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Soils represent the major source of the atmospheric greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) and there is a need to better constrain the total global flux and the relative contribution of the microbial source processes. The aim of our study was to determine variability and control of the isotopic fingerprint of N2O fluxes following NH4+-fertilization and dominated by nitrification. We conducted a microcosm study with three arable soils fertilized with 0–140 mg NH4+–N kg−1. Fractions of N2O derived from nitrification and denitrification were determined in parallel experiments using the 15N tracer and acetylene inhibition techniques or by comparison with unfertilized treatments. Soils were incubated for 3–10 days at low moisture (30–55% water-filled pore space) in order to establish conditions favoring nitrification. Dual isotope and isotopomer ratios of emitted N2O were determined by mass spectrometric analysis of δ18O, average δ15N (δ15Nbulk) and 15N site preference (SP = difference in δ15N between the central and peripheral N positions of the asymmetric N2O molecule). N2O originated mainly from nitrification (>80%) in all treatments and the proportion of NH4+ nitrified that was lost as N2O ranged between 0.07 and 0.45%. δ18O and SP of N2O fluxes ranged from 15 to 28.4‰ and from 13.9 to 29.8‰, respectively. These ranges overlapped with isotopic signatures of N2O from denitrification reported previously. There was a negative correlation between SP and δ18O which is opposite to reported trends in N2O from denitrification. Variation of average 15N signatures of N2O (δ15Nbulk) did not supply process information, apparently because a strong shift in precursor signatures masked process-specific effects on δ15Nbulk. Maximum SP of total N2O fluxes and of nitrification fluxes was close to reported SP of N2O from NH4+ or NH2OH conversion by autotrophic nitrifiers, suggesting that SP close to 30‰ is typical for autotrophic nitrification in soils following NH4+-fertilization. The results suggest that the δ18O/SP fingerprint of N2O might be used as a new indicator of the dominant source process of N2O fluxes in soils.  相似文献   

Eleven types of agricultural soils were collected from Chinese uplands and paddy fields to compare their N2O and NO production by nitrification under identical laboratory conditions. Before starting the assays, all air-dried soils were preincubated for 4 weeks at 25 °C and 40% WFPS (water-filled pore space). The nitrification activities of soils were determined by adding (NH4)2SO4 (200 mg N kg−1 soil) and incubating for 3 weeks at 25 °C and 60% WFPS. The net nitrification rates obtained fitted one of two types of models, depending on the soil pH: a zero-order reaction model for acidic soils and one neutral soil (Group 0); or a first-order reaction model for one neutral soil and alkaline soils (Group 1). The results suggest that pH is the most important factor in determining the kinetics of soil nitrification from ammonium. In the Group 1 soils, initial emissions (i.e. during the first week) of N2O and NO were 82.6 and 83.6%, respectively, of the total emissions during 3 weeks of incubation; in the Group 0 soils, initial emissions of N2O and NO were 54.7 and 59.9%, respectively, of the total emissions. The net nitrification rate in the first week and second-third weeks were highly correlated with the initial and subsequent emissions (i.e. during the second and third weeks), respectively, of N2O and NO. The average percentages of emitted (N2O+NO)-N relative to net nitrification N in initial and subsequent periods were 2.76 and 0.59 for Group 0, and 1.47 and 0.44 for the Group 1, respectively. The initial and subsequent emission ratios of NO/N2O from Group 0 (acidic) soils were 3.77 and 2.52 times, respectively, higher than those from Group 1 soils (P<0.05).  相似文献   

The winter season has been identified as a significant contributor to N2O emissions from boreal soils, but our understanding of the processes regulating these emissions is fragmentary. We investigated potential N-sources and pathways involved in N2O formation in a frozen boreal forest soil by labeling soil samples with 15N-containing substrates, and measured rates of 15N2O/15N2 formation under both oxic and anoxic conditions. Our results showed that all N2O produced in the frozen samples originate from denitrification, but the rate-limiting factor is NO3 availability, which is largely governed by nitrification. This suggests that N2O formation in frozen boreal soils may be sustained for a prolonged period of time, but is governed by a delicate balance of the O2 regime.