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Mulches can alter plant growth by changing the soil environment, but their effects on mineral uptake in grain sorghum are unknown. A 3‐year study was conducted to measure nutrient uptake in plants grown under 0, 2200, 4400, and 8800 kg/ha mulch. Plants were irrigated to insure that moisture was not limiting. Dry‐matter production, total mineral uptake and concentrations were determined at 7‐ to 9‐leaf, late boot, soft dough, and physiological maturity growth stages. Mulches altered sorghum growth by delaying plant maturity and by increasing dry‐matter yields. Nutrient uptake increased with increased dry‐matter production although elemental concentrations declined. Hybrid reaction to mineral uptake was dependent on the specific environment created by the mulch. Hybrids did not respond the same to given mulch rates each year. Management considerations for soil fertility under mulch conditions should be made on the basis of expected dry‐matter yields for the specific environment.  相似文献   

The island of New Guinea is considered a secondary center on diversity for sweetpotato, because of its range of isolated ecological niches and large number of cultivars found within a small area. Information of genetic diversity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) sweetpotato is essential for rationalizing the global sweetpotato germplasm collection. Using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), we compared the genetic variation and genetic diversity in 18 PNG cultivars versus 18 cultivars from South America. The analysis of molecular variance revealed large genetic diversity in both groups of cultivars. The within-group (among individuals) variation accounted for 90.6% of the total molecular variance. However, the difference between PNG and South American groups is statistically significant, although it explained only 9.4% of the total molecular variance. The PNG cultivars are also less divergent than their South American ancestors as the mean genetic distance in PNG group is significantly smaller than that of South American group. The lower level of genetic diversity in PNG cultivars was also reflected by multidimensional scaling. This study shows that PNG cultivars, after many years of isolated evolution in an unique agro-ecological environment are substantially divergent from their ancestors in South America. The genetic diversity level in PNG cultivars is significantly lower than that in South American cultivars. It thus provides a baseline for continuing studies of genetic diversity in different sweetpotato gene pools.  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
用容重分别为1.2、1.4和1.6.g/cm3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实度对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜秧苗的株高在定植后的15.d后受到显著抑制;第4叶的叶宽和叶长在定植后9~17.d内增加;茎粗则是在稍紧的土壤中(R.1.4)最大,过紧的土壤中(R.1.6)最小;根系伸长生长受阻,干物质质量及活力显著下降,根冠比降低;生物学产量、经济产量、经济系数的变化情况及植株对氮、磷、钾吸收量的变化与茎粗的变化趋势相同。在本试验条件下,容重为1.2.g/cm3的土壤利于株高及根系的生长,容重1.4g/cm3的土壤则利于茎粗、根系养分的吸收及产量的增加。  相似文献   

土壤水分对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内盆栽试验研究了不同土壤含水率对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,烤烟株高随土壤含水率的增加而增高;生物量随土壤含水率的降低而减小,其减幅为叶茎根,而根冠比则与土壤含水率成反比,反映了烟草对土壤水分含量差异响应的整体特征。不同生育期叶绿素对土壤含水率的响应不同,团棵期、旺长期和成熟期的土壤相对含水率分别为70%~75%、80%~85%和50%~55%时,各处理中叶绿素含量最高。各处理烤烟对养分的吸收表现为对N、K吸收量显著大于P,且当土壤含水率低于烤烟所需的适宜含水率时,随着土壤含水率的降低,烤烟茎、根的养分吸收量均有不同程度的升高,但叶中却有所下降;而各生育期根、茎、叶在土壤含水率过高的情况下,对养分N、P、K的吸收均显著降低。  相似文献   

