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Monoconidial strains of Venturia nashicola Tanaka et Yamamoto were isolated from Japanese or Chinese white pear trees which had never been treated with sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) and their baseline sensitivities to fenarimol were determined by mycelial growth tests on fungicide-amended culture media. Strains were also obtained from Japanese pear orchards, which had been intensively treated with DMIs for several years and monitored for the shifts of fenarimol sensitivity in comparison with the baseline sensitivity. Results suggested slight shifts to lower fenarimol sensitivity in strains isolated from DMI-treated Japanese pear orchards. However, in inoculation tests on pear seedlings, fenarimol still provided adequate control of V. nashicola strains with reduced sensitivity to fenarimol in vitro, suggesting that the performance of this fungicide will still be maintained in the field. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A new series of compounds with high contra-selective activity against benomyl-resistant fungal strains was found among ring-substituted N-phenyl-anilines. Hydrophobic substitution in one of the benzene rings, together with the secondary amine character of the molecule, are important factors for high fungitoxicity. The sensitivities of benomyl-resistant isolates to some representatives of the N-phenylanilines equal or even surpass their sensitivity to diethofencarb or MDPC. The negative cross-resistance with benzimdazole fungicides is valid for strains of Botrytis cinerea, Venturia nashicola and Venturia inaequalis. The strains of B. cinerea with double insensitivity to benzimidazoles and phenyl-carbamates are insensitive also to N-phenylanilines. However, the similarly double-insensitive strain of V. nashicola was found to be just as sensitive to the N-phenylanilines tested as the strain resistant only to benzimidazoles. The latter result revealed an important bonus compared with diethofencarb. Preventive application of one of the most active representatives of the N-phenylanilines to young cucumber plants was effective against infection with benomyl-resistant isolates of B. cinerea. Moderate apical translocation after root-dipping was also observed.  相似文献   

Isolates ofVenturia inaequalis and ofV. pirina sensitive (S) or resistant (R) to benomyl were examined in vitro on media amended with two phenylcarbamate fungicides. There was a negatively correlated cross-resistance (NCCR) to both methyl N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (MDPC) and isopropyl N-(3,4-diethoxyphenyl) carbamate (NPC) in some benomylresistant isolates. InV. inaequalis, isolates with low benomyl resistance (LR) did not show NCCR to MDPC, whereas isolates with medium (MR), high (HR) and very high (VHR) resistance to benomyl were more sensitive to MDPC than were the benomyl-sensitive isolates. To NPC, MR and VHR isolates showed NCCR whereas LR and HR isolates reacted similarly as sensitive isolates. InV. pirina only HR and VHR isolates showed NCCR to MDPC. The VHR isolates were sensitive to NPC, whereas the reactions of S, LR, MR and HR to NPC were similar.Crosses between benomyl-sensitive and benomyl-resistantV. pirina as well as between different resistant isolates showed that NCCR is inheritable and controlled by a single Mendelian gene.Samenvatting Benomyl-gevoelige en-resistente isolaten vanVenturia inaequalis enV. pirina werden in vitro onderzocht op media met de fungiciden methyl N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (MDPC) en isopropyl N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (NPC). Een aantal benomyl-resistente isolaten van deze pathogeen bleken een negatief gecorreleerde kruisresistentie (NCCR) te vertonen ten opzichte van MDPC en NPC.Isolaten vanV. inaequalis met matige (MR), hoge (HR) en zeer hoge (VHR) benomyl-resistentie vertoonden NCCR. Ten opzichte van NPC vertoonden alleen MR en VHR isolaten NCCR, en niet de LR en HR isolaten. InV. pirina vertoonden HR en VHR isolaten NCCR ten opzichte van MDPC, maar alleen de VHR isolaten ten opzichte van NPC.Kruisingen tussen benomyl-gevoelige en-resistenteV. pririna, en tussen verschillende benomyl-resistente isolaten onderling, toonden aan dat NCCR erfelijk is en berust op een enkel gen.Contribution No. 1712-E, 1986 series, from the ARO.  相似文献   

