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The potent pyrethroid insecticide NRDC 157 (I; 3-phenoxybenzyl (1R, cis)-3 - (2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate) and its insecticidally inactive 1S, cis enantiomer (II) have similar cuticular penetration rates and are detectable in the hemolymph, nerve cord, fat body, and midgut of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, within 2 hr of topical application at 0.17 μg/g, a just-lethal dose of I. At this dose, both enantiomers show similar distribution patterns in these tissues, but symptoms of intoxication are seen only with I. Steady state concentrations of both enantiomers in the hemolymph and nerve cord are between 1.2 × 10?7 and 1.7 × 10?7M. I and II are not detectably hydrolyzed by fat body, nerve cord, and hemolymph preparations and are not detectably oxidized by fat body preparations in vitro, but a very low oxidation rate is measured for II, but not I, in nerve cord preparations. These results do not demonstrate a pharmacokinetic basis for the difference in insecticidal activity between enantiomers and therefore it is likely that the site of pyrethroid action is stereospecific. The use of the inactive enantiomer II as a model to study the effects of dose on penetration and distribution in the absence of symptoms is explored.  相似文献   

When administered by a variety of routes decamethrin (NRDC 161) produced a clearly defined sequence of symptoms in the rat. These involved, progressively, chewing, salivation, pawing, choreoathetosis, tonic seizures, and death. Although animals showing tonic seizures almost invariably died, the choreoathetotic symptoms were largely reversible. Animals maintained adequate blood-gas values and arterial pressure until choreoathetosis was well advanced. Electroencephalograph records showed generalized spike and wave discharges during choreoathetosis and auditory or somatosensory-evoked spike discharges prior to choreoathetosis. Symptoms were partially antagonized by atropine. It is suggested that decamethrin-induced choreoathetosis may provide a useful model for the study of related human disorders.  相似文献   

The rate of onset of pyrethroid-induced depolarisations of the nerve cell membrane in isolated ganglia of the leech Hirudo medicinalis was measured using intracellular recordings. The speed of neurotoxicity of a series of substituted benzyl (1RS)-trans-cyclopropane-1-carboxylates was related to the size of the groups at C3 and C4 of the benzyl ring, the ability of the ring substituents to donate electrons, and the nature of the substituents at the two terminal positions of the vinyl group subtended by the cyclopropane ring. The speed of action was also related to the electronic environment of the protons subtended by the geminal methyl group held trans to the carboxyl group. Compounds, the partition properties of which were sensitive to interactions between the pyrethroid and solvent molecules, tended to act rapidly. There was no simple relationship between the speed of neurotoxic action in isolated leech ganglia and the knockdown potency to mustard beetles.  相似文献   

The nature of the picrotoxinin receptor was studied using the central nervous system (CNS) of the American cockroach. It first was confirmed by using an electrophysiological technique that the abdominal nerve cord of the American cockroach was sensitive to picrotoxinin. By using a [3H]α-dihydropicrotoxinin binding test it was determined that the picrotoxinin receptor in CNS of this insect had a higher affinity toward picrotoxinin and heptachlor epoxide than the corresponding receptor in the rat brain. Also, the cockroach brain preparation had a higher percentage of specific binding in the total binding, making this material suitable for receptor studies. By using a sucrose density centrifugation technique, it was determined that the fraction sedimented at the interphase of 1.0 to 1.2 M sucrose at 100,000g contained the highest level of specific binding site. The receptor showed a sensitivity to all insecticidal cyclodienes tested, namely photodieldrin, oxychlordane, endrin, heptachlor epoxide, γ-chlordane, dieldrin, aldrin, heptachlor, and isodrin (expressed in the order of potency). Among four BHC isomers, the γ-isomer showed the highest potency to bind with this receptor.  相似文献   

An account of pyrethroid research from 1975 to 1985 at Bayer AG is given. The exploitation of fluorine chemistry for this purpose led to increased activity of known 3-phenoxybenzyl pyrethroid esters and to the commercialisation of the broad-spectrum insecticide cyfluthrin, the particularly tick-toxic flumethrin and the rapid-acting household insecticides fenfluthrin and transfluthrin. The last two constituted in 1976 a novel type of pyrethroid, based on polyfluorinated benzyl alcohols, off the mainstream of published pyrethroid research. Transfluthrin, the single isomer (1R)trans-permethric acid ester of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzyl alcohol has just been introduced to the market. The history of its discovery and structure–activity data as well as resistance considerations regarding cyfluthrin, are presented. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

