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Numerous advanced soybean meal (SBM) products are available in the market today, which were produced through modified or improved methodologies from the traditional solvent extraction procedure, to reduce or eliminate the antinutritional factors and improve bioavailability of nutrients. Despite the higher manufacturing cost, inclusion levels of these new SBM products into fish feed formulations can still be limited due to the secondary quality characteristics caused during processing. Hence, this study was designed to evaluate the effect of differently processed SBM, on growth performances of pacific white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei). The growth trial was conducted with test diets formulated with two sources of solvent‐extracted (SESBM44 and SESBM49), enzyme‐treated (ETSBM), fermented SBM (FSBM) and alcohol‐extracted soy protein concentrate (SPC) as the primary protein source (650 g/kg). As per the statistical analysis, diets incorporated with SESBM44, SESBM49 and ETSBM yielded a significantly higher growth performance and lower FCR. Results of this study infer that the traditional solvent‐extracted SBM perform equally well as enzyme‐treated SBM, whereas reduced performances of the shrimp offered fermented SBM and alcohol‐extracted soy protein concentrate might be due to reduced nutrient digestibility, palatability or other nutrient shifts caused by processing.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of eight sources (designated A–H) of soybean meal (SBM) which included six new non‐genetically modified soya varieties in practical feed formulation for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, using both growth and digestibility trials. A soybean meal‐based reference diet was formulated using conventional soybean meal (527 g kg?1 diet), which was then replaced on an isonitrogenous basis with various other experimental soybean meals. In a 6‐week growth trial, shrimp in four replicate tanks per dietary treatment (10 shrimp per tank, initial weight 0.52 ± 0.04 g) were cultured in a recirculating system. There were no significant differences with respects to per cent weight gain and survival across all dietary treatments; however, final weights and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were lower in shrimp offered diet 3. Apparent digestibility coefficients for the eight (A–H) different soybean meals were determined in L. vannamei for dry matter (ADMD), gross energy (ADE) and crude protein (ADP) using 10 g kg?1 chromic oxide as inert marker with 70 : 30 replacement techniques. Coefficients ranged from 71.3% to 88.3%, from 76.6% to 91.3% and from 93.6% to 99.8%, for ADMD, ADE and ADP, respectively. Improved digestibility values were observed in soybean C which was characterized by crude protein (471 g kg?1), crude fat (97 g kg?1), low cooking temperature (180 °C), higher nitrogen solubility index (689 g kg?1) and protein dispersibility index (619 g kg?1). This indicates that new lines of soybean meal can be used to improve digestibility coefficients in shrimp feeds.  相似文献   

Growth and digestibility trials were conducted to evaluate the use of flash dried yeast (FDY) as a supplement in practical shrimp feeds. The six‐week growth trial evaluated the effects of FDY supplementation (0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 g kg–1) in the plant‐based practical diet on the performances and proximate compositions of juvenile Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Final biomass, final mean weight, per cent weight gain (WG), feed conversion (FCR) and protein retention efficiency (PRE) of Pacific white shrimp were not significantly influenced when FDY was added up to 40 g kg–1 of the diet. However, 60 g kg–1 FDY supplementation significantly reduced growth, feed utilization and protein retention. Supplementation of FDY in the practical diets of Pacific white shrimp did not affect protein, moisture, lipid, crude fibre, and ash content of whole shrimp body. Apparent digestibility coefficients of energy, protein, and amino acid (AA) for FDY were determined using chromic oxide as an inert marker and the 70:30 replacement technique. The energy and protein digestibility of FDY were 38.20% and 53.47%, respectively, which were significantly lower than fishmeal (FM) and soybean meal (SBM) that were run at the same time. Most amino acid digestibility of FDY was lowest among the three ingredients tested. Results of this work indicated that energy, protein and amino acid digestibility of FDY are lower compared to SBM and FM, and high levels supplementation (≥60 g kg–1) of FDY can cause negative effects to the growth response of Pacific white shrimp. Based on these results, further research regarding the effects of the low level inclusion of FDY in practical diets on immune responses of Pacific white shrimp is warranted.  相似文献   

