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The International Conference on Boar Semen Preservation (ICBSP) has been in existence for 25 years. During that time, six conferences have been held in Europe and North America. Each conference has sought to communicate research advances in pig semen technology and artificial insemination (AI). Clearly, the conference has been a catalyst for the advancement of various improvements in semen preservation and AI. In addition, the conference has served to initiate collaboration among scientists worldwide. A summary of problems that remain to be investigated and solved in swine semen technology is provided.  相似文献   

High dilution rates have been documented as detrimental for boar spermatozoa, shortening their lifespan (Centurion et al. 2003, Biol Reprod 69: 640–646). Addition of seminal plasma (SP) to semen extenders, or selenium (Se) and vitamin E (VE) in diet of boars could increase motility of highly diluted spermatozoa (HDS). The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of seminal plasma on sperm motility of HDS from boars feed with Se and VE. Sixteen 12 month-old boars were designed to one of four dietary treatments: (i) control, Se 0 ppm–VE 0 IU/kg; (ii) Se 0–VE 250; (iii) Se 0.5–VE 250 and (iv) Se 0.5–VE 0. Boars were treated for 8 weeks before semen collection. Sperm rich fractions from each boar were diluted to 5 × 106 sperm/ml in PBS medium and incubated at 37°C with or without 10% SP. The measurements were done at 0, 2 or 5 h. Data were analyzed as a mixed model for a factorial design [2 (Se) × 2 (VE) × 2 (SP) × 3 (h)]. Percentage of sperm motility (PSM) increases significantly (p < 0.001) with addition of Se (81.3 ± 1.52), VE (81.0 ± 1.62) and SP (81.5 ± 1.57) vs control (73.4 ± 1.61). There was significant interaction Se × VE (p < 0.001) and Se × VE × SP (p < 0.05) in PSM. However, PSM was affected significantly by time (0 h 83.4 ± 1.92; 2 h 80.7 ± 1.92 and 5 h 67.9 ± 1.92; p < 0.001). There was significant interaction SP × Time (p < 0.05) in PSM. These results indicate that Se, VE and SP improve seminal viability. Addition of 10% of SP maintains PSM at least during 5 hours.  相似文献   

Data from a selection experiment for growth carried out in Brazil were analyzed in order to evaluate the direct responses on yearling weight (YW) and the correlated responses on the size and reproduction traits of cows. The experiment was started in 1976, and in 1980 three lines of Nelore cattle were established: selection (NeS), traditional (NeT), both selected for higher YW, and control (NeC), selected for mean YW. The NeT was an open line that eventually received bulls from other herds. Yearling weight records for animals born from 1978 to 1998 and yearling hip height (H550) offemales born from 1985 to 1998 were analyzed by fitting an animal model in order to obtain the genetic trends. The means for weight, height, and body condition score at the start of the breeding season, days to calving, and calving success of cows born from 1993 to 1996 (pertaining to the third to fourth generations of selection) were compared between the selected (NeS and NeT) and control lines. The genetic trends obtained after 16 yr for YW were 1.7 +/- 0.2, 2.3 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for males and 1.9 +/- 0.2, 2.4 +/- 0.2, and -0.1 +/- 0.1 kg/yr for females, for the NeS, NeT, and NeC lines, respectively. Corresponding values for H550 were 0.25 +/- 0.03, 0.24 +/- 0.04 and -0.04 +/- 0.03 cm/yr for females. Heifers and cows from NeS and NeT were 19% and 15% heavier and 4% taller at the start of the breeding season than those from NeC. No significant differences between selected (NeS and NeT) and control females were detected for body condition scores and for reproductive performance. The results indicate that selection for body weight promoted high and consistent weight and height responses both at the yearling and later ages, without compromising the reproductive performance of the cows with respect to days to calving and calving success.  相似文献   