The distribution of pyrethroids in insects has been studied using a combination of mathematical modelling and experimental observation. This approach has resulted in the formulation of a physiological model of the pharmaco-kinetics of cypermethrin applied topically to larvae of Spodoptera littoralis. Development of this model from simpler two- and three-compartment models is described. Simple models, whilst capable of complex behaviour, consider only the average rates and magnitudes of pharmaco-kinetic processes over whole animals, and cannot account for differences in concentration of insecticide between individual tissues. This can be achieved by using physiological models, but these require more experimental information for their validation. Moreover, unless simplifying assumptions are made, analytical solutions are not feasible for the large number of equations necessary to define such models. The modelling studies prompted an investigation of (1) in-vivo binding of insecticide to insect tissues, (2) the sizes of body compartments, and (3) the factors which affect the distribution of toxicant between these compartments. Binding has a marked effect on pharmacokinetic profiles and may result in oscillatory behaviour. During poisoning, the total bound cypermethrin increases proportionally to the cube root of the elapsed time. This results in a rapid rate of increase over early elapsed times (< 3h) which slows to approach a more linear form thereafter. Average sizes for the body compartments of larvae of Spodoptera littoralis Boisd, and the steady-state distribution of cypermethrin in these compartments are described. Although the haemolymph, which acts as the main distributive phase during poisoning, forms the largest compartment by volume, it has a low affinity for cypermethrin and distribution reaches steady state within 5 min after topical application. The nerve cord (the target tissue), which is the smallest compartment, has the highest steady-state concentration of cypermethrin. The distribution of cypermethrin in larval tissues is related to the ratios of tissue dry matter to water content.  相似文献   

The mode of action of a nitromethylene heterocycle (NMH) insecticide was studied by patch–clamp techniques using cockroach embryonic cultures as an experimental model. Under whole-cell recordings, this compound elicited inward currents resembling those induced by O-acetylcholine (ACh). The reversal potentials for both ACh and the NMH were similar, suggesting that the inward currents induced by both were carried by the same species of ion. Pharmacological investigations of NMH-induced responses revealed that the insecticidal action of this compound is exerted through agonistic action at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Single-channel studies were also performed to study the interaction of NMH with the nicotinic-receptor-coupled ion channel.  相似文献   

The polarities of pyrethroids and their performance as knockdown and killing agents against houseflies are discussed. The optimum polarity for knockdown is here shown to be greater than that needed for kill, probably because knockdown depends on relatively rapid penetration through the cuticle into the haemolymph and thence to the site of action.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of [14C] fenpropathrin ( I ) [(RS)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl 2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropanecarboxylate] was studied in buffer solutions at pH 1.9–10.4, and in natural river and sea water at 25, 40, 55 and 65°C under laboratory conditions. The hydrolysis of I proceeded predominantly through neutral (pH independent) and base-catalysed processes in the regions below pH 3.9 and above pH 7.0, respectively, whereas both reactions occurred between pH 3.9 and 7.0. The rates of hydrolysis of I in buffer solutions were similar to those in one sample of river and one sample of sea water. If this obtains generally, it may be expected that the half-life of I in natural waters, normally within the range pH 5–9, will range from 1.54 to 1080 days at 40°C, 11.3 to 8520 days at 25°C and, by extrapolation of the data obtained in buffer solutions, 106 to 83 000 days at 10°C. The rate constants for hydrolysis of I in aqueous media can be expressed by: Where log kN = 9.60–(5.56 × 103 T?1) and log kB = 7.32–(2.56 × 103 T?1). The calculated rate constants were in good accord with the observed values in buffer solutions. Cleavage of the ester linkage was more rapid than hydration of the cyano group at any pH and temperature tested.  相似文献   

