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The efficacy of ivermectin against the somatic larval stages of Strongyloides ransomi was evaluated in three trials involving 35 pregnant gilts harbouring induced infections. Treatment at a rate of 300 micrograms/kg bodyweight subcutaneously, four to 16 days before farrowing, was highly effective as judged by counts of larvae in milk and worm burdens of piglets.  相似文献   

Strongyloides venezuelensis (SVZ) infection was chronologically monitored in 85 Sprague-Dawley rats (SDR), which were orally inoculated with approximately 1,000 infective larvae. In order to describe the characteristics of migrating larvae (MLS) in various visceral organs (the liver, lung, cardiac blood, and small intestine), 5 SDR were sacrificed at 20 min, 45 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr, 4 hr, 8 hr, 12 hr, 16 hr, 48 hr, 72 hr, 96 hr, 120 hr, 144 hr, 168 hr and 192 hr post inoculation (PI). MLS were recovered from the liver and blood 20 and 45 min PI and measured 788 +/- 26 microm and 846 +/- 40 microm in length, respectively. MLS were first observed in the lung tissue 45 min PI and measured 925 +/- 38 microm on the average. In the trachea, MLS measuring 849 +/- 75 microm appeared 3 to 96 hrs PI. Adult worms (AWS) measuring 1,926 +/- 521 microm to 2,956 +/- 159 microm in length were observed in the small intestine from 120 hr PI. The worms appeared to mature more than 168 hr PI and attained the average maximum length of 2,420 +/- 532 microm. At 3 hr PI focal hyperemic and necrotic lesions were evidently observed in the liver and lung, together with eosinophilic infiltration in the stomach, liver, and lung. The parasites were histologically detectable in the lung tissues but were very difficult to find in the liver and the epithelial layer of small intestine. These data demonstrate that SVZ parasites take 20 min to reach the liver via the stomach and only three hours to reach the trachea through the same route. The development from eggs to adults takes 168 hr in the SDR model.  相似文献   

The protective response in rats against a homologous challenge infection with Strongyloides venezuelensis was characterized. In an initial infection with 1000 filariform larvae and migrating larvae (L(3)) of S. venezuelensis, the population of L(3) in the lungs on day 3 postinfection (PI), and that of adult worms in the small intestine on day 7 PI, were 180.8+/-14.5 and 336.8+/-70.7, respectively. The latter were gradually expelled towards day 42 PI. After the initial infection, the rats developed strong immunity against a homologous challenge infection as manifested by a marked reduction in worm populations, stunted body length and width, damage to reproductive organs, impaired egg production and rapid expulsion of the worms by day 14 after challenge. Expulsion of the worms was preceded by a significantly elevated (P<0.05) peripheral blood eosinophil (PBE) count, both in the initial (200.0+/-26.5 x 10(3)ml) and the challenge infection (400.9+/-165.4 x 10(3)ml). These findings suggest that rats acquire strong homologous immunity following initial exposure to S. venezuelensis. It is suggested that PBEs are involved in worm expulsion. A major target of these effector mechanisms is the reproductive system of S. venezuelensis.  相似文献   

Solubilization studies on the epicuticular antigens of Strongyloides ratti   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antigens on the epicuticular surface of Strongyloides ratti infective third-stage larvae (L3) were demonstrated by both ferritin-conjugated antibody and indirect fluorescent antibody techniques. The rat antibodies from immune serum that bind to these antigens were chiefly of the IgG2a subclass. Solubilization of these antigens by extraction with detergents, hypertonic salt, organic solvents and by freezing and thawing was limited as measured by the reduction in antibody binding to the epicuticle. The epicuticular antigens were resistant in situ to degradation by a variety of proteases, carbohydrases and lipase. Infectivity of the L3 in the rat was not reduced by prior sensitization with rat antibody. The epicuticular antigens are not completely species-specific since antibody from S. ransomi-infected pigs cross-reacted well with S. ratti L3 antibody. However, high levels of resistance to S. ratti could be induced in rats only by multiple inoculations of heat-killed S. ratti L3.  相似文献   

