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Two metyrapone analogues, 2-(l-imidazolyl)-2-methyl-l-phenyl-l-pro-panone (A-phenyl-B-imidazolyl-metyrapone; III) and 2-methyl-l-phenyl-2-{1,2,4-triazol-l-yl)-l -propanone (A-phenyl-B-triazolyl-meiyrapone; IV) as well as two cyclopropylamine derivatives. N-cyclopropyl-4-icrt-butylbenzylamine (V) and N-cyclopropyl-4-(3,7-dimethyl-7-methoxy-octyloxy)benzamide (cyclopropylamine acylated with a JH analogue acid of known structure; VI) were synthesized and evaluated in biological assays for JH biosynthesis on cockroach, Diploptera punctata corpora allata and egg growth in adult cockroach as well as for mixed function oxidase activities, i.e. epoxidation of aldrin to dieldrin and O-demethylation of 7-methoxy-4-methylcoumarin to 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin on microsomes from housefly, Musca domestica, abdomen and from cockroach midgut. Compound VI was a good in-vitro inhibitor of JH biosynthesis, but it had significantly lower activities in the assays for inhibition of microsomal cytochrome P-450. Compound IV and metyrapone had moderate activity as inhibitors of oocyte growth. Compounds III, IV and V were more potent inhibitors of housefly aldrin epoxidation than metyrapone and they inhibited the enzyme activity by almost 100% at 02mM, while in cockroach midgut microsome assay metyrapone was more potent than these three compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus, Glomus intraradices , and the soyabean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines , were studied singly and in combination on two soyabean cultivars, cv. Bragg (nematode intolerant) and cv. Wright (moderately nematode tolerant) grown in the greenhouse in soils with low (35 μg/g) and high (70 μg/g) phosphorus (P). Cultivar Wright grew better than cv. Bragg, showing a greater response to P and VAM, and was damaged less by SCN. These differences were not apparent, or were reversed, when the same cultivars were grown in growth chambers where lighting was sub-optimal. Cultivar Wright had a larger shoot:root ratio than cv. Bragg. This finding and the observed growth responses indicate that cv. Wright has a more efficient root system than cv. Bragg. This, we suggest, is the basis of both the greater VAM response observed in. and the greater nematode tolerance ascribed to, cv. Wright compared to cv. Bragg.  相似文献   

No evidence was found that mansonones E and F, which accumulated in elms after infection withCeratocystis ulmi, were responsible for resistance against Dutch elm disease inUlmus hollandica cl. 390. Furthermore, production of mansonones inU. americana was only about one-fifteenth of that inU. hollandica cl. Belgica. Yet both are susceptible to Dutch elm disease.Induction of these compounds was not specific, for accumulation occurred not only after introduction of crude toxin ofC. ulmi, but also after inoculation withVerticillium albo-atrum and after introduction of H2SO4 or ethanol.The dark discolouration of the wood after toxin treatment was restricted to the lower part of the stem. No mansonones could be detected in the non-discoloured higher parts of the stem or from the necrotic or wilted leaves.Samenvatting Er werd geen aanwijzing gevonden dat mansononen E en F, die na infectie metC. ulmi gevormd worden, verantwoordelijk zijn voor de resistentie tegen de iepziekte inU. hollandica cl. 390 (Tabel 1). U. americana bevat ongeveer 15 maal zo weinig van deze stoffen alsU. hollandica cl. Belgica, terwijl beide vatbaar zijn.De inductie van de synthese van deze stoffen bleek niet specifiek te zijn, omdat bij chemische beschadiging met H2SO4 of ethanol ook mansononen gevormd werden.De donkere verkleuring van het hout bleek na toxine toediening beperkt tot het onderste gedeelte van de stam. Geen mansononen werden gevonden in hoger gelegen, niet verkleurde stamgedeelten of in de necrotische en verwelkte bladeren.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of take-all, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), in susceptible crops depend on climate, soil characteristics and cropping practices. Take-all can be controlled by modifying crop rotation, crop management and fungicide treatment. When available, fungicides are used as a seed treatment and are partially effective. There is currently no reliable method for helping farmers to optimise their choice of cropping system to improve take-all control. In this study, we defined 16 models, based on various mathematical functions and input variables, for predicting disease incidence in a wheat crop as a function of soil characteristics, climate, crop rotation and crop management. The parameters of these models were estimated from field experiments carried out at six sites in the north of France over a ten-year period. The root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) values of the models were estimated by cross validation and compared. RMSEP was in the range 16.34–65.93% and was higher for the models based on multiplicative functions. The lowest RMSEP value was obtained for a dynamic model simulating disease incidence during the crop cycle and which included among input variables the percentage of diseased plants determined at GS30.  相似文献   

