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This study developed a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay to detect L. infantum kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in canine saliva. The qPCR showed an efficiency of 93.8%, a coefficient of correlation of 0.996 and a detection limit of 0.5 fg/reaction (0.005 parasites), although it detected until 0.25 fg/reaction (0.0025 parasites). When samples from 12 dogs experimentally infected with L. infantum were collected, L. infantum kDNA was detected at 16-weeks post-infection (wpi) in 41.7% and 91.7% of saliva and bone marrow samples, respectively, and at 47-wpi in 75% of both samples. L. infantum kDNA can be detected by qPCR in canine saliva, with lower sensitivity in the early stages of infection and a lower parasite load estimation compared to bone marrow. However, saliva had similar sensitivities to bone marrow in the later stages of the infection and could be used to detect L. infantum kDNA being aware of its limitations.  相似文献   

O bjectives : Risk for transmission of Leishmania infantum from blood products has been largely demonstrated in human and veterinary literature. Appropriate screening of canine blood donors is important especially in an endemic area such as Barcelona (Spain). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of L infantum DNA parasites by real-time quantitative PCR in our canine blood bank.
M ethods : Samples from blood products obtained from 92 canine blood donors were assayed for L infantum by means of real-time PCR amplification and quantification.
R esults : The prevalence of quantitative PCR-positive blood samples among healthy seronegative blood donors was 19·6 per cent.
C linical S ignificance : The results of this study show that L infantum infection is common in canine blood donors and their blood products in an endemic area, despite a negative commercial serological screening for infectious diseases. Therefore, screening by PCR should be included in an integrated approach to evaluate L infantum infection among potential blood donors.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum infection is highly prevalent in endemic areas. Dogs with leishmaniosis may develop keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). The goals of this study were (1) to quantify Leishmania amastigotes in the Meibomian glands (MG), main lacrimal gland (MLG) and nictitating membrane gland (NMG) from dogs with leishmaniosis; (2) to compare these results to immunohistochemistry (IHC), and (3) to explore the association between the Leishmania parasite load and the presence of ocular clinical signs. Twenty-five dogs diagnosed with leishmaniosis were included. MG, MLG and NMG from both eyes were collected. Histopathology, IHC and real-time PCR were performed. All specimens yielded positive real-time PCR results. For all three glands, samples from dogs with ocular clinical signs had mean ΔCt (cycle threshold) values significantly lower (higher parasite loads) than those from dogs without signs. Cut-off values of ΔCt<0, ΔCt<4 and ΔCt<4.9 for MG, MLG and NMG, resulted in a likelihood ratio of positives of 5.9, 6.38 and 6.38, respectively. Samples with ΔCt values below the reported cut-off were significantly more likely to display clinical signs related to KCS than those with results above the cut-off, for all three glands. Similarly, ΔCt values below the cut-off were significantly associated with positive IHC. In this study real-time PCR has been standardised for use in MG, MLG and NMG. A cut-off value established for each of these tissues may aid the clinician in the discrimination between ocular signs related to Leishmania from those associated with other causes of KCS.  相似文献   

The use of non invasive sampling, such as collection of conjunctival swabs, as a diagnostic tool for the detection of Leishmania DNA is of interest. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of detecting Leishmania infection with the use of conjunctival swab samples in dogs living in a highly endemic area for leishmaniosis and to investigate, for the first time, the presence of Leishmania DNA in oral swabs in the same population. One hundred sixty-three dogs living outdoor and recruited in various provinces of Sicily were studied. Leishmania infantum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to leishmanin (DTH) and real-time PCR of blood (BL), lymph node (LN), conjunctival (CS) and oral swab (OS) samples were performed. The positive PCR percentages in LN, CS, OS and BL samples were: 24.5%, 22.1%, 8.7% and 5.5%, respectively. Serological and DTH positive percentages were 27.0% and 73.8%, respectively. Seropositive and LN-PCR positive dogs had a high likelihood to be positive by CS-PCR. The similar positive PCR percentages found in CS and LN samples suggest the use of CS-PCR as non-invasive alternative technique to LN-PCR for the detection of Leishmania infection in dogs. In addition, this study demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of Leishmania DNA in oral swabs in dogs.  相似文献   

