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It is shown for the first time that a significant part of the bacteria (up to 40%) in the iron-manganic concretions of soddy-podzolic and soddy meadow soils are represented by nanoforms; their number reaches 600–700 million cells/g. Judging from the specific luminescent coloration, the fraction of viable cells among the bacterial nanoforms is very high in the concretions and amounts up to 88–99%. For the first time, the following phyla were identified among the bacterial nanoforms in the concretions with the use of the FISH method: Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobateria, Deltaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Planctomycetes. The Gammaproteobacteria phylum predominated in the concretions from the soddy-podzolic soil, and the Deltaproteobacteria phylum predominated in the concretions from the soddy meadow soil. In the alluvial meadow soil, the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Acidobacteria phyla were found. The significant number and portion of bacterial nanoforms in the concretions, their high vitality, and their taxonomic diversity allow us to conclude that the bacterial nanoforms play an important role in the processes taking place in the concretions.  相似文献   

The use of multiple centrifuging and filtration of water suspensions from different soils and subsoil deposits allowed revealing the ultrafine forms (nanosized, nanoforms) of bacteria. In the soils studied, the number of bacteria obtained by filtration using 0.2-??m filters was 20?C300 mln cells in 1 g soil; the share of these bacteria of their total population in the natural soils reached 5% and was higher (up to 15%) in the polluted urban soils. The study of bacterial nanoforms in situ by the methods of scanning and transmission microscopy has shown the presence of dividing cells, which testifies to their viability. The cells without signs of division were similar in their ultrastructural characteristics to dormant forms of nonspore-forming bacteria. They were observed in permafrost deposits. The data obtained attest that the bacterial nanoforms are widespread in soils and subsoil deposits. According to their morphological and cytological characteristics, they are represented by both active and dormant forms to survive unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

For the first time ever, it is shown that, in iron-manganese concretions from sod podzolic and sod meadow soils, a significant percentage of bacteria (up to 40%) is represented by nanoforms, the quantity of which reaches 0.6–0.7 billion cells/g. The proportion of cells with undisturbed membranes is 98% higher among nanoform bacteria than in the accommodating layer. Among nanoforms of bacteria from concretions, mycoplasm-like organisms were observed using the electron microscopy method. The high proportion of bacterial nanoforms in concretions allows us to assume that they play a significant role in the process of concretion formation.  相似文献   

Methodological problems of large-scale soil mapping with the use of digital mapping technologies are discussed. Two variants of obtaining the maps of soil combinations for a test polygon (30 km2) in the area of soddy-podzolic soils with 996 studied soil pits are described. In the first variant, the initial state of soils at studied points was characterized by the taxonomic name of the soil (at the level of soil subtypes); the probability of occurrence of different subtypes within operation cells of the digital map was estimated, and the most probable soil subtypes were assigned to them. This approach was tested for the first time. In the second variant, the initial state of soils at studied points was described with the help of the grades of ecologically meaningful features of soil morphology; the degree of soil gleying and the degree of soil erosion or aggradation were indicated. The integral digital map represented the areas of different agroecological groups of soil combinations. The maps obtained with the help of these two approaches show a satisfactory agreement with the maps of soil cover patterns compiled by traditional methods earlier.  相似文献   

Relations between soil biota diversity and its contribution to the performance of some ecosystem functions were assessed based on the results obtained in undisturbed and burned spruce forests near the Central Forest Nature Biosphere Reserve (Tver oblast). In August 2014, in two 4-year-old burned areas, abiotic parameters of the soils, indicators of the state of the microbial communities, the number, taxonomic diversity, and the abundance of the main groups of soil invertebrates (testate amoebae, nematodes, enchytraeids, mites, collembolans, and the mesofauna as a whole) were determined. In the soils of the burned areas, higher CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were observed. The number of bacterial cells remained similar, and the total length of active mycelium was not significantly different. All this implies a certain intensification of biogenic processes promoting the mobilization of carbon and nitrogen after fire. The number of most of the groups of soil animals was lower (not always significantly) in the burned area than that in the soils of the undisturbed forests. The changes in the taxonomic diversity were specific for each taxon studied. Overall, the diversity of invertebrates was related to the litter thickness. However, the high taxonomic diversity of soil fauna did not always correspond to the active functioning of the ecosystem. Thus, for some taxa, a quite close correlation was found, for instance, between the total number of species (of testate amoebae in particular) and the berry crop, as well as between the soil mesofauna population and the dead wood stock. The total diversity of the investigated taxa included in the detrital trophic web was the most reliable indicator of the carbon stock in the burned areas.  相似文献   

