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特种野猪是将优良纯种野猪与瘦肉型家猪杂交后,经过人工选育、驯化得到的野猪新品种。特种野猪保持了纯种野猪瘦肉率高、肉质鲜美醇香、适应性强的特点,又兼具家猪饲料利用率高、繁殖力强、生长迅速等优点。特种野猪肉营养价值高、风味独特,越来越受到人们的关注和青睐,逐渐成为一种新型的绿色保健肉食品。但到目前为止,特种野猪还未经猪品种委员会评定,其生物学特征及肉质特性还未能确定。为研究含75%野猪血缘的特种野猪的胴体性状和肉质性状,特进行本次屠宰测定,为广西乃至全国特种野猪的肉质开发与合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

“特种野猪”的饲养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特种野猪是以纯种野山猪为父本,以家猪为母本进行杂交,经过多次选育、驯化、基因较稳定的野猪。特种野猪肉无野猪的腥膻味,还具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特点。其中人体必需脂肪酸、亚油酸的含量高于家猪的1.5~2.5倍,迎合了市场上肉类多样化的需求。  相似文献   

<正>特种野猪是以纯种野猪为父本,以家猪为母本进行杂交,经过多次选育、驯化的一种野猪,称特种野猪。它既保持了纯种野猪瘦肉率高,肉质鲜嫩,抗病力强,适应性广的优势,又保持了家猪生长发育快,饲料利用率高,繁殖力强  相似文献   

特种野猪是经人工驯化改良后的野猪品种,纯种公野猪与家母猪杂交的后代都可称为特种野猪. 特种野仔猪产下时身有条纹,长大后猪毛呈黑色或褐红色,其耳小、尾短,嘴较家猪长,毛密、蹄黑,性情较温驯.  相似文献   

"特种野猪"是以纯种野猪为父本,以家猪为母本进行杂交,经过多次选育、驯化,最终进成基因较稳定的野猪,公猪和母猪均可长期做种猪繁殖。其不同于家猪,外形似野猪,故取名为特种野猪。"特种野猪"既保持了纯野猪肉质鲜嫩,抗病力强,适应性广的优势,又具有家猪生长发育快、饲料利用率高、肉质优良的特点。  相似文献   

猪展脊椎动物亚门哺乳纲,偶蹄目、猪科.家猪由野猪驯化而来,在我国养猪已有7千多年的历史.野猪在驯化及其长期家养的条件影响下.体态结构、繁殖性能、生长发育、饲料利用、出肉率和肉质等方面逐渐向许多有益经济方向变化,但今天的家猪仍保留有原始野猪的一些生物学特性,生产中可加以利用.1好洁性猪喜洁净.利用猪的这种特性,可以对猪进行固定地点排泄粪尿的调教,方便管理,有利猪的健康.具体方法是将准备进猪的栏圈内用3%福尔马林溶液或2%的烧碱溶液彻底消毒,冲洗后,让地面自然干燥,然后在出粪四周围洒上水,使该处地面潮湿…  相似文献   

马红  刘娣 《猪业科学》2012,(11):108-108
野猪(sus scrofa linnaeus)为偶蹄目猪科动物,在我国境内分布广泛。随着近年来人们生活水平的提高,人们开始追求新奇、绿色的食品,野猪肉由于其特殊的口感开始走入人们的餐桌。但野生的野猪资源有限,不能无限度地开发,因此适量捕捉野猪进行圈养驯化和繁殖,将饲养的野猪或将野猪与家猪的杂交后代供给市场,成为养殖业正在兴起的一个项目。虽然野猪与家猪是同科同属的动物,但由于野猪未经人类驯化,饲养管理中还是与家猪的饲养存在  相似文献   

1野猪饲养野猪胆小,初养时怕人,为改变这一弱点,应购买小型野猪进行驯养,小型野猪体重大都在10~22千克,此时的野猪月龄不大,容易驯化,可塑性强。1.1驯养管理野猪是一种杂食性动物,一般仿照家猪日喂2  相似文献   

人工授精是指用器械采取公猪的精液,经过检查、处理和保存,将合格的精液输入到发情母猪的生殖道内以代替自然交配的一种配种方法。版纳野猪是以西双版纳纯种野猪为父本,以本地家猪为母本进行杂交,经过人工驯化改良后基因稳定的一个野猪品种。版纳野猪公母猪可长期做种繁殖而基因不变,它不同于家猪,外形似野猪,保持着纯野猪肉质鲜嫩、抗病力强、适应性广和生长发育快的特点。采用野猪人工授精技术,不但能降低饲养成本,而且还能提高野公猪的利用率,保证精液质量,提高母猪授胎率,增加产仔数,减少生殖道疾病的传播,是促进野猪养殖生产发展的重要技术措施。  相似文献   

<正>特种野猪是以纯种野山猪为父本,以家猪为母本进行杂交,经过多次选育、驯化、基因较稳定的野猪。特种野猪肉无野猪的腥膻味,还具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特点。其中人体必需脂肪酸、亚油酸的含量高于家猪的1.5~2.5倍,迎合了市场上肉类多样化的需  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis is a colonizer of the upper respiratory tract of pigs and the etiological agent of Gl?sser's disease, which is characterized by a fibrinous polyserositis, meningitis and arthritis. Gl?sser's disease has never been reported in wild boar (Sus scrofa), although antibodies against H. parasuis have been detected. The goal of this study was to confirm the presence of this bacterium in wild boar by bacterial isolation and to compare the strains to H. parasuis from domesticated pigs. Therefore, nasal swabs from 42 hunted wild boars were processed for bacterial isolation and subsequent H. parasuis identification by specific PCR, biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Two different strains of H. parasuis from two wild boars were isolated. These strains belonged to serotype 2 and were included by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MLST analysis in a cluster with other H. parasuis strains of nasal origin from domestic pigs. During this study, Actinobacillus minor and Actinobacillus indolicus