A case of leishmaniosis in domestic cats (Felis catus domesticus) is described. The subject showed a nodular lesion on the eyelid. The diagnosis was achieved by serological, parasitological, and light and electron microscopic investigations. By molecular techniques the aetiological agent was identified as belonging to Leishmania infantum, the species implicated in human and canine leishmaniosis in southern Europe. A preliminary study on the prevalence of asymptomatic feline leishmaniosis, performed in the areas where the infected cat was identified, revealed a low seroprevalence of infection: only 1 (0.9%) of the 110 cat sera examined by indirect fluorescent antibody test was positive for anti-Leishmania antibodies. Because clinical signs in feline leishmaniosis are unspecific and similar to those observed in other diseases commonly found in this species, leishmaniosis must be added to the differential diagnosis by feline veterinary practitioners and adequate serologic and histopathologic investigations must be performed in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Histological lesions and the presence of Leishmania spp. amastigotes in claw tissues were investigated in 40 dogs with leishmaniosis, with (16/40--group A) or without (24/40--group B) generalized onychogryphosis. Following euthanasia, the entire third phalanx with intact claw was amputated, formalin fixed, decalcified in a formic acid solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned longitudinally and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and acid orcein-Giemsa. Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the detection of Leishmania amastigotes. Lichenoid mononuclear infiltration (all dogs in group A, 21 of 24 dogs in group B), basal keratinocyte vacuolation (nine of 16 dogs in group A, 15 of 24 dogs in group B) and dermoepidermal clefting (13 of 16 dogs in group A, 18 of 24 dogs in group B) were the most prominent histopathological findings. There was no difference in the frequency and severity of these lesions between the two groups. Leishmania amastigotes could not be visualized in the dermis of any of the H&E sections, but their presence was demonstrated by nested PCR in three of 16 dogs in group A and two of 24 dogs in group B. However, the frequency of positive nested PCRs was not significantly different between the two groups. In conclusion, claw histopathology in symptomatic dogs with leishmaniosis, either with or without onychogryphosis is mainly characterized by mononuclear lichenoid dermatitis with or without interface dermatitis and dermoepidermal clefting, and is not accompanied by substantial local parasitism.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of cutaneous leishmaniosis in a horse in southern Germany. Diagnosis is based on histopathology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. The protozoan was identified as Leishmania infantum via PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism. The horse did not show specific Leishmania antibodies. The lesions healed completely within 6 months without any specific treatment. Since neither the infected horse nor its dam had ever left their rural area, autochthonous infection in Germany cannot be excluded. Factors possibly influencing the epidemiological situation are discussed.  相似文献   

