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Optimizing root phosphorus (P) acquisition to reduce intensive fertilizer use is a crucial pathway for sustainable agriculture, particularly as P is an important plant macronutrient, often limiting in a majority of soils worldwide. Although many studies have assessed plant growth and P acquisition, few studies have investigated the interactive effects of nitrogen (N)‐induced root modification on soil P processes or the understudied effects of soil calcium (Ca) dynamics on soil P bioavailability. In this study, we investigate soil P and Ca response in the rhizosphere of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. spp. durum). Wheat grown under controlled conditions preloaded for 20 d with two N treatments [preloaded low N (1 mmol KNO3 plant?1) and preloaded high N (2 mmol KNO3 plant?1)] were transferred to rhizoboxes for 12 d [days after transfer (DAT)]. Shoot and root biomass, P and Ca concentration, and plant‐available P and extractable Ca were determined every three days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 DAT). Significantly higher root mass (P = 0.7%), root length (P = 1.8%) and total biomass (P = 2.2%) were found at the end of the experiment but exclusively for high N preloaded wheat. This greater root biomass was associated with lower root P concentration, suggesting a dilution response, while little difference was observed in shoot P concentration over the 12 d. However, Ca accumulated in both roots and shoots under both preloading N levels. Concurrently, soil‐extractable Ca declined, and plant‐available P increased (r = –0.62; P = 0.03%), presumably due to a promoting effect of Ca uptake on soil P availability; lower soil Ca in turn increased the repulsive forces between P ions and the negatively charged soil surface, resulting in an increased P availability in the soil solution. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex interplay between multi‐nutrient dynamics within the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The plant‐availability of phosphorus (P) in fertilizers and soil can strongly influence the yield of agricultural crops. However, there are no methods to efficiently and satisfactorily analyze the plant‐availability of P in sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers except by undertaking time‐consuming and complex pot or field experiments. We employed the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique to quantify the plant P availability of various types of P fertilizers with a novel focus on sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers. Mixtures of fertilizer and soil were incubated for 3 weeks at 60% water holding capacity. DGT devices were deployed at the beginning of the incubation and again after 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Two weeks of incubation were sufficient for the formation of plant‐available P in the fertilizer/soil mixtures. In a pot experiment, the DGT technique predicted maize (Zea mays L.) biomass yield and P uptake significantly more accurately than standard chemical extraction tests for P fertilizers (e.g ., water, citric acid, and neutral ammonium citrate). Therefore, the DGT technique can be recommended as a reliable and robust method to screen the performance of different types of sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers for maize cultivation minimizing the need for time‐consuming and costly pot or field experiments.  相似文献   

Estimation of available‐boron (B) status through conventional methods in B‐deficient acidic Inceptisols and Entisols is often hampered because of their very low B content. In the present study, the extractability of available B by different extractants was tested in relation to soil properties. Plant availability of B was assessed with mustard (Brassica campestris L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in pot experiments. Twelve soils with varying characteristics were extracted for available B with hot water (HW), hot CaCl2 (HCC), KH2PO4 (PDP), tartaric acid (TA), and mannitol‐CaCl2 (MCC). Mustard (cv. B‐9) and wheat (cv. PBW‐343) were grown with four levels of B (0, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mg [kg soil]–1). Dry‐matter accumulation and B concentrations were determined at pre‐flowering and full‐maturity stages for mustard and at panicle‐initiation and maturity stages for wheat. The extraction of B from the soils ranked HCC > HW > PDP > TA > MCC. The higher extractability with HW and HCC was likely due to higher temperature and that of PDP because of its phosphorus content, which facilitated the desorption of B. The low B extraction with MCC resulted from the poor mannitol‐B complex formation in acidic soils. The application of B increased dry‐matter accumulation, plant B concentration, and uptake at all B levels and growth stages in both crops with the responses being more pronounced during the early developmental stage. Based on linear correlations, Mallow's Cp statistics, and principal‐component analyses, HCC and HW were the best extractants for estimating available B in the acidic experimental soils.  相似文献   