【目的】针对陕北榆林风沙土马铃薯灌水施肥不合理及水肥利用效率低的问题,通过研究滴灌施肥条件下不同的灌水频率和施肥量对马铃薯生长、产量及养分吸收利用的影响,以期科学地对马铃薯进行水肥调控,为实际生产提供参考依据。【方法】试验于2016年5—10月在陕西省榆林市农业科技示范园区内进行,试验设置了3个灌水频率D1 (4 d)、D2 (8 d)、D3 (10 d)和3个施肥量(N、P_2O_5、K_2O)水平,即F1 (100、40、150kg/hm^2)、F2 (150、60、225 kg/hm^2)、F3 (200、80、300 kg/hm^2)组合,共9个处理。在生育期对马铃薯生长指标进行观测,收获时统计产量及产量构成因素。【结果】1)同一灌水频率下,F3处理的株高、茎粗、叶面积和产量显著高于F1和F2处理,肥料偏生产力在F1处理下最高,而水分利用效率受施肥量的影响不显著,养分利用效率随着施肥量的增加而减小。F3处理的产量达41518 kg/hm^2,比F1和F2处理分别提高11.75%和8.52%,F1处理下肥料偏生产力为128.12 kg/kg,比F2和F3处理的高出45.67%和78.99%。2)在同一施肥量下,马铃薯的生长指标、产量和肥料偏生产力均在D2处理达到最大值,D2处理下的产量和肥料偏生产力分别为42932kg/hm^2和105.88 kg/kg,而D1处理下水肥利用效率最高,但D1和D2之间水分利用效率差异不显著。从水肥交互作用来看,D2F3的产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为44870 kg/hm^2,107.39 kg/(mm·hm^2),D2F1的肥料偏生产力最高,为142.02 kg/kg。【结论】合理的灌水频率与施肥量不仅能维持马铃薯较好的生长特性,而且能获得较大的经济效益。综合产量与节水节肥因素,D2F3处理(8 d,N 200 kg/hm^2、P_2O_5 80 kg/hm^2、K_2O 300kg/hm^2)可作为基于本试验条件下较适宜的灌水施肥组合。  相似文献   

Greenhouse pot experiments using four tropical soils were conducted to measure the effect of crop residues on nitrogen mineralization/immobilization and the growth of maize plants under two soil moisture regimes (pF2.5 and pF3.5). Nitrogen-rich residues of pigeon pea [PP, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millps, C/N, 18.8] enhanced plant growth and increased the assimilation of mineral elements (N, P and K) at both moisture regimes. Less nitrogen-rich residues of haricot beans [HB, Phaseolus vulgaris (L.), C/N, 28.9] had a slightly negative effect on plant growth and the assimilation of mineral elements, and a stronger negative effect was recorded for the most N-poor plant residue, maize [M, Zea mays (L.), C/N, 33.6]. For PP, we estimated the recovery of residue-nutrients in maize plants (net increase in N, P and K assimilation due to PP incorporation) as 19% for N, 88% for P and 86% for K in the high-moisture regime (pF2.5). The equivalent values for the drought-stress regime (pF3.5) were 10, 34 and 38%, respectively. The results demonstrate the immediate enhancement of plant growth by plant residues with a low C/N ratio, even under drought-stress conditions.  相似文献   

准确认识滴头流量对甲烷在土壤内部的扩散与氧化以及地表净吸收的调控作用,对于提高滴灌农田甲烷吸收潜力以减缓全球气候变化具有重要意义。该研究于2021年和2022年在甘肃武威开展田间试验,设置3个滴头流量(F1:1.3 L/h,F2:2.0 L/h,F3:3.0 L/h),探究不同土层甲烷的扩散与吸收及地表净吸收特征及对土壤环境因素的响应。结果表明:在0~40 cm土层,F1处理甲烷平均扩散通量显著高于F2和F3,然而>40~60 cm土层与此规律正好相反。F1处理的地表累积甲烷吸收量比F2和F3增加5.9%~13.8%。甲烷吸收主要发生在0~20 cm表层土壤,占到总吸收量的72.1%~82.5%。与其他土壤环境因素相比,土壤孔隙含水率对土壤甲烷浓度影响最大,F1处理的表层土壤土壤孔隙含水率较低,有利于甲烷从大气进入土壤并向深层扩散,从而增加甲烷吸收量。此外,F1处理的马铃薯产量和灌溉水分利用效率较高。在滴灌管理中应考虑通过合理的滴头流量调控土壤湿润范围营造良好的土壤水分和通气性,以增加土壤甲烷汇的能力和马铃薯产量。研究结果可为滴灌农田土壤碳汇调控与马铃薯产量提升提供参考。  相似文献   

利用持续16年的长期田间试验与气象观测资料,研究了下辽河平原不同施肥与降水条件对玉米体内养分浓度、养分在籽实与秸秆中的分配比以及每形成单位籽实产量所收获养分量等的影响。结果表明,玉米体内养分浓度及养分在籽实与秸秆中的分配比例明显受施肥、降水及作物生长状况的影响。在平水年条件下,养分在籽实内累积的比例最高,其中N、P、K分别较偏旱或偏涝年景平均相对提高26.2%、33.3%和21.3%。同时,作物生长状况愈好,形成单位籽实产量所需养分量有减少的趋势,这些都说明良好的水肥条件有利作物生长,也有利于提高作物体内养分的转化利用效率。  相似文献   

