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The uptake from solution of maleic hydrazide, flamprop and a series of phenoxyacetic acids by roots, and their subsequent translocation to shoots, was measured in barley. Both uptake and translocation increased as the pH of the solution decreased, the magnitude of the change varying amongst the chemicals tested. Uptake by roots could be accounted for by the ion-trap mechanism, which assumes that entry of the chemicals occurs largely by passive diffusion of the undissociated form of the acids, with passage of the anions across the cell membranes being very slow. The ratio of the permeability of the cell membranes to the undissociated and dissociated forms of the acids was estimated from the accumulation in roots, and in the phenoxyacetic acid series this ratio was maximal (4×105) for compounds of intermediate lipophilicity. Maleic hydrazide and flamprop had much lower ratios, 1.8×102 and 103 respectively; the value for flamprop was much less than for phenoxyacetic acids of similar lipophilicity, such as 2, 4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, indicating that lipophilicity may not be the sole factor determining the behaviour of weak acids in plants. Translocation to shoots was approximately proportional to the chemical concentrations in the roots.  相似文献   

The uptake by barley roots from nutrient solution and subsequent transport to shoots of two series of amine bases were measured over 6 to 72 h. The compounds were chosen to span systematically ranges of lipophilicity (assessed using 1-octanol/water partition coefficients, Kow) and pKa that would include commercial pesticide amines. In a series of six substituted phenethyl amines, strong bases with pKa∽9·5, all the compounds were strongly taken up by roots from solutions of pH 8·0; uptake declined substantially as the pH was lowered to 5·0, especially for the compounds of intermediate lipophilicity (log Kow 2 to 3). This uptake could be ascribed to three processes: (i) accumulation of the cation inside the root cells due to the negative charge on the plasmalemma, as given by the Nernst equation and important only for the polar compounds which have low permeation rates through membranes; (ii) accumulation into the vacuole by ion-trapping, which was the dominant process at high pH for all compounds and at all pH values for the compounds of intermediate lipophilicity; (iii) partitioning on to the root solids, substantial only for the most lipophilic compounds. Translocation to shoots was proportional to uptake by roots, this ratio being independent of external pH for each compound and being optimal for the compounds of intermediate lipophilicity. Such proportionality was also observed in a series of three weaker bases of intermediate lipophilicity, in which compounds of pKa 7·4 to 8·0 were also well taken up and translocated whereas the very weak base 4-ethylaniline (pKa 5·03) was much less so. Tests with quaternised pyridines confirmed that organic cations move only slowly through membranes. The observed behaviour of the amines could be modelled reasonably well assuming that transport within the plant was dominated by movement across membranes of the non-ionised species, and this appeared to be true even for the most lipophilic phenethylamine (log Kow 4·67) studied, though its long-distance movement would be as the protonated species. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Determinations were made of the distribution of two series of non-ionised chemicals, O-methylcarbamoyloximes and substituted phenylureas, in barley shoots, following uptake by the roots from solution. The concentrations in basal and central shoot sections became constant after 24 to 48 h for all but the most lipophilic chemical studied, and were then greatest for the more lipophilic chemicals. Amounts in the leaves generally increased up to 72 or 96 h, when degradation balanced translocation. The accumulation of chemical in the lower section of shoots can be ascribed to a partitioning process similar to that in roots, the chemical being partitioned between the shoot and the xylem transpiration stream; this uptake could be estimated from the octan-1-01/water distribution coefficients, and was predicted to be greatest for compounds for which log Kow=4. 5.  相似文献   

The herbicide antidotes N,N-diallyl-2,2-dichloroacetamide (R25788) and 3-dichloroacetyl-2,2,5-trimethyloxazolidine (R29148) at ppm levels slightly enhance the uptake of [35S]sulfate in corn roots and greatly increase its metabolism to “bound sulfide”, cysteine, and glutathione (GSH). The decrease in free sulfate content of the roots with R25788 is closely associated with an increase in GSH level. The sulfate content is decreased with an 8-hr exposure to R25788 and R29148 at 3 ppm and its decline continues through 48 hr to about 5% of the control level. Effects on sulfate content are evident at 24 hr even with 0.3–1 ppm of these antidotes. Several other mono- or dichloroacetamide antidotes at 30 ppm also decrease the free sulfate content of corn roots to about 34–60% of control levels within 24 hr. R25788 at 30 ppm has little or no effect at 24 hr on sulfate levels in corn leaves whether the plants are grown in the light or in the dark. R25788 and R29148 decrease sulfate levels in the leaves of milo and in whole pigweed plants, but not in barley, lambsquarters, water grass, wheat, or wild mustard. In increasing GSH biosynthesis, the antidote acts in corn prior to the reduction step to form bound sulfide; in fact, R25788 increases the specific activity of ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme involved in sulfate assimilation. Thus, dichloroacetamides such as R25788 and R29148 provide a means to experimentally, and perhaps even practically, manipulate sulfate utilization in corn and some other plants.  相似文献   

