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本文通过对南京红山森林动物园人工饲养环境下黑叶猴繁殖生态的观察,掌握了黑叶猴的发情、交配、怀孕、分娩以及仔猴生长发育的基本情况。对黑叶猴适应南京地区生态环境,并能不断的繁衍后代进行了总结。  相似文献   

黑叶猴的人工饲养环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对南京红山森林动物园人工饲养环境下黑叶猴繁殖生态的观察,掌握了黑叶猴的发情、交配、怀孕、分娩以及仔猴生长发育的基本情况.对黑叶猴适应南京地区生态环境,并能不断的繁衍后代进行了总结.  相似文献   

迟俊 《野生动物》2014,(3):277-281
对东黑白疣猴的饲养、繁殖和人工育幼进行了初步研究。描述了东黑白疣猴的饲养环境需求,安全越冬的温度要求为18℃以上,对东黑白疣猴饲料的组成和日粮配制进行了阐述,对常见疾病预防给出了建议;对东黑白疣猴的发情、交配、妊娠和产仔等行为进行了描述,通过测量和计算得出东黑白疣猴幼仔1-10月龄身长、尾长、臂长、腿长、头围、肩毛和尾毛的长度,对东黑白疣猴幼仔1-150日龄的外部发育特征做了描述;对人工育幼东黑白疣猴的环境、育幼方法、疾病防治、人工乳的配制给出了建议,并对其体重进行了测量。  相似文献   

北极狐又称蓝狐,其皮毛是制裘业的高档原料。目前已在我国许多地区人工饲养,山西农大动医系于1979年首次引进,并在全省推广,获得了较好的经济效益,为了促进养狐业的发展,为农村养狐致富提供科学养狐的知识和经验,现将我们多年养狐的一些体会总结如下,供养殖专...  相似文献   

野幼羚牛的饲养与繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
羚牛(Budoreas taxicolor Hodgson)又名扭角羚。属偶蹄目、牛科、牛羚属动物。分布于四川、西藏、甘肃、陕西等地,是我国的高山特产动物。羚牛的吻、鼻宽大而裸露,前额向上隆起,双角扭曲奇特,在动物园有很高的观赏价值,对动物学的研究也有重大的科学意义。在野外分布地区狭窄,数量不多,人工饲养困难,繁衍后代难度更大,至今,只有少许动物园有羚牛的饲养,繁衍成功的事例亦是少数。它被视为国家第一类保护的珍稀动物。  相似文献   

全国很多地区开始饲养海豹,提高海豹成活率是很关键的问题,我们通过几年幼斑海豹人工饲养,总结归纳出一些技术管理经验及部分疾病防治方法。  相似文献   

绿猴广泛分布于非洲西部地区,是动物园灵长类观赏动物的一种.笔者结合温州动物园绿猴日常饲养管理实践经验,从饲养和繁殖管理两个方面,对绿猴人工圈养技术要点进行阐述和总结,为动物园绿猴饲养提供参考.  相似文献   

黑叶猴(presbytis francoisi),又名乌猿,属灵长目,猴科,是国家一级保护动物[1]。主要分布于我国广西南部、贵州西、南部、东北部,以及越南北部[2]。黑叶猴身体瘦长,全身毛色乌黑,生性胆小,容易受惊吓,是一种比较脆弱的猴类[3],在野外以家族群居,属人工较难饲养的动物。黑叶猴具有较高的观赏价值,同时还有较高的科学研究价值。  相似文献   

本研究比较了猕猴在随意分群与合理分群条件下繁殖率的差异,同时讨论了繁殖群的雌雄数量的配比、等级地位及种猴年龄等因素与繁殖率的关系,并讨论了定期隔离仔猴进行人工抚育.以提高猕猴繁殖率的措施。  相似文献   

We collected data on habitat use and locomotion of the François' langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) between August 2003 and July 2004 at Nonggang Nature Reserve, China. A total of 739 h of behavioral data were collected during this study. We tested 2 predictions: (1) that the langurs may have special patterns of habitat use and locomotion adaptive to the limestone habitat, and (2) the langurs may exhibit different patterns of habitat use and locomotion among different zones of limestone hill. Our results indicated that François– langurs spent more time in the low‐risk, relatively food‐poor cliff–hilltop areas. When young leaves and fruit were scarce in the dry season, the langurs increased their time in the high‐risk, food‐rich valley basin. François– langurs were semi‐terrestrial, and leaping and climbing were their main locomotor modes. These behavioral patterns are considered to be related to characteristics of topography and vegetation in limestone habitat, such as large areas of cliff and discontinuous canopy. Our results also supported Prediction 2. The langurs confined locomotion to the main canopy and frequently adopted leaping while traveling in the hillside and valley basin. While traveling in cliff–hilltop areas, they tended to stay in the lower stratus (≤5 m) or move on the ground, and walking and climbing were their dominant traveling modes.  相似文献   