The influence of different systems of fertilization and liming on the changes in the taxonomic structure of prokaryotic community in arable soddy-podzolic soil (Albic Retisol (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric)) was studied in a stationary field experiment of Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy with the use of high-performance sequencing method of gene 16S rRNA. The 25-year-old fallow plot, in which the intensity of microbiological processes was close to that in the virgin soddy-podzolic soils, was used as a control. At the first stage, dominant phyla were identified: Proteobacteria (45.3–56.2%), Actinobacteria (13.6–20.4%), Bacteroidetes (7.2–19.3%), Acidobacteria (7.1–11.5%), and Verrucomicrobia (4.3–10.3%). Several groups of microorganisms-indicators, whose portion changes in the arable soil under the influence of liming, fertilizer application, and soil treatment in comparison with the control, were determined. The applied approach made it possible to relate the taxonomic structure of the soil microbial cenosis with external factors for assessing changes in the structure of soil microbial complex under the impact of different uses of the arable soil.  相似文献   

The effect of oil contamination on bacteria in a soddy-podzolic soil was studied. Oil was introduced into the soil 8, 11, and 17 years ago. It was found that oil contamination has exerted long-term negative effects on the number and biomass of the soil bacteria. The deficiency of available phosphorus was one of the major negative factors affecting these parameters in the old-contaminated soils. The application of Na2HPO4 to the contaminated soils eliminated this negative effect. The effect of oil contamination on the taxonomic diversity and structure of the bacterial community in the studied soil was determined with the help of denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The soils of Rajasthan vary from desert sand to heavy clay with all intermediate stages like sandy loam, loam and clay loam. The last two textural groups are more prevalant on the eastern, northeastern and southeastern part of the Aravallies which run almost in the middle of the State from southeast to northeast. The latter groups of soils have more potential from the point of agricultural development in the State. These soils are widely termed as alluvial soils which is a general term to indicate the nontaxonomic group of soils that have parent material of alluvial origin, Riecken 17, Kelloog 8 has referred to the soils developed from the alluvium as classified under variety of world soil groups. In our country many of the alluvial soils have not yet been studied from the soil genesis point of view as a measure to classify the soils under taxonomic groups. Ray Chawdhary and Mukerji 15, concluded that the alluvial soil groups of our country are ill defined and the classification of these soils need more study. Basu 3 was able to distinguish the genetic characteristics of the soils of Deccan. Agrawal and Mukherji 1) established that distinct genetic soil types have come into expression under Gangetic alluvium. Agarwal 2 has concluded about the three types of soils in the toposequence with precipitated calcium throughout, zone of calcium accumulation in the bottom of the profile and soils free of calcium, and suggests that the soils of Gangetic plain be called as derived from alluvium. A process of reclassifying the alluvial soil series into taxonomic groups is a common trend in the United States since the last two decades.  相似文献   

Three soil classification systems—the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB), Soil Taxonomy, and the recent Russian system—were used for the identification of 17 soil profiles in southwestern Poland; all the systems put emphasis on the soil properties as diagnostic criteria. Different soils developed on glaciofluvial plains, loessic uplands, and in the Sudetes Mountains were classified. The best correlation between the classification decisions in the different systems was obtained for the most widespread soils owing to the similarity of the diagnostic criteria, which were essentially close although not coinciding. The most prominent divergence between the systems in both the names and the taxonomic categories of the soils was found for the polygenetic soils and for the soils developing from the lithologically discontinuous parent materials. It was also found that the diagnostic elements differ in terms of their taxonomic importance among the classification systems.  相似文献   

The viability of bacteria in oligotrofic bogs and fens was determined by the luminescent microscopy method with the help of a two-component fluorescent dye (L7012 LIVE/DEAD). Living bacterial cells were found in the entire peat profiles. Their portion was maximal (up to 60%) in the upper layers and did not exceed 25% in the lower layers. The portion of dead bacterial cells varied from 3 to 19%, and dormant cells constituted 25 to 95% of the total number of bacterial cells. The numbers of dormant cells increased down the profiles irrespectively of the peat type. The portion of nanoforms did not exceed 5% of the total. The cells of the nanoforms, unlike the bacteria of typical sizes, were characterized by their high viability (93–98%).  相似文献   

It was determined that bacteria in soils are characterized by a high resistance to short (1 day) treatments with saturated solutions of mineral salts, 96% ethanol, 1 N HCl, and 1 N NaOH. The soil treatment with acid and alkali did not cause any significant decrease of the bacteria number (staining with acridine orange) in the studied samples of alluvial meadow soil and ordinary chernozem; a significant amount of cells (10 to 30%) preserved the undisturbed structure of their DNA. The shock effects of the saturated salt solutions and ethanol on the bacteria were much weaker as compared with the acid and alkali treatments: 60 to 90% of the cells preserved an undisturbed structure of their DNA. The biocide treatments had significant effects on the number of saprotrophic bacteria grown on a glucose-peptone-yeast medium and manifested themselves in a decrease of the amount and taxonomic diversity, as well as in the essential rearrangement of the structure, of the saprotrophic bacterial complex: the absolute domination of bacilli and almost complete inhibiting of Gram-negative bacteria were observed. The proteobacteria and cytophagous bacteria appeared to be most sensitive to the biocide soil treatments; the bacteria of the actinomycetic line and bacilli were less sensitive. The cells resistant to the applied treatments were almost always found among the representatives of the Arthrobacter, Rhodococcus, Micrococcus, Myxococcus, and Polyangium genera.  相似文献   