The binding of the herbicides to aqueous humic substances was investigated using the herbicide mecoprop and a reference humic substance ‘Hohlohsee’. Initial results from 2D fluorescence spectrometry, infra-red spectroscopy and Curie-point pyrolysis gas chromatography/infra-red spectroscopy tentatively characterise the nature of the interaction. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

The action of atrazine and its biodegradation products on the membrane transport of potassium in roots was evaluated in both sensitive and resistant plants. Excised roots of maize and oat showed inhibition of potassium uptake efficiency in the presence of 1.4 × 10?4M atrazine and 1.4 × 10?4M deethylated atrazine. Other biodegradation products such as 2-chloro-4-amino-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine,2-chloro-4,6-,bisamino-1,3,5-triazine, and 2-chloro-4-amino-1,3,5-triazine showed no inhibitory effect on the K+ uptake capacity. Two maize hybrids showing different uptake efficiency were inhibited differently by atrazine. We suggest that atrazine and deethylated atrazine inhibited the K+ transport interacting directly with the plant cell membranes without discerning between resistant and sensitive plants.  相似文献   

Despite being lipophilic, morpholine fungicides are systemic in plants. Such transport may be explicable by their protonation (pKa∽7·5) at the pH of plant compartments to yield the more polar cation. This behaviour might be a useful attribute to be incorporated into other classes of lipophilic pesticides. To understand quantitatively the behaviour of the morpholine fungicides, the uptake by roots and transport to shoots in barley of two such 14C-labelled compounds, dodemorph and tridemorph, were investigated using bathing solutions of differing pH. At pH 5, uptake and transport were small, but increased by approximately two orders of magnitude at pH 8. Tridemorph, the more lipophilic of the two compounds, was highly accumulated by roots at pH 8 and moderately translocated to shoots. In contrast, dodemorph was translocated to shoots at pH 8 with remarkable efficiency, moving into the xylem across the endodermis at 23 times the efficiency of water, though accumulation in roots was less than that of tridemorph. Behaviour at 24 h was largely similar to that at 48 h for both compounds, indicating that uptake and translocation are equilibrium processes maintained over time. Transport to shoots for each compound was directly proportional to the concentrations accumulated in the roots, except at low pH where partitioning into root solids became proportionately more important with such material not being directly available for transport to the xylem across the endodermis. Uptake and transport of these basic fungicides are explained in terms of their partitioning and of their accumulation in acidic plant compartments by ion trapping as the protonated form; this behaviour is discussed in relation to the pKa and lipophilicity of these compounds. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The potential of the endemic fungus Cochliobolus lunatus as a biological control agent against Echinochloa crus-galli was investigated. Under appropriate conditions the fungus produced leaf necrosis on E. crus-galli resulting in death of young seedlings. However, plants with more than two leaves mostly recovered after some time. Bean, barley, maize, oat, rye, tomato and wheat were highly resistant to the fungus. In experiments in a climate room or in a glasshouse E. crus-galli with more than two leaves could effectively be controlled by C. lunatus in combination with a sub-lethal dosage of atrazine as low as 2.5 mg m?2 due to a positive interaction between fungus and herbicide.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Herbicides that affect lipid metabolism have been used commercially for many years. Here, napropamide, diphenamid, dimethachlor and cafenstrole are compared; these have all been classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) as K3 herbicides and inhibitors of cell division and/or synthesis of very‐long‐chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). In addition, spiro‐decanedione A and pinoxaden dione are compared as inhibitors of lipid synthesis through inhibition of acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACCase). RESULTS: Whereas the chloracetamide dimethachlor and the carboxyamide cafenstrole potently inhibited VLCFA synthesis in both barley and cucumber, the acetamides napropamide and diphenamid which are also classified as K3 herbicides and likewise the unclassified herbicide cinmethylin did not. The graminicide pinoxaden dione inhibited de novo fatty acid synthesis in barley, but not in cucumber, and correspondingly inhibited the plastid form of maize ACCase much more than the cytosolic form (IC50 values of 0.1 and 17 µM ). By contrast, spiro‐decanedione A exhibited herbicidal effects not only on grasses but also on broad leaves, strongly inhibited maize cytosolic ACCase and inhibited synthesis of VLCFAs in cucumber. CONCLUSIONS: The acetamides napropamide and diphenamid, which do not inhibit VLCFA synthesis, should be classified separately from K3 herbicides that do. Pinoxaden dione and spiro‐decanedione A represent new classes of chemicals acting on plant lipid synthesis. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

