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李祖锋 《花卉》2016,(10):10-11
高速公路修建时大规模的挖方边坡对沿线的自然环境和景观将产生负面影响,可能导致一系列不良后果,如水土流失,植物群落被破坏,景观质量下降等。为缓解这些不利影响,本着因地制宜,切实可行,经济有效,景观优美的原则,采用草灌结合的植被护坡技术,力求使道路沿线的自然景观得到恢复和再造,以满足环境保护的需要。边坡喷播绿化基材改善了边坡的生态环境条件。通过向坡面喷射有机基材(由土壤、有机质、肥料、水泥、保水剂等混合干料加水搅拌后用特制液压喷射机械将基材喷射到岩面),使原来不能生长植物的岩石坡面,有了植物生长的基盘,再向基盘喷播植物种子,在人工养护之下将恢复岩石边坡的自然植被,使单调的边坡形成绿色植被,最大限度恢复自然景观的现代设计理念,达到环保的目的。本文主要是讲述在高速公路岩石边坡挂镀锌铁丝网液压客土喷播绿化施工技术方面的研究。  相似文献   

黄警民 《现代园艺》2012,(16):5-6,8
山体边坡开挖面快速植被恢复是一门新兴的边缘学科,厚层基材喷混植生方法在山体开挖面的生态防护特别是高陡岩质边坡的植被恢复中应用十分广泛,本文结合水利水电、高速公路等基础设施建设和房地产开发中造成的裸露边坡植被恢复与生态防护问题,介绍植被恢复的护坡原理、技术方案、植物组合配方的难点解决对策与效果比较。  相似文献   

边坡植被恢复技术体系及应用模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对边坡植被恢复技术方法进行分类,介绍了挡土翼工法的延伸工法—挡土匣新型工艺等各类边坡植被恢复技术方法的作用方式、特性及适用范围,在此基础上提出了边坡植被恢复技术体系,并针对边坡地质构造和岩性、边坡构成特点与规模特征等提出了相应边坡植被恢复工程技术方法组合和选择模式。  相似文献   

基于公路边坡立地条件,对承德市中东部山区公路进行边坡类型划分,在此基础上进行植被配置研究,以提高公路边坡植被恢复措施的针对性和适应性。以承德市机场连接线为研究对象,将承德中东部山区公路边坡按坡面组成、坡度和坡向3个因子划分为土石混合斜、陡阳边坡,岩质斜阳边坡,土石混合斜、陡阴边坡和岩质斜阴边坡4种类型。通过对乡土植物和同类型公路边坡植被恢复调查,筛选出乡土植物和绿化经验植物共12种,用于研究区公路边坡植被恢复。遵循适地适树基本原理,基于物种Pearson相关分析与关联性检验,对区域内不同类型公路边进行植被恢复植物种类搭配,提高公路边坡植被恢复的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

因自然灾害以及公路、铁路、采矿等工程建设,导致许多边坡裸露。针对这些被破坏生态的边坡进行植被恢复保护已受到社会各界的高度重视。边坡的生态恢复技术对于恢复生态环境具有十分重要的意义。为此,简要阐述边坡的生态恢复原理及其植物类型的选择,进而浅探边坡生态恢复方法。  相似文献   

矿山边坡植被恢复目标和方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德辉  刘颖 《现代园艺》2014,(4):153-153
矿山生态环境的状况和治理已经成为我国生态环境建设与发展的重要内容之一,其中,矿山边坡植被的恢复是矿山生态环境治理的主要目的。因此,本文将从植被恢复的概念着手,对矿山边坡植被恢复的目标进行阐述,并分析了如何恢复矿山边坡植被的方法,最后做出总结。  相似文献   

通过对2022年冬奥会延庆赛区高山雪道生态修复工程中的技术应用与实践分析,综合对比表土剥离与利用技术、植生毯植被恢复技术、土工格室植被恢复技术、客土喷播植被恢复技术、生态袋植被恢复技术,总结不同坡面的处理手法,为裸露受损坡面生态修复提供借鉴,让自然生态美景永驻人间。  相似文献   