Soil‐plant transfer of metals is a nonlinear process. We therefore aimed at evaluating the potential of Freundlich‐type functions (cPlant = b × cSoila) to predict Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and leaf (cPlant) from soil concentrations (cSoil). Wheat plants and soil A horizons, mainly developed from Holocene sediments, were sampled at 54 agricultural sites in Slovakia. Metals were extracted from soils with 0.025 M EDTA at pH 4.6 and concentrated HNO3/HClO4 (3:1); plant samples were digested with concentrated HNO3. Total metal concentrations of soil samples were 0.07—25 mg Cd kg—1, 9.3—220 mg Cu kg—1, 14—1827 mg Pb kg—1, and 34—1454 mg Zn kg—1. On average, between 20 % (Zn) and 80 % (Cd) of the total concentrations were EDTA‐extractable. The total metal concentrations of grain samples were < 0.01—1.3 mg Cd kg—1, 1.3—6.6 mg Cu kg—1, < 0.05—0.30 mg Pb kg—1, and 8—104 mg Zn kg—1. The leaves contained up to 3.2 mg Cd kg—1, 111 mg Cu kg—1, 4.3 mg Pb kg—1, and 177 mg Zn kg—1. Linear regression without data transformation was precluded because of the nonnormal data distribution. The Freundlich‐type function was suitable to predict Cd (grain: r = 0.71, leaf: 0.86 for the log‐transformed data) and Zn concentrations (grain: 0.69, leaf: 0.68) in wheat grain and leaf from the EDTA‐extractable metal concentrations. The prediction of Cu and Pb concentrations in grain (Cu: r = 0.44, Pb: 0.41) was poorer and in leaf only possible for Pb (0.50). We suggest to use the Freundlich‐type function for defining threshold values instead of linear regression because it is more appropriate to simulate the nonlinear uptake processes and because it offers interpretation potential. The results suggest that the coefficient b of the Freundlich‐type function depends on the intensity of metal uptake, while the coefficient a reflects the plants' capability to control the heavy metal uptake. The latter is also sensitive to metal translocation in plants and atmospheric deposition.<?show $6#>  相似文献   

In order to promote the transformation of a burnt Mediterranean forest area into a dehesa system, 10 t ha−1 of dry matter of the same sewage sludge in three different forms: fresh, composted and thermally‐dried, were added superficially to field plots of loam and sandy soils located on a 16 per cent slope. This application is equivalent to 13ċ8 t ha−1 of composted sludge, 50 t ha−1 of fresh sludge and 11ċ3 t ha−1 of thermally‐dried sludge. The surface addition of a single application of thermally‐dried sludge resulted in a decrease in runoff and erosion in both kinds of soil. Runoff in thermally‐dried sludge plots was lower than in the control treatment (32 per cent for the loam soil and 26 per cent for the sandy soil). The addition of any type of sludge to both soil types also reduces sediment production. Significant differences between the control and sludge treatments indicate that the rapid development of plant cover and the direct protective effect of sludge on the soil are the main agents that influence soil erosion rates. Results suggest that the surface application of thermally‐dried sludge is the most efficient way to enhance soil infiltration. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some South Dakota soils contain high levels of available selenium (Se) for crop uptake. A field study was conducted to determine if any popular wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties demonstrate differential Se uptake. A total of 280 samples including eight winter wheat and ten spring wheat varieties were analyzed for grain Se concentration and uptake for two growing years. Soil samples were sequentially fractionated into (1) plant available (0.1?M KH2PO4 extractable) and (2) conditionally available (4?M HCl extractable) pools and analyzed separately for total Se. Selenium concentration in wheat grain had a wide variability and the mean value over two years was 0.63?µg?Se?g?1. Grain Se concentration and Se uptake were not significantly different by wheat varieties tested in this study. Grain Se concentration was significantly correlated with soil Se levels, soil pH, and orthophosphate-P content within a location, but grain Se concentration was strongly influenced by geographical location in which different amounts of soil Se bioavailability occurred.  相似文献   