The excitatory effects of HEOD poisoning on spontaneous activity, and synaptic function in the sixth abdominal ganglion of the American cockroach are described. These effects are shown to be antagonized by Mg2+, hemicholinium-3, atropine, and d-turbocurarine. HEOD poisoning did not alter the nicotine sensitivity of the ganglion. On the basis of the findings it is hypothesized that HEOD acts at presynaptic membranes of cholinergic junctions, causing excessive and spontaneous release of presynaptic stores of acetylcholine.  相似文献   

This review of studies on 20 pyrethroids with nine different acid moieties and ten different alcohol moieties reveals a diversity of functional groups undergoing metabolism in mammals, insects, other organisms, and microsomal esterase and oxidase systems. Seventy-nine metabolites are identified from the cis-isomer of permethrin and transpermethrin but fewer from other pyrethroids examined in less detail. The sites and rates of metabolic attack on each pyrethroid depend on the organism or system. Metabolism of pyrethoids by esterase and oxidase action usually limits their toxicity to mammals more than to insects, thereby conferring useful selective toxicity properties.  相似文献   

Nitrobenzene reduction by tissue preparations of the Madagascar cockroach, Grompphadorhina portentosa, was studied in vitro. Active enzyme preparations were obtained from midgut, hindgut, fat body, and Malpighian tubules. Anaerobic conditions were essential for activity which was found in all subcellular fractions tested. The microsomal enzymes were strongly NADPH-dependent whereas the soluble enzymes were strongly NADH-dependent. Flavin addition stimulated activity greatly and it appeared that the true substrate for the nitroreductases was FMN and that nitrobenzene was nonenzymatically reduced by FMH2.  相似文献   

The effect of deltamethrin (10μm) on extracellular K + activity in the micro-environment of the central nervous system of the cockroach has been studied. At normal room temperature, deltamethrin induced a rise in the K + concentration of about 3 mM, representing some 75% increase from normal Deltamethrin also caused a transient surge in the frequency of spontaneous activity, which preceded the K + effect. At a lowered temperature, the final value of the deltamthrin-induced rise in extracellular K + concentration was very similar to normal. However, when the structural component of the blood-brain barrier was disrupted, the effect of deltamethrin was much reduced. Possible consequences of the deltamethrin-induced rise in extracellular K + concentration and the potential role of the blood-brain barrier in insecticide action are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of the degradation of the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin (NRDC 149) and its cis- and trans-isomers (NRDC 160 and NRDC 159, respectively), have been extended. In soils stored in the laboratory for up to 52 weeks, cypermethrin continued to be degraded by hydrolysis and oxidation. A previously unidentified product has now been identified as the dicarboxylic acid 3-(2, 2-dichlorovinyl)-1-methylcyclopropane-1, 2-dicarboxylic acid. Comparative experiments carried out under indoor and outdoor conditions showed that essentially the same products were formed under these different conditions. However, α-carboxy-3-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2, 2-dichlorovinyl)-2, 2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate was one minor product detected only under outdoor conditions. Evidence is presented for the further degradation of bound residues arising in soil from cypermethrin treatments. There was limited uptake of the radiolabel into wheat grown in soil containing radiolabelled bound residues.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic behavior of cis and trans isomers of pyrethroids after topical application to adult male American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.) was examined using the insecticidal 1R,cis (NRDC 157; I) and 1R,trans (NRDC 163; III) isomers of 3-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and their insecticidally inactive 1S,cis (II) and 1S,trans (IV) enantiomers. III was detected in the hemolymph, nerve cord, and fat body of animals receiving a just-lethal dose (0.6 μg/g) within 2 hr after topical application. The pattern of accumulation of III was similar to that previously determined for I at a just-lethal dose, but quantitative comparisons revealed that the cis isomer I was delivered from the site of application to the nerve cord eightfold more efficiently than III. The inactive enantiomers II and IV were administered at the same dose (0.60 μg/g) to compare the rates of cuticular penetration and in vivo degradation of cis and trans isomers in the absence of intoxication symptoms. II penetrated somewhat more rapidly than IV and achieved higher levels in whole body extracts, but there was no difference between isomers in the rates of overall degradation of applied pyrethroid. These studies demonstrated a twofold difference in internal availability, but they did not reveal sufficient pharmacokinetic selectivity to explain the large difference in the access of I and III to the nerve cord observed in the tissue uptake studies. III was hydrolyzed by nerve cord homogenates in vitro at a rate 5 times greater than that of I, but neither ester underwent detectable oxidative metabolism in this system. Local selective metabolism by the nerve cord is suggested as an important determinant of the levels of parent pyrethroid found in this tissue. These results demonstrate the significance of pharmacokinetic selectivity in determining the relative access of topically applied cis- and trans-substituted pyrethroids to the insect nervous system.  相似文献   