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrapyrin and C2H2 were evaluated as nitrification inhibitors in soil to determine the relative contributions of denitrification and nitrification to total N2O production. In laboratory experiments nitrapyrin, or its solvent xylene, stimulated denitrification directly or indirectly and was therefore considered unsuitable. Low partial pressures of C2H2 (2.5–5.0 Pa) inhibited nitrification and had only a small effect on denitrification, which made it possible to estimate the contribution of denitrification. The contribution of nitrification was estimated by subtracting the denitrification value from total N2O production (samples without C2H2). The critical C2H2 concentrations needed to achieve inhibition of nitrification, without affecting the N2O reductase in denitrifiers, must be individually determined for each set of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

氧化亚氮(N2O)是重要的温室气体之一。本文从施肥、灌溉、耕作、种植作物及土地用途改变等方面论述了农业活动对土壤排放氧化亚氮的影响,并总结了减排措施。  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was established to determine the influence of mineral fertilizer (NPK) or organic manure (composed of wheat straw, oil cake and cottonseed cake) on soil fertility. A tract of calcareous fluvo-aquic soil (aquic inceptisol) in the Fengqiu State Key Experimental Station for Ecological Agriculture (Fengqiu county, Henan province, China) was fertilized beginning in September 1989 and N2O emissions were examined during the maize and wheat growth seasons of 2002-2003. The study involved seven treatments: organic manure (OM), half-organic manure plus half-fertilizer N (1/2 OMN), fertilizer NPK (NPK), fertilizer NP (NP), fertilizer NK (NK), fertilizer PK (PK) and control (CK). Manured soils had higher organic C and N contents, but lower pH and bulk densities than soils receiving the various mineralized fertilizers especially those lacking P, indicating that long-term application of manures could efficiently prevent the leaching of applied N from and increase N content in the plowed layer. The application of manures and fertilizers at a rate of 300 kg N ha−1 year−1 significantly increased N2O emissions from 150 g N2O-N ha−1 year−1 in the CK treatment soil to 856 g N2O-N ha−1 year−1 in the OM treatment soil; however, there was no significant difference between the effect of fertilizer and manure on N2O emission. More N2O was released during the 102-day maize growth season than during the 236-day wheat growth season in the N-fertilized soils but not in N-unfertilized soils. N2O emission was significantly affected by soil moisture during the maize growth season and by soil temperature during the wheat growth season. In sum, this study showed that manure added to a soil tested did not result in greater N2O emission than treatment with a N-containing fertilizer, but did confer greater benefits for soil fertility and the environment.  相似文献   

Based on the N2O and CO2 emission data concomitantly measured from agricultural upland fields around the world, we developed an empirical model as follows: cumulative N2O emission = aexp[b*(ECO2/Scn + Fn)] (R2adj = 0.85∼0.87), where ECO2 is the rate of heterotrophic respiration from soils, Scn is the soil C/N ratio, and Fn is the chemical fertilizer N rate. The model parameters derived from the data from the soils without receiving chemical fertilizers were significantly different from the ones from the fertilized soils. This model indicates that CO2 emission and soil C/N ratio can be used as scaling parameters to produce regional or global inventories of N2O emission from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Soils represent the major source of the atmospheric greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) and there is a need to better constrain the total global flux and the relative contribution of the microbial source processes. The aim of our study was to evaluate isotopomer analysis of N2O (intramolecular distribution of 15N) as well as conventional nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios (i) as a tool to identify N2O production processes in soils and (ii) to constrain the isotopic fingerprint of soil-derived N2O. We conducted a microcosm study with arable loess soil fertilized with 20 mg N kg−1 of 15NO3-labeled or non-labeled ammonium nitrate. Soils were incubated for 16 d at varying moisture (55%, 75% and 85% water-filled pore space (WFPS)) in order to establish different levels of nitrification and denitrification. Dual isotope and isotopomer ratios of emitted N2O were determined by mass spectrometric analysis of δ18O, average δ15N (δ15Nbulk) and 15N site preference (SP=difference in δ15N between the central and peripheral N-positions of the asymmetric N2O molecule). Total rates and N2O emission of denitrification and nitrification were