Ongoing global warming may result in colder soil and thawing cycles and will increase the frequency of soil freezing‐and‐thawing‐treated cycles (FTCs) during winter in the cool‐temperate and high‐latitude regions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of repeated freeze–thaw cycles on the solubility and adsorption of P in lab and field experiments on Pellustert, Argiustoll, Haplustept, Fluvaquent, and Calciorthid soils, the major soil groups in E Turkey. The results demonstrated that, depending on the soil type, the freeze–thaw cycle could increase the adsorption and desorption of P within a certain temperature range. Repeated freezing and thawing decreased equilibrium P concentration (EPC) and increased P adsorption. EPC and P adsorption were strongly correlated with the number of FTCs. The highest P adsorption and the lowest P desorption was found in Pellustert followed by Argiustoll, Calciorthid, Haplustept, Fluvaquent when refrozen at –10°C for 15 d, then thawed at +2.5°C for 18 h, and 9 times FTC. However, in the field study, the adsorption value was lower than the value obtained from the laboratory condition. It appears that increasing the frequency of freeze–thaw processes depending on increase in temperature that leads to decreased plant‐available soil P pools, thus requires more P fertilizer in soil solution to supply adequate P during the plant‐growth period.  相似文献   

Salinity has a two‐phase effect on plant growth, an osmotic effect due to salts in the outside solution and ion toxicity in a second phase due to salt build‐up in transpiring leaves. To elucidate salt‐resistance mechanisms in the first phase of salt stress, we studied the biochemical reaction of salt‐resistant and salt‐sensitive wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes at protein level after 10 d exposure to 125 mM–NaCl salinity (first phase of salt stress) and the variation of salt resistance among the genotypes after 30 d exposure to 125 mM–NaCl salinity (second phase of salt stress) in solution culture experiments in a growth chamber. The three genotypes differed significantly in absolute and relative shoot and root dry weights after 30 d exposure to NaCl salinity. SARC‐1 produced the maximum and 7‐Cerros the minimum shoot dry weights under salinity relative to control. A highly significant negative correlation (r2 = –0.99) was observed between salt resistance (% shoot dry weight under salinity relative to control) and shoot Na+ concentration of the wheat genotypes studied. However, the salt‐resistant and salt‐sensitive genotypes showed a similar biochemical reaction at the level of proteins after 10 d exposure to 125 mM NaCl. In both genotypes, the expression of more than 50% proteins was changed, but the difference between the genotypes in various categories of protein change (up‐regulated, down‐regulated, disappeared, and new‐appeared) was only 1%–8%. It is concluded that the initial biochemical reaction to salinity at protein level in wheat is an unspecific response and not a specific adaptation to salinity.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study the effects of sulfuric acid additions to iron (Fe)‐ and phosphorus (P)‐deficient calcareous soils. Several greenhouse experiments were conducted with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) grown in two calcareous soils. Addition of sulfuric acid to soils increased soil acidity, salinity, DTPA‐extractable Fe, available P (NaHCO3‐extractable), and crop yield. The change in soil pH is the primary cause of increased nutrient availability and thus crop yield. Leaching after acid application is highly beneficial in decreasing salinity during germination and seedling stages and therefore has a direct impact on the yield. The beneficial effects of acid carried over for at least two greenhouse cropping seasons (approximately 4.5 months).  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) distribution in different soil aggregates can affect Zn availability. In this study, the effect of soil aggregate-size fractions on Zn distribution and availability was determined in some heavy metal-contaminated soils. Air-dried samples were fractionated into four different aggregate-size fractions (2.0–4.0, 0.25–2.0, 0.05–0.25 and <0.05 mm). Extraction efficiency of available Zn determined by using Mehlich-3, DTPA-TEA, Mehlich-1 and H2O methods in different aggregates and relation between extracted Zn and corn indices were studied. Moreover, the Tessier fractionation scheme was applied to determine the partitioning of Zn in different aggregates. Among all the extractants, Mehlich-3 showed better extractability of Zn from soils and the highest amount of extracted Zn was found in the <0.05 (87.65 mg kg?1) and 0.05–0.25 (80.86 mg kg?1) mm fractions. Zn extracted by Mehlich-3 and DTPA-TEA in the <0.05 and 0.05–0.25 mm fractions had significant correlation with the amount of Zn in corn. Also, correlation coefficients between carbonate-bound and Fe–Mn oxide-bound Zn and available Zn in <0.05 and 0.05–0.25 mm aggregates was higher than other aggregates, suggesting that this two fraction of Zn in finer aggregates constituted the major available Zn pools in the studied soils.  相似文献   

