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Congenital lymphedema is described in Hereford cattle. The disease was characterized by edema of the hind limbs, sometimes forelimbs, tail, and prepuce. Lymphatic system lesions were hypoplasia and aplasia of lymph vessels and prescapular, iliofemoral, and popliteal lymph nodes. Test matings demonstrated the transmission of the disease by an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance.  相似文献   

Two unselected herds of purebred Hereford and Angus cattle were created and their progeny evaluated during a 4-yr period (1964 to 1967) for 168-d postweaning gain when they were fed either a high- or medium-energy diet. Birth weight and 200-d adjusted weaning weight also were measured and the importance of sire x diet interactions for postweaning gain examined. Year effects were significant (P less than .001) for all traits in Herefords and for postweaning gain in Angus. Postweaning gain of both breeds increased in successive years, but no trend was observed for birth and 200-d weights. Bulls were heavier than heifers (P less than .05) for all three traits in both breeds. Hereford and Angus calves receiving the high-energy diet gained more (P less than .001) than their contemporaries fed the medium-energy diet. Sire differences were significant for birth weight in Herefords and for all three traits in Angus. Sire x diet interactions were not significant for postweaning gain in either breed. Genetic correlations were calculated by two methods: the two-way ANOVA approach using sire and sire x diet interaction variance components and the one-way ANOVA approach in which gains by progeny of each sire on each diet were considered to be two distinct traits. The genetic correlations for gain in Herefords could not be estimated by either method because of negative sire variance component estimates. The genetic correlations for gain in Angus were 1.08 for the two-way ANOVA method and 1.43 +/- .64 for the one-way ANOVA method. These results indicate that sires ranked the same based on progeny performance when fed either diet.  相似文献   

Feedlot and carcass characteristics of 276 steers from five closed lines of Hereford cattle and reciprocal crosses among these lines were studied. The traits studied were initial weight, final weight, 224-d gain, days on test, hot carcass weight, marbling score, longissimus muscle area, fat thickness, yield grade, dressing percentage and shear force. Year of record was a significant source of variation for most traits. Age of dam was a significant source of variation for growth traits but not carcass traits. Line of sire affected initial weight, final weight, 224-d gain, days on test, marbling score and dressing percentage. Significant heterosis was observed only for hot carcass weight. Heterosis estimates were 1.9% for initial weight, 2.2% for final weight, 2.5% for 224-d gain, -2.1% for days on test, .6% for hot carcass weight, -.6% for marbling score, 0 for carcass grade, .6% for longissimus muscle area, 2.3% for backfat thickness, .9% for yield grade, -.9% for dressing percent and -10.9% for shear force. Initial age on test affected only hot carcass weight. Hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, marbling score, longissimus muscle area and fat thickness were affected by slaughter weight. Slaughter age affected dressing percent and marbling score.  相似文献   

