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玛纳斯县兰州湾乡广西地鹿场一4岁怀孕母鹿,1997年2月2日因绊于圈内障碍物上发生右后肢冠关节上方10cm处跖骨完全骨折。骨折处外侧皮肤有一破裂小口流出少许鲜血,局部肿胀,行步时完全不能着地,骨折处下端甩动,病鹿吃喝如常,因当时没有麻醉药品到2月5日才给予治疗。治疗 以眠乃宁1.2ml肌注,13min后鹿自行卧地,使患肢在上,用草袋枕头后进行治疗。剪除有外伤处的被毛,未见血液外流,涂5%碘酊,触诊断处10cm以下皮下肿胀。助手固定住骨折上方,术者轻轻以一手触膜断处,另一手缓缓摇动下方,有明显的断…  相似文献   

对新疆农业大学动物医院接诊的骨折病例进行了统计,挑选出10例典型病例,其中5例外固定,5例内固定。外固定治愈4例,内固定治愈4例,治愈率为80%。在诊断和治疗的过程中,获取了丰富的临床经验,掌握了常规的操作技术,为以后的临床诊治工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

长颈鹿绿脓杆菌感染的诊断和治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我园呼号为“长驻”的长颈鹿 ,于 1 998年 5~ 7月期间呼吸道反复感染绿脓杆菌 ,经过 2个多月的精心治疗和护理 ,基本康复 ,至今未见复发。1 发病情况  1 998年 5月 2 9日 ,“长驻”的食欲减少 ,精神沉郁 ,不愿活动 ,时有咳嗽声 ,并咳有痰液。2 临床症状 “长驻”2 7岁 ,面部呈老态 ,5月 2 9日上午 ,该鹿颈部呈水平伸直剧烈咳嗽 ,并有浅黄色脓性分泌物 ,严重时有干酷样分泌物 ,呼吸因难 ,呈腹式呼吸 ,2 5次 /min,肛温为 40 .1℃。下午 ,卧地不起 ,叩诊胸壁肺区呈现局限性的浊音和半浊音区 ,听诊肺区上缘呼吸音代偿性增强 ,呈湿性罗音 ;…  相似文献   

张双歌 《野生动物》2011,32(1):36-37
青岛森林野生动物世界动物园—患病雄性长颈鹿出现一系列临床症状。病初表现为食欲减少、反刍缓慢,粪便成团;中期表现为腹痛、腹胀,精神逐步萎靡;后期粪便松散不成型,内有黏液膜性物附着于粪便内,粪便内有未消化的苜蓿草秆。通过临床症状结合病史调查和粪便寄生虫检查,初步诊断为长颈鹿胃肠卡他性炎症。在治疗过程中选用了肠道消炎药氟哌酸与乙酰螺旋霉素配伍,在动物发病中期,控制住胃肠内炎症;同时选用了人参健脾丸投喂,健脾利湿;在饲料中添加多酶益菌素,增加胃内活性菌成分,增强胃动力,达到了治愈目的。  相似文献   

一只泰迪犬被快速行驶的轿车撞伤,其后肢拒绝触地并发出痛苦呻吟。通过临床检查和影像学检查,诊断为髂骨骨折,采取手术内固定治疗方案对该病例进行治疗,术后恢复良好。通过对此病例治疗过程的描述,为犬髂骨骨折治疗方案的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

笔者根据石家庄市动物园长颈鹿的多年饲养经验对孕期长颈鹿出现消化不良进行病因分析,并辅以实验室检查后初步诊断为肠道消化不良引起菌群失调合并慢性肠炎。针对此症状,结合病畜具体情况,给出针对性治疗方案,科学用药,并取得良好效果。孕期长颈鹿食量增大应及时调整日粮配比,保证母鹿在怀孕期间的运动量,加强日常管理。  相似文献   

一只边牧犬,遭遇车祸,临床检查和X-射线检查后确诊为左后肢胫骨骨折.经夹板外固定方法治疗及术后护理,最后愈合良好.  相似文献   

南京某动物园于 1998年从外地引进雌性长颈鹿 1只 ,几年来一直时病时好 ,至今“长不大”。曾进行过多种治疗 ,但收效甚微 ,于 2 0 0 2年 7月死亡。死前一段时间 ,见阴道内经常流出许多分泌物 ,时灰白 ,时红色。曾进行过细菌学检查 ,但未有结果。死后及时进行了剖检和其他检查 ,并做了病理组织学观察 ,主要情况如下。1 病理变化1 1 大体病变外观 :动物极度消瘦 ,皮下无脂肪 ;心脏 :心外膜见有多量浅黄色胶冻样物粘着 ,心包腔内有多量浅黄色液体 ,心耳上方、冠状沟等处为大量浅黄色胶冻状物替代 ,心肌深棕色 ;肺脏 :部分肺实变 ,色彩斑驳 ,…  相似文献   