The distribution of the fungal biomass and diversity of cultivated microscopic fungi in the profiles of some soils from East (Progress Station, valleys of the Larsemann Hills oasis) and West (Russkaya Station, the Marie Byrd Land) Antarctica regions were studied. The structure of the biomass (spore/mycelium and live cells/dead cells) was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy with staining using a set of coloring agents: calcofluor white, ethidium bromide, and fluorescein diacetate. The species composition of the cultivated microscopic fungi was determined on Czapek’s medium. The fungal biomass in the soils studied is not high (on the average, 0.3 mg/g of soil); the greatest biomass (0.6 mg/g) was found in the soil samples with plant residues. The fungal biomass is mainly (to 70%) represented by small (to 2.5 μm) spores. About half of the fungal biomass is composed of living cells. There are differences in the distribution of the fungal biomass within the profiles of different primitive soils. In the soil samples taken under mosses and lichens, the maximal biomass was registered in the top soil horizons. In the soils with the peat horizon under stone pavements, the greatest fungal biomass was registered in the subsurface horizons. Thirty-eight species of cultivated microscopic fungi were isolated from the soils studied. Species of the genus Penicillium and Phoma herbarum predominated.  相似文献   

天山中部北麓丘陵地带土壤发生特性与系统分类   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过样地调查与土壤理化性质分析相结合对天山中部北麓丘陵地带的土壤特性进行研究,确定各剖面的诊断层和诊断特性及其在系统分类中的位置。结果表明天山中部北麓丘陵地带在系统分类中可划归为3个土纲4个土类;系统分类中土壤的分类位置与发生分类位置并不具有简单的一一对应的关系。  相似文献   

Using the latest version of the international soil classification (WRB 2014/2015) and the classification of soils of Russia (2004/2008), the authors attempted to demonstrate how specific profiles of urban soils in green massifs are classified at different taxonomic levels. The soil profiles were shown in the excursions of the 9th International Conference “Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas” and were discussed by the representatives of national scientific schools. The diversity of the soils studied is determined primarily by the technology of their creation or by the nature of human impact, soil age, properties of the soil-forming rock, and, to a lesser extent, by the type of artificial phytocenosis. By the properties of their profiles, soils are qualified as ones on technogenic deposits (artificial buildings or displaced natural grounds with fragments of soil horizons), buried agrozems and cultural layers. The comparison of two classification systems showed their similarity with respect to the taxonomic level. One can note a similarity of the main solution: are the soils natural or anthropogenic, although the degrees of “anthropogeneity” given in their names may not coincide. The existing differences in the sets of characteristics–qualifiers reflect the genetic trend in the Russian soil classification and strict following the rules in the WRB system.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that soil structure can influence the distribution of bacteria in aggregates and, thereby, influence microbiological processes and diversity at small spatial scales. Here, we studied the microbial community structure of inner and outer fractions of microaggregates of a desert agricultural soil from the Imperial Valley of Southern California. To study the distribution of soil bacteria, 1,536 clones were identified using phylogenetic taxon probes to classify arrays of 16S rRNA genes. Among the predominant taxonomic groups were the α-Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Acidobacteria. When compared across all phyla, the taxonomic compositions and distributions of bacterial taxa associated with the inner and outer fractions were nearly identical. Our results suggest that the ephemeral nature of soil aggregates in desert agricultural soils may reduce differences in the spatial distribution of bacterial populations as compared to that which occur in soils with more stable aggregates.  相似文献   

The taxonomic hierarchy and nationwide distribution of soils with a salic horizon were studied using the USA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database to provide a more holistic view of the role of soil-forming factors in pedogenesis than from isolated case studies.Soils with a salic horizon occupied an area of 11 000 km2,i.e.,0.1% of land area in the contiguous USA.These soils occur narrowly in three great groups(Aquisalids,Haplosalids and Halaquepts),11 subgroups,and 97 soil series.Soils with a salic horizon commonly had a mesic (50% of soil series) or thermic (19%) soil-temperature class,an aquic (89%) soil-moisture class,a mixed mineral class (79%),a calcareous (52%)reaction class,a superactive (59%) cation exchange activity class,and a fine (24% of soil series),fine-loamy (24% of soil series),or fine-silty (19% of soil series) particle-size class.Soils with a salic horizon were concentrated in the Basin and Range Province of western USA.The key pedogenic processes leading to the development of salic horizons were salinization,gleization,and calcification,with some evidence for argilluviation and silicification.  相似文献   