Two growth trials were designed to evaluate the utilization of dried fermented biomass (DFB) in commercial type feed formulation for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. In trial 1, four experimental diets were formulated to utilize increasing levels (0, 25, 50 and 100 g/kg) of spray‐dried fermented biomass (SDFB) as a replacement of fish meal (FM). Results indicated that SDFB can be utilized up to 50 g/kg as a substitution for FM without causing growth depression in shrimp. However, dietary SDFB supplementation at 100 g/kg significantly reduced the weight gain (WG) of shrimp and increased feed conversion ratio (FCR). This reduction in performance is likely due to palatability or nutrient imbalances of the feed. In trial 2, nine experimental diets were formulated with increasing levels (0, 20, 40, 60 and 120 g/kg) of spray‐dried (S) or granular (G) DFB to replace soy protein concentrate (SPC) or SPC + corn protein concentrate (CPC). This allowed the comparison between spray‐dried and ring‐dried products. Ring drying produced a granular product, reducing dust and increasing product particle size. Shrimp fed with diet containing 20 g/kg GDFB performed the best in terms of final mean weight, WG and FCR. Significantly reduced growth and increased FCR were observed in shrimp fed diets containing 60 and 120 g/kg SDFB. Lipid content of whole body was significantly reduced when GDFB was incorporated at 120 g/kg. No significant differences were detected in survival, protein retention efficiency as well as protein and ash contents of the whole shrimp. Results from analysis of covariance indicated that the processing method (covariant) had a significant effect on final mean weight, WG and FCR. In general, shrimp fed with diet containing granular product performed better as compared to those fed with diets utilizing spray‐dried product. GDFB can be utilized in the diets up to 120 g/kg in practical shrimp feeds as a substitute for SPC and CPC without compromising the growth of shrimp. However, a significant reduction in WG was observed in the diets containing 60 and 120 g/kg SDFB. The results in the current study demonstrate that processing changes to produce a granular product produced an improved feed ingredient for shrimp.  相似文献   

Three growth trials and a digestibility trial were designed to evaluate the efficacy of a novel bacterial biomass (BB) in commercial‐type feed formulation for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. In trial 1, the basal diet was supplemented with 0, 60 and 120 g/kg BB to replace soybean meal (SBM). Significant improvement was observed in the survival when BB was incorporated in the diets. However, shrimp fed diets containing 120 g/kg BB exhibited significantly lower weight gain (WG) and higher feed conversion ratio (FCR). To confirm the results from trial 1 and explore the effects of BB supplementation at low levels, the basal diet was incorporated with 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 120 g/kg BB to replace SBM in trial 2. Significant reductions in WG, FCR, lipid content of whole body, protein retention efficiency and most amino acids retention efficiency were detected in shrimp fed with diet containing 120 g/kg BB. Trial 3 was designed to elucidate whether the digestible protein is the cause of reduced growth. No improvements in terms of growth performance and FCR were detected in the treatments balanced for digestible protein. Apparent digestibility coefficients of energy, protein and amino acid (AA) for BB were determined using chromic oxide as an inert marker and the 70:30 replacement technique. The energy, protein and individual amino acid digestibility coefficients of BB were significantly lower than those of fish meal (FM) and SBM that were given at the same time. Results of this study indicated that BB can be utilized up to 40 g/kg in shrimp feed without causing a decrease in growth. However, supplementations (≥60 g/kg) of BB can result in negative effects on growth response, FCR and protein as well as amino acids retention efficiency. At the lower levels of inclusion, shrimp performance was improved when BB was supplemented on a digestibility basis; however, at the higher level of inclusion, there was no improvement, indicating there may be other nutrients limiting. Based on enhanced survival in the treatment with BB supplementation in trial 1, further research regarding the immune effects of BB in practical shrimp feed will be necessary.  相似文献   

