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去冬今春河北省定州市、遵化市多处乡镇新植的1~3年生苹果幼树,不同程度的发生冻害,严重园片几乎全部冻死。现将冻害症状及防 御措施介绍如下。 一、果树不同部位冻害的症状 1.根颈冻害 一般发生在树干与根系的连接部位,即嫁接口附近的一段树干。中间砧苗木主要发生在M_(26)中间砧上。冻害后,皮层变黑  相似文献   

<正>1冻害发生的原因及症状1)冬季气温骤变造成的急剧降温和严寒天气的极端低温,都会引起石榴树冻害。冻害发生后,树干根颈以上部分树皮变为黑色,轻度冻害仅皮层部位黑色,韧皮部仍呈现绿色,树体不会死亡。冻害严重的树干韧皮部也变黑,树皮逐渐干枯开裂,其症状与石榴干腐病症状相似。冻害围绕根颈环绕树干一周时,韧皮部全部死亡,致使树木上下输导组织受到破坏,即使在第2年春季石榴树发芽生长,过一段时间石榴  相似文献   

以8个甜樱桃品种为试材,研究调查了2015年11月与2016年1月2次寒潮过后泰安市部分甜樱桃品种冻害发生情况。结果表明:冻害原因为降温幅度大、低温持续时间长、防寒意识差,最终导致甜樱桃花芽和枝条受到严重冻害,有些地区花芽冻害指数高达79.9,枝条冻害指数61.2。但不同砧穗组合与品种间的冻害发生程度不同。合理修剪、加强水肥、保花促果、冻害部位处理、预防"倒春寒"等预防与补救措施可以有效防止甜樱桃冻害发生。  相似文献   

桃树冻害调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1985年冬—1986年春发生在河北省石家庄地区的桃树冻害进行了系统的调查,结果看出,各品种因冻害引起的僵芽率平均达91.3%;平均减产65%以上;雪桃冻死植株几乎100%。冻害有明显的高低层次分布和区域性分布。冻害对树干加粗生长无明显影响,对伸长生长有一定的抑制作用,受冻后果实普遍增大。对冻害的主要原因进行了气象分析。  相似文献   

树脂病是危害柑橘植株的一种重要病害,多发生于主干和主枝交叉以及经常暴露在阳光下和易遭受冻害的迎风部位上。因发病部位不同而有多种名称:发生在树干上称为树脂病或流胶病,发生在叶片上称为砂皮病,危害果实称为蒂腐病。低温冻害是诱发该病的主要原因,在冬季气温低的柑橘产区病菌常在寒  相似文献   

2012年冬季恶劣的气候条件是丹东地区平地板栗园冻害发生严重的主要因素。其次,品种的不同、嫁接部位的高低、树龄的大小都影响冻害的发生程度。试验设计5级冻害评估法,调查统计具有代表性的平地栗园的冻害发生程度及各因素对冻害发生的影响。栗园最好不建在平地上;如必需在平地建园,应注意品种、苗龄、嫁接口高度、局部小气候等诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

如何预防果树冻害——兼答甘肃读者马兴泰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树冻害主要发生在树干上,特别是树干基部。冻害发生的时间主要在初冬和早春,初冬树干细胞尚未完全进入休眠时和早春树液流动后遇到气温骤降都会发生冻害。例如2009年11月12日降雪,气温骤降至-11℃,受冻树皮变为褐色而坏死,皮与木质部分离;  相似文献   

<正>二十一世纪桃,以其自花结实、生长势强、成形早、早果丰产、晚熟、果个大、果形美观、着色艳丽、风味独特、品质上乘、耐贮运等优点,倍受广大生产经营者、消费者的欢迎和青睐。但该品种抗寒能力差,易遭受冻害,尤其是树干部位冻害严重。  相似文献   

四、越冬保护 28.苹果树冻害的原因及主要部位是什么? 答:(1)内因:①品种原因:选用的品种抗寒力弱,冻害就很难避免。有的果园的冻害,就是由于只为果大、质优所吸引,而忽视对品种抗寒力的选择,盲目发展的结  相似文献   

黄桃园主要病虫害防控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正黄桃园病虫害发生规律与当地其他桃品种一致,应尽量采取生态控制的方法防控病虫,保证果品安全。1主要病害及其防治要点1)流胶病。生理性病害,主要由冻害、虫害、机械伤害以及树体营养失调、树体衰弱、抵抗力差等栽培管理技术不当引起,轻者造成减产,重者死枝死树。防控措施:树干涂白或用防冻剂涂抹,防止冻害发生;加强栽培管理,增强树势;及时防治天牛、吉丁虫等枝干害虫;生长季尽量避免造成  相似文献   