determined by 15N analysis of headspace gases and soil extracts of the 15NO3 treatment. N2O emission and denitrification increased with moisture whereas gross nitrification was almost constant. In the 55% WFPS treatment, more than half of the N2O flux was derived from nitrification, whereas denitrification was the dominant N2O source in the 75% WFPS and 85% WFPS treatments. Moisture conditions were reflected by the isotopic signatures since highly significant differences were observed for average δ15Nbulk, SP and δ18O. Experiment means of the 75% WFPS and 85% WFPS treatments gave negative δ15Nbulk (−18.0‰ and −34.8‰, respectively) and positive SP (8.6‰ and 15.3‰, respectively), which we explained by the fractionation during N2O production and partial reduction to N2. In the 55% WFPS treatment, mean SP was relatively low (1.9‰), which suggests that nitrification produced N2O with low or negative SP. The observed influence of process condition on isotopomer signatures suggests that the isotopomer approach might be suitable for identifying N2O source processes. However, more research is needed to determine the impact from process rates and microbial community structure. Isotopomer signatures were within the range reported from previous soil studies which supports the assumption that SP of soil-derived N2O is lower than SP of tropospheric N2O.  相似文献   

Quantifying the nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes emitted from croplands remains a major challenge. Field measurements in different climates, soil and agricultural conditions are still scarce and emissions are generally assessed from a small number of measurements. In this study, we report continuously measured N2O and NO fluxes with a high temporal resolution over a 2-year crop sequence of barley and maize in northern France. Measurements were carried out using 6 automatic chambers at a rate of 16 mean flux measurements per day. Additional laboratory measurements on soil cores were conducted to study the response of NO and N2O emissions to environmental conditions.The detection limit of the chamber setup was found to be 3 ng N m−2 s−1 for N2O and 0.1 ng N m−2 s−1 for NO. Nitrous oxide fluxes were higher than the threshold 37% of the time, while they were 72% of the time for NO fluxes.The cumulated annual NO and N2O emissions were 1.7 kg N2O-N ha−1 and 0.5 kg NO-N ha−1 in 2007, but 2.9 kg N2O-N ha−1 and 0.7 kg NO-N ha−1 in 2008. These inter-annual differences were largely related to crop types and to their respective management practices. The forms, amounts and timing of nitrogen applications and the mineralization of organic matter by incorporation of crop residues were found to be the main factor controlling the emissions peaks. The inter-annual variability was also due to different weather conditions encountered in 2007 and 2008. In 2007, the fractioned N inputs applied on barley (54 kg ha−1 in March and in April) did not generate N2O emissions peaks because of the low rainfall during the spring. However, the significant rainfall observed in the summer and fall of 2007, promoted rapid decomposition of barley residues which caused high levels of N2O emissions. In 2008, the application of dairy cattle slurry and mineral fertilizer before the emergence of maize (107 kg Nmin ha−1 or 130 kg Ntot ha−1 in all) coincided with large rainfalls promoting both NO and N2O emissions, which remained high until early summer.Laboratory measurements corroborated the field observations: NO fluxes were maximum at a water-filled pore space (WFPS) of around 27% while N2O fluxes were optimal at 68% WFPS, with a maximum potentially 14 times larger than for NO.  相似文献   

Independent soil microcosm experiments were used to investigate the effects of the fungicides mancozeb and chlorothalonil, and the herbicide prosulfuron, on N2O and NO production by nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in fertilized soil. Soil cores were amended with NH4NO3 or NH4NO3 and pesticide, and the N2O and NO concentrations were monitored periodically for approximately 48 h following amendment. Nitrification is the major source of N2O and NO in these soils at soil moistures relevant to those observed at the field site where the cores were collected. At pesticide concentrations from 0.02 to 10 times that of a standard single application on a corn crop, N2O and NO production was inhibited by all three pesticides. Generally N2O production was inhibited by the pesticides from 10 to 62% and 20 to 98% at the lowest and highest dosages, respectively. Nitric oxide production was generally inhibited from about 5 to 47% and by 20 to 97% at the lowest and highest dosages, respectively. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide production by nitrification was more susceptible to inhibition by these pesticides than denitrification. Production of both N2O and NO by nitrification was inhibited by as much as 99%, at the highest concentration of pesticide applied. The net production of N2O increased as soil moisture increased. The rate of NO production was greatest at the intermediate moistures investigated, between 14 and 19% gravimetric soil moisture, suggestive that nitrification is the dominant source of NO.  相似文献   