The efficacy of juvenile hormone III (JH III) and two JH-mimicking compounds was compared in laboratory experiments with Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi), R. santonensis Feytaud and R. virginicus (Banks). Induction of presoldier, soldier and/or soldier-worker intercaste differentiation was taken as positive response to the treatment. The novel juvenogen, a fatty acid ester of a juvenoid alcohol, induced greatest soldier differentiation in all species tested, followed by hydroprene. JH III was less effective. Representatives of three Reticulitermes species showed similar trends in soldier induction rates. Differences in mortality in treatments of termites of the same species from different colonies with the same compound were observed and evidently were caused by differences in the conditions of respective colonies.  相似文献   

Methyl iodide was evaluated as a soil fumigant as a potential replacement for the widely used soil fumigant methyl bromide. In container trials, methyl iodide was significantly more effective than methyl bromide against the plant parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera schachtii and Tylenchulus semipenetrans and the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. In small field plots, soil populations of root-knot nematodes were no longer detected after methyl iodide fumigation at an application rate of 112 kg ha-1. However, after growing a susceptible lima bean host for two months, substantial root-knot galling occurred, while Rhizobium nodulation was absent. At 168 kg ha-1 of methyl iodide, root-knot galling was reduced to less than 1%, and no Pythium propagules were recovered on selective detection media. These efficacy data support the conclusion that methyl iodide is a likely candidate for replacing methyl bromide as a soil fumigant. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   



Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a spore-forming bacterium that produces insecticidal proteins and other virulence factors and is considered one of the most successful bioinsecticides available to control pests in agriculture. Currently, some Bt strains have been reported as endophyte or rhizospheric bacteria.


Little is known about the implications of plant-Bt interaction in crop protection. Here, we review if Bt can establish as an endophyte/rhizobacterium and evaluate if Bt as an endophyte/rhizobacterium can simultaneously act against different phytopathogens (fungi, bacteria, insects and viruses) plus promote plant growth.


Although Bt produce an arsenal of proteins with toxic effects against insect, the current knowledge suggests that Bt can be considered as a promising new plant growth promotion bacterium (PGPB). The implications of the proposed review will broaden our understanding of Bt as a versatile entomopathogen that may be able to exhibit differential behavior depending on context. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High amounts of insecticides are often used in intensive tropical vegetable production systems. Their persistence and residues in vegetables and soils need to be studied to ensure food safety and environmental stability. The dissipation of acephate, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin and their metabolites was studied in green mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Coss.] and soils. Two treatments, Impact 75 (acephate) and Agent 505 (cypermethrin plus chlorpyrifos), were applied 4 times at weekly intervals. RESULTS: Dissipation of acephate, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin in green mustard and topsoils followed first‐order kinetics, with half‐lives of between 1.1 and 3.1 days in green mustard and between 1.4 and 9.4 days in topsoils (26 °C). Higher vapour pressure of insecticides and higher rainfall appeared to stimulate dissipation from the vegetable, with least effect of rainfall on chlorpyrifos. Dissipation rates in the vegetable were faster or similar (cypermethrin) to rates observed for temperate areas. Preharvest intervals of 13, 4 and 3 days were required for acephate, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin and their metabolites to comply with the tolerance levels. The pesticide dissipation rates in soils varied by less than a factor of 3 between sites. The metabolites methamidophos and TCP derived from acephate and chlorpyrifos amounted to less than 10 and 25% by mass of the parent compounds in soils. Vegetable shading possibly retarded pesticide degradation in soil. CONCLUSION: The dissipation of pesticides and their metabolites in the vegetable was rapid and faster than the dissipation in temperate climates. The degradation rates of pesticides in the soil were equal to or slightly faster than the degradation rates in temperate soils. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Striga aspera and Striga hermonthica are recognized as separate species, but their close morphological similarity causes difficulty in distinguishing between them in areas where they coexist in Africa. In this study, crosses between the species were made using randomly selected morphologically typical parental plants collected from different locations in Nigeria. Genetic analysis of both species and their reciprocal F1 hybrids were determined using cluster analysis of DNA profiles derived from genetic polymorphism (RAPD)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses were used to separate parental and hybrid populations based on 13 morphological characteristics. Morphological data from wild samples of both species were compared with the hand-pollinated parental, F1 and F2 hybrids, and back-crosses. Results showed that S. aspera and S. hermonthica were genetically and morphologically distinct. Morphological and genetic analyses revealed two major clusters: a S. aspera cluster and a S. hermonthica cluster. Genetically, the F1 hybrids showed closer affinity to their maternal parents, while morphologically, the F1 hybrids formed distinct clusters intermediate to the parents. Most F2 plants and back-crosses were morphologically similar to S. hermonthica . Comparative morphological analysis of wild and hand-pollinated populations showed some samples from the wild clustered with the hybrids, suggesting that hybrids may exist in nature.  相似文献   