First leaves of barley seedlings grown in solution culture were inoculated with powdery mildew when the second leaf was fully emerged. 14C-labelled carbon dioxide was fed to either first or second leaves of infected and non-infected plants. Translocation of labelled photoassimilates into roots, and partitioning into soluble, storage and structural fractions were studied in tip, mid and basal regions of primary roots 24 h after feeding. Mildew reduced the total activity in the plant, but had little effect on assimilate distribution since the percentage activity translocated to roots was only transiently reduced, approximately 7 days after infection. Reduced import led to a reduction in the specific activity of different fractions within roots, reductions being greatest in root tips. These changes were similar whichever leaf was fed. Changes in specific activity became progressively more pronounced in the 10 days following infection, and were paralleled by a reduction in the mitotic index of root tips. It is concluded that meristematic activity, and thus the growth, of primary roots of barley is particularly sensitive to reductions in photoassimilation caused by powdery mildew infection.  相似文献   

Caatinga is a Brazilian dry ecosystem that occupies around 1 million km2 and is one of the largest tropical dry forests of the world. About 46% of the area that was originally covered has been deforested. Land use can cause pronounced reduction in soil carbon stocks that play a major role in the global carbon cycle. The objective of this study was to improve our understanding of the effect of land use on oxidizable carbon fractions, total carbon stocks and humic substances in different layers of soil in a Brazilian semi-arid region. We analyzed soils from tropical dry forest (TDF), forest succession with Anadenanthera falcata (ANA), with Tabebuia alba (TAB), secondary scrubby regeneration (SCR), and non-irrigated maize (MS). Forests showed larger fractions of more labile carbon, except for TDF. The most recalcitrant fraction of carbon stock, humin fraction stock, with the different land use decreased by 38–53% compared to TDF. Oxidizable carbon fractions, carbon stocks, and humic fraction stocks were able to differentiate the successional land uses and agricultural cover from TDF, mainly in the 0–5?cm layer. Our results show that changes in land use, especially with ANA forest succession, showed a larger labile carbon fraction, indicating easy decomposition and loss. Our results provide an alternative tool for the management of deforested areas in tropical dry caatinga ecosystems. This would contribute to the conservation of dry forest systems and could serve as guideline for sustainable management of agriculturally impacted caatinga areas.  相似文献   

本文介绍了莠去津在土壤中的残留消解动态试验及其检测方法和检测结果。  相似文献   

The uptake by roots from solution, and subsequent translocation to shoots in barley, of two series of non-ionised chemicals, O-methylcarbamoyloximes and substituted phenylureas, were measured, Uptake of the chemicals by roots was greater the more lipophilic the chemical, and fell to a lower limiting value for polar chemicals. Translocation to the shoots was a passive process, and was most efficient for compounds of intermediate polarity. Both processes had reached equilibrium within 24h of treatment. The reported behaviour of many pesticides in various plant species agrees with the derived relationships, but the detailed mechanisms of these processes are unknown.  相似文献   