为了探究双主干并棒(Bibaum?)树形‘富士’系苹果在中国渭北黄土高原地区的生长和结果表现,以M9-T337矮化自根砧长枝型‘富士’系‘富姬酷’(‘Fujiko’)为试材,调查了并棒形(1.2 m×3.5 m)与高纺锤形(1.0 m×3.5 m)幼树树体生长、枝(梢)类组成、成花率、果实品质和产量等指标。结果表明:并棒形树高、干径小于高纺锤形,砧木粗度大于高纺锤形,2016年东西方向冠幅(行间冠幅)及平均冠幅小于高纺锤形;单株枝量及单位面积枝量2016年高纺锤形较高,2017年无差异;并棒形2016—2017年间树高、干径、砧木粗度以及单位面积枝量的年增长速率大于高纺锤形;并棒形2016年中枝(5~15 cm)比例、果台副梢长枝比例高于高纺锤形,2017年营养长枝(> 30 cm)比例低于高纺锤形,同时并棒形2018年枝梢成花率高于高纺锤形;两种树形果实品质及单位面积产量无差异,并棒形单株果实数量、2017年单株产量以及2016—2017年单位面积产量在增长速率大于高纺锤形。综合认为,矮化自根砧‘富士’系幼树采用并棒树形,可以显著削弱树体高度,减小行间冠幅,树体生长及枝量增长速...  相似文献   

The effects of combinations of salinity (no salt, 2000 p.p.m. or 4000 p.p.m. of CaCl2 and NaCl, 1:1) and water table (30 cm, 60 cm or 90 cm from the soil surface), on the vegetative growth and tolerance of ‘Golden Japanese’ plum and ‘Mit Ghamre’ and ‘Balady’ peaches were studied. The plants were grown in lysimeters. The growth of the trunk, total shoot length, the increase in shoot length per cm and the fresh weight of top, root and total plant were reduced with increasing salinity of the irrigation water. The effect was accentuated when the plants were maintained at high water table level. The salinity treatments resulted in the death of 43%, 73% and 76% of the plants in the plum, and the ‘Mit Ghamre’ and ‘Balady’ peaches, respectively, indicating that the plum is more tolerant to salinity than the peach. The plants of the salinity treatments showed various symptoms of salt injury, such as leaf burn, defoliation, shoot die-back and finally death. In the peaches, salt injury started to occur in the first growing-season, whereas the salt injury appeared in the plum in the second growing-season. The symptoms were more pronounced in the 4000 p.p.m. treatment than in the 2000 p.p.m. treatment and were more pronounced at the high water table level. The salinity level was the predominant factor and the effect of the water table on the vegetative growth diminished with increase in the salinity level of the irrigation water.  相似文献   

以2年生盆栽富士苹果树(砧木为平邑甜茶)为试材,研究了NaCl胁迫对其叶片膜透性、脯氨酸及矿质营养含量的影响,结果表明:0.3%盐胁迫处理的电导率在中前期高于对照,1%盐处理中期高于对照;盐胁迫后半期0.3%NaCl处理的脯氨酸含量高于对照。NaCl胁迫下,苹果体内各器官Na+含量大小的顺序是:根>新梢>主干韧皮部>叶>主干木质部,在0.1%NaCl胁迫下,新梢和叶片中的Na+没有明显变化,根、主干韧皮部和主干木质部含量明显提高,在0.3%NaCl胁迫下各器官中Na+含量明显提高,地上部叶片、主干韧皮部和新梢中Na+含量提高幅度最大。NaCl胁迫对各器官的N、P、K+含量没有明显影响,但胁迫下N/Na+、P/Na+和K+/Na+比值不同程度的降低,从而使树体内的元素平衡受到破坏,导致树体受害。N、K+含量在叶片中含量最高,P在新梢中含量最高,N、P、K+在主干木质部中含量均最低。  相似文献   

通过对苹果树休眠枝条含水量的比较研究,探讨了黄土高原沟壑区不同地形、不同农艺措施处理对果树枝条受冻害“抽干”程度的影响。结果表明,沟坡地形热量状况最好、果树受冻害程度最轻,台坪次之,塬面受冻害程度最重;生育期灌溉和果园深翻可以明显降低枝条受冻害程度。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,106(1):76-90
Orchard vigour, defined as the intensity of vegetative growth, is an important indicator for crop management in fruit tree cropping systems. It is often evaluated in commercial plots by experts on a non-formalised basis or measured with a single variable known as trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). In this article, we proposed a set of 11 tree or plot morphological vegetative variables for apple orchards and applied it on 117 farm plots in south-eastern France. Relationships between variables were studied by component analysis (CA) and plots were classified into four clusters according to the first two factors of the CA. These modelled vigour marks were compared to expert vigour marks on 14 plots. Plot modelled vigour classification was re-estimated with only three morphological variables and compared to the original classification. These morphological variables were: TCSA, number of water sprouts on the trunk and length of annual shoot at the distal part of fruiting branches at the bottom of the tree. The first three factors of the CA correspond to vegetative growth intensity, opposition between annual and cumulative growth and vigour balance, respectively. Modelled and expert plot vigour classifications were generally in agreement, except in the case of heterogeneous plots. Re-estimated and original modelled classifications were also in agreement, except in the case of older and more vigorous orchards. Results showed that plot vigour modelling based on these three morphological variables may be relevant. TCSA thus did not appear to be sufficient. Results are discussed in relation to plant architecture features.  相似文献   