The optimal conditions required to market Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent against soilborne fungi and nematodes are discussed. These include a proper formulation, an efficient delivery system, and alternative methods for Trichoderma's application.The implementation of Trichoderma in integrated pest management (IPM) can be achieved using a soil treatment which combines reduced amounts of biocides/fungicides and the Trichoderma preparation. Biocontrol activity can be increased by combining two (or more) types of biocontrol agents. Moreover, the construction of a genetically modified Trichoderma can lead to the improvement of certain traits which are absent or not highly expressed in the native microorganism isolated from its natural habitat.Different Trichoderma harzianum and T. lignorum isolates were tested for their nematicidal activity against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. In short-term experiments, improved growth of nematode-infected plants and decreases in the root-galling index and the number of eggs per gram of root were achieved when nematode-infested soils were pre- exposed to the T. harzianum preparations. A long-term experiment resulted in improved growth and higher yield of nematode-infected plants, but no significant change in the galling index, either by pre-exposure of the fungus to the soil or by enrichment in the root-ball.As biocontrol is an integral part of the IPM philosophy, judicious use of Trichoderma against soilborne pathogens, when demonstrated to be consistently effective, practical and economic, can serve as a model for the introduction and implementation of other biocontrol means into IPM.  相似文献   

利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱仪(UHPLC-MS/MS),结合固相萃取净化建立了在水和土壤中同时快速测定草甘膦、草铵膦及其6种代谢物的多残留分析方法。前处理采用Oasis MCX和Oasis MAX固相萃取柱提取,2%甲酸甲醇-水(体积比为1∶1)洗脱,旋干后0.1%氨水定容,UHPLC-MS/MS检测。方法的线性范围为0.02~0.5 mg/L;在水中添加水平为0.000 1 mg/L和0.001 mg/L时,草甘膦、草铵膦及其代谢物的回收率为72.8%~94.2%,RSD为2.3%~16.1%;土壤中添加水平为0.001 mg/kg和0.01 mg/kg时,草甘膦、草铵膦及其代谢物的回收率为70.6%~88.5%,RSD为3.6%~12.8%。本方法准确、灵敏、全面,适用于草甘膦、草铵膦及其代谢物在水土环境中的残留检测及监测。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), is a phytophagous insect that feeds on soft succulent tissues of most palm species and is considered the main palm pest in the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of imidacloprid oil dispersion (OD) as a drench in preventive and curative treatments against R. ferrugineus in Phoenix canariensis, Washingtonia robusta, Washingtonia filifera and Trachycarpus fortunei. RESULTS: Levels of infestation were highest in P. canariensis. There was no infestation in W. filifera. Mean efficacies of 100 and 94% were obtained in preventive and curative treatments respectively. High efficacies in preventive treatments (mean 95.4%) lasted for up to 45 days after application. CONCLUSION: The high efficacies and persistence of imidacloprid OD applied as a drench in young palms show the potential of this product for the management of R. ferrugineus. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Defoliators are common insect pests of soybean and often cause economic losses. Insecticides are the first option that farmers choose to minimize the damage caused by the defoliators, and the result is not only the emergence of resistance to insecticides in the pests but also environmental pollution. A field experiment carried out at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India, in 2013 and 2014 in the kharif season (June to September) tested nine intercrops in soybean – all grown as rain-fed crops – for their ability to reduce the damage caused by defoliators to soybean leaves and the effect on grain yield of soybean. Of the three species of defoliators, namely Spodoptera litura, Hedylepta indicata, and Diachrysia orichalcea, S. litura was the most severe. Maize and pigeonpea proved the most effective intercrops because of their phenology, repellent chemicals, and physical barriers and also because they were not the natural hosts of the defoliators and did not compete with soybean. In these two crops, the incidence of the defoliators and the extent of damage to soybean leaves were the lowest and the yields were the highest (3.56 t ha?1 in soybean–maize and 3.25 t ha?1 in soybean–pigeonpea).  相似文献   