Two 6‐week growth trials and a digestibility trial were conducted to evaluate the effects of brewer's yeast in practical shrimp feeds. In the first growth trial, graded levels (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 g/kg) of a brewer's yeast (BY50) were used to replace fishmeal and soybean meal, referred to as Diet DBY0, DBY6, DBY12, DBY18, DBY24 and Diet LFM0, LFM6, LFM12, DBY18 and LFM24, respectively. The results showed that there were no significant differences in final biomass, survival, protein retention efficiency and feed conversion ratio; however, limited differences in final weight and weight gain were shown in the FM replacement series. There was no significant difference on the growth performance in the SBM replacement series. The second growth trial was conducted with Diet DBY0, DBY12, DBY18, DBY24, LFM0 and a low‐FM diet containing 20 g/kg of BY with 700g/kg (?) protein (Diet DBY70). Shrimp fed with Diet DBY0 exhibited significantly higher final mean weight and weight gain than those offered the Diet DBY24. Nutrient availability of BY50 and BY70 was similar to SBM and significantly higher than FM. Results indicated that 180–240 g/kg BY50 can be effectively used in shrimp diets as a replacement for FM, or up to 240 g/kg when replacing SBM.  相似文献   

As an important feed ingredient, fermented soybean meal (FSM) has been widely used in aquatic animals due to its stable sources and reasonable price. Here, we evaluated the potential for replacement of fishmeal (FM) with FSM in diet of Litopenaeus vannamei. Five isonitrogenous (410 g/kg) and isolipidic (80 g/kg) diets were formulated: a control diet containing 320 g/kg FM and four experimental diets in which FM in control diet was replaced by FSM at 10 (FSM10%), 20 (FSM20%), 30 (FSM30%) and 40% (FSM40%). An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in fifteen fibreglass tanks with 50 shrimps per tank. After 8 weeks trial, FSM20% had significantly enhanced growth performance (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in body composition and digestive enzyme activities of all groups (p > 0.05). Through real‐time quantitative PCR analysis, tor and s6k expression levels of FSM20% were significantly up‐regulated (p < 0.05). Results of western blot showed that the phosphorylation of S6K was not significantly affected by different dietary treatments (p > 0.05), which suggested mTOR signalling pathway was not affected by FSM diets. Based on the above data, 20% replacement of FM with FSM was reasonable and advantageous for L. vannamei diet.  相似文献   

A 60 days feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of YK‐6 (a yeast culture feed supplement) on growth and immune responses of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei and aquaculture environment in commercial scale farms composed of nine ponds. Three treatments (control, Diet 1 and Diet 2) were designed to contain YK‐6 levels of 0.0, 1.0 and 1.5 g kg?1 respectively. At the end of the test, the mean production of Diet 1 (0.649 ± 0.030 kg m?2) and Diet 2 (0.648 ± 0.033 kg m?2) were significantly higher than that of the control by 29.5% and 29.3% respectively. The feed conversion ratio decreased significantly by 12.3% (Diet 1) and 8.5% (Diet 2) compared with the control group respectively. The environmental indices indicate that the quality of water and pond sediment was improved. The endotoxin concentrations, the number of Vibrios and heterotrophic bacteria in the shrimp intestine of the treatment groups were significantly lower than that of the control, particularly in the later stage of the farming period. The YK‐6 extended positive effects on growth, improved sediment quality, reduced endotoxin in shrimp intestine, and enhanced activities of lysozyme and phenoloxidase.  相似文献   