Two radiolabelled forms of racemic [14C]cypermethrin (14C at the benzylic carbon or at C-1 of the cyclopropane ring) were separately administered twice daily to lactating cows in portions of the feed. The amounts dosed were equivalent to 0.2, 5 and 10 μg of cypermethrin per g of feed. The radioactivity eliminated in the milk indicated that the ingestion and elimination of radioactivity were in balance at about day 4 after the start of dosing. Urine and faeces were equally the major routes of elimination, and only a fraction of a percent of the dose appeared in the milk. The residue in the milk was unchanged cypermethrin and was found at a concentration that was proportional to the dose. At the high cypermethrin intake of 10 μg g?1 of diet, the residue in the milk was 0.03 μg g?1. Concentrations of residues in the tissues, measured after 7, 20 or 21 days of treatment, were low and in the order: liver>kidney>renal fat>subcutaneous fat>blood>muscle>brain. The major residue in the liver and kidney of a cow that received 10 μg of cypermethrin per g of diet was N-(3-phenoxybenzoyl)glutamic acid. Other conjugates of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid and of 3-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)benzoic acid (unidentified, with the exception of the glycine conjugate) were also present. The residue in fat (about 0.1 μg g?1 from an intake of 10 μg g?1 of feed) consisted mainly of cypermethrin.  相似文献   

Permethrin (cis-, trans-, and technical grade [tech.]) and deltamethrin, representatives of the non-cyano- and cyano-containing classes of synthetic pyrethroids, produced neurotoxic symptoms when administered to mice. ED50 values for this effect were compared following intracerebroventricular (icv) or peripheral (iv) injection. Both permethrin and deltamethrin showed large increases in potency following icv administration, suggesting a mainly central site of action for both classes of pyrethroid. Pretreatment of mice with drugs affecting central noradrenergic, cholinergic, or serotonergic transmission was demonstrated to potentiate the toxic response to iv injections of tech.-permethrin, while some symptoms of toxicity could be partially alleviated by ip pretreatment with diazepam, aminooxyacetic acid, or cycloheximide.  相似文献   

The structure-activity relationships of two congeneric series of pyrethroid insecticides, the methylbenzyl (1RS)-cis,trans-chrysanthemates tested against Musca domestica (houseflies) and Phaedon cochleariae (mustard beetles), and the (E)-4-aryl-3-chlorobut-2-enyl chrysanthemates and their corresponding 2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclo-propanecarboxylates tested against M. domestica only, have been examined using multiple regression analyses and substituent constants. With M. domestica, different optimum partition values (π) were indicated for knockdown and toxicity; with P. cochleariae, an optimum π value for toxicity, similar to that for M. domestica, was obtained 24 h after application, but at later times the more lipophilic compounds were more effective. For the methylbenzyl chrysanthemates, a steric constraint associated with 3,5-dimethyl substitution reduced toxicity approximately five-fold. The influence on toxicity of geometrical isomerism and electronic effects are briefly discussed. Differences between the required polarities for knockdown and toxicity are attributed to variations in the binding affinities of pyrethroid molecules at the sites of action.  相似文献   

Laying hens were treated daily for 14 days with oral doses of [14C-phenoxy]cypermethrin (1.52 mg day?1, 0-7 mg kg?1) formulated on a small quantity of diet. Radioactivity in the eggs reached a plateau value of 0.05 μg equivalents g?1 8 days after the start of dosing. Most of the residue was found in the yolk and was a mixture of cypermethrin and material which was closely associated with neutral lipids and phosphatidyl cholines. Four and a half hours after the last dose, the birds were killed and selected tissues were taken for analysis. The highest residue was found in the liver. This was composed of cypermethrin and a mixture of very polar metabolites which were not hydrolysed to significant amounts of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid or its 4-hydroxy derivative.  相似文献   

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