Abstract. In the semiarid regions of sub-Saharan Africa, fertilizer recovery and nutrient release from organic sources are often moisture limited. Moreover, in these regions runoff brings about large nutrient losses from fertilizer or organic inputs. This study was conducted in the north sudanian climate zone of Burkina Faso (annual rainfall 800 mm, PET 2000 mm yr−1). We assessed the combined and interactive effects of two types of permeable barriers (stone rows and grass strips of Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv. Bisquamulatus (Hochst.) Hack .) and organic or mineral sources of nitrogen on erosion control and sorghum yield. The field experiment (Ferric Lixisol, 1.5% slope) was carried out during three rainy seasons and consisted of 2 replications of 9 treatments, in which the barriers were put along contours and combined with compost, manure and fertilizer nitrogen (N). Compared with the control plots, the average reduction in runoff was 59% in plots with barriers alone, but reached 67% in plots with barriers + mineral N and 84% in plots with barriers + organic N. On average, stone rows reduced soil erosion more than grass strips (66% versus 51%). Stone rows or grass strips without N input did not induce a significant increase of sorghum production. Supplying compost or manure in combination with stone rows or grass strips increased sorghum grain yield by about 142%, compared with a 65% increase due to mineral fertilizers. The sorghum grain yields at 1 m upslope from the grass strips were less than those 17 m from the grass strips. As stones do not compete with plants, the opposite trend was observed with stone rows. We conclude that for these nutrient depleted soils, permeable barriers improve nutrient use efficiency and therefore crop production. However, grass strips must be managed to alleviate shade and other negative effects of the bunds on adjacent crops.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Rani Chandramma Agricultural University (Arabhavi, Belgaum), Karnataka, India, in basic soil to study the nutrient availability in soil, yield and yield attributes of the medicinal plant stevia (Stevia rebaudiana). The results showed that the availability of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the soil increased up to the fifth month; and thereafter, decreased by the same amount with the progress of the plant growth up to the sixth month, irrespective of treatments. Results also showed that the fresh and dry biomass yields significantly increased up to the sixth month with different treatments, but the yield attributes like plant height and the number of branches were observed to be varied with various treatments, being highest in the combined application of biofertilizers over that of their corresponding sole applications.  相似文献   

Soil properties were investigated in sites where three succeeding generations of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lambert) Hooker) in Nanping, Fujian, China, were cultivated in order to show the impact of a repeated monoculture on site productivity. Compared with the first generation (FG) stand the soil structure deteriorated in the second generation (SG) and the third generation (TG) stands. For instance, the destruction rate of the peds increased by 55%-115% in the SG and the TG stands compared to the FG stand. Soil nutrient storage and nutrient availability also decreased in the SG and the TG stands. For surface soils of 0-20 cm, the organic matter content, total N and P, and available N and P decreased by 3%-20% relative to those in the FG stand. For many soil parameters, the differences between the FG stand and the SG and the TG stands were statistically significant (LSD test, P < 0.05). Furthermore, with each succeeding generation of Chinese fir, the total number of soil microbes declined, the soil enzyme activity weakened, and the soil biological activity decreased. In order to maintain sustainable site productivity, new silvicultural practices need to be developed for management of Chinese fir plantations.  相似文献   

不同耕作与施肥方式下白土水稻产量及养分吸收量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过定位试验,研究白土上不同耕作措施及有机肥施用对水稻产量、 养分吸收量及土壤理化性状的影响。试验设置2个翻耕深度(10 cm和20 cm)与4种施肥模式(单施化肥、 化肥+畜禽粪、 化肥+秸秆、 化肥+绿肥)。结果表明,单施化肥时,翻耕20 cm处理两年的平均产量较翻耕10 cm处理减产7.6%; 而在翻耕20 cm的基础上,秸秆还田或施用畜禽粪、 绿肥则可以显著提高水稻产量,较单施化肥分别增产14.8%、 16.1% 和14.6%。水稻养分吸收量也表现出相同规律,在翻耕20 cm后补充有机肥能显著增加植株对氮、 磷、 钾的吸收。同时,翻耕 20 cm结合秸秆还田或施用畜禽粪、 绿肥处理的土壤有机质、 全氮、 碱解氮、 速效磷和速效钾含量均高于单施化肥处理。在白土稻田上,翻耕20 cm后增施有机肥有利于提高水稻产量,促进养分吸收,改善白土耕层土壤理化性状,是适合白土区大力推广的施肥模式。  相似文献   