Emission of N2O and CH4 oxidation rates were measured from soils of contrasting (30-75%) water-filled pore space (WFPS). Oxidation rates of 13C-CH4 were determined after application of 10 μl 13C-CH4 l−1 (10 at. % excess 13C) to soil headspace and comparisons made with estimates from changes in net CH4 emission in these treatments and under ambient CH4 where no 13C-CH4 had been applied. We found a significant effect of soil WFPS on 13C-CH4 oxidation rates and evidence for oxidation of 2.2 μg 13C-CH4 d−1 occurring in the 75% WFPS soil, which may have been either aerobic oxidation occurring in aerobic microsites in this soil or anaerobic CH4 oxidation. The lowest 13C-CH4 oxidation rate was measured in the 30% WFPS soil and was attributed to inhibition of methanotroph activity in this dry soil. However, oxidation was lowest in the wetter soils when estimated from changes in concentration of 12+13C-CH4. Thus, both methanogenesis and CH4 oxidation may have been occurring simultaneously in these wet soils, indicating the advantage of using a stable isotope approach to determine oxidation rates. Application of 13C-CH4 at 10 μl 13C-CH4 l−1 resulted in more rapid oxidation than under ambient CH4 conditions, suggesting CH4 oxidation in this soil was substrate limited, particularly in the wetter soils. Application of and (80 mg N kg soil−1; 9.9 at.% excess 15N) to different replicates enabled determination of the respective contributions of nitrification and denitrification to N2O emissions. The highest N2O emission (119 μg 14+15N-N2O kg soil−1 over 72 h) was measured from the 75% WFPS soil and was mostly produced during denitrification (18.1 μg 15N-N2O kg soil−1; 90% of 15N-N2O from this treatment). Strong negative correlations between 14+15N-N2O emissions, denitrified 15N-N2O emissions and 13C-CH4 concentrations (r=−0.93 to −0.95, N2O; r=−0.87 to −0.95, denitrified 15N-N2O; P<0.05) suggest a close relationship between CH4 oxidation and denitrification in our soil, the nature of which requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Earthworm activity may have an effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from crop residue. However, the importance of this effect and its main controlling variables are largely unknown. The main objective of this study was to determine under which conditions and to what extent earthworm activity impacts N2O emissions from grass residue. For this purpose we initiated a 90-day (experiment I) and a 50-day (experiment II) laboratory mesocosm experiment using a Typic Fluvaquent pasture soil with silt loam texture. In all treatments, residue was applied, and emissions of N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) were measured. In experiment I the residue was applied on top of the soil surface and we tested (a) the effects of the anecic earthworm species Aporrectodea longa (Ude) vs. the epigeic species Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffmeister) and (b) interactions between earthworm activity and bulk density (1.06 vs. 1.61 g cm−3). In experiment II we tested the effect of L. rubellus after residue was artificially incorporated in the soil. In experiment I, N2O emissions in the presence of earthworms significantly increased from 55.7 to 789.1 μg N2O-N kg−1 soil (L. rubellus; p<0.001) or to 227.2 μg N2O-N kg−1 soil (A. longa; p<0.05). This effect was not dependent on bulk density. However, if the residue was incorporated into the soil (experiment II) the earthworm effect disappeared and emissions were higher (1064.2 μg N2O-N kg−1 soil). At the end of the experiment and after removal of earthworms, a drying/wetting and freezing/thawing cycle resulted in significantly higher emissions of N2O and CO2 from soil with prior presence of L. rubellus. Soil with prior presence of L. rubellus also had higher potential denitrification. We conclude that the main effect of earthworm activity on N2O emissions is through mixing residue into the soil, switching residue decomposition from an aerobic and low denitrification pathway to one with significant denitrification and N2O production. Furthermore, A. longa activity resulted in more stable soil organic matter than L. rubellus.  相似文献   