Wheat (Tritcum aestivum L.) genotypes were screened and characterized for performance under salt stress and/or water‐logging. In a solution‐culture study, ten wheat genotypes were tested under control, 200 mM–NaCl salt stress and 4‐week water‐logging (nonaerated solution stagnated with 0.1% agar), alone or in combination. Shoot and root growth of the wheat genotypes was reduced by salinity and salinity × water‐logging, which was associated with increased leaf Na+ and Cl concentrations as well as decreased leaf K+ concentration and K+ : Na+ ratio. The genotypes differed significantly for their growth and leaf ionic composition. The genotypes Aqaab and MH‐97 were selected as salinity×water‐logging‐resistant and sensitive wheat genotypes, respectively, on the basis of their shoot fresh weights in the salinity × water‐logging treatment relative to control. In a soil experiment, the effect of water‐logging was tested for these two genotypes under nonsaline (EC = 2.6 dS m–1) and saline (EC = 15 dS m–1) soil conditions. The water‐logging was imposed for a period of 21 d at various growth stages, i.e., tillering, stem elongation, booting, and grain filling alone or in combinations. The maximum reduction in grain yield was observed after water‐logging at stem‐elongation + grain‐filling stages followed by water‐logging at grain‐filling stage, booting stage, and stem‐elongation stage, respectively. Salinity intensified the effect of water‐logging at all the growth stages. It is concluded that the existing genetic variation in wheat for salinity × water‐logging resistance can be successfully explored using relative shoot fresh weight as a selection criterion in nonaerated 0.1% agar–containing nutrient solution and that irrigation in the field should be scheduled to avoid temporary water‐logging at the sensitive stages of wheat growth.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to determine the plant uptake of metals in soils amended with 500 Mg ha?1 of municopal sewage sludge applied 16 yr previously. Results showed that metals were available for plan uptake after 16 yr, but that liming greatly reduced the plant availability of most metals. The application of sludge also resulted in high rates nitrification and subsequent lowering of the soil pH before the uptake study was started. The sludge-amended soil (a mesic Dystric Xerochrept) was adjusted with lime one month prior to planting from an unlimed pH of 4.6 to pH 5.8, 6.5 and 6.9. Food crops grown were: (i) bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Seafarer), (ii) cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. v. capitata L. cv. Copenhagen market), (iii) maize (Zea mays L. cv. FR37), (iv) lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Parris Island, (v) (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. (vi) tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L. cv. Burpee VF). With the exception of maize, yields were significantly reduced in the unlimed sludge-amended soil. However, liming increased yields above the growth level of the unlimed untreated soil for cabbage, maize, lettuce, potato tuber and tomato fruit. Soluble and exchangeable of Cd. Ni and Zn were also reduced after liming the sludge-amended soil. In both limed and unlimed soils, the majority of the soil Cu was found in insoluble and unavailable soil fractions. To evaluate trace metal uptake, the edible portion of each crop was analyzed for Cd, Cu, ni and Zn. Liming redoced uptake of Cd, Ni and Zn in most crops, but generally did not change Cu, This study shows the benefit of pH adjustment in reducing relative solubility and plant uptake of metals as well as increasing crop yield in acid soils.  相似文献   

The release of non-exchangeable potassium from 24 calcareous soils of divergent mineralogy, from southern Iran, was examined. Sand, silt and clay particles were fractionated after dispersion with an ultrasonic probe. Samples were extracted with 0.01 M CaCl2 for 30 successive 2-h periods. The clay fraction released the largest amount of K in each soil. Cumulative K released ranged from 175 to 723, 35 to 128, and 71 to 146 mg kg?1 contributing 20–90, 4–39 and 2–54% for clay, silt and sand fractions, respectively. The lower proportion of K released from sand and silt fractions can be explained by the presence of a high content of CaCO3 and quartz in these fractions. The release kinetics for the non-exchangeable K data showed that parabolic diffusion and power function were the best fitting kinetic models. This indicated that slow diffusion of K from the mica interlayer positions is the main rate-controlling process. Cumulative K released and constant b values of parabolic diffusion model correlated significantly with the mica content of the clay fraction.  相似文献   