Fenarimol-resistant isolates ofPenicillium italicum with cross-resistance to imidazole and triazole fungicides which inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis were tested for their sensitivity to fenpropimorph. Radial growth tests on PDA showed that the isolates (n=6) lacked cross-resistance to fenpropimorph or displayed enhanced sensitivity to the fungicide (negatively correlated cross-resistance). Control of blue mold decay of oranges incited by the wild-type isolate could be achieved by dipping fruits in suspensions of fenpropimorph at a concentration of 100 mg ml–1. Decay of oranges incited by the fenarimol-resistant isolates was controlled at the same or at a lower concentration (30 mg ml–1), thus showing that the normal or increased sensitivity to fenpropimorph is also expressed under in vivo conditions.Samenvatting Fenarimol-resistente isolaten vanPenicillium italicum met kruisresistentie tegen imidazool-en triazoolfungiciden die de ergosterolbiosynthese remmen, werden getoetst op hun gevoeligheid voor fenpropimorf. Radiale groeiproeven op PDA toonden aan dat de isolaten (n=6) geen kruisresistentie bezaten met fenpropimorf of een verhoogde gevoeligheid voor het middel vertoonden (negatief gecorreleerde kruisresistentie). Op sinaasappels konPenicillium-rot, veroorzaakt door het wild-type bestreden worden door middel van een dompelbehandeling met fenpropimorf bij een dosering van 100 g ml–1). Bestrijding van rot veroorzaakt door fenarimil-resistente isolaten werd verkregen bij dezelfde of een lagere dosering (30 g ml–1); aldus werd aangetoond dat de normale of verhoogde gevoeligheid voor fenpropimorf ook in vivo tot uiting komt.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) constitute a fungicide class with increasing relevance in crop protection. These fungicides could play a crucial role in successful management of grey mould disease. In the present study the effect of fluopyram, a novel SDHI fungicide, on several developmental stages of Botrytis cinerea was determined in vitro, and the protective and curative activity against the pathogen was determined on strawberry fruit. Furthermore, fungal baseline sensitivity was determined in a set of 192 pathogen isolates. RESULTS: Inhibition of germ tube elongation was found to be the most sensitive growth stage affected by fluopyram, while mycelial growth was found to be the least sensitive growth stage. Fluopyram provided excellent protective activity against B. cinerea when applied at 100 µg mL?1 96, 48 or 24 h before the artificial inoculation of the strawberry fruit. Similarly, fluopyram showed a high curative activity when it was applied at 100 µg mL?1 24 h post‐inoculation, but, when applications were conducted 48 or 96 h post‐inoculation, disease control efficacy was modest or low. The measurement of baseline sensitivity showed that it was unimodal in all the populations tested. The individual EC50 values for fluopyram ranged from 0.03 to 0.29 µg mL?1. In addition, no correlation was found between sensitivity to fluopyram and sensitivity to other fungicides, including cyprodinil, fenhexamid, fludioxonil, iprodione, boscalid and pyraclostrobin. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained biological activity, baseline sensitivity and cross‐resistance relationship data suggest that fluopyram could play a key role in grey mould management in the near future and encourage its introduction into spray programmes. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Grey mould, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is a disease severely affecting grape production in northern Italy. However, little information is available on the variability of B. cinerea populations associated with grapevine. The mode of reproduction, sensitivity to fungicides, and for the first time in Italy, the genetic structure of B. cinerea populations isolated from grapevine in a northern Italian region are reported. Botrytis cinerea isolates (317) were completely genotyped for six microsatellite loci and characterized for the presence of the transposable elements Boty and Flipper, for the mating type and for resistance to cyprodinil, fludioxonil, boscalid and fenhexamid. All the isolates were found to belong to B. cinerea Group II, indicating the absence of B. pseudocinerea in the investigated areas. The populations possess a high genotypic diversity, different frequencies of transposable elements and a mixed mode of reproduction. At a regional level, B. cinerea populations belong to a large and interconnected pathogen population that includes the major grape‐growing districts. The populations were generally sensitive to fungicides, with a low proportion (8%) of isolates resistant to cyprodinil, fludioxonil and boscalid. A small genetic distance was found between B. cinerea populations. However, the populations geographically isolated from the others by a mountain range showed a small but statistically significant genetic differentiation and a different pattern of fungicide resistance. The results show that northern Italian B. cinerea populations possess a high evolutionary potential and adaptive capacity.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under controlled environmental conditions to study the effects of temperature, duration of wetness, relative humidity (RH) and light on the discharge and germination of ascospores of Venturia nashicola , the causal agent of pear scab in China. Discharge of ascospores from pseudothecia required free water or 100% RH. A period of soaking in water as short as 10 s was sufficient to initiate the discharge of ascospores. Temperatures from 10 to 30°C did not significantly affect the temporal trend of ascospore discharge. A greater proportion of ascospores was discharged under light than in the dark. However, a period of light as short as 10 min, either during the initial wetting of pseudothecia or interrupting the darkness, was sufficient to reduce the inhibitory effect of darkness on ascospore discharge. Ascospores were discharged within 10 min after pseudothecia were wetted and most ascospores ( c. 80%) were discharged within the first hour. The temporal pattern of ascospore discharge could be well described by a logistic model, which estimated that 50% of ascospores were discharged within half an hour of wetting. Ascospores germinated over a wide range of temperatures from 5 to 30°C, with an optimum at c . 20°C. Temporal dynamics of ascospore germination at six temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C) were satisfactorily described by logistic models.  相似文献   