小型犬四肢下部骨折内固定治疗的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 病例介绍病例1 博美犬,雄性,1岁,体重1.8kg。该犬因受鞭炮声惊吓,从沙发跳下后右前肢无法着地,吠叫不止。主人携犬前来就诊,经检查体温、呼吸、脉博正常,患肢重度跛行,患部皮肤完整,X光摄片显示右前肢桡尺骨全骨折。病例2 喜乐蒂犬,雄性,6月龄,体重5kg。主人带其外出遛达时,不小心踩到犬的右脚上,当即出现跛行而前来就诊。临床检查体温、呼吸、脉博正常,患肢悬提,患部皮肤完整,右后肢部发热、肿胀、变形,X光摄片显示四根骨完全断裂、错位。2 治疗步骤2.1 术前准备 选健肢皮下静脉放置22~25号留置针,以10mL/kg.h速度静脉滴注…  相似文献   

本研究通过回顾分析临床上使用外固定支架治疗11例昆明犬胫腓骨骨折病例,探讨使用外固定支架治疗昆明犬胫腓骨骨折的临床效果。手术后100 d回访,骨折全部愈合,骨折愈合最短时间为30 d,最长为90 d,除少数有针孔感染和固定针松动外,无其他重大并发症。结果表明,外固定支架是治疗昆明犬胫腓骨骨折的理想方法。  相似文献   

Comminuted metatarsal fractures in a dog were treated using intramedullary pins externally connected and stabilized by epoxy resin putty and application of a fibreglass cast. Two weeks later the cast was removed. After further 2 weeks application of a Robert-Jones bandage the dog could stand and walk with the pin-putty apparatus in position. The pin-putty apparatus was removed 3 months postoperatively, and the dog resumed normal activity. This fixation method could be an easy, economical and effective alternative treatment for managing comminuted fractures of the metatarsal and possibly metacarpal bones in selected cases.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old National Hunt Thoroughbred mare presented with sudden onset left hindlimb lameness after race training on the gallops. Clinical examination revealed a marked painful reaction over the proximal metatarsal region but no other obvious abnormalities were detected. Survey radiographs at the yard did not reveal any abnormalities. Nuclear scintigraphic examination 3 days after injury revealed focal marked increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metatarsal region. Subsequent radiography revealed an incomplete, articular fracture of the proximal left third metatarsal bone. Repair of the fracture using 3 × 4.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag fashion was performed under standing sedation following perineural analgesia. Follow-up radiographs demonstrated progressive healing of the fracture. The mare returned to race training 8 months after the fracture was repaired and raced successfully 12 months post injury.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old castrated male Saint Bernard was evaluated for bilateral hind limb lameness. Lameness was ascribed to bilateral metatarsal rotational abnormalities on the basis of the physical examination and radiographic evaluations. Staged, bilateral deformity correction and tarsometatarsal arthrodeses were performed using circular external skeletal fixators. The dog's gait improved following surgery and the fixators were removed 3 (left hind paw) and 4 (right hind paw) months following surgery. Twenty months after the initial surgery, the owner reported that the dog was walking well without apparent lameness. Previous reports suggest that metatarsal rotation is untreatable; however, our results suggest that surgical correction of this deformity can substantially improve limb function in dogs affected with metatarsal rotation.  相似文献   

一例猫胫腓骨骨折的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猫胫腓骨骨折发生后,由于猫胫腓骨很细,且近心端附着丰富的肌肉,而远心端很少,如果单纯采用外固定或内固定的治疗方法,效果往往不理想。文章就一例猫胫腓骨骨折采用髓内针和金属丝进行内固定后,又在外面用夹板进行外固定,术后恢复良好的病例来进行研究,希望能对猫胫腓骨骨折的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

The proximal third of metatarsal IV is predisposed to open comminuted fractures due to its superficial and prominent position and controversy exists regarding the most appropriate management for this type of fracture. Fifty‐three horses treated for open comminuted fractures of the proximal third of metatarsal IV were selected for study from 6 equine hospitals across England. Comparisons were made between the 21 horses treated conservatively and the 32 horses treated surgically. Horses treated conservatively at referral centres had comparable rates of survival, rates of return to full work and convalescent periods but a significantly lower cost than those treated surgically. The results of this study suggest that aggressive conservative therapy may be indicated in open comminuted fractures of the proximal third of metatarsal IV.  相似文献   