One hundred four heartworm-free Beagles less than 1 year old were studied to determine the efficacy of ivermectin chewable tablets and of 2 other ivermectin tablet formulations against heartworm larvae. At 30 days after SC inoculation of dogs with infective Dirofilaria immitis larvae, all ivermectin formulations were given orally at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg of body weight. The ivermectin chewable tablets also were given orally at dosage of 2 and 6 micrograms/kg at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after injection of larvae. Replicates of 6 or 8 dogs in each study were formed on the basis of gender and body weight and, within replicates, were randomly allocated to treatment groups. At 30 days after injection of larvae, the additional dogs (in replicates of 8) were assigned to the control group and to the group given ivermectin chewable tablets at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg. All dogs were housed individually. Necropsy was performed approximately 5 or 6 months after larvae were administered. In both trials, all control dogs had heartworms at necropsy (University of Illinois--geometric mean, 35.0; Florida--geometric mean, 26.1). In both trials, the ivermectin chewable tablet (6 micrograms/kg) and both tablet formulations (6 micrograms/kg) given at 30 days after larval injection, and the chewable formulation (6 micrograms/kg) given at 45 days after larval injection were 100% effective (P less than 0.01) in preventing development of induced infection with D immitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin against inhibited early 4th-stage larvae of ostertagia ostertagi and other nematodes of the abomasum and intestinal tract was determined in naturally infected yearling beef cattle. The time when large numbers of inhibited larvae were acquired was determined by monthly slaughter of monitor cattle, beginning in January. In April, 12 animals were removed from pasture and maintained free of further helminth exposure until slaughter (21 days). At 9 days after the cattle were removed from pasture, ivermectin was administered to the principals by subcutaneous injection (200 micrograms/kg); the other 6 animals were given subcutaneous injections of the ivermectin vehicle. both groups were klled and necropsied at 12 days after treatment. Mean numbers of O ostertagi in the 6 controls were: adults, 41,906; developing 4th stage, 73,813; and early 4th stage, 334,965. The mean proportion of early 4th-stage larvae was 73.7%. In the 6 principals (treated with ivermectin), the following reductions were observed: O ostertagi adults, 100%; developing 4th stage, 99.8%; and early 4th stage, 99,9%. Small numbers of dead and degenerated O ostertagi of all developmental stages were recovered from abomasal washings before fixation; few viable worms were recovered.  相似文献   

The activity of thiabendazole at 100 mg/kg was tested against the arrested larvae of Ostertagia spp, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, Nematodirus spp and Chabertia ovina in natural infections, in 10-month-old lambs. The result, assessed by means of worm counts, showed the treatment to be very effective.  相似文献   

Eighteen calves about 3 months old were inoculated with 3,000 Dictyocaulus viviparus infective larvae. Three groups of 6 calves each were formed. Thirteen days after inoculations, 3 of the 6 group 1 control calves were given vehicle subcutaneously (SC) and the group 2 calves were given ivermectin at the dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg, SC. Thirty-five days after inoculation, the remaining 3 calves in group 1 were given vehicle SC and the group 3 calves were given ivermectin at the dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg, SC. Necropsies were performed 42 days after inoculations. A total of 474 D viviparus was recovered from the group 1 control calves, whereas none was recovered from the calves treated when the nematodes were in the 4th stage of development (group 2) or adult stage (group 3).  相似文献   

The indiscriminate use of anthelmintics has resulted in the establishment of parasite resistance. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the in vitro antiparasitic effect of plant extracts on Haemonchus contortus in sheep and the in vivo effect on Strongyloides venezuelensis in Rattus norvegicus. The plant extracts from Piper tuberculatum, Lippia sidoides, Mentha piperita, Hura crepitans and Carapa guianensis, produced at different research institutions, were chemically analyzed and evaluated through the egg hatch test (EHT) and larval development test (LDT) in H. contortus. P. tuberculatum (150 and 250 mg kg(-1) of body weight) was evaluated for its anthelmintic action on R. norvegicus experimentally infected with S. venezuelensis. In the EHT, the LC(50) and LC(90) of the extracts were respectively as follows: 0.031 and 0.09 mg mL(-1) for P. tuberculatum, 0.04 and 0.13 mg mL(-1) for L. sidoides, 0.037 and 0.10 mg mL(-1) for M. piperita, 2.16 and 17.13 mg mL(-1) for H. crepitans and 2.03 × 10(-6) and 1.22 × 10(-12) mg mL(-1) for C. guianensis. In the LDT, the LC(50) and LC(90) were respectively: 0.02 and 0.031 mg mL(-1) for P. tuberculatum, 0.002 and 0.04 mg mL(-1) for L. sidoides, 0.018 and 0.03 mg mL(-1) for M. piperita, 0.36 and 0.91 mg mL(-1) for H. crepitans and 17.65 and 1890 mg mL(-1) for C. guianensis. The extract of P. tuberculatum showed the following substances: piperamides as (Z)-piplartine, (E)-piplartine, 8,9-dihydropiplartine, piperine, 10,11-dihydropiperine, 5,6 dihydropiperlongumine and pellitorine. The major compounds of the oils were thymol (76.6%) for L. sidoides, menthol (27.5%) for M. piperita and oleic acid (46.8%) for C. guianensis. Regarding the in vivo test, neither dose of P. tuberculatum caused any significant reduction (P>0.05) in worm burden and fecal egg counts compared with the control group. We conclude that the extracts of P. tuberculatum, L. sidoides and M. piperita have effective activity when tested in vitro, but the doses of the extract of P. tuberculatum have no effect when employed in in vivo tests.  相似文献   