Field measurement results showed that approximately 40% of the annual N2O losses occurred during the non-growing season and confirmed the importance of spring and autumn periods for assessment of total N2O losses from semi-arid temperate grassland in China. In the previous study, we found that the 7.2 version of Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model had significantly lower estimates of N2O losses in spring and autumn time. In this study, three modifications, which mainly focus on the nitrification sub-model, the impact of soil frost and snow cover on gas production and emission, had been made to the model code. Based on field measurement, we concluded that modified version of DNDC model is more suitable for estimating the magnitude and seasonal trends of N2O losses from this region on a plot scale. By extrapolating the field data with our modified model, we estimated that the annual N2O emission rates for natural temperate grasslands of northern China is ca. 0.056Tg N2O-N y−1, i.e. ca. 40% lower than the estimate based only on field measurements (ca. 0.092Tg N2O-N y−1).  相似文献   

Summary NO and N2O release rates were measured in an acidic forest soil (pH 4.0) and a slightly alkaline agricultural soil (pH 7.8) after the pH was adjusted to values ranging from pH 4.0 to 7.8. The total release of NO and N2O during 20 h of incubation was determined together with the net changes in the concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 2 and NO 3 in the soil. The release of NO and N2O increased after fertilization with NH 4 + and/or NO 3 ; it strongly decreased with increasing pH in the acidic forest soil; and it increased when the pH of the alkaline agricultural soil was decreased to pH 6.5. However, there was no simple correlation between NO and N2O release or between these compounds and activities such as the NO 2 accumulation, NO 3 reduction, or NH 4 + oxidation. We suggest that soil pH exerts complex controls, e.g., on microbial populations or enzyme activities involved in nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

Here we provide evidence that the form of carbon compound and O2 concentration exert an inter-related regulation on the production and reduction of N2O in soil. 6.7 mM d-glucose, 6.7 mM D-mannitol, 8 mM L-glutamic acid or 10 mM butyrate (all equivalent to 0.48 g C l−1) were applied to slurries of a sandy loam soil. At the start of the experiment headspace O2 concentrations were established at ∼2%, 10% and 21% O2 v/v for each C treatment, and 2 mM K15NO3 (25 atom % excess 15N) was applied, enabling quantification of 15N-N2 production, 15N-(N2O-to-N2) ratios and DNRA. The form of C compound was most important in the initially oxic (21% O2 v/v) soils, where addition of butyrate and glutamic acid resulted in greater N2O production (0.61 and 0.3 μg N2O-N g−1 soil for butyrate and glutamic acid, respectively) than the addition of carbohydrates (glucose and mannitol). Although, there was no significant effect of C compound at low initial O2 concentrations (∼2% O2 v/v), production of 15N-N2 was greatest where headspace O2 concentrations were initially, or fallen to, ∼2% O2 v/v, with greatest reduction of N2O and lowering 15N-(N2O-to-N2) ratios (∼0-0.27). This may reflect that the effect of C is indirect through stimulation of heterotrophic respiration, lowering O2 concentrations, providing sub-oxic conditions for dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathways. Addition of carbohydrates (glucose and mannitol) also resulted in greatest recovery of 15N in NH4+ from applied 15N-NO3, indicative of the occurrence of DNRA, even in the slurries with initial 10% and 21% O2 v/v concentrations. Our 15N approach has provided the first direct evidence for enhancement of N2O reduction in the presence of carbohydrates and the dual regulation of C compound and O2 concentration on N2O production and reduction, which has implications for management of N2O emissions through changing C inputs (exudates, rhizodeposition, residues) with plant species of differing C traits, or through plant breeding.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils contribute significantly to atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). A considerable part of the annual N2O emission may occur during the cold season, possibly supported by high product ratios in denitrification (N2O/(N2+N2O)) and nitrification (N2O-N/(NO3-N+NO2-N)) at low temperatures and/or in response to freeze-thaw perturbation. Water-soluble organic materials released from frost-sensitive catch crops and green manure may further increase winter emissions. We conducted short-term laboratory incubations under standardized moisture and oxygen (O2) conditions, using nitrogen (N) tracers (15N) to determine process rates and sources of emitted N2O after freeze-thaw