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畜产品质量安全工作任重而道远 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
畜产品质量安全,是指畜产品的质量有安全保证,食用后不会引起急、慢性中毒或引发疾病,不会对人类健康和生命构成直接或潜在的损害、危害或威胁.畜产品质量安全是食品质量安全的重要组成部分,是现代畜牧业发展的三大支柱之一.近期,通过学习、查阅相关资料,结合工作中遇到的实际问题,对所从事的畜产品质量安全工作有了进一步的认识,现谈些粗浅的看法. 相似文献
畜产食品质量安全与政府监管机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了我国畜产品质量安全管理的现状,指出了畜产食品的质量特征及质量管理的侧重点,提出了实现畜产食品质量安全管理的关键因素及应实施的监管要点. 相似文献
提高畜产品质量安全是一项复杂的系统工程,不仅需要社会有关部门的积极参与和通力合作,还需要技术和管理措施做保障.要谋长远化,着力构建兽医政策法律、兽医丁作、动物疫病防控、动物卫生监督执法、动物疫病防控支撑"五大体系",夯实兽医事业科学发展的基础;创新动物疫病区域化管理、重大动物疫病防控应急管理、动物标识及疫病可追溯管理、兽药监管和残留监控、兽医事务协调交流合作"五大机制",推动兽医事业又好又快发展;加大法律宣传力度,多渠道、全方位进行畜产品质量安全知识的教育、普及. 相似文献
Mónica Costa Carlos Cardoso Cláudia Afonso Narcisa M. Bandarra José A. M. Prates 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2021,105(6):1075-1102
The effects of dietary macroalgae, or seaweeds, on growth performance and meat quality of livestock animal species are here reviewed. Macroalgae are classified into Phaeophyceae (brown algae), Rhodophyceae (red algae) and Chlorophyceae (green algae). The most common macroalga genera used as livestock feedstuffs are: Ascophyllum, Laminaria and Undaria for brown algae; Ulva, Codium and Cladophora for green algae; and Pyropia, Chondrus and Palmaria for red algae. Macroalgae are rich in many nutrients, including bioactive compounds, such as soluble polysaccharides, with some species being good sources of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. To date, the incorporation of macroalgae in livestock animal diets was shown to improve growth and meat quality, depending on the alga species, dietary level and animal growth stage. Generally, Ascophyllum nodosum can increase average daily gain (ADG) in ruminant and pig mostly due to its prebiotic activity in animal's gut. A. nodosum also enhances marbling score, colour uniformity and redness, and can decrease saturated fatty acids in ruminant meats. Laminaria sp., mainly Laminaria digitata, increases ADG and feed efficiency, and improves the antioxidant potential of pork. Ulva sp., and its mixture with Codium sp., was shown to improve poultry growth at up to 10% feed. Therefore, seaweeds are promising sustainable alternatives to corn and soybean as feed ingredients, thus attenuating the current competition among food-feed-biofuel industries. In addition, macroalgae can hinder eutrophication and participate in bioremediation. However, some challenges need to be overcome, such as the development of large-scale and cost-effective algae production methods and the improvement of algae digestibility by monogastric animals. The dietary inclusion of Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZymes) could allow for the degradation of recalcitrant macroalga cell walls, with an increase of nutrients bioavailability. Overall, the use of macroalgae as feedstuffs is a promising strategy for the development of a more sustainable livestock production. 相似文献
从“瘦肉精”到“瘦肉精”的替代物——莱克多巴胺,从上海的“多宝鱼”到河南的“红心蛋”,一次次的事件不断为我们敲响食品安全的警钟,畜产品质量安全问题,不仅影响到中国居民畜产品消费安全,而且也严重影响到中国畜产品的国内贸易生产的发展和对外贸易的增长。畜产品从生产到餐桌,要经过一系列的经济活动过程,包括了从农业投入品的供给、畜产品的生产、加工、流通一直到销售的整个流程,畜产品在这一流程中的某个环节若受到污染,就会造成畜产品的不安全,对人体健康产生不利影响。因此,在这里对畜产品质量安全的问题谈谈自己的几点认识。 相似文献
Melchers CB 《DTW. Deutsche tier?rztliche Wochenschrift》2003,110(8):319-323
Food safety optimization measures neglect the consumers' psychological requirements. To avoid guilt--delight-discords, problems of livestock farming are not registered in the first place. Food checks at the purchase are felt to be a matter of the consumer's own competence, using his five senses and primarily seen as a tasting test. Market mechanisms supply additional safety in the background. Consumer behavior in acute crises must be seen from the point of protective magie. Governmental pre-tests raise doubts on the consumer's shopping competence, they are felt to be insulting and unreliable. Certificates and quality seals only stand a chance as complimentary service to the consumer's own competence. 相似文献