The origin, structure, composition, and properties of soil humus horizons in functional zones of St. Petersburg have been studied. The radiocarbon age of organic matter in the humus horizons varies from 500 to 2700 years, which attests to the natural origin of humus. The structure of microbiomes in the humus horizons of soils under different plant communities has its specific features. The taxonomic structure of microbial communities at the phylum level reflects both genetic features of natural soils and the impact of anthropogenic factors, including alkalization typical of the studied urban soils. Tomographic studies have shown that the transporting system of humus horizons is less developed in the anthropogenically transformed soils in comparison with the natural soils. It can be supposed that the intensity of water and gas exchange in the anthropogenic soils is much lower than that in the natural soils. The fractional and group composition of humus in the urban soils is specified by the long-term pedogenesis, on one hand, and by the impact of metabolic products of the city and the factors of soil formation in the megalopolis, on the other hand. Bulk density of the humus horizon in the urban soils is higher than that in the natural soils; the portion of overcompacted humus horizons in the urban soils reaches 44%. Humus horizons of the lawns along highways are most contaminated with heavy metals: Pb, Zn, and Cu. There are no definite regularities in the distribution of major nutrients (NPK) in the humus horizons of anthropogenic soils.  相似文献   

  目的  掌握榆林沙区典型林地土壤微生物特征,明确地上植被对土壤微生物群落结构的影响。  方法  采集榆林沙区四种林分类型土壤,分析其土壤微生物群落结构。  结果  测序共产生有效操作分类单元(OTU)15,509个,各林分间OTU及各类多样性指数没有显著性差异。优势菌种及其丰度土层间变化较大,但林分间优势细菌种一致,丰度排名前五的分别是变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi);樟子松、油松林下土壤中,酸杆菌门所占比例最大、分别达到22.32%和29.02%,而在沙柳和小叶锦鸡儿林下土壤中,变形菌门又成为优势菌,比例占到27.64%和28.51%。变形菌门和放线菌门在灌木林土壤中所占比例要高于乔木。  结论  虽然各优势种丰度在林分间略有差别,但差异不显著(P < 0.05)。说明在一定区域内微生物群落结构复杂程度是受土壤本底的影响,不同季节或者土壤温度、湿度的变化对微生物群落结构的影响在一段时间后消除,群落结构归于稳定。  相似文献   

Prokaryotic communities of soils in oases of East Antarctica were studied at a model experiment with application of the succession approach. The total number of prokaryotes and filtered forms of prokaryotes, as well as the taxonomical diversity of the saprotrophic bacterial complex, were determined in two soil samples differing in organic matter content at temperatures of 5 and 20°C. We fixed the maximum total number of bacteria on the 14th day and the minimum number on the 1st and 160th (the end of the experiment) days in all variants. The amount and percentage of filtered forms of prokaryotes were the highest at the start of the experiment and the smallest on the 14th day. It is assumed that revival of Antarctica soils by humidification and incubation at temperatures above zero favors activation of dormant cells and their transition to viable status. Filtered forms of prokaryotes can be assigned to the pool of cells, which makes it possible to preserve bacteria at extremely low temperatures and without available water and nutrients. The succession approach enables more complete characterization of the taxonomic diversity of the saprotrophic bacterial complex and isolation of a wider genera of gram-negative bacteria than with a single inoculation of soil kept frozen. So it can be recommended for studying the prokaryotic community of Antarctica soils in model experiments.  相似文献   

以河南省封丘县为研究区,以环境协变量信息和先期获得的土壤数值化分类结果为基础数据源,在土壤分类距离空间自相关性分析的基础上,构建土壤分类距离—环境协变量空间回归模型,实施土壤分类距离空间预测,并最终实现研究区25 m分辨率数字化土壤制图.输出结果表明,研究区5种主要土壤类型中,普通底锈干润雏形土分布面积最大、弱盐灌於干润雏形土次之,分布比例分别为36%和24%.结合确定性趋势距离和非确定性残差的空间变异特征,阐释了研究区土壤空间分布格局的发生学背景和随机性因素的影响.与基于随机模型的土壤预测制图相比,基于环境协变量空间回归模型的数字化土壤制图输出结果展示了相似的研究区土壤空间分布整体格局,且具有细节清晰、图斑边界自然的特点.一方面能更好地诠释土壤空间分布的连续性和渐变性特征;另一方面能较好地反映微域成土环境对土壤发生学特性空间变异特征的影响.  相似文献   

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