Degradation of three benzonitrile herbicides, bromoxynil (3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile), ioxynil (3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile), dichlobenil (2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile), and their mixtures by the soil micro-organism Agrobacterium radiobacter 8/4 was studied in batch cultures. Bromoxynil was found to be most rapidly degraded, while dichlobenil had the lowest toxicity to our strain. All transformations of studied benzonitriles were performed by the nitrile hydratase which has been shown to act on a broad range of substituted aromatic nitriles. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

Hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa ), as a winter cover crop, can be used to suppress weeds in subtropical regions, as well as temperate regions. Information on the potential biomass growth of hairy vetch for weed control and nutrient accumulation is not available in subtropical regions. Hairy vetch was sown in November 2004, and October, November, and December 2005. The wide-ranging cultivation period of hairy vetch indicated that it could be used in various cropping systems. It showed a higher biomass and nutrient accumulation when grown in subtropical Okinawa, Japan. Moreover, the biomass, and fixed carbon and magnesium (Mg) uptake in the above-ground parts of hairy vetch were found to be the highest in late May, with the highest nitrogen (N), potassium, and calcium uptake in mid-April and phosphorus (P) uptake in late March. Meanwhile, in the underground parts of the plant, they were highest in early May, except for the P and Mg uptake, which were highest in mid-April. According to the sowing date, the biomass and nutrient uptake of hairy vetch that was harvested in February were higher when sown in October. Similarly, when harvested in March, the biomass and nutrient uptake were higher when sown in October or November. In April, they were higher when sown in November or December. Hairy vetch has the potential to effectively suppress weeds in the winter and the spring seasons related to its sufficient biomass during the growing seasons. However, both the sowing and harvesting times of hairy vetch should be considered with reference to the cropping system; the subsequent crop will be sown to meet the N requirement.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition is the fundamental process in nutrient cycling and soil carbon(C) sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. The global-wide increase in nitrogen(N) inputs is expected to alter litter decomposition and,ultimately, affect ecosystem C storage and nutrient status. Temperate grassland ecosystems in China are usually N-deficient and particularly sensitive to the changes in exogenous N additions. In this paper, we conducted a 1,200-day in situ experiment in a typical semi-arid temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia to investigate the litter decomposition as well as the dynamics of litter C and N concentrations under three N addition levels(low N with 50 kg N/(hm2?a)(LN), medium N with 100 kg N/(hm2?a)(MN), and high N with 200 kg N/(hm2?a)(HN)) and three N addition forms(ammonium-N-based with 100 kg N/(hm2?a) as ammonium sulfate(AS), nitrate-N-based with 100 kg N/(hm2?a) as sodium nitrate(SN), and mixed-N-based with 100 kg N/(hm2?a) as calcium ammonium nitrate(CAN)) compared to control with no N addition(CK). The results indicated that the litter mass remaining in all N treatments exhibited a similar decomposition pattern: fast decomposition within the initial 120 days, followed by a relatively slow decomposition in the remaining observation period(120–1,200 days). The decomposition pattern in each treatment was fitted well in two split-phase models, namely, a single exponential decay model in phase I(〈398 days) and a linear decay function in phase II(≥398 days). The three N addition levels exerted insignificant effects on litter decomposition in the early stages(〈398 days, phase I; P〉0.05). However, MN and HN treatments inhibited litter mass loss after 398 and 746 days, respectively(P〈0.05). AS and SN treatments exerted similar effects on litter mass remaining during the entire decomposition period(P〉0.05). The effects of these two N addition forms differed greatly from those of CAN aft  相似文献   

 枯草芽孢杆菌Bs-916是一种有效防治水稻病害的生防菌,为进一步提高其拮抗性能,获得更好的生防效果,运用离子注入(N+)的方法对Bs-916进行诱变,筛选到4株拮抗性能比出发菌Bs-916提高15%以上的菌株。TLC和HPLC定性、定量分析比较结果表明,Bs-916及其突变体分泌的脂肽类抗生素是表面活性素,突变菌株分泌的表面活性素比出发菌株有不同程度提高。室内抑菌结果表明,表面活性素能抑制纹枯病菌菌丝生长,引起原生质泄露。通过检测接种纹枯病菌、拮抗菌Bs-916及其突变菌株的水稻植株体内过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)酶活性的变化,发现拮抗菌Bs-916及其突变菌株分泌活性物质对水稻具有诱导抗性作用;4个高效突变株比出发菌Bs-916对3种酶的活性影响加大;同时接种拮抗菌和纹枯病菌比单独接种拮抗菌、纹枯病菌对3种酶活性影响大。  相似文献   

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