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Bovine leukosis virus (BLV) was transmitted to sheep in a simulated mechanical transmission experiment, using the following species of mosquitoes; Anopheles freeborni, A stephensi, A quadrimaculatus, and A albimanus. Mosquitoes were fed on blood taken from a BLV-infected cow with persistent lymphocytosis. Mouthparts and heads of mosquitoes were removed immediately after feeding, placed in RPMI 1640 medium, and inoculated subcutaneously into sheep. Nine sheep were inoculated with mouthparts and heads from 37 to 122 mosquitoes. Infection was determined serologically. Three monthly serum samples were collected from the sheep and were tested for the presence of antibodies to BLV, using the agar-gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. Sera that were negative by AGID at 3 months were tested by radioimmunoassay. Results from radioimmunoassay agreed with those obtained by AGID. Four of the 9 sheep developed antibody to BLV. Sheep that seroconverted were inoculated with mouthparts and heads from as few as 54 mosquitoes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relation between calf bovine leukosis virus (BLV) infection status and colostrum ingestion is unclear. Two conclusions have been drawn from previous studies. One suggests that colostrum ingestion transmits BLV to neonatal calves. The second suggests that colostral antibodies are protective. HYPOTHESIS: Colostrum from BLV-positive cattle is protective in naturally exposed calves. ANIMALS: Twelve colostrum-deprived Holstein calves and 20 colostrum-fed Holstein calves born to BLV-infected cows. METHODS: Prospective study. Colostrum-deprived calves were tested weekly by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for BLV antibody and provirus for 12 weeks or until the animal became positive for BLV infection. Colostrum-fed calves were fed colostrum derived from BLV-positive cows. Thereafter, ELISA and PCR tests for BLV antibody and provirus were performed every other week until 2 consecutive negative ELISA tests or 1 positive PCR test was achieved. The proportion of calves that converted to BLV-positive status was calculated for each group and compared between groups by using the Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Four of 12 colostrum-deprived calves (33%) became BLV positive, whereas 0 of 20 colostrum-fed calves (0%) became BLV positive. The proportion of calves that became infected was significantly higher in the colostrum-deprived group (P = .014). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Calves born to BLV-positive cows are exposed during parturition, and a proportion of these calves will become infected with BLV. Administration of colostrum from BLV-positive cows greatly decreases the risk of infection.  相似文献   

Eight six-month-old Holstein male calves were experimentally inoculated by rectal palpation with whole blood from a donor seropositive to bovine leukosis virus. The inoculation consisted of the deposition of 2 ml of whole blood on a disposable obstetrical sleeve followed by a 30 second rectal palpation to simulate the process of pregnancy detection or artificial insemination. This procedure was repeated at weekly intervals for three consecutive weeks. All eight calves developed antibodies to bovine leukosis virus within five weeks after the initial palpation. The presence of the virus was demonstrated in the peripheral blood leucocytes of all eight calves at nine weeks. These results indicated that routine rectal palpation may be an effective mode of spread of bovine leukosis virus in susceptible cattle.  相似文献   

Embryo transfer and transmission of bovine leukosis virus in a dairy herd   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transmission of bovine leukosis virus (BLV) by embryo transfer was investigated in a large commercial Holstein herd. One hundred and sixteen calves, transplanted as embryos from BLV-positive cows into BLV-negative heifers, were serologically negative, as were recipients, whereas 5 of 29 (17%) calves transplanted as embryos into BLV-positive recipients were infected with BLV, as evidenced by antibodies in the agar gel immunodiffusion test.  相似文献   