A digestibility trial was conducted to determine apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein, energy and amino acids of animal, plant and microbial ingredients for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. The tested ingredients included traditional soybean meal (TSBM), PepsoyGen soybean meal (PSBM), NutriVance soybean meal (NSBM), fish meal (FM), poultry meal (PM), squid hydrolysis (SQH), scallop hydrolysis (SCH), flash dried yeast (FDY), two batches of Ulva meal (UMF and UMS) and bacteria biomass (BB). A basal diet was formulated and produced along with the experimental diets which included 300 g/kg of each ingredient and 700 g/kg of the basal diet. Juvenile shrimp (initial mean weight: 12 g, six shrimp/tank, n = 3) were stocked in a recirculation system. Apparent dry matter, protein and energy digestibility coefficients ranged from ?40.11% to 78.51%, 15.17% to 97.03% and 13.33% to 82.56% among different protein sources, respectively. In general, protein and energy digestibilities in soy sources (77.6% to 97.03% and 62.77% to 82.56%, respectively) are higher than the tested animal protein (51.39% to 71.41% and 45.29% to 69.77%, respectively) and single‐cell protein sources (15.17% to 53.47% and 13.33% to 40.39%, respectively). Among the three soybean sources, TSBM showed highest protein and energy digestibility. Apparent individual amino acid digestibility coefficients were also variable among different types of ingredients, and there was a reasonable correspondence to protein digestibility. The most digestible feed ingredients for Pacific white shrimp in this study were conventional soybean meal (SBM) and NutriVance soybean meal (NSBM), which indicated that these ingredients are good protein and amino acid sources for Pacific white shrimp. Resultant digestibility data may provide useful information to commercial shrimp feed industry.  相似文献   

An 8‐week growth trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of crystalline methionine (C‐Met) or microencapsulated methionine (M‐Met) in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. A high fishmeal reference diet was formulated with 15% fishmeal, and then, soybean meal (SBM) was used to replace 50% fishmeal as a low fishmeal basal diet (7.5% fishmeal). Graded levels (0.1%, 0.15% and 0.2%) of methionine originating from C‐Met or M‐Met were added to the basal diet. Each diet was randomly assigned to three tanks (40 shrimps per tank) in an indoor flow through seawater system. The results showed that the shrimp fed the basal diet with 0.15% or 0.20% methionine originating from 0.375% or 0.5% M‐Met had significantly higher final weight and weight gain as compared to shrimp fed the basal diet. The supplementation M‐Met in the basal diets resulted in increased serum ammonia in shrimp. Hepatopancreas amylase activity of shrimp showed a decreasing trend with increasing methionine supplementation, which is in contrast with the upswing trend in trypsin at pancreatic segment. This study indicated that the diets supplemented with 0.15% or 0.20% of methionine from M‐Met (0.58% or 0.65% of dietary methionine respectively) were effective in improving the nutritional value of SBM‐based diets deficient in methionine (0.48%) for the Pacific white shrimp.  相似文献   

A series of growth, feed stability and consumption trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of salmon by‐product in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. This included a salmon by‐product meal (Salmon meal: SM) and a silage hydrolysate (hydrolysed salmon meal: HSM). The basal diet containing 120 g/kg SM was incrementally replaced (0. 25, 50, 75, 100%) by HSM to produce five test diets used in two trials. A sixth diet was included which evaluated gelatin supplementation (trial 1) or pH neutralization (trial 2). In trial 1, each diet was produced using two processing conditions (laboratory extruded and formed with meat grinder) and offered to shrimp in a clear water system. The results demonstrate that up to 50% of the SM can be used to replace with HSM; however, further increases resulted in reduced performance of shrimp. The addition of gelatin reduced leaching but there was limited effect of processing on leaching. There were no detectible effects of pH adjustment of the diets. Results indicated that the growth performance of shrimp has not influenced by HSM up to 60 g/kg to replace 50% of the SM in practical diets; however, higher levels resulted in significant decrease in performance.  相似文献   