Soil tillage along with the application of organic waste probably affects the concentrations of organic carbon and the enrichment of introduced polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In a three‐year experiment the PCB status of soils from three different field sites (silty clay loam, silt loam, sandy loam) which were long‐term differently tilled (NT = no‐tillage, CT = conventional plough tillage) and amended with two different organic wastes such as sewage sludge and compost (biosolids) was examined. No significant alteration in soil‐PCB quality and quantity with biosolid application could be proven within the course of the experiments. This indicates soil‐air exchange of PCBs dominates their concentrations in soil. Organic carbon in soil was significantly tillage‐dependent and determined the fate of PCBs resulting in a generally elevated PCB‐level in the non tilled soils. Linear regression of PCB load and organic matter content of all investigated untreated soils was highly significant (R2 = 0.73). Due to already elevated PCB levels in non tilled soils with a maximum of 65 μg kg—1 in the superficial layer of the silt loam control plot, any additional potential input, i. e. through the amendment with organic wastes, should therefore be avoided.  相似文献   

Background : Manganese deficiency often becomes a yield limiting factor, particularly on calcareous soils, even though the total soil manganese content is usually sufficient. Although it is known that acidifying N fertilizers can improve Mn availability, the reason of this effect is still unknown. Aim : Our aim was to investigate the effect of stabilized ammonium fertilizers as a tool to distinguish between physiological‐ and nitrification‐induced acidification. Method : Two pot experiments with Triticum aestivum L. and one soil incubation experiment using different nitrogen forms (CN = calcium nitrate, AN = ammonium nitrate, AS = ammonium sulfate, ATS = ammonium thiosulfate) with and without addition of nitrification inhibitors (DCD, Nitrapyrin, Piadin, DMPP) were conducted to examine the effect on Mn availability in the soil and Mn uptake by the plants at different development stages (EC 31 und 39). Results : With increasing fertilizer NH 4 + content a higher Mn concentration was detected: CN: 32 µg Mn g?1 DM, AN: 39 µg Mn g?1 DW, AS: 55 µg Mn g?1 DM, ATS: 109 µg Mn g?1 DM. The addition of a nitrification inhibitor resulted in a significantly lower rhizosphere pH compared to the non‐stabilized fertilizer. Surprisingly, the use of different nitrification inhibitors led to unchanged (CN, AN) or lower Mn concentrations of wheat. Especially in the NH 4 + treatments (AS and ATS), this negative effect was very evident (AS+DCD: 42 µg Mn g?1 DM; ATS+DCD: 55 µg Mn g?1 DM). Conclusions : Mn availability was enhanced by ongoing nitrification process rather than physiological acidification. Compared to other N forms, ammonium thiosulfate led to the highest Mn availability in bulk soil.  相似文献   


The formation of phosphorus (P) compounds including iron-P, aluminum-P and calcium-P in highly weathered tropical soils can be altered upon biochar addition. We investigated the effect of corn cob biochar (CC) and rice husk biochar (RH) pyrolyzed at three temperatures (300°C, 450°C and 650°C) on phosphorus (P) fractions of three contrasting soils. A 90d incubation study was conducted by mixing biochar with soil at a rate of 1% w/w and at 70% field capacity. Sequential P fraction was performed on biochar, soil and soil-biochar mixtures. Increase in most labile P (resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi) and organic P fraction (NaHCO3-Po + NaOH-Po) in CC and RH biochars were inversely related to increasing temperature. HCl-Pi and residual P increased with increasing temperature. Interaction of CC and RH with soils resulted in an increase in most labile P as well as moderately labile P (NaOH-Pi) fractions in the soils. CC increased most labile P in the soils more than RH. The increase in most labile P fraction in soils was more significant at relatively lower temperatures (300°C and 450°C) than 650°C. However, the increase in HCl-Pi and residual P of the soils was more predominant at high temperature (650°C). The study suggested that biochar pyrolyzed at 300–450°C could be used to increase P bioavailability in tropical soils.  相似文献   