A sero-epidemiological survey for antibodies to the glycoprotein of enzootic bovine leukosis virus showed that the infection is widely disseminated in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sero from 1,290 females and 154 males from 12 dairy herds were tested by the agar gel precipitin test. Seven hundred and one females (54.3%) and 68 males (44.2%) were found to have specific antibodies. These antibodies were demonstrated in all 7 age groups tested. The older age groups contained the highest percentage of reactors. The results are briefly discussed in relation to management practices and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A sero-epidemiological survey for antibodies to the glycoprotein of enzootic bovine leukosis virus showed that the infection is widely disseminated in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sera from 1,290 females and 154 males from 12 dairy herds were tested by the agar gel precipitin test. Seven hundred and one females (54.3%) and 68 males (44.2%) were found to have specific antibodies. These antibodies were demonstrated in all 7 age groups tested. The older age groups contained the highest percentage of reactors. The results are briefly discussed in relation to management practices and environmental conditions.
El Virus De La Leucosis Bovina Enzootica En Brasil
Resumen Una encuesta suero-epidemiológica por anticuerpos contra la glicoproteina del virus de la leucosis bovina enzootica mostró que la infección está ampliamente diseminada en el Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Sueros de 1290 hembras y 154 machos pertenecientes a 12 rebaños lecheros fueron examinados en la prueba de precipitación en agar. Se encontró que 701 hembras (54.3 por ciento) y 68 machos (44.2 por ciento) poseían anticuerpos específicos. Estos anticuerpos fueron demonstrados en todos los siete grupos de edad examinados. Los grupos de mas edad contenian un porcentaje mayor de reactores. Los resultados son discutidos brevemente en relación a las prácticas de manejo y a las condiciones ambientales locales.

Virus De La Leucose Bovine Enzootique Au Bresil
Résumé Une enquête séro-épidémiologique pour la détection de la présence de la glycoproteine du virus de la leucose enzootique bovine a montré que cette affection est largement disséminée dans l'Etat de Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil. Des échantillons de sérum provenant de 1290 femelles et 154 mâles appartenant à 12 troupeaux laitiers ont été étudiés par précipitation en gélose—701 femelles (54,3 p. 100) et 68 mâles (44,2 p. 100) ont été reconnus comme possédant des anticorps spécifiques. Ces anticorps ont été mis en évidence dans la totalité des 7 groupes d'âges étudiés. Les groupes d'âges plus élevés contenaient le plus haut pourcentage d'animaux positifs. Les résultats sont brièvement discutés, dans leur relation avec les pratiques de l'élevage et les conditions de l'environnement.

The ability of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), horn flies (Haematobia irritans), and tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) to transmit bovine leukosis virus (BLV) was investigated. Stable flies and horn flies were fed on blood collected from an infected cow, and the flies' mouthparts were immediately removed, placed in RPMI-1640 medium, ground, and inoculated into sheep and calves. Infection of sheep occurred with mouthparts from as few as 25 stable flies or 25 horn flies. However, sheep were not infected when removal of stable fly mouthparts was delayed greater than or equal to 1 hour after blood feeding. Infection of calves occurred after inoculation of mouthparts removed immediately after feeding from as few as 50 stable flies or 100 horn flies. Infected blood, applied by capillary action to the mouthparts (labella) of 15 deer flies (Chrysops sp) and a single horse fly (Tabanus atratus) caused infection in each of 2 sheep. Infection did not occur in 2 calves inoculated daily for 5 days with mouthparts from 50 horn flies collected after feeding on a BLV-infected steer. Four calves receiving bites from 75 stable flies interrupted from feeding on a BLV-positive cow also were not infected. Seronegative cattle held for 1 to 4 months in a screened enclosure with positive cattle in the presence of biting flies were not infected with BLV. The feeding behavior of each insect is discussed to assess their potential as vectors of BLV.  相似文献   

Three kinds of recombinant vaccinia virus (RVV)--mO-HA/ATI, LO1-HA/ATI and mO-HA/7.5kD--expressing bovine leukosis virus (BLV) envelope glycoprotein (gp60) were constructed. The BLV envelope gene of RVV mO-HA/ATI and LO1-HA/ATI or of RVV mO-HA/7.5kD was expressed under control of the promoter of A-type inclusion body (ATI) protein gene of cow-pox virus or vaccinia virus 7.5-kD protein gene, respectively. The vaccinia virus strain, LC16mO, was used as vector for RVV mO-HA/ATI and mO-HA/7.5kD, and strain LO-1 was used for RVV LO1-HA/ATI. Strains LC16mO and LO-1 are attenuated vaccine virus strains originating from the Lister original vaccinia virus. All 3 kinds of constructed RVV expressed gp60 in cultured rabbit kidney cells after infection; mO-HA/ATI expressed more antigen than did mO-HA/7.5kD. Rabbits vaccinated with RVV produced considerable antibody capable of inhibiting syncytium formation, as well as antibody with virion-binding ability. The RVV that used ATI promoter induced higher antibody titer than did the RVV that used 7.5-kD promoter. Results indicate that BLV gp60 is responsible for induction of neutralizing antibodies that suppress in vitro formation of syncytia among BLV-infected cells. Applicability of RVV, especially those using ATI promoter, was evaluated in a vaccine against bovine leukosis.  相似文献   