Three six‐week growth trials and a digestibility trial were conducted to evaluate a fish meal analogue (FMA) as a replacement for fish meal (FM) in shrimp feeds. Trials 1 and 2 evaluated and confirmed the potential of FMA supplementation (0, 48.5, 97, 145.5 and 194 g/kg) as a replacement for FM up to 200 g/kg without balancing for phosphorus (P) in practical diets for juvenile Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei. At the end of trial 1, shrimp offered diets containing 48.5 g/kg FMA exhibited significantly higher weight gain (WG) than those fed with the diet containing 145.5 g/kg FMA. At the end of trial 2, dietary FMA inclusion at 48.5 and 97 g/kg significantly improved WG and protein retention (PR), while reducing FCR and protein content of shrimp body compared to the diet containing 194 g/kg FMA. To determine whether P deficiency is the cause of reduced growth, the third trial was conducted utilizing equivalent diet but balanced for P. At the end of trial 3, shrimp fed diet containing 48.5 g/kg FMA+P showed significantly higher WG and PR than those fed diet containing 145.5 g/kg FMA+P. No decreasing trend of growth was detected in the diets containing FMA compared to the FM‐based diet. Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, energy, protein and amino acids of FMA were determined using chromic oxide as an inert maker and the 70:30 replacement technique. The energy, protein and individual amino acid digestibility of FMA were significantly lower than those of soybean meal and FM which were run at the same time. Results of this work indicate that FMA can replace up to 200 g/kg FM in shrimp diets with supplemental inorganic P. Given the good growth across the range of inclusion without any indication of a growth depression, the low nutrient digestibility of FMA may be due to an atypical response or the product simply does not work with the testing technique.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of four diets formulated to contain increasing levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 g kg?1 of diet) of grain distillers dried yeast (GDDY) in production diets for Litopenaeus vannamei, reared in outdoor tanks or production ponds. The production pond trial was carried out in 16, 0.1‐ha ponds using four replicates per diet. Juvenile shrimp (38.1 ± 4.26 mg, initial weight) were stocked at 30 shrimp m?2 for a 16‐week period. The same four diets and a commercial reference diet were offered to shrimp maintained in outdoor tanks over a 12‐week period. A total of 20 tanks were stocked with juvenile shrimp (3.05 ± 0.22 g, initial weight) obtained from production ponds at a density of 30 shrimp per tank (40 shrimp m?2). At the conclusion of these trials, mean final weight ranged from 19.77 to 23.05 g, yield ranged between 4760 and 5606 kg ha?1, survival ranged from 69.6% to 89.4%, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was between 1.02 and 1.23. Shrimp reared in the outdoor tanks confirmed the results of the pond trial. Mean final weight ranged between 18.12 and 18.97 g, survival ranged from 93.3% to 98.3%, and FCR was between 1.25 and 1.29. In both trials, there were no significant differences regarding mean final weight, FCR and survival among dietary treatments. Based on this study, GDDY up to 150 g kg?1 of diet can be used in L. vannamei commercial feed formulation.  相似文献   