Various soil test methods including Olsen, Colwell, Bray and Truog have been used to assess the levels of plant‐available P (PAP) in soils situated in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Up until now, though, there has been no guarantee that these tests provide valid assessments of PAP in these somewhat atypical organic matter‐rich tropical soils. Furthermore, the critical soil‐P concentrations associated with the tests have been based on studies conducted elsewhere in sub‐tropical and temperate latitudes and as such may or may not be valid for soils or cropping situations in PNG. Soil (Colwell)‐P and leaf‐P data collected during a recent survey of sweet potato gardens in the highlands of PNG were therefore used to determine if useful relationships existed between these variables for different groups of soils, and if they do, to use these relationships to evaluate critical soil Colwell‐P concentrations corresponding to a known critical concentration of P in sweet potato index leaf tissue. Separate, highly significant linear relationships were obtained between leaf‐P and Colwell‐P for soils of volcanic and non‐volcanic origins. Based on these relationships, the critical Colwell‐P concentration for volcanic soils was found to be four times greater than that for non‐volcanic soils, presumably because much of the P extracted from the former soils with alkaline sodium bicarbonate had been chemically ‘fixed’ via sorption and precipitation reactions with sesquioxides and rendered unavailable to plants at ambient soil pH. These critical Colwell‐P concentrations if adopted as benchmark values for the soil groups in question should ensure that the results of future soil fertility surveys involving Colwell‐P assessments are correctly interpreted.  相似文献   

This factorial experiment consists of four levels of sulfur+Thiobacillus and three levels of triple superphosphate arranged in a completely randomized block design in three regions. With an increased sulfur+Thiobacillus and phosphorus (P), grain yield, phosphorus, iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) uptake of canola increased in Qom and Mazandaran. Combined treatments of S2000T40 and P100% showed these properties most. In Safiabad, S1000T20 resulted in a significant increase of P, Fe, and Zn uptake of canola, and no significant effect was found on the grain yield. The highest Fe and Zn concentrations in Qom soil was measured in S2000T40. In Safiabad, maximum Fe concentration in soil was registered by S1000T20 and P65%. The minimum soil pH of Qom and Mazandaran was recorded by S1000T20 and S2000T40, respectively. The effect of sulfur and Thiobacillus on nutrients uptake and canola yield was good and indicates its potential for alleviating the impacts of calcareous soils.  相似文献   

应用灰色关联度分析法,研究了淮北地区轻碱面砂土、淤心两合土、淤土3个土种的土壤养分含量对小麦产量因素的影响程度。结果表明,对小麦每公顷成穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量影响程度最大的因子,轻碱面砂土分别是速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮、有机质,淤心两合土分别是速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮、速效磷,淤土分别是速效钾、速效磷、碱解氮、碱解氮;进一步根据小麦产量3要素对小麦产量的影响程度,提出了3个土种的小麦施肥方案。  相似文献   

In Nigeria, information is lacking regarding the most suitable tillage method in extensive yam production. Hence, five tillage methods were compared at two sites in 2008–2010 with reference to their effects on soil physical and chemical properties, leaf nutrient concentrations, growth and tuber yield of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) on Alfisols at Owo (site A) and Akure (site B), south-west Nigeria. The tillage methods were: zero tillage (ZT), manual ridging (MR), manual mounding (MM), ploughing + harrowing (P + H) and ploughing + harrowing + ridging (P + H + R). P + H + R had lower soil bulk density than other tillage methods and resulted in higher leaf N, P, K, Ca and Mg and yam tuber yield. In ZT, bulk density, soil moisture content, soil organic C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg were significantly higher and temperature lower than other tillage methods. Results of multiple regressions revealed that bulk density significantly influenced the yield of yam rather than soil chemical properties. Compared with MR, MM, P + H and ZT, and averaged across years, P + H + R increased yam tuber yield by 12.3, 12.8, 34.9 and 50.7%, respectively, in site A and 12.9, 13.5, 25.2 and 44.5%, respectively, in site B. P + H + R was found to be most advantageous and is therefore recommended for yam cultivation.  相似文献   

