 3 h had no effect on either GSL or ITC concentrations. The amounts detected were generally related to the amount of GSL added in the incorporated plant tissue. Maximum total GSL concentration detected in the soil was 13.8 and 22.8 nmol g−1 for rape and mustard, respectively, representing 7% and 13% of the original GSL present in the incorporated tissues. The non-ITC liberating GSLs (predominately indolyl GSLs) were found at lower concentrations than ITC-liberating GSLs, but tended to persist longer in the soil. Maximum total ITC concentration was 21.6 nmol g−1 and 90.6 nmol g−1 for rape and mustard, respectively. Calculated ITC release efficiency was 26% and 56% for high GSL rape and mustard, respectively at the time of the highest ITC concentration measured. These are the first reported measurements of GSLs in soil following biofumigant incorporation. They indicate that a significant proportion of plant GSL can persist un-hydrolysed in the soil for several days following Brassica incorporation. Further investigations of plant treatment and incorporation methods to maximise ITC release are warranted.  相似文献   

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