Chinese Erhualian pigs are known for prolificacy with distinct reproductive traits compared with Western commercial breeds. In this study, a four‐generation intercross resource population was constructed using White Duroc boars and Chinese Erhualian sows as founder animals, and a total of 14 male reproductive traits were recorded in 411 F2/F3 boars including the testis and epididymis weights, the seminiferous tubular diameter and spermatogenesis at 60, 90 and 300 days of age, semen characteristics, serum testosterone concentration and libido level at 300 days of age. The White Duroc–Erhualian boars showed remarkable segregations in the traits measured except for the seminiferous tubular diameter and had high ratio (13.9%) of the abnormality of spermatogenesis, providing a good experimental population for detecting quantitative trait loci affecting these male reproductive traits. Furthermore, the correlations among nine male reproductive traits at 300 days of age indicated that the testis weight and the body weight were strongly correlated with the sperm production, supporting the two traits as important parameters for boar selection to increase sperm production and ultimately improve boar fertility. The libido level in the White Duroc–Erhualian boars that was evaluated by a new and easily recorded scoring system showed a significant correlation with serum testosterone concentration. Yet, both libido and serum testosterone concentration were not correlated with the sperm production. Results of this study provided new information on the male reproductive physiology and genetics in Chinese Erhualian and White Duroc boars.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of selection for high (H) or low (L) incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia for 7 generations on processing performance of broilers. 2. Birds were obtained from diallel matings of the H and L lines (HH, HL, LH, and LL) and a randombred control (CC) line. Birds were reared to 7 weeks of age under standard management conditions. All birds were processed at 7 weeks of age. Body weight at 7 weeks, carcase weight, and carcase part weights were recorded on each bird. 3. An interaction between sire line and dam line was caused by lighter body and carcase weight at 7 weeks of age in HH birds than from the birds of the other crosses. 4. Birds by L line dams had heavier drumstick weights. The influences of sire line and dam line on weight of total breast muscle were not significant. Thigh weights and Pectoralis minor weights were lighter in HH line birds than those other matings. 5. Heterosis for body weight and for weights of carcases, drumstick and thigh was negative. Total breast muscle weight and P. major weight did not show significant heterosis. 6. It was concluded that selecting against TD does not reduce processing yield of broilers.  相似文献   

Economic values of growth and carcass traits in Japanese beef cattle for production systems with various types of integration of levels/ stages (cow-calf and feedlot segments and the integrated system) and production circumstances (including 20% higher genetic levels of the traits, management, and economic alternatives) were used to examine responses to selection. Discounted economic values with interest rates of 0, 4.2 (Japanese average), and 8.4% were obtained to investigate the effect of discounting on selection efficiency. Traits considered were daily gain in the feedlot, marbling score, birth weight, weaning weight, and mature weight. The effects of discounting were small. Correlated responses to selection were not always economically favorable for all situations. Selecting bulls for the base situation (i.e., the typical biological and economic conditions for the production of Japanese Black cattle) resulted in negative genetic changes in weaning weight and mature weight in the feedlot segment. Higher genetic levels of daily gain and weaning weight affected efficiency of selection. Although effects of management and economic alternatives on responses to selection were generally small, lighter market weight influenced responses to selection. The results indicate that predicted correlated responses to selection are sensitive to production systems and some production circumstances.  相似文献   

Litter size and production trait responses to experimental selection for increased litter size in a Landrace pig population are reported. The numbers of sows and litters available for the first cycle of selection were 3,034 and 961, respectively. Selection was carried out using a BLUP repeatability animal model for number of piglets born alive (NBA). The experiment included one selection and one control line, each with three nonoverlapping generations. The selection line (H) consisted of the 160 sows with the highest breeding values and one boar from each of 25 full-sib families with the highest breeding values. The control line (C) consisted of 160 sows and 25 boars randomly chosen. The two subsequent generations in each line were obtained by random selection. A Bayesian analysis of genetic response using a multivariate model was carried out by Gibbs sampler. Marginal posterior distributions were obtained for direct response in NBA, and for correlated response in weight (WT), and backfat thickness (BT) at 175 d of age. The posterior means and posterior standard deviation (PSD) for direct genetic response of NBA ranged from 0.32 (PSD 0.08) in the first parity to 0.64 (PSD 0.08) in the fourth. The posterior means for correlated genetic response in WT and BT were -0.66 kg (PSD 0.36) and 0.20 mm (PSD 0.10), respectively. For WT and BT, the 95% highest posterior density regions (HPD) contain zero-correlated genetic response. Marginal posterior distributions of selection differentials were investigated. The posterior means for standardized selection differentials for NBA in different parities ranged from 0.70 (PSD 0.12) to 0.94 (PSD 0.06) in females for line H, from 0.22 (PSD 0.19) to 0.34 (PSD 0.10) in males for line H, and from 0.08 (PSD 0.08) to 0.13 (PSD 0.07) in females for line C. All available males were used in line C. Results from this experiment showed that selection for increased litter size is effective. Responses to selection were heterogeneous across parities, suggesting that litter size in each parity may have a different genetic background. No correlated genetic response to growth and backfat thickness was observed.  相似文献   