优质畜产品与畜牧业产业化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
畜产品存在的问题当前我国在畜牧业产业化进程中 ,由于经济相对落后、法制不健全和执法不力等原因 ,畜产品注水以及“瘦肉精”、抗菌药物和农药残留等问题不断发生。因此在加速畜牧业产业化进程中 ,迫切需要对畜牧业的各个环节进行严格监控 ,以便向社会提供无污染无残留的优质畜产品。优质畜产品 ,也称绿色畜产品 ,是为了保护环境和提供安全动物性食品 ,从饲料原料生产 ,养殖加工 ,一直到餐桌 ,按照特定生产方式 ,进行全过程监控质量 ,并经专门机构认定而生产出无污染、无残留、安全、营养丰富的畜产品。最近国际国内连续发生较大的畜产品问… 相似文献
Only in recent years, the draft sequences for several agricultural animals have been assembled. Assembling an individual animal’s entire genome sequence or specific region(s) of interest is increasingly important for agricultural researchers to perform genetic comparisons between animals with different performance. We review the current status for several sequenced agricultural species and suggest that next generation sequencing (NGS) technology with decreased sequencing cost and increased speed of sequencing can benefit agricultural researchers. By taking advantage of advanced NGS technologies, genes and chromosomal regions that are more labile to the influence of environmental factors could be pinpointed. A more long term goal would be addressing the question of how animals respond at the molecular and cellular levels to different environmental models (e.g. nutrition). Upon revealing important genes and gene-environment interactions, the rate of genetic improvement can also be accelerated. It is clear that NGS technologies will be able to assist animal scientists to efficiently raise animals and to better prevent infectious diseases so that overall costs of animal production can be decreased. 相似文献
微生态制剂(Microecologics)是由调整微生态失调、保持微生态平衡、提高宿主健康水平或增进健康佳态的益生菌及其代谢产物和促进物质制成的制剂,目前国际上正式将其分为益生菌(Probiotics)、益生元(Prebiotics)、合生素(Synbiotics)三大类。畜禽微生态制剂从应用上主要分两类:一是作为药用,用于防治畜、禽、鱼的消化道、泌尿道疾病;二是作为微生物饲料添加剂,用于猪、牛、鸡、兔等畜禽的育肥、抗病,可代替抗生素,减少有毒物质在人体 相似文献
Richard Lumu Constantine Bakyusa Katongole Justine Nambi-Kasozi Felix Bareeba Magdalena Presto Emma Ivarsson Jan Erik Lindberg 《Tropical animal health and production》2013,45(7):1571-1578
This study identified the indigenous criteria used by livestock farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala to assess the nutritional quality of available feed resources. Focus group discussions and questionnaire interviews (with a total of 120 livestock farming households) were conducted. The findings showed that banana peels, leftover food and own-mixed feeds were the most commonly used feed resources for cattle, pigs and chickens, respectively. Farmers use several indigenous criteria to judge the nutritional quality of the available feed resources. These included perceived effects on disease resistance, feed intake, growth/body condition, hair coat appearance, faecal output, faecal texture and level of production, among others. According to farmers, animals offered with a feed resource of good nutritional quality are more resistant to diseases, ingest much of the feed, gain weight with well-filled bodies, have smooth hair coats, produce large quantities of faeces that are not too firm or watery and exhibit good performance (lactating cows produce more milk, sows produce piglets of good body size, hens lay more eggs of normal size, etc.). Although this indigenous knowledge exists, farmers put more importance on availability and cost as opposed to nutritional quality when choosing feed resources. This explains why banana peels were among the feed resources perceived to be of low nutritional quality but, at the same time, were found to be the most commonly used. Hence, there is a need to sensitise farmers on the importance of nutritional quality in ensuring better and efficient utilisation of the available feed resources. 相似文献
科尔沁草地有毒植物及保障家畜安全的对策 总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20
为了保障家畜采食安全,对科尔沁草地有毒植物进行了大量的调查和资料整理,初步查明了科尔汤草地有毒植物植物共164种,隶属于42科93属,首次对这些有毒植物进行了生活型和水分生态类型分析,结果表明:有毒植物以多年生中生、中时时生草本植物占多数;在水分条件相对较好的草地类型或局部地段有毒植物分布较多,较常见的有毒植物所含有的主要毒物成分为生物碱、甙类化合物、匝类化合物、酚类及其衍生物、无机物和简单有机舶 相似文献