为明确猕猴桃灰霉病菌对常见杀菌剂的抗药性状况,本试验于2016年-2018年调查统计了四川猕猴桃生产中防控灰霉病所用的药剂种类和施药频次,并从四川8个猕猴桃主产区采集病叶、病花和病果,经单孢分离获得122个灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea菌株,采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定其对4种化学药剂嘧霉胺、咯菌腈、腐霉...  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea from vegetable greenhouses to boscalid   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Between 2004 and 2006, 228 isolates of Botrytis cinerea from two regions in China were characterized for baseline sensitivity to boscalid, a new active ingredient that interferes with succinate ubiquinone reductase in the electron transport chain. The isolates showed similar sensitivity in different years and regions. Baseline sensitivities were distributed as unimodal curves with mean EC50 values of 1·07 (± 0·11) and 0·42 (± 0·05) mg L−1 for inhibition of mycelial growth and conidial germination, respectively. Laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the risk of development of resistance to boscalid. Boscalid-resistant mutants were obtained by UV-treatment at lower frequencies and with smaller resistance factors than pyrimethanil-resistant mutants. All boscalid-resistant mutants were also significantly more sensitive to Qo inhibitors than their wild-type parents and showed reduced sporulation in vitro and pathogenicity on aubergine leaves. The results suggested that the risk of resistance developing for boscalid was lower than for pyrimethanil. However, as B. cinerea is a high-risk pathogen, appropriate precautions against resistance development should be taken. Synergism between the activity of boscalid and that of kresoxim-methyl was observed.  相似文献   

山西省蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵晓军  任璐  周建波  殷辉 《植物保护》2012,38(5):120-123
为明确山西省蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗药性,2010-2011年用单孢分离法从山西省数十个县、市蔬菜主产区采集、分离到171株灰霉病病原菌(Botrytis cinerea),并采用最低浓度抑制法测定各菌株对嘧霉胺的敏感性。结果表明,山西省灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的平均抗性频率为50.29%,平均抗性倍数为1 423.4。在山西省不同地区灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗性存在差异,其中嘧霉胺使用较多的朔州地区抗药性频率达到100%。  相似文献   

Venturia nashicola isolates with a high level of resistance to carbendazim showed either increased sensitivity or were resistant to theN-phenylformamidoxime compoundN-(3,5-dichloro-4-propynyloyphenyl)-N′-methoxyformamidine (DCPF). Isolates with an intermediate or low level of carbendazim resistance were resistant to DCPF. Increased sensitivity to DCPF was also associated with a high level of carbendazim resistance inBotrytis cinerea but not with a moderate resistance level. Increased sensitivity to DCPF was not observed in carbendazim resistant isolates ofGibberella fujikuroi.Binding of [14C]DCPF in cell-free mycelial extracts of the highly carbendazim-resistant and DCPF-sensitive isolate ofV. nashicola was higher than in those of DCPF-resistant isolates that were either highly-resistant, intermediately resistant, or weakly resistant to carbendazim or were sensitive to carbendazim. [14C]carbendazim binding in extracts of highly carbendazim-resistant isolates ofB. cinerea was lower than that in extracts of sensitive isolates, whereas [14C]DCFP binding was higher. A decreased [14C]carbendazim binding was also observed in extracts of carbendazim-resistant isolates ofG. fujikuroi, binding of [14C]DCPF, however, was similar in extracts of both carbendazim-resistant and sensitive isolates.  相似文献   