The protective capacity of the cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, against the migratory and intestinal phases of Strongyloides venezuelensis infection was examined. After subcutaneous infection with infective larvae (L(3)), adult worm recovery rates from male and female animals on Day 71 were only 0.10% and 0.06% of initial dose, respectively. To determine whether this enhanced protection was expressed during the migratory phase or the intestinal phase, larval recovery from the lungs of cotton rat was evaluated 3 days after subcutaneous L(3) infection. The larval recovery rate was only 0.5% of initial dose and about 40-fold lower than that from control mice. Protection in the intestine was also evaluated after intraduodenal implantation of adult worms. About 30% of implanted worms became established and worm burden remained constant until Day 28. Despite a high worm burden on Day 28, EPG was about 25-fold lower than the peak count. To evaluate expulsive capacity and monitor the cellular responses in the intestine of cotton rats, adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis worms were implanted in addition to S. venezuelensis. Cotton rats were unable to expel adult S. venezuelensis worms, even after 21 days of observation. Although the number of mucosal mast cells increased significantly, the intraepithelial migration of mast cells was not observed. In contrast, N. brasiliensis was expelled by Day 6 in association with goblet cell hyperplasia. These results suggest that in cotton rats, the defective intestinal protection against adult S. venezuelensis worms results from dysfunction of mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

Fifty-five dogs, 6 to 18 months old, from 11 areas of New Zealand were examined for gastro-intestinal helminths. Thirty-eight (69.1%) were infected. Twenty-one (38.2%) had Toxocara canis, 20 (36.4%) Trichuris vulpis, 20 (36.4%) Uncinaria stenocephala, 3 (5.5%) Toxuscaris leonina, 3 (5.5%) Dipylidium caninum and 1 (1.8%) Taenia sp. Helminth infections were less frequent and populations were smaller in females than in males.  相似文献   

The interaction between the blood protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei and the gastrointestinal nematode parasite, Strongyloides ratti was studied in outbred white albino rats. Rats were grouped and given either single infection with T. brucei or S. ratti or concurrently infected with both parasites. Blood parasitaemia and packed cell volume, faecal egg/larva output, adult worm burden and survivability were monitored in order to assess the interactive effects of the infections. All trypanosome-infected rats became parasitaemic within 1 week of infection but surprisingly parasitaemia was higher in the single than concurrently infected group of rats. In addition all animals with single T. brucei infection had died by 14 days after the infection, whereas animals with concurrent infection were still alive by day 28 after the infection when the experiment was terminated. Concurrent infection resulted in significant increase in daily S. ratti egg/larval output in faeces (P < 0.01), but lesser number of adult worms were recovered from the intestine of sacrificed rats on day 8 post-infection. Taken together these results suggest that T. brucei and S. ratti interact in a manner that ameliorates their pathogenic effects resulting in a decrease in the level of parasitaemia and intestinal worm burden and in increased life span of the infected rats. These results differ from the classical immunosuppressive attributes of T. brucei and the results are discussed in the context of the possible immune responses that might have contributed to this outcome and the potential significance of the findings in alternative control method of trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

An in vitro technique for screening systemic insecticides against larvae of the screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana is described. Susceptibilities of screw-worm larvae of different ages to ivermectin (MK-933) were determined. Based on 24 h larval mortality, the LD50 of 1-,2-,3-,4- and 5-day larvae was 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.2 and 0.4 ppm of ivermectin. LD50 based on adult emergence following treatment of 4- and 5-day larvae was 0.02 and 0.05 ppm. The LD99.9 for 4-day larvae based on 24 h larval mortality and adult emergence was 11.0 and 0.15 ppm respectively and for 5-day larvae, was 44.3 and 0.4 ppm respectively. Pen and field trials with cattle infested with screw-worm fly demonstrated the potential of ivermectin as a systemic insecticide. Dosages of 50, 100 and 200 micrograms/kg, of ivermectin administered subcutaneously to experimentally infested cattle gave complete control for 6, 12 and 14 days respectively. Ivermectin at 200 micrograms/kg caused 100% mortality of screw-worm larvae up to 2 days old at the time of treatment with 70, 64 and 21% mortality of 3-, 4- and 5-day old larvae at the time of treatment. The residual protection from a single dose of 200 micrograms/kg was 16 to 20 days. When bull calves were treated with ivermectin at a dose of 200 micrograms/kg at the time of castration and branding, none of the 77 treated animals sustained a screw-worm strike in the scrotal area compared with 47 strikes (44%) in the 106 control cattle.  相似文献   

The effects of host age and sex on susceptibility to Strongyloides venezuelensis in Wistar rats were examined by counting larvae recovered from the lungs of animals 3 days after infection. The susceptibility of female rats to S. venezuelensis rapidly decreased with age and elevated estrogen. Resistance in female rats inoculated at 6 and 10 weeks of age was nine and twenty-fold higher, respectively than that in the youngest group (3 weeks). In contrast, the susceptibility of male animals was lowest in the youngest group, then increased with age and elevated testosterone. Sex differences in susceptibility were not evident in the youngest group, but became apparent with age.  相似文献   

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