Uptake of pesticides into barley leaves was measured under controlled conditions. Leaves detached from plants were submerged in aqueous solutions of 14C-labelled (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid, triadimenol, bitertanol and pentachlorophenol. Uptake was biphasic. A short (30-min) period with high rates of uptake was followed by uptake that proceeded more slowly and was steady over hours. Compartmentation of pesticides was studied by desorbing pentachlorophenol from leaves previously loaded with [14C]pentachlorophenol. From the uptake and desorption kinetics it was concluded that penetration of pesticides proceeds as follows: the compounds are first sorbed at the surface of epicuticular wax aggregates where they are in contact with the donor solutions. Solutes then diffuse through the surface wax aggregates into the cuticle. Equilibrium between donor solutions, surface wax and cuticle is established in about 30 min. After this time the amounts of solutes in these compartments no longer increase. Uptake after this time represents penetration into the leaf cells. This fraction of the pentachlorophenol is retained irreversibly, while that sorbed in wax and cutin can be desorbed again. All compounds were sorbed in cuticular waxes and partition coefficients wax/water were determined. On a mass basis only 5 to 10% of the amounts sorbed in cutin are sorbed in wax. This comparatively low solubility in wax contributes to the barrier properties of cuticular waxes. The other determinant of permeability is the very low mobility of solutes in cuticular waxes.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus curvicauda, which was first described in metropolitan Perth in 1991, was recently identified in grain-growing areas in Western Australia. The biology of this root-lesion nematode, and especially its pest status, is unknown. We investigated its life cycle and interaction with host plants, because such information is essential for its management. The life cycle took 45 days to complete in a wheat cultivar maintained at 23°C. Over 10 weeks, the nematode multiplied in 26 of 61 genotypes; these host plants were all cereals and included widely grown cultivars of wheat and barley. Eighteen other cereal genotypes and 13 cultivars including canola, chickpea, ryegrass, lupin, soybean, and tomato, sustained the nematodes to different degrees without multiplication. Four cover crops were not suitable hosts. The patterns of attraction of the nematodes and penetration into roots of the host and tolerant plants were similar. The nonhosts attracted fewer nematodes, none of which penetrated the roots. Browning of infected roots was atypical—it occurred late in some roots, 55 days after inoculation, and in the presence of a fungus. The nematodes were confined to, and fed from, cortical cells. The ultrastructure of infected wheat and barley cells showed typical signs of damage caused by Pratylenchus spp. and included cell disorganization and lack of membrane integrity, disintegration of cytoplasm, hypertrophy of some nuclei, and deposition of tannin-like granules. This detailed characterization of Pcurvicauda–host interaction indicates the nematode is likely to be a pest of major crops, and attention should be given to its management.  相似文献   

The influence of pre-treatment and post-treatment illumination upon the herbicidal effect produced in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Berna by simeton, diuron, diquat and ioxynil was examined. The increased effect noted at lower pre-treatment and higher post-treatment levels of illumination was correlated with increased inhibition of net photosynthesis. This increased effect was ascribed to enhanced photo-oxidation.  相似文献   

A study on uptake of neutral and dissociating organic compounds from soil solution into roots, and their subsequent translocation, was undertaken using model simulations. The model approach combines the processes of lipophilic sorption, electrochemical interactions, ion trap, advection in xylem and dilution by growth. It needs as input data, apart from plant properties, log KOW, pKa and the valency number of the compound, and pH and chemical concentration in the soil solution. Equilibrium and dynamic (steady‐state) models were tested against measured data from several authors, including non‐electrolytes as well as weakly acidic and weakly basic compounds. Deviations from the measured values led to further development of the model approach: sorption in the central cylinder may explain the small transpiration stream concentration factor of lipophilic compounds. For non‐electrolytes, the model predicted uptake and translocation with high accuracy. For acids and bases, the tendency of the results was satisfactory. The dynamic model and the equilibrium approach gave similar results for the root concentration factor. The calculation of the transpiration stream concentration factor was more accurate with the dynamic model, but still gave deviations up to factor of ten or more. The dominating process for monovalent weak electrolytes was found to be the ion trap effect. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

80%莠去津可湿性粉剂是连云港立本农药化工有限公司生产的除草剂,为验证该产品对玉米田一年生杂草的防除效果和安全性,并确定其最佳使用剂量,为该产品在大面积生产上推广应用提供依据,特进行了本试验。  相似文献   

三嗪类除草剂莠去津的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
三嗪除草剂莠去津是在世界范围内广泛应用的一种除草剂,其对人类健康、农业生产及生态环境的影响具有全球性,已经引起广泛关注。本文介绍了莠去津的性质、危害、迁移分布、分析检测及相关的法规。  相似文献   

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