treatment of soil or after addition of freeze-thaw extract from clover. Soil respiration and N2O production was stimulated by freeze-thaw or addition of plant extract. The N2O emission response was inversely related to O2 concentration, indicating denitrification as the quantitatively prevailing process. Denitrification product ratios in the two studied soils (pH 4.5 and 7.0) remained largely unaltered by freeze-thaw or freeze-thaw-released plant material, refuting the hypothesis that high winter emissions are due to frost damage of N2O reductase activity. Nitrification rates estimated by nitrate (NO3) pool enrichment were 1.5-1.8 μg NO3-N g−1 dw soil d−1 in freeze-thaw-treated soil when incubated at O2 concentrations above 2.3 vol% and one order of magnitude lower at 0.8 vol% O2. Thus, the experiments captured a situation with severely O2-limited nitrification. As expected, the O2 stress at 0.8 vol% resulted in a high nitrification product ratio (0.3 g g−1). Despite this high product ratio, only 4.4% of the measured N2O accumulation originated from nitrification, reaffirming that denitrification was the main N2O source at the various tested O2 concentrations in freeze-thaw-affected soil. N2O emission response to both freeze-thaw and plant extract addition appeared strongly linked to stimulation of carbon (C) respiration, suggesting that freeze-thaw-induced release of decomposable organic C was the major driving force for N2O emissions in our soils, both by fuelling denitrifiers and by depleting O2. The soluble C (applied as plant extract) necessary to induce a CO2 and N2O production rate comparable with that of freeze-thaw was 20-30 μg C g−1 soil dw. This is in the range of estimates for over-winter soluble C loss from catch crops and green manure plots reported in the literature. Thus, freeze-thaw-released organic C from plants may play a significant role in freeze-thaw-related N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emitted by soils can be produced either by denitrification in anoxic conditions or by nitrification in presence of O2. The relative importance of the two processes, particularly under varied partial pressures of O2, is not always known. This paper focuses on the influence of O2 concentration on N2O production by nitrification and denitrification in an arable Orthic Luvisol. Soil aggregates (2-3 mm size), water unsaturated, received 116 mg N kg−1 as ammonium sulphate labelled with 15N and were incubated during 14 days at different O2 partial pressures: 0, 0.35, 0.76, 1.5, 4.3 and 20.4 kPa. A 15N tracing technique was used to quantify nitrification and denitrification rates. 15N2O and 15N2 were measured. Oxygen pressure appeared to strongly influence both nitrification and denitrification rates and also N2O emissions. Nitrification rates were reduced by a factor of 6-9 when O2 decreased from 20.4 to 0.35 kPa. They were highly correlated with O2 consumption rates. Denitrification mainly occurred in complete anoxic conditions. The proportion of N2O emitted by denitrification was estimated by two independent methods: one based on 15N tracing using isotope composition of NH4, NO3 and N2O, the other based on the measurement of the 15N2O:15N2 ratio. The two methods gave close results. The highest N2O emissions were obtained under complete anoxic conditions and were due to denitrification. However, N2O emissions almost as important were obtained at day 14 with 1.5 kPa O2 pressure, and they were due to nitrification. Nitrification was the main source of N2O at O2 concentrations greater than 0.35 kPa. The amounts of N2O-N emitted by nitrification were linearly related to the amounts of N nitrified, but the slope of the regression was highly dependent on O2 concentration: it varied from 0.16 to 1.48% when O2 concentration was reduced from 20.4 to 0.76 kPa. Emissions of N2O by nitrification may then be quite significant if nitrification occurs at a reduced O2 concentration.  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the effect of anaerobic conditioning in the presence of acetylene on subsequent aerobic respiration and N2O emission at the scale of soil aggregates. Nitrous oxide production was measured in intact soil aggregates Δ (compacted aggregates without visible porosity) and Γ (aggregates with visible porosity) incubated under oxic conditions, with or without anaerobic conditioning for 6 d. N2O emissions were much higher in aggregates that had been submitted to anaerobic conditioning than in aggregates that did not experience this conditioning, although very little NO3 remained in soil after the anaerobic period. 15N isotope tracing technique was used to check whether N2O came from nitrification or denitrification. The results showed that denitrification was the major process responsible for N2O emissions. The aerobic CO2 production rate was also measured in intact soil aggregates. It was greater in aggregates submitted to anaerobic conditioning than in those that were not, suggesting that the anaerobic conditioning lead to an accumulation of small compounds including fatty acids that are readily available for microbial decomposition in aerobic conditions. This process increases the aerobic CO2 production and favours the N2O emissions through denitrification.  相似文献   