Data from 116 females previously fed a corn-soybean basal diet with 0 or 220 micrograms supplemental biotin/kg during growth and development were used to study the influence of 0 (NB) or 440 (SB) micrograms of supplemental biotin/kg to corn-(C) or wheat-(W) based diets for gilts and sows housed in total confinement. Reproductive performance through four parities (total of 245 litters) and various sow and pig biochemical criteria were evaluated. Females fed W diets were older (P less than .07) at first estrus, farrowed litters that were lighter weight (P less than .01) at birth and that contained fewer (P less than .05) total and live pigs compared with females fed C diets. Biotin supplementation did not significantly influence (P greater than .10) farrowing and lactation performance; however, after the first parity, total and live pigs/litter at farrowing tended to be larger for SB females. Conception rate at first estrus postpartum was increased (P less than .07) by 9% and the average weaning to estrus interval was reduced (P less than .05) from 14.5 to 10.2 d with SB. Biotin supplementation increased (P less than .001) the biotin content of sow plasma, milk and liver, while sow liver pyruvate carboxylase activity was not altered (P greater than .10). Pigs farrowed by SB females had three- and fivefold higher (P less than .001) levels of plasma biotin at birth and 14 d of age, respectively; however, liver biotin levels at birth were not different (P greater than .10) for pigs from NB and SB females.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In three experiments with fattening pigs the supplementation of a ration with 8% rapeseed oilmeal (RSO) with 1 mg J/kg resulted in an increased weight gain per day of 31, 94 and 87%. On the other hand, only 83, 76 and 84% of the weight gain of the soybean oilmeal control groups were achieved. The additional supply with 250 mg Cu (experiments II and III) increased the weight gain to 84 and 96% in comparison to the unsupplemented control groups. The combination of J + Cu + Zn lead to the same performance as that of J + Cu (experiment III). In the RSO groups without J-supplement changes in body proportions and parakeratosis could be observed after approximately equal to 7 weeks. After the sole supplementation of Cu these symptoms occurred approximately equal to 4 weeks later. In vitro, the supplementation of RSO with a CuSO4 solution resulted in a decrease of vinylthiooxazolidon and isothiocyanate in line with the CuSO4-concentration. 0.2 mg J/kg feed (experiment III) resulted in the same fattening performance as the supplementation of the ration with 1 mg J and outwardly visible deficiency symptoms. The results show that Cu, depending on its quota, results in a decrease of goitrogenics in the feed and that J and Cu supplementation to rations with rapeseed oilmeal have an additive effect and that parakeratosis can be prevented by J-supplementation.  相似文献   

A radial growth precipitation test is described for measuring antibody to Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis. The test is quantitative and appears to depend on the production of soluble antigen by growing organisms. When compared with indirect haemagglutination, complement fixation and inhibition of film production, for measuring antibody to M. agalactiae subsp. bovis in bovine sera, it was found to have a sensitivity comparable to that of the complement fixation test.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING THE STUDY: There have been no reports of the efficacy of thermocautery of the soft palate (TSP) assessed objectively as a treatment of intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP). OBJECTIVE: To compare: racing performance of horses that underwent thermocautery of the soft palate with matched controls; and 'Racing Post ratings' (RPR) with prize money won (RE) and a performance index (PI) for each of the horses in the study. HYPOTHESIS: Thermocautery of the soft palate has no beneficial effect on racing performance and the 3 measures of performance are significantly related. METHODS: The inclusion criteria were fulfilled by 110 horses and each was matched with 2 controls. Changes in performance were compared statistically. RPR, RE and PI were analysed using a regression model. RESULTS: The percentage of horses that improved in performance following the procedure was 28-51% for the 3 measures of performance, compared to 21-53% for the matched controls. There was no significant effect of the procedure on the changes in RPR or RE. There was a significant effect of the procedure on the change in PI (P=0.015) with more treated horses achieving an improved PI and fewer acquiring a worse PI than matched control horses. The measures of performance showed significant correlation. CONCLUSIONS: Thermocautery of the soft palate alone may not be the most efficacious treatment of DDSP. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Production of a reliable measure of racehorse performance may be possible.  相似文献   

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