河南省番茄灰霉病菌对3种杀菌剂的抗药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确河南省番茄灰霉病菌对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂多菌灵、二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂腐霉利和氨基甲酸酯类杀菌剂乙霉威的抗药性状况,2013年从河南省不同保护地中采集番茄灰霉病病果或病叶,经单孢分离共获得番茄灰霉病菌菌株139株。采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定了其对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威的抗药性。结果显示:番茄灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗性菌株的频率分别为81. 29%、80.58%和93.53%; 所测菌株对3类杀菌剂的抗性类型有BenRDicSNPCS、BenRDicRNPCS、BenRDicSNPCR、BenSDicRNPCR、BenSDicSNPCR和BenRDicRNPCR 6种,所占比例分别为2. 88%、3.60%、3.60%、5.04%、13.67%和71. 22%。表明河南省番茄灰霉病菌已对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗药性,迫切需要筛选新的杀菌剂防治番茄灰霉病。  相似文献   

Tomato and strawberry are the most important protected crops in Lebanon and are seriously affected by grey mould disease, caused by Botrytis cinerea. In the present study, the fungicide sensitivity assays revealed medium to high frequencies of B. cinerea isolates resistant to benzimidazoles, dicarboximides, and anilinopyrimidines on tomato and strawberry. Fludioxonil- and boscalid-resistant mutants were uncommonly found at generally low frequency on both crops. Resistance to fenhexamid was detected in only one site on tomato but in most sites on strawberry with high frequencies, and the occurrence of resistance to QoI fungicides was ascertained on both crops. The majority of the tested isolates (>90%) exhibited multiple fungicide resistance, and isolates resistant to the seven antibotrydial fungicide classes were detected on strawberry in three locations. A high level of resistance was shown by B. cinerea mutants resistant to boscalid, fenhexamid, and QoI fungicides, while two levels of moderate and high resistance to anilinopyrimidines were identified. Genetic analysis revealed point mutations in the target genes commonly associated with resistance in B. cinerea isolates, with all mutants resistant to dicarboximides, fenhexamid, boscalid, and QoI fungicides carrying single-nucleotide polymorphims in BcOS1 (I365S/N, Q369P, and N373S), Erg27 (F412V/I), SdhB (H272R/Y), and cytb (G143A) genes, respectively. The general incorrect use of fungicides has caused the development and spread of fungicide resistance as a widespread phenomenon on protected tomato and strawberry in Lebanon. The implementation of appropriate antiresistance strategies is highly recommended.  相似文献   

我国人参产区灰霉病菌抗药性研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人参灰霉病给人参生产造成巨大损失。本研究选取人参生产上常用的4种杀菌剂,对东北人参产区分离的102株灰霉菌进行抗性检测。结果表明,灰霉菌对多菌灵carbendazim(C)、嘧霉胺pyrimethanil(P)、异菌脲iprodione(I)、咯菌腈fludioxonil(F)的抗性频率分别为100%、86.27%、73.53%和30.39%,辽宁和吉林分离菌株对嘧霉胺、异菌脲的抗性高于3省平均水平。分离菌株对4种杀菌剂共有7种抗性类型,即C_RP_RI_RF_S、C_RP_RI_RF_R、C_RP_RI_SF_S、C_RP_SI_SF_S、C_RP_SI_RF_S、C_RP_RI_SF_R和C_RP_SI_SF_R,其所占比例分别为39.22%、26.47%、14.71%、7.84%、5.88%、4.90%和0.98%,未发现对4种杀菌剂均敏感的灰霉菌菌株。研究结果对于指导人参产区防治灰霉病杀菌剂的合理选用,有效降低人参农药残留,延缓灰霉菌抗性产生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Field isolates ofBotryotinia fuckeliana were collected from naturally infected plants. Their responses to the multisite fungicide dichlofluanid in mycelium growth test fell into three phenotypic classes, characterized by the following EC50 (and MIC) values ing ml–1: sensitivity, 1–3 (6–10); low resistance, 3–10 (> 100); high resistance, 10–30 (> 100). The corresponding values obtained for these classes in a spore germination test were respectively: 0.05 (0.2), 0.05–0.1 (0.5), 0.5–1 (0.9–1.5). Resistant isolates were crossed with two sensitive and two resistant strains of appropriate mating type to determine the genetic basis of resistance. Distribution of resistance phenotypes in ascospore progeny indicated that a gene, namedDic1, was probably responsible for the low or high resistance of 14 mutants selectively collected from experimental plots of greenhouse-grown gerbera sprayed several times with dichlofluanid or tolyfluanid. A second gene, namedDic2, was probably responsible for the low resistance displayed by two isolates (from grapevine and from carnation) maintained in the laboratory collection. As a result of the investigation, the use of dichlofluanid in integrated management programmes against grey mould is discussed.  相似文献   