In this study, we replaced fish meal with peanut meal (PM) in isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets for Pacific white shrimp at inclusion levels of 0, 70, 140, 210, 280 and 350 g kg?1. The diets were hand‐fed to three independent groups of shrimp three times a day over a 6‐week period. Shrimp fed PM diets at a level of 280 g kg?1 or higher had lower per cent weight gain compared with those fed the basal diet, whereas shrimp fed PM diets at 140 g kg?1 or higher had a lower feed utilization and protein efficiency ratio compared with shrimp fed the basal diet. The feeding rate in shrimp fed PM diets at 350 g kg?1 and the survival and protease activity in shrimp fed PM diets at 210 g kg?1 or higher were lower than that in shrimp fed the basal diet. Diets containing 280 g kg?1 or higher of PM caused an increase in the whole‐body moisture content of the shrimp, but decreased whole‐body protein and ash contents compared with the basal diet. Nutrient digestibility was lower or tended to be lower in shrimp fed a PM diet compared with those fed the basal diet. The activities of peroxidase and acid and alkaline phosphatases in plasma decreased with increasing levels of PM inclusion up to 210 g kg?1. Superoxide dismutase activity decreased at dietary PM levels of 280 g kg?1 or higher. Aflatoxin B1 residue in the muscle was not affected by any of the treatments and remained low. The data suggest that up to 140 g kg?1 of PM could be included in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of dietary sodium chloride (NaCl) on meat quality of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in low‐salinity (2 g L?1) water, shrimp were distributed into four groups (treatments T‐1, T‐2, T‐3 and control) with three replicates. All shrimps were completely randomised stocked into 12 tanks at an initial density of 40 shrimps per tank. Diets for the control, T‐1, T‐2 and T‐3 groups consisted of the basal diet supplemented with 0 g kg?1, 10 g kg?1, 20 g kg?1 and 40 g kg?1 of NaCl respectively. After 50 days, shrimps in T‐3 showed significantly better (< 0.05) moisture, crude protein and ash than those of the control and T‐1. Higher muscle Na content was observed (< 0.05) in T‐3 than that of the control. Significant increases (< 0.05) in contents of inosinic acid, total free amino acid (TFAA) and essential free amino acid (EFAA) were also found in T‐3. Texture assays showed significant differences (< 0.05) in hardness, adhesiveness and springiness between group T‐3 as compared with those of T‐1 and control. It indicated that dietary supplementation of NaCl appeared to be a promising practice to improve meat quality of white shrimp reared in low‐salinity waters.  相似文献   