Canine leishmaniosis (CanL) caused by the parasite Leishmania infantum is a systemic disease with variable clinical signs. The disease is endemic in the Mediterranean countries and dogs are the main domestic reservoir of the parasite. The quite complicated immune response against the parasite is crucial for the evolution of CanL infection with the skin playing a major role in its immunopathogenesis.After the inoculation of Leishmania promastigotes into the dermis by sand fly bites, complement factors, Langerhan's cells, neutrophils, fibroblasts and keratinocytes are involved in the activation of the innate arm of the skin immune system, with the macrophages and dendritic cells to play a major key role.The effective activation of cellular immunity is the cornerstone of dog's resistance against the parasite. Promastigotes reaching the dermis are engulfed, processed and transferred by APCs to draining lymph nodes to stimulate naïve T-cells for proliferation and differentiation into armed effector T-cells. Th1 cells activate the infected macrophages to kill Leishmania, whereas Th2 cells divert the immune response to humoral immunity and down regulation of cellular immunity with Th1 cell anergy. Inhibition of co-stimulatory molecules expression by infected macrophages contributes to T-cell anergy. In canine subclinical infections cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrate and parasites are absent, as opposed to dogs with clinical leishmaniosis. CD8+ cells constitute a significant population of cellular immunity in CanL since they outnumber CD4+ cells in the dermis, producing IFN-γ in sub clinically infected dogs and high levels of IL-4 in dogs with clinical leishmaniosis.Numerous B-lymphocytes have been shown to heavily infiltrate the dermis at least in exfoliative dermatitis in CanL. A mixed Th1/Th2 cytokine profile has been found in the dermis of naturally infected with L. infantum dogs. In the skin of dogs with clinical leishmaniosis, where plasma cells outnumber T lymphocytes in the dermal infiltrate, there is an overproduction of IL-4, IL-13 and TNF-α leading to Th2-biased humoral immune response. The issue of humoral immunity polarization in CanL remains controversial. Much still needs to be learned about other mechanisms underlying the complex interaction between the skin immune system and the parasite.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the high sensitivity of real time PCR (qPCR) in the diagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate a qPCR detection system for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniosis (VL) in dogs. Specific primer sets were developed for the Leishmania donovani complex, in which a fragment of 132 bp of kDNA from L. infantum was amplified. The reaction was performed using the ABI PRISM 7000 system with ABI PRISM software used to carry out the analysis. When canine blood samples were assessed using this system the detection limit of the method was found to be 0.07 parasites per reaction, the efficiency was 94.17% (R2 = 0.93, slope = −3.47) and the sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 83.33% respectively. The use of such a sensitive, reproducible and rapid qPCR-based assay will be useful in the diagnosis and control of L. infantum infection in endemic areas, where serological surveys often underestimate true disease prevalence.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis, serology and immunophenotyping for T lymphocytes and their subsets, B lymphocytes and monocytes were performed on dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum. Animals were categorised as asymptomatic dogs I (AD-I), with negative serology and positive molecular results, and asymptomatic dogs II (AD-II), with positive serology and positive molecular results, and these were compared to symptomatic dogs (SD) and control dogs (CD). AD-I exhibited immunophenotypic features similar to those of CD, including isotype profiles and concentrations of monocytes. Similar biomarkers were found in AD-II and SD, such as, higher levels of immunoglobulins IgG, IgG2, IgM and IgA and higher concentrations of eosinophils. High frequencies of T lymphocytes and CD4(+) T cells were observed in both AD-I and AD-II compared to SD, whereas CD8(+) T cells were higher only in AD-II compared with SD. Analysis of B lymphocytes revealed an increased frequency of this cell type only in AD-II animals compared with SD. Asymptomatic dogs appear to have a dichotomous infection spectrum that can influence the humoral and cellular immunological status during canine visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum, the etiological agent of canine leishmaniosis in the Mediterranean region, is vectored by Phlebotomus spp sandflies, which are active during the warmer months of the year. In order to determine whether seasonality in transmission induces seasonal changes in the prevalence of infection by L. infantum and of parasite-specific immune response, two groups of dogs, one in February (n=37) and another in October (n=42), were studied. Clinical signs compatible with leishmaniosis, as well as presence of microscopic skin lesions in the muzzle were recorded for all dogs. Assays were also performed for detection of L. infantum parasites in muzzle skin samples (PCR, immunohistochemistry and culture), specific serum antibodies (ELISA), and specific lymphocyte proliferation and interferon-gamma production. Although prevalence of non-specific clinical signs increased significantly after the sandfly season, this was not the case for Leishmania-specific markers: positivity by PCR (24% vs. 21%) or immunohistochemistry (3% vs. 2%) of muzzle skin samples, as well as lymphocyte proliferation (59% vs. 50%) or interferon-gamma production (21% vs. 27%) were similar in February and in October. Only prevalence of positive specific antibody titers increased noticeably in October (8% vs. 20%), although this was not statistically significant. Overall, the sandfly season did not have a marked impact on the prevalence L. infantum infection or parasite-specific immune responses analyzed in this study.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte subsets, major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-II expressing cells and number of amastigotes in the epidermis and dermis were investigated immunohistochemically in 48 dogs with patent leishmaniosis, with or without exfoliative dermatitis (ED) to study the immunopathogenesis of this common cutaneous form of the disease. Skin biopsies were obtained and compared for ED sites (group A, n = 26), normal-appearing skin from the same animals (group B, n = 24), and leishmanial dogs not exhibiting ED (group C, n = 22), and normal controls (group D, n = 22). The CD3+, CD45RA+, CD4+, CD8+ (CD8a+), CD21+, and MHC-II+ cells and leishmania amastigotes were identified immunohistochemically and counted with the aid of an image analysis system. Pyogranulomatous to granulomatous dermatitis, expressed in various histopathological patterns, was noticed in all groups A and B and in half of group C dogs. In the epidermis, the low number of T-cells and their subsets did not differ significantly between groups A and B, but CD8+ outnumbered CD4+ lymphocytes in both groups. MHC-II+ expression on epidermal keratinocytes was intense in the skin with and without lesions from dogs with ED but not in group C dogs. CD3+, CD8+ and MHC-II+ cells were fewer in group C compared to group A and B dogs. In the dermis, CD3+ cells in group A animals were mainly represented by the CD8+. CD45RA+ and CD21+ cells were also seen in high numbers. MHC-II expression, potentially in lymphocytes, fibroblasts, dendritic cells, and macrophages was intense. The numbers of all cellular subpopulations in the dermis were significantly different between the groups, being highest in group A and lowest in group D. In sebaceous adenitis sites, CD4+ outnumbered CD8+ cells in contrast to the neighbouring dermis and the epidermis. The number of CD21+ and CD45RA+ cells was much lower in the inflamed sebaceous glands compared to the dermis. Finally, the number of amastigotes in the normal-appearing skin was significantly higher in the ED dogs (group B) than in those not exhibiting this cutaneous form of the disease (group C).  相似文献   

Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a worldwide parasitic zoonosis caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum around the world. Canids are the definitive hosts and sand flies the intermediate hosts.