瘦素(leptin)是一种蛋白质类激素。痩素参与机体调节摄食、代谢、生长、发育、生殖、激素分泌和免疫等。文章主要综述瘦素对水生动物代谢、生长发育和繁殖的影响及其机理研究进展。旨在深入理解和研究之,以便更好地利用瘦素,调控水生动物代谢、生长发育和繁殖,促进养殖渔业的健康快速发展,提高经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

烟台各代西杂牛生长发育、乳用及肉用性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结果表明,烟台各代西杂牛在生长发育、体型外貌、乳用性能及肉用性能上都优于本地黄牛。  相似文献   

To clarify the influence of rearing conditions on the growth of various body parts of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), two groups reared under different conditions, i.e., a group born and reared in open enclosures (Enclosure group) and another consisting of macaques born and reared in cages (Caged group), were somatometrically analyzed. Somatometric data on 36 measures of various body parts were collected from 77 males and 92 females. Growth in many body parts was smaller in the Caged group than in the Enclosure group. Body parts that exhibited large incremental increases were more sensitive to differences in rearing space at the infantile growth stage in both sexes. Recovery from delayed growth at the pubertal growth stage was found in many body parts. However, the size of some locomotor elements such as the wrist and hand, and ankle and foot strongly reflected limitations of space and changes due to this were irreversible. Females were more sensitive than males to such differences in rearing conditions. We conclude that open enclosures with ample rearing space are necessary for the innate growth of Japanese macaques to occur.  相似文献   

新疆畜牧科学院研制生产的育肥素是一种内源激素和酶系统,对家畜进行生理调控,除了使畜体能快速增重外,还能提高牲畜胎儿的雌性比例.本研究课题正是利用育肥素这一综合功能开展对羔羊性别的研究. 1 目的及内容 适龄生产母畜在畜群中比例的高低是畜牧业能否快速发展的决定因素,因此大量增加母畜、提高适龄生产母畜的比例成为当前畜牧业快速发展的重要课题和途径之一.  相似文献   

通过常规方法,对引入到广州地区的藏猪G1代进行了生长发育和繁殖指标的测定,包括G1代藏猪不同月龄的体重、体尺(体高、体长、胸围)值.测定母猪每胎产仔猪数、初生头重、离乳数和离乳率等.结果表明:藏猪繁殖力的各项指标高于原产地放牧藏猪猪群,而低于舍饲的藏猪猪群;雌雄藏猪体重相比较,除了1月龄有极显著性差异(P<0.01)和2月龄有显著差异(P<0.05)外,其余月龄雌雄之间均无差异;体尺值随月龄增长逐渐增加,不同性别之间,除6月龄体高雄性高于雌性外(P<0.05),其余月龄不同性别藏猪均无差异(P>0.05).说明经过2年的风土驯化,藏猪基本适应了亚热带气候环境,能够正常生长繁殖,并且保持了生长缓慢、小体型的特点,非常适合用于动物实验研究.  相似文献   

幼龄反刍动物胃肠道正处于发育阶段,微生物区系尚未完全建立且不稳定,容易受到日粮结构的影响,同时直接影响其后续的饲养管理。但目前这方面的数据缺乏,亟需开展研究。碳水化合物是日粮中重要的能源物质,为动物提供所需的大部分能量。本文从碳水化合物分类、瘤胃发育特点、非纤维性碳水化合物和纤维性碳水化合物及其适宜比例对幼龄反刍动物生长发育的影响几方面进行归纳总结,以期为幼龄反刍动物日粮合理配制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A total of 20 (14 females, six males) captive striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) with miniature temperature dataloggers implanted free in the abdominal cavity were examined for reproductive performance and pathology because of implants. Eleven of 12 female skunks reproduced successfully 45.9+/-3.7 days after surgery to remove implanted dataloggers. The pregnancy rate of 91.7% (11/12) was much higher than other captive studies and was comparable with that of wild skunks. Eight striped skunks (six males, two females) that were euthanatized and necropsied after having implants in the abdominal cavity for 5 mo showed no apparent pathology associated with the implant. Implantation of the intraperitoneal devices did not lead to complications in abdominal tissues. Neither implant nor surgery affected reproduction. We conclude that implanted dataloggers can safely be used in physiologic studies of striped skunks or possibly other small carnivores in captive or field studies.  相似文献   

李润红  刘长仲 《草业学报》2017,26(3):111-120
为了研究大气CO2浓度升高对绿色型豌豆蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响,应用CO2人工气候箱,CO2浓度设置中等浓度[(550±27) μL/L]和高浓度[(750±37) μL/L],并以当前浓度[(375±18) μL/L]为对照,观察并记录了饲养在蚕豆上的连续3代绿色型豌豆蚜的生长发育和繁殖指标。结果表明,随着CO2浓度升高,连续3代绿色型豌豆蚜发育历期均缩短,初产若蚜体重、成蚜体重、体质量差和相对日均体重增长率均呈增加趋势;各世代的繁殖期延长,平均产蚜量和最大产蚜量均增加;各世代的净增殖率(R0)增大,平均世代周期(T)延长,内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)均减小。因此,绿色型豌豆蚜的种群数量随着CO2浓度升高而下降,故推测未来大气CO2浓度的升高可能不利于豌豆蚜的发生。  相似文献   

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