Due to the variations in nutrient quality of soybean meal (SBM) that is a result of differences in production location and processing specifications, a study was conducted to determine the fluctuations in apparent digestibility coefficients of differently sourced SBM fed to Pacific white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei). Twenty‐four SBM‐based diets were formulated by mixing a basal diet and test ingredients on a dry matter basis (70:30 ratio), while 1% chromic oxide was used as the inert marker. The digestibility trial was carried out in a semi‐closed recirculation system with six replicate groups per treatment (mean shrimp weight of 10.2 g). Significant differences were observed for apparent dry matter, energy and protein digestibility coefficients (p < .05 was considered significant) among 24 sources of SBM and digestibility values ranged from 45% to 90%, 56% to 93% and 87% to 98%, respectively. Based on multivariate analysis, acid detergent fibre, neutral detergent fibre, lignin, raffinose and trypsin inhibitor were screened as the key chemical characteristics in SBM that influenced digestibility of nutrients in Pacific white shrimps. Variations in growth performances of shrimp were in line with the variations in apparent digestibility coefficients of SBM verifying the importance of digestibility data in shrimp feed formulations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of dietary thiamin on growth performance, feed utilization and non‐specific immune response for juvenile Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Six isonitrogenous and isolipidic practical diets were formulated with graded thiamin levels of 6.9, 32.7, 54.2, 78.1, 145.1 and 301.5 mg kg?1 of dry diet, respectively. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 30 juvenile shrimp and provided four times each day to apparent satiation. Weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) of the shrimp were significantly influenced by the dietary thiamin levels, the maximal WG and SGR occurred at 54.2 mg kg?1 dietary thiamin level. However, with further increase in dietary thiamin level from 54.2 to 301.5 mg kg?1, the WG and SGR significantly decreased. Shrimp fed the 54.2 mg kg?1 thiamin diet exhibited higher feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio and protein productive value than those fed the other diets. Dry matter and protein content in whole body were significantly affected by the dietary thiamin levels. Thiamin concentration in hepatopancreas significantly increased when the dietary thiamin level increased from 6.9 to 145.1 mg kg?1. The total protein, glucose, triacylglycerol and cholesterol contents in hemolymph were not significantly affected by the dietary thiamin levels. Dietary thiamin had significantly influenced superoxide dismutase, catalase and lysozyme activities in hemolymph. Results of this study indicated that the optimal dietary thiamin requirements estimated using a two‐slope broken‐line model based on WG and thiamin concentration in hepatopancreas were 44.66 and 152.83 mg kg?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Studies pertaining to cholesterol requirement are limited based on the levels evaluated and statistical analysis. Two trials were conducted to refine cholesterol requirement in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei feeds. The basal diet was supplemented with graded levels of cholesterol (ranging from 0.48 to 1.85 g/kg) in trial 1. Since the shrimp (initial weight: 0.24 g) growth response was very linear without reaching a plateau, it was not clear whether the requirement was met. Hence, a second trial was designed using eight diets designed with an increased range of cholesterol levels from 0.45 to 4.57 g/kg of diets. The shrimp (0.38 g initial weight) reached a final weight of (4.31–7.43 g) or per cent weight gain from 1,014%–1,874% (n = 4) after 6 weeks. Saturation kinetic model and broken‐line models with linear or quadratic ascending portions were used to evaluate dose–response relationships of feed efficiency (FE), thermal‐unit growth coefficient (TGC), whole‐body cholesterol (CHOL) and cholesterol deposition (CHOLD) against dietary cholesterol. The cholesterol requirement of shrimp was estimated at 1.9 (1.1–4.3) g/kg, 1.7 (1.1–3.4) g/kg, 2.5 (2.3–2.9) g/kg and 2.7 (2.4–3.1) g/kg of shrimp diet for FE, TGC, CHOL and CHOLD, respectively. Additionally, based on improved growth, the inclusion of phytosterol can serve as a partial replacement for cholesterol.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to assess the effects of dietary Schizochytrium meal supplementation on survival, growth performance, activities of digestive enzymes and fatty acid composition in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larvae (initial body weight 4.21 ± 0.10 mg). Four isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets were formulated to contain graded levels of Schizochytrium meal: 0% (S0, the control diet), 2% (S2), 4% (S4) and 6% dry matter (S6). Results showed that there was no significant difference in survival of shrimps among dietary treatments (> 0.05). Shrimps fed diets with 2% and 4% microalgae meal had significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR) than that of shrimps fed diets with 0% and 6% microalgae meal, and no significant differences were observed between shrimps fed diets with 2% and 4% microalgae meal (> 0.05). Activity of trypsin in the pancreatic and intestinal segments, and activity of amylase in the pancreatic segments were not significantly affected by dietary microalgae meal levels (> 0.05). Specific activities of both alkaline phosphatase and leucine‐aminopeptidase in intestine and purified brush border membrane of intestine were significantly higher in shrimps fed diet with 2% microalgae meal (< 0.05). There were no significant differences in C18:2n‐6, n‐3 fatty acids, n‐6fatty acids, PUFA and n‐3/n‐6 in muscle samples among dietary treatments. C16:1n‐7, C18:1n‐9, MUFA, C18:3n‐3 and C20:5n‐3 decreased, however, C20:4n‐6 increased in the muscle as dietary microalgae meal level increased. In conclusion, 4% Schizochytrium meal in microdiets of shrimps can improve growth performance and may be a valuable additive in the microdiets of shrimps.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the potential for the replacement of fishmeal (FM) by biofloc meal (BM) in the diet of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae. Four isonitrogenous (437.42 g kg?1) and isocaloric (19.84 kJ g?1) diets were formulated, in which FM was replaced with BM at 0% (T0), 7.5% (T7.5), 15% (T15) and 30% (T30). A commercial diet (CD) was used as reference. The study was conducted over 42 days in 50 L tanks connected to a water recirculation system. All tanks were stocked with three postlarvae (initial weight 0.0023 g) per litre. Shrimp survival, weight gain (WG), final weight (FW), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were measured. Survival rates were high (>91.1%) in all treatments. As the T30 treatment returned a significantly (<0.05) better performance in WG, FW, SGR and PER than all other treatments, partial replacement of FM with BM does not appear to affect productivity. In fact, a regression analysis indicated that a FM to BM replacement level of over 20% may actually improve shrimp growth. In addition to providing a cost‐effective alternative ingredient for L. vannamei postlarvae diets, the production of meal also represents a more sustainable way of disposing of the excess of biofloc produced by BFT systems.  相似文献   

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