Objective: To test the hypothesis that a new species-specific primers (Lch14:Lch15, targeting a multiple alignment for L. infantum kDNA minicircle) is an efficient diagnostic tool for L. infantum.

Methods: The presence of L. infantum DNA was assessed in blood samples of 69 stray dogs using the conventional PCR (cPCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR). Additional 50 lymph nodes and 50 bone marrow samples (positive and negative samples for parasitological tests) from dogs from endemic and nonendemic areas for CVL were also used.

Results: L. infantum strains, and all positive lymph node and bone marrow samples for parasitological test gave positive results for cPCR and qPCR, presenting analytical sensitivity of ~100 parasite mL?1. For the blood samples, 40/69 (58%; CI 95%; 46%–69%) resulted positive for L. infantum in both tests. All positive samples were confirmed by sequencing.

Conclusion: This study showed the importance of the specific detection of L. infantum based on species-specific primers by molecular techniques, highlighting the application as a confirmation method in epidemiological studies and to adopt the best control measures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymphadenopathy in canine leishmaniosis has been reported as reactive lymphoid hyperplasia or granulomatous (histiocytic) lymphadenitis. However, we are unaware of information on the effect of latent Leishmania infection on lymph node cytology compared with clinically affected dogs. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate cytologic patterns of lymphadenopathy in dogs with clinical and subclinical forms of leishmaniosis and to correlate cytologic findings with the density of Leishmania amastigotes in fine needle aspiration (FNA) smears. METHODS: FNA cytology of prescapular or popliteal lymph nodes was evaluated on 32 dogs with clinical evidence of leishmaniosis (group A), 24 subclinically infected dogs (group B), and 17 clinically healthy noninfected dogs (group C); groups were based on the results of serologic and PCR tests for Leishmania sp. Differential nucleated cell counts (based on 300 cells) and amastigote density were determined microscopically. Cytologic findings were categorized and compared among groups. RESULTS: Cytologic abnormalities were found in 19 of 32 (59.4%) dogs in group A, 1 of 24 (4.2%) dogs in group B, and 2 of 17 (11.8%) dogs in group C and were significantly more frequent in group A than group B (P <.001) or C (P = .001). In group A, 68.7% of the dogs had lymphoid hyperplasia, 12.5% had lymphoid hyperplasia and histiocytic lymphadenitis, 6.3% had histiocytic lymphadenitis, and 3.1% had lymphoid hyperplasia and neutrophilic lymphadenitis. Lymphoid hyperplasia was also noted in 1 dog in group B, and lymphoid hyperplasia and eosinophilic lymphadenitis were each found in 1 dog in group C. Lymph node smears from 31 (96.9%) dogs in group A and 6 (25%) dogs in group B were positive for Leishmania amastigotes; however, no correlation was found between the density of amastigotes and cytopathologic patterns of lymphadenopathy. CONCLUSION: Abnormal lymph node cytology is much more common in dogs with clinical leishmaniosis than in dogs with subclinical infection, and primarily involves lymphoid hyperplasia. Despite finding no association between the density of amastigotes and type of lymphadenopathy, lymph node cytology still is a valuable diagnostic tool for diagnosing canine leishmaniosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of Leishmania infantum infection in a wild reservoir host (Canis lupus) throughout an endemic area for the disease (Southern Europe). For that reason, the serum and peripheral blood samples of 33 captive wolves from the European Breeding of Endangered Species Programme (EEP) were analyzed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). L. infantum was detected in three samples from Central Portugal and Central and Northern Spain. Even though L. infantum infection in positive samples was low, surveillance of zoonotic leishmaniosis in this population is recommended as the parasite load could be higher in other tissues due to parasite tropism and most of the EEP institutions studied are located in endemic areas for canine leishmaniosis in Europe.  相似文献   

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