A laboratory investigation was performed to compare the fluxes of dinitrogen (N2), N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) from no-till (NT) and conventional till (CT) soils under the same water, mineral nitrogen and temperature status. Intact soil cores (0-10 cm) were incubated for 2 weeks at 25 °C at either 75% or 60% water-filled pore space (WFPS) with 15N-labeled fertilizers (100 mg N kg−1 soil). Gas and soil samples were collected at 1-4 day intervals during the incubation period. The N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured by a gas chromatography (GC) system while total N2 and N2O losses and their 15N mole fractions in the soil mineral N pool were determined by a mass spectrometer. The daily accumulative fluxes of N2 and N2O were significantly affected by tillage, N source and soil moisture. We observed higher (P<0.05) fluxes of N2+N2O, N2O and CO2 from the NT soils than from the CT soils. Compared with the addition of nitrate (NO3), the addition of ammonium (NH4+) enhanced the emissions of these N and C gases in the CT and NT soils, but the effect of NH4+ on the N2 and/or N2O fluxes was evident only at 60% WFPS, indicating that nitrification and subsequent denitrification contributed largely to the gaseous N losses and N2O emission under the lower moisture condition. Total and fertilizer-induced emissions of N2 and/or N2O were higher (P<0.05) at 75% WFPS than with 60% WFPS, while CO2 fluxes were not influenced by the two moisture levels. These laboratory results indicate that there is greater potential for N2O loss from NT soils than CT soils. Avoiding wet soil conditions (>60% WFPS) and applying a NO3 form of N fertilizer would reduce potential N2O emissions from arable soils.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3) leaching due to anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition is an environmental problem in many parts of the UK uplands, associated with surface water acidification and affecting lake nutrient balances. It is often assumed that gaseous return of deposited N to the atmosphere as N2O through denitrification may provide an important sink for N. This assumption was tested for four moorland catchments (Allt a’Mharcaidh in the Cairngorms, Afon Gwy in mid-Wales, Scoat Tarn in the English Lake District and River Etherow in the southern Pennines), covering gradients of atmospheric N deposition and surface water NO3 leaching, through a combination of field and laboratory experiments. Field measurements of N2O fluxes from static chambers with and without additions of NH4NO3 solution were carried out every 4 weeks over 1 yr. Wetted soil cores from the same field plots were used in experimental laboratory incubations at 5 and 15 °C with and without additions of NH4NO3 solution, followed by measurement of N2O fluxes. Field measurements showed that significant N2O fluxes occurred in only a very small number of plots with most showing zero values for much of the year. The maximum fluxes were 0.24 kg-N/ha/yr from unamended plots at the River Etherow and 0.49 kg-N/ha/yr from plots with NH4NO3 additions at the Allt a’Mharcaidh. Laboratory incubation experiments demonstrated that large N2O fluxes could be induced by warming and NH4NO3 additions, with the top 5 cm of soil cores responsible for the largest fluxes, reaching 11.8 kg-N/ha/yr from a podsol at Scoat Tarn. Acetylene block experiments showed that while N2 was not likely to be a significant denitrification product in these soils, reduced N2O fluxes indicated that nitrification was an important source of N2O in many cases. A simple model of denitrification suggesting that 10-80% of net N inputs may be denitrified from non-agricultural soils was found to greatly over-estimate fluxes in the UK uplands. The proportion of deposition denitrified was found to be much closer to the IPCC suggested value of 1% with an upper limit of 10%. Interception of N deposition by vegetation may greatly reduce the net supply of N from this source, while soil acidification or other factors limiting carbon supply to soil microbes may prevent large denitrification fluxes even where NO3 supply is not limiting.  相似文献   

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