Cow size, reproductive traits and calf performance through weaning were evaluated in a range environment for Simmental (S) x Hereford (H) and Angus (A) x H crosses in two-breed rotations and straightbred H. Data were grouped into seven dam breed categories: straightbred Hereford (H), crossbred F1 S x H cows (SH), S x H cows of low percentage H (SHS), S x H cows of high percentage H (HSH), F1 A x H cows (AH), A x H cows of low percentage H (AHA) and A x H cows of high percentage H (HAH). Straightbred H, SH, AH, SHS and AHA cows were mated to H bulls, HSH cows were mated to S bulls and HAH cows were mated to A bulls. Cows in the SHS and AHA groups ranged from 1/4 to 3/8 H and their calves from 5/8 to 11/16 H. Cows within the HSH and HAH groups ranged from 5/8 to 3/4 H and their calves from 5/16 to 3/8 H. Cow age ranged from 3 to 10 yr. Simmental-cross cows were heavier and taller and produced heavier calves at birth and weaning than A-cross. Pregnancy rate, calf birth date and percentage of difficult births did not vary significantly among dam breed groups. Within the A x H and S x H rotations, dam breed group rankings for calf birth weight were inverse to rankings for proportion of H in the breed makeup of the calf.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In 3 herds 737 Hereford cattle were examined for neoplastic ocular lesions at intervals ranging from 20 to 242 days. Initially all lesions greater than 3 mm diameter were treated by cryosurgery; smaller lesions were left untreated. At subsequent inspections, lesions which had increased to 5 mm diameter were treated. The prevalence of ocular lesions in the herds ranged from 8.1 to 45.7% at the commencement of the study, and from 1.5 to 8.8% after 3.5 years. In treated cattle 71% of lesions regressed after one or two treatments. Seventy-five percent of the small untreated lesions regressed. The progression of lesions and occurrence of new lesions was highest during summer and lowest during winter. It was concluded that inspection of eyes for lesions should be at intervals of 3 to 4 months, and include one during the summer. It is feasible for owners to detect and identify cattle with ocular lesions and to present for treatment those that have grown since the preceding inspection to a size nearing or exceeding 5 mm diameter.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to develop a prototype system for national cattle evaluation that would facilitate selection for improved fertility of daughters from Hereford sires. Raw data for this analysis were the birth dates of calves as reported by breeders to the American Hereford Association. Records from females entered this analysis with the reporting of a birth date for their first calf. At that time, females were required to be in contemporary groups of at least 3 animals and to have at least 2 additional paternal half-sibs also represented in the data. To explicitly define "sustained reproductive success," the philosophy taken was that a female that maintained a calving interval of 425 d or less would be considered successful. Females failing to meet this criterion were considered to be at the end of their successful lifetime. Data were analyzed using methodology for survival analysis with grouped data. Fixed contemporary groups were modeled as being time dependent, reflecting the females exposed for breeding in the same herd-year-season. Sire effects were time independent and considered random. Also included in the analysis were time-independent covariates for maternal weaning weight and total maternal calving ease from the national cattle evaluation of the American Hereford Association. Records from females still successfully in production at the time of this analysis, those that were transferred, those with calving intervals less than 280 d, and those that were successful until becoming donor dams for embryo transfer were considered censored. A total of 36,866 females contributed to this analysis, with 14,143 of these having censored records. The median number of females in a contemporary group was 6. A total of 3,323 sires had daughters with records. The median number of daughters per sire was 7. Heritability of sustained reproductive success on the underlying scale estimated from these data was approximately 0.05. Additional data accumulated over time will improve this genetic evaluation. Sustained reproductive success is important to the commercial beef industry, and results from this evaluation are expected to enhance the assessment of economic value of Hereford seedstock.  相似文献   

Nature and cause of bilateral ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nature and cause of bilateral ocular dermoids were investigated by field studies, pedigree analysis, clinical examination, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. It was determined that ocular dermoids in Hereford cattle are a genetically transmitted defect; characteristics of autosomal recessive and polygenic inheritance were observed. Calves typically were affected bilaterally with multiple, connected ocular growths that clinically, histologically, and ultrastructurally mimicked normal haired skin. Sites most commonly involved included ventro-lateral limbus, third eyelid, medial canthus, eyelid and conjunctiva. Centro-corneal and anterior segmental dermoids also were observed.  相似文献   

A total of 438 calves was produced by 123 sires of Hereford, Simmental, Friesian and Brahman breeds when mated to Hereford cows. Faecal egg counts and larval differentiation of nematode species were undertaken on one or two occasions prior to weaning at 7 to 8 months. Significant breed of sire and sire within breed effects were observed, but heritabilities, repeatabilities and phenotypic correlations were generally low to moderate.  相似文献   

Data from 14 inbred lines and 14 linecross groups of Hereford cattle at the San Juan Basin Research Center, Hesperus, were used to evaluate expected and realized response in birth and weaning traits and postweaning traits in males and females over a 28-yr period. There were large differences in the means and variances of the performance traits among the inbreds and linecrosses, with the inbreds showing inbreeding depression and greater variability among lines, while the linecrosses manifested within-breed heterosis. Except for gain from weaning to 12 mo, in females, genetic progress was expected in all traits studied, mainly due to sire selection. Regressions of annual trait means on years indicated positive phenotypic trends in the inbreds for heart girth circumference at birth, adjusted weaning weight (adjusted for inbreeding), weaning score, final weight, feed consumption and the yearling weights and gains in females. Changes were negative for other traits. In the linecross group phenotypic trends were positive in all traits except heart girth circumference, weaning age, initial test weight and feed efficiency. Estimated genetic progress per generation due to within-line selection was negative in most of the traits in the inbreds but was considerably positive for the linecrosses for most of the traits. As expected, between-line selection yielded greater genetic improvement in the inbred than in the linecross population. The different patterns of response in the two populations are attributed to high rates and levels of inbreeding. Although variable, the actual progress was below prediction in most of the traits studied.  相似文献   

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