A 10-y-old giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) bull developed colic after a 3-mo history of reduced feed consumption. Physical examination and management were performed with 2 standing sedations. The giraffe developed metabolic alkalosis and progressive pre-renal azotemia followed by compensatory respiratory acidosis and paradoxical aciduria. A metallic “ping” sound was auscultated on the left side near ribs 10–12. The giraffe was euthanized given the grave prognosis, and postmortem examination confirmed left displacement of the abomasum (LDA) with fluid sequestration (150–190 L [40–50 gal]) within the rumen. Dental disease was evident at postmortem examination and perimortem skull computed tomography. To ensure cases of LDA are not overlooked, the position of the abomasum must be noted during postmortem examination prior to removal of the gastrointestinal tract. The risk factors for the development of LDA in giraffes are not known, and associations such as those of dairy cattle (hypocalcemia, high-concentrate low-fiber diet, and indoor housing) remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

An adult Red-crowned crane in captivity that had a displaced compound fracture of the middle upper beak caused by an accident was treated by using Type I-a external skeletal fixator (ESF). The ESF that was equipped with a unilateral epoxy putty fixator and with five half-pins was fixed on the premaxilla bone. The crane with the ESF on the beak was able to feed smoothly by itself. The ESF was removed 49 days after the first surgery. Beak malocclusion, which was observed in the latter half period of fixing, spontaneously improved within one month after removal of the ESF. This is the first successful case of repair of an upper beak fracture in a Red-crowned crane.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe focal destructive lesions of the proximal sesamoid bones (PSBs) as a complication of dorsal metatarsal artery catheterization performed for direct blood pressure monitoring during equine general anesthesia. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Three client-owned horses. METHODS: A dorsal metatarsal artery was catheterized in each of 3 horses for direct blood pressure monitoring during anesthesia. Radiography, ultrasonography, synoviocentesis, and arthroscopy were used to diagnose postoperative lameness that occurred in the limb used for blood pressure monitoring. RESULTS: Horses developed severe lameness, localized to the fetlock region of the catheterized limb within 21 days of surgery. Antibiotic therapy was administered. Surgical debridement was possible in 1 horse. Two horses that had lesions that were inaccessible, failed to respond to medical management and were euthanatized. The 3rd horse that had surgical debridement of affected bone, survived. Changes in hospital protocol, by improving aseptic technique during catheter insertion and use of new manometer tubing and heparinized saline for each arterial catheter inserted in the dorsal metatarsal artery, have eliminated this complication. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis and treatment of destructive lesions of the PSB were difficult. Strict aseptic technique should be followed during insertion of arterial catheters. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Focal destructive lesions of the PSB subsequent to dorsal metatarsal arterial catheterization is a rare but serious complication of equine anesthesia.  相似文献   

A mature Thoroughbred gelding that was used as a high level jumper presented for evaluation of a nonweightbearing forelimb lameness following a fall. Radiographs revealed a complete, noncomminuted, minimally displaced sagittal fracture of the greater tubercle. Supporting limb laminitis was a major concern in the short term based on the severe lameness at presentation. Open reduction with internal fixation was chosen over stall rest in an attempt to more rapidly return the weightbearing function to the limb. The procedure was performed standing and 3 bone screws were placed standing in an attempt to avoid implant or catastrophic bone failure that can accompany recovery from general anaesthesia. The day following surgery the lameness was significantly improved as the horse was able to bear some weight on the heel. The gelding was discharged 5 days following surgery and was fully weightbearing at the walk. Six months following surgery the horse was free of lameness and resumed training. This report describes our experience and rationale in placing bone screws in a standing horse for treatment of a greater tubercle fracture.  相似文献   

Wry nose is a rare condition. The resultant deviation of the nasal septum and maxilla/premaxilla often complicates deglutition and respiration. Traditional treatment consists of internal fixation with pins after an osteotomy and a rib graft. A 17‐month‐old Arab yearling was presented for evaluation of deviation of the maxilla and nasal septum. This deviation was managed using an external fixation device after bilateral osteotomy of the maxilla/premaxilla and reduction of the deviation. Partial resection of the nasal septum by a dorsal approach was also performed. The dental malocclusion and respiratory noise were corrected.  相似文献   

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