Agromining is an emerging technology that utilizes selected ‘metal crops' (= hyperaccumulator plants) to extract valuable target metals from unconventional resources for profit from mineralised soils. Growth characteristics, shoot metal concentrations, and agrominable locations are important considerations in economic agromining. Globally, the greatest potential for nickel (Ni) agromining exists in the tropics. However, the agronomic systems of tropical ‘metal crops' have not been previously tested. Furthermore, it is currently unknown whether nutrient dosing of prospective tropical agromining Ni ‘metal crops’ could possibly cause a shoot Ni‐dilution effect which may ultimately limit economically viable Ni yields. We undertook a pioneering study on Ni uptake and growth responses to nutrient dosing in two promising tropical ‘metal crops' (Phyllanthus rufuschaneyi and Rinorea cf. bengalensis). The experiment consisted of a large randomised block growth trial in large pots over 12 months in Sabah (Malaysia). At 3‐month intervals, the plants were exposed to soluble treatments that altered available concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). We found strong positive growth responses to N and P additions in P. rufuschaneyi, whereas K additions had negative growth effects. In R. cf. bengalensis, all treatments had positive growth effects. The increases in biomass in response to nutrient dosing did not significantly reduce shoot Ni concentrations in both species, with the exception of N addition in P. rufuschaneyi. This study reveals that Ni uptake and growth responses to nutrient dosing are species‐dependent, primarily influenced by the ecophysiology of the species. Inorganic fertilization could possibly be an important component of the management of local ‘metal crops' to be used in viable commercial agromining in the tropics, but this needs to be tested in the field with different formulations of N, P, and K.  相似文献   

马强  宇万太  张璐  周桦 《农业工程学报》2006,22(14):283-288
利用持续16年的长期田间试验与气象观测资料,研究了下辽河平原不同施肥与降水条件对玉米体内养分浓度、养分在籽实与秸秆中的分配比以及每形成单位籽实产量所收获养分量等的影响。结果表明,玉米体内养分浓度及养分在籽实与秸秆中的分配比例明显受施肥、降水及作物生长状况的影响。在平水年条件下,养分在籽实内累积的比例最高,其中N、P、K分别较偏旱或偏涝年景平均相对提高26.2%、33.3%和21.3%。同时,作物生长状况愈好,形成单位籽实产量所需养分量有减少的趋势,这些都说明良好的水肥条件有利作物生长,也有利于提高作物体内养分的转化利用效率。  相似文献   

The role of mounds of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) in nutrient recycling in a highly weathered and nutrient-depleted tropical red earth (Ultisol) of the Nigerian savanna was examined by measuring stored amounts of selected nutrients and estimating their rates of turnover via the mounds. A study plot (4?ha) with a representative termite population density (1.5?mounds?ha?1) and size (3.7?±?0.4?m in height, 2.4?±?0.2?m in basal diameter) of M. bellicosus mounds was selected. The mounds were found to contain soil mass of 9249?±?2371?kg?ha?1, composed of 7502?±?1934?kg?ha?1 of mound wall and 1747?±?440?kg?ha?1 of nest body. Significant nutrient enrichment, compared to the neighboring topmost soil (Ap1 horizon: 0–16?cm), was observed in the nest body for total nitrogen (N) and exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K), and in the mound wall for exchangeable K only. In contrast, available (Bray-1) phosphorus (P) content was found to be lower in both the mound wall and the nest body than in the adjacent topmost soil horizon. Consequently, the mounds formed by M. bellicosus contained 1.71?±?0.62?kg?ha?1 of total N, 0.004?±?0.003?kg?ha?1 of available P, 3.23?±?0.81?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Ca, 1.11?±?0.22?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Mg and 0.79?±?0.21?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable K. However, with the exception of exchangeable K (1.2%), these nutrients amounted to less than 0.5% of those found in the topmost soil horizon. The soil nutrient turnover rate via M. bellicosus mounds was indeed limited, being estimated at 1.72?kg?ha?1 for organic carbon (C), 0.15?kg?ha?1 for total N, 0.0004?kg?ha?1 for available P, 0.15?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Ca, 0.05?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Mg, and 0.06?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable K per annum. These findings suggest that the mounds of M. bellicosus, while being enriched with some nutrients to create hot spots of soil nutrients in the vicinity of the mounds, are not a significant reservoir of soil nutrients and are therefore of minor importance for nutrient cycling at the ecosystem scale in the tropical savanna.  相似文献   

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