4种杀菌剂及其复配剂对番茄灰霉病菌的毒力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用菌丝生长速率法测定了咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑4种杀菌剂及其两元复配剂对番茄灰霉病菌的毒力。结果显示,咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑对番茄灰霉病菌的有效抑制中浓度(EC50)分别为:0.018 0、0.018 1、1.896 8和2.087 4μg/mL。复配剂啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5、1∶3和1∶1,咯菌腈∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5增效作用最明显;复配剂咯菌腈∶苯醚甲环唑1∶3,咯菌腈∶氟啶胺1∶3,啶酰菌胺∶咯菌腈5∶1,啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑3∶1具有增效作用,SR值范围为1.5~4.05,其中以复配剂啶酰菌胺∶苯醚甲环唑1∶5增效作用最好,其SR值为4.05;其余不同配比的各组合复配剂具有相加作用,其SR值范围为0.5~1.46。表明咯菌腈、氟啶胺、啶酰菌胺和苯醚甲环唑4种不同作用机制的杀菌剂可以交替或复配使用,以阻止或延缓灰霉病菌抗药性的进一步加剧,为灰霉病的综合防控和抗药性治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

湿度调控对番茄灰霉病菌侵染的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytes cinerea)的分生孢子萌发需要高湿的环境,一般要求相对湿度在80%以上或水滴中萌发最好。在适温下,随着湿度的增加,病菌致病性增强,孢子在相对湿度85%以上、菌丝在相对湿度80%以上的高湿环境能够发生侵染,并形成危害性的软腐斑。在一天中高湿的时间直接影响番茄灰霉病的发生,高湿(相对湿度超过85%)时间8h以上病菌才能够连续侵染。  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢抗二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了灰葡萄孢对二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂抗性的产生及现状,抗性菌株的生物学特性、生理生化特性以及抗药性机制,并就灰葡萄孢对二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂抗性研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine: (i) the effects of temperature and duration of continuous wet periods on the infection of pear seedlings by conidia of Venturia nashicola , the causal agent of pear scab; and (ii) the effects of the length and temperature of dry interrupting periods on the mortality of infecting conidia. Average number of scab lesions per leaf increased with increasing duration of wetness. Logistic models adequately described the change in the average number of scab lesions per leaf at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C over the wetness duration. At 30°C, only a few lesions developed. Simple polynomial models satisfactorily described the relationship of the three logistic model parameters (maximum number of lesions, rate of appearance and the time to 50% of the maximum number of lesions) with temperature. The optimum temperature for infection was found to be approximately 20°C. The relationship between mortality and the length of a dry period interrupting an infection process can be satisfactorily described by an exponential model. The rate of mortality at 10, 16 and 22°C did not differ significantly, but was significantly less than that at 28°C.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The antifungal properties of chitosan and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl were evaluated to assess their potential for protecting grapes against Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr. isolated from Vitis vinifera L. The objectives were to determine the effects of these compounds on the in vitro development of B. cinerea and to assess their effectiveness at controlling grey mould on grapes stored at different temperatures. RESULTS: Both agents significantly inhibited the radial growth of this fungus species. The EC50 was 1.77 mg mL?1 for chitosan and 3.44 mg mL?1 for acibenzolar‐S‐methyl. In addition, single grapes treated with aqueous solutions of chitosan (1.0 and 2.5 mg mL?1) and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (1.0 and 3.0 mg mL?1) were inoculated with B. cinerea and incubated at both 4 and 24 °C. After 4 days at 24 °C, all the concentrations of chitosan and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl significantly reduced B. cinerea growth. However, at 4 °C, significant differences were only observed between chitosan at 2.5 mg mL?1 and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl at both 1.0 and 3.0 mg mL?1 and the corresponding controls. After 3 days at 24 °C, the greatest reduction in lesion size was obtained in grapes pretreated with acibenzolar‐S‐methyl at 3.0 mg mL?1. Only the highest doses of these products significantly reduced the lesion diameters when grapes were stored for 3 days at 4 °C. CONCLUSIONS: Chitosan and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl could directly inhibit the growth of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and confer resistance on grapes against grey mould. Pretreatment with these compounds could be an alternative to traditional fungicides in post‐harvest disease control in grapes. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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