Six cattle persistently infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and seronegative, and two control, virus negative seropositive cattle were inoculated with lymphocytes infected with bovine leukosis virus (BLV). The two controls produced a normal immune response to BLV, developing antibodies at four and five weeks after inoculation. Two of the six cattle persistently infected with BVDV developed a strong antibody response by six weeks after inoculation with BLV. Four developed a depressed response to BLV, characterised in three by a 'hooking' reaction in the immunodiffusion test which persisted in successive bleedings but was interspersed occasionally by a weak positive reaction. In one of these animals, a series of 'hooking' reactions was followed by a number of negative results. The fourth animal remained serologically negative until 16 weeks after inoculation when a 'hooking' reaction was observed followed by a series of negative results. BLV was isolated from all the cattle persistently infected with BVDV at 42 or 58 weeks after inoculation regardless of whether the serum samples gave negative, 'hooking', weak positive or positive reactions in the immunodiffusion test. BLV was consistently isolated from the nasal secretions of a steer which was BVDV negative but seropositive. The possibility of decreased immune responsiveness to BLV in animals persistently infected with BVDV should be considered when formulating regulations governing the testing of animals for freedom from BLV.  相似文献   

Transmission of bovine leukosis virus by blood inoculation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The experimental transmission of bovine leukosis virus (BLV)-infected whole blood was studied in 2 groups of Holstein calves. The 1st group of 4 BLV-seronegative calves was given 10 microliters of whole blood by either the IM, IV, subcutaneous, or intradermal routes. All 4 calves seroconverted to BLV within 8 weeks after they were inoculated. The 2nd group, also comprising 4 calves, was given the equivalent of 1 microliter of whole blood by the described routes. These calves seroconverted to BLV by 14 weeks after they were inoculated. The results indicated that small volumes of whole blood administered by 4 different routes were effective in the spread of BLV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether strength of serologic recognition of bovine leukosis virus (BLV) by use of ELISA is associated with blood lymphocyte counts. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 161 cows with positive results of ELISA for BLV. PROCEDURE: Sample-to-positive ratio (S:P), which is the ratio between the test sample and a positive control sample, was compared among lymphocytotic and nonlymphocytotic cows. A regression model was constructed to evaluate the association between blood lymphocyte concentration and S:P, age, and the interaction of these terms. RESULTS: Mean S:P differed significantly between lymphocytotic (2.58 +/- 0.36) and nonlymphocytotic (2.38 +/- 0.39) cows. Age and S:P were significantly associated with lymphocyte count. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Sample-to-positive ratio and lymphocyte count were related; however, cows with high S:P were not always lymphocytotic. Culling cows on the basis of S:P will reduce the herd load of infectious virus faster than random culling of ELISA-positive cows; however, culling on the basis of lymphocyte count will eliminate a greater proportion of the reservoir of infection.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection system was established to identify the presence of bovine leukosis virus (BLV) DNA in bovine semen. Seventy-nine bulls were included in the study. Serum, peripheral blood leukocytes, and semen were collected from each of the 79 bulls. The BLV-specific antibody was detected in serum by agar gel immunodiffusion and viral DNA in blood and semen by PCR. Serologically, 29 of the 79 bulls were BLV positive. Twenty-seven of the 29 seropositive bulls and 1 of the seronegative bulls had BLV DNA in peripheral blood leukocytes. All 79 bulls tested PCR negative for the presence of BLV in semen. This data is strong evidence that properly collected semen from BLV seropositive bulls will not contribute to dissemination of this viral infection.  相似文献   

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