鸭梨秋施^15N尿素的吸收与分配   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
徐季娥  陈良 《园艺学报》1993,20(2):145-149

苹果苗木类型和栽植时间对幼树生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了研究不同栽植时间下不同苗木类型的生长特性,【方法】以3 a生‘长富2号’/‘M26’/八棱海棠为试材,测定3个栽植时间(2010年3月10日、4月10日和5月10日)下分枝苗、去分枝苗和单干苗生长特性相关指标。【结果】5月份栽植植株的生长势弱于3、4月栽植的植株;单干苗生长势弱于分枝苗和去分枝苗。栽植后第2年,3、4月栽植植株的株高、主干粗度显著大于5月栽植的植株。去分枝苗和单干苗株高显著大于分枝苗。3种苗木类型主干粗度依次为分枝苗>去分枝苗>单干苗,且相互差异显著。分枝苗和去分枝苗冠径显著大于单干苗。栽植后第3年,分枝苗的花芽数显著高于去分枝苗和单干苗。【结论】苹果苗木在冷藏条件下,4月栽植是可行的,本试验中3月份栽植较为适宜。分枝苗有利于促进幼树提早开花结果。  相似文献   

 以盆栽2年生富士苹果树(砧木为平邑甜茶) 为试材, 研究了盐胁迫下几种肥料(鸡粪、牛粪、复合肥) 对树体各器官矿质营养平衡的影响。结果表明: 与对照(不施肥) 相比, 盐胁迫下施用复合肥可以明显减少植株Na含量, 鸡粪次之, 牛粪无效应。盐胁迫与无盐胁迫相比苹果树各部位Na相对增长量的顺序是: 主干韧皮部、新梢>主干木质部>根, 说明Na主要积累在植株地上部。盐胁迫下复合肥提高植株各部位N、K、Fe和Zn含量; 鸡粪提高N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe和Zn含量; 牛粪没有明显作用。复合肥盐胁迫下维持N、P、K、Fe、Zn与Na平衡的作用明显, 鸡粪维持P、K、Ca、Fe与Na平衡的作用较为明显, 对维持N、Mg和Zn也有一定作用, 牛粪在维持元素平衡上没有明显作用, 说明施用复合肥和鸡粪有利于维持苹果盐胁迫下树体营养的平衡。盐胁迫影响元素/Na比值最明显的植物部位是新梢、其次为根和主干韧皮部,对主干木质部影响最小, 说明盐胁迫对生命活动旺盛部位的矿质营养平衡影响最大。  相似文献   

The diameters of apple and cherry tree roots, between 1·5 ft. and 6·0 ft. from the base of the tree trunk, were measured with a microscope through glass observation panels at intervals during 4 years. The rate of root thickening was low in June and was most rapid from mid-July to mid-September, whereas rapid trunk thickening occurred in June and continued until September. The period of maximum root thickening coincided with a second peak in the production of new white extension roots when the intensity of shoot growth was decreasing.

Some root thickening was detected one week after bud burst but many roots showed no thickening until July or August. At this distance from the trunk there was no progression of thickening along the root from the proximal to the distal end.  相似文献   

Trees of Cox's Orange Pippin on M.IXa, M.26 and MM. 106 were planted either normally with roots or without roots to simplify the planting operation. Pruning treatments were superimposed, the trees being cut back at planting, left unpruned the first year and cut back the second year, or left entirely unpruned. All trees survived. After two growing seasons the trees were lifted and weighed. Removal of all roots before planting reduced shoot growth, trunk girth increment, final tree weight and incremental weight. However, on all rootstocks, trees planted without roots and left unpruned were similar in size when lifted to those planted with roots and cut back at planting in the orthodox manner.

In a complementary trial lasting one season Cox's Orange Pippin trees on M.26 were planted with or without roots. All trees were cut back at planting, and four times of planting were compared. The mid-April planting included trees that had been stored at 2.8 °C and trees that had been bedded-in outdoors. There were no tree losses attributable to removal of the roots before planting. Removing the roots at planting again reduced growth and weight of tree at lifting. Month of planting had no effect upon shoot growth or trunk girth increment.

The results are discussed, together with their practical implications in relation to mechanical tree planting for high density orchards.  相似文献   

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