施用碱稳定固体的酸性土壤的Cu和Zn的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
LUO Yong-Ming 《土壤圈》2002,12(2):165-170
Fractionation of metals in a granite-derived acid sandy loam soil amended with alkaline-stabilised sewagesIudge biosolids was conducted in order to assess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility soil solution was extracted by a centrifugation and filtration technique. Metal speciation in the soil solution wasdetermined by a cation exchange resin method. Acetic acid and EDTA extracting solutions were used forextraction of metals in soil solid surfaces. Metal distribution in different fractions of soil solid phase was determined using a three-step sequential extraction scheme. The results show that the metals in the soilsolution existed in different fractions with variable lability and metals in the soil solid phase were also presentin various chemical forms with potentially different bioavail ability and environmental mobility Alkaline-stabilised biosolids could elevate solubility of Cu and proportion of Cu in organically complexed fractionsboth in soil liquid and solid phases, and may therefore increase Cu mobility. In contrast, the biosolids lowered the concentrations of water-soluble Zn (labile fraction) and exchangeable Zn and may hence decrease bioavailability and mobility of Zn. However, Fe and Mn oxides bound and organic matter bound fractions are likely to be Zn pools in the sludge-amended soil. These consequences possibly result from the liming effect and metal speciation of the sludge product and the difference in the chemistry between the metals in soil.  相似文献   

不同磷肥对石灰性土壤磷效率小麦基因型生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
田间试验和测试结果表明 ,磷酸二铵、普钙和沉淀磷肥分别比对照增产 2 1 .8%、1 7.9%和 1 1 .3 %.对枸溶性磷肥 ,磷高效基因型冀 87-4 61 7小麦比对照增产 1 3 .9%,而磷低效基因型的秦麦 1号仅增产 2 .9%.对各种磷肥的利用率亦以冀 87-4 61 7最高 ,秦麦 1号最低  相似文献   

为研究燃煤烟气对土壤-小麦系统中汞积累和分布的影响,在小麦苗期和成熟期采集河南省商丘市某燃煤电厂周围农田土壤和小麦植株样品,用ZYG-Ⅱ型智能冷原子荧光测汞仪测量样品中的汞含量。结果表明,小麦苗期和成熟期,土壤样品中汞含量没有超过土壤环境质量标准(GB15618—1995)二级标准的限值。燃煤电厂周围表层土中汞含量要明显高于深层土,呈表层富集现象,苗期小麦根的汞含量高于茎叶,其根、茎叶的汞含量与表层土的汞含量呈显著正相关。小麦从苗期到收获期,表层土、小麦根和茎叶的汞浓度升高。小麦从苗期到收获期,茎叶面积迅速增加,小麦叶片直接从大气中吸收燃煤烟气中的汞,使小麦茎叶通过叶面吸收的汞浓度增加,收获期燃煤电厂周围小麦各器官汞含量为茎叶〉根〉颖壳〉籽粒。成熟期小麦根的汞含量与表层土的汞含量呈显著正相关,而茎叶汞含量与表层土的汞含量无相关性。因此,燃煤烟气中汞沉降影响燃煤电厂周围种植的小麦各器官对汞的吸收和累积。  相似文献   

在长期定位施肥的基础上,采用网室盆栽试验,研究了石灰性潮土中不同施肥处理对冬小麦根际土壤与非根际土壤中无机磷组分及其有效性的影响。结果表明,不同施肥处理的供试土壤无机磷组分均以磷酸钙盐为主,平均占无机磷总量的73.9%,其它组分占26.1%。不施磷肥的各处理(CK、N、NK)中,小麦生物量和吸磷量均较低,小麦根际土壤与非根际土壤中无机磷总量变化不大,Ca2-P和Ca8—P在各处理的根际土壤中含量均很低。在施用磷肥的各处理(NP、PK、NPK)中,NP和NPK处理小麦的生物量和吸磷量均显著高于PK处理,而PK处理根际与非根际土壤中无机磷各组分的增幅明显高于NP和NPK处理。磷肥和有机肥处理,均显著提高小麦的吸磷量和生物学产量,各处理根际与非根际土壤中无机磷组分含量和总量增加的幅度以1.5(M+NPK)处理最高。对不同施肥处理的小麦根际各无机磷形态及其与土壤速效磷间的相关分析表明,Ca2-P与土壤速效磷间的相关性达极显著水平,Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe—P达显著水平,O-P、Ca10—P不显著。  相似文献   

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