植被在边坡生态系统中有着非常重要的作用,具有涵养水源、保持水土的功能.选择四川省成昆铁路沿线不同坡向的土质路堑边坡和岩质路堑边坡,对边坡植物群落的植被类型及其结构特征、边坡植被恢复物种组成及其特征进行了调查研究.结果表明:铁路边坡自然定居物种共103种,隶属48科,全部植物中,常绿灌木2种,落叶灌木9种,藤本植物7种,1 a生草本20种,2 a或2 a以上草本植物49种;蕨类植物15种.群落物种的丰富度虽然较高,但是主要由草本植物构成,结构层次简单,应该适当的在边坡上栽植灌木或小乔木,形成坡面上乔、灌、草或草、灌相互映的群落景观.  相似文献   

岩质边坡植被护坡技术在深圳的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘树林  何鹏  兰虎林  辜彬 《北方园艺》2012,(10):108-112
在自然环境条件下,岩体(特别是硬岩)裸露难以依靠自然恢复岩面生态,而人工干预是岩质边坡生态恢复的有效技术途径。基于生态护坡技术和植被群落构建思想,根据边坡修复中采用不同的生态护坡技术和植物物种选择而呈现出多样的恢复效果,从边坡特点与护坡技术、植生基材设计与配比、植物配置和植被群落构建的关系等方面,对深圳岩质边坡人工生态恢复工程案例进行研究,以期对深化深圳边坡生态恢复工作、创新边坡生态恢复工程技术、提高工程设计水平具有促进作用;同时,也可以进一步丰富边坡植被恢复理论,完善边坡修复工程的实践经验。  相似文献   

随着石场开采的不断深入,景观和自然生态系统受到了严重破坏,给生态环境带来了巨大的负面影响,采石场生态恢复已经受到世界各国的高度重视,对采石场的生态恢复势在必行。本文就国内外采石场岩质边坡生态恢复技术研究领域,详细介绍了挂铁丝网客土喷播绿化技术、板槽式绿化技术、格子梁法、挂网式爬藤植物护坡技术、平台种植法、燕槽法、景观再造法、等高绿篱梗坡面绿化防护技术等技术。  相似文献   

植被护坡具有美化环境、防止水土流失、成本低、促进生态平衡等优点,具有广阔的发展前景。综合国内外的一些研究成果,从植被护坡机理、护坡植物选择、植被护坡技术应用等几个方面加以概述,探讨植被护坡的发展方向。  相似文献   

植被自然恢复演替过程对矿山废弃地人工辅助植被恢复设计与实施效果评价均具有重要的借鉴价值。为了探索京津冀地区矿山排渣场植被演替规律,以京津冀地区典型矿山为例,运用典型样地和样方法,在详细调查获取数据的基础上,分析矿山排渣场自然恢复50年内的植物多样性变化特征。结果表明:当年内植物多样性指数变化呈波浪状,先增加后减少,然后再增加;先锋植物为一年生草本植物,植物种群从藜→蒿草;植物种群变化可划分为6个阶段:一年生草本阶段→多年生草本阶段→灌草阶段→灌木阶段→灌木与林木混合阶段→林木阶段。可见,矿山排渣场植被自然恢复具有较强的规律性,基于植物自然演替规律,首年内宜种植一年生草本类植物,有利于促进矿山废弃地植被恢复进程。  相似文献   

边坡工程的稳定性问题是岩土工程的主要研究内容之一。随着我国经济、科技水平的不断发展和进步,人们对边坡稳定性的研究是从早期通过长期的观测统计出数据,慢慢发展到现在采用模拟试验来完成研究。边坡稳定性分析和评价是边坡工程研究的核心,在研究中人们发现:不同坡度对于边坡的稳定性有着不同程度的影响。本试验就从不同坡度条件下,有无植被2种坡度在降雨条件下进行研究分析。  相似文献   

Methods were developed to evaluate the performance of a decision-tree model used to predict landscape-level patterns of potential forest vegetation in central New York State. The model integrated environmental databases and knowledge on distribution of vegetation. Soil and terrain decision-tree variables were derived by processing state-wide soil geographic databases and digital terrain data. Variables used as model inputs were soil parent material, soil drainage, soil acidity, slope position, slope gradient, and slope azimuth. Landscapescale maps of potential vegetation were derived through sequential map overlay operations using a geographic information system (GIS). A verification sample of 276 field plots was analyzed to determine: (1) agreement between GIS-derived estimates of decision-tree variables and direct field measurements, (2) agreement between vegetation distributions predicted using GIS-derived estimates and using field observations, (3) effect of misclassification costs on prediction agreement, (4) influence of particular environmental variables on model predictions, and (5) misclassification rates of the decision-tree model. Results indicate that the prediction model was most sensitive to drainage and slope gradient, and that the imprecision of the input data led to a high frequency of incorrect predictions of vegetation. However, in many cases of misclassification the predicted vegetation was similar to that of the field plots so that the cost of errors was less than expected from the misclassification rate alone. Moreover, since common vegetation types were more accurately predicted than rare types, the model appears to be reasonably good at predicting vegetation for a randomly selected plot in the landscape. The error assessment methodology developed for this study provides a useful approach for determining the accuracy and sensitivity of landscape-scale environmental models, and indicates the need to develop appropriate field sampling procedures for verifying the predictions of such models.  相似文献   

On Shimokamagari, an island of the Seto Island Sea, patterns of vegetation in the landscape were studied using vegetation maps. Relationships between social and economic changes, site conditions and the vegetation were examined from a historical perspective. In the process of economic development, mandarin orange production became important on this island. However, over-production, a reduction in the price of mandarin oranges and low-temperature damage to orange trees caused large citrus orchards to be abandoned. A plant community dominated by kudzu appeared in the abandoned orchards and the pine forests, as well. These changes in orchards were connected with the natural site conditions, such as soil, geology, inclination, elevation, direction of slope, and also with artificial conditions, such as density of working paths. Another factor causing change was the replacement of the organic fertilizer of litter from forests by chemical fertilizer since the 1960's. As a result, medium and small forests of pine became tall forests and tall forests of pine changed into tall oak forests. In the human-dominated areas, the major factors affecting the process of vegetation were economic activities, and after the abandonment of the farm-lands, forest succession were controlled by natural site conditions. This paper was presented at the World-Congress of Landscape Ecology in Ottawa, 1991 Titles are tentative translations for original titles in Japanese by the authors.  相似文献   

Urban community parks, as widely distributed and frequently used small public urban green spaces, play an essential role in meeting the growing needs of residents for recovery. However, previous studies focus on the restorative benefits of nature and have rarely measured the restoration of winter scenes and artificial scenes. This paper selects a typical small community park in the winter city of China and studies how landscape elements affect restorative benefits through the setting of seasonal virtual scenes. Respondents were asked to rate natural, dynamic and seasonal virtual scenes in terms of sense of being away, extent, fascination, compatibility, and restorative potential. The results show plants with rich layers and large coverage areas have a significant positive impact on human perception of recovery, vitality facilities have no significant impact on perceived recovery, and the number of active people has a significant negative impact on perceived recovery. The plant landscape in winter and summer has the same effect on attention recovery, and seasonally induced changes in plant vision can enhance restorative benefits.  相似文献   

城市系统是一个整体,公园是城市系统的一部分,其自身也是一个完整的体系。规划是一个大型公园必不可少的一个环节。探讨系统论在公园规划中的应用和实际意义,以占地面积约237.4 hm~2的简阳鳌山公园为例,对城市公园综合体的规划设计有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

模拟自然植物群落,营造活力城市公园   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
模拟近地带森林群落营造城市公园,使人工自然系统趋向自然化,不仅可以提高城市公园的生态效益,降低高昂的养护管理费,还可打造地方特色植被.目前,这项技术虽然不成熟,却是城市公园发展的必然趋势.活水公园仿峨眉山亚热带植被景观、世界遗产-九寨沟黄龙寺钙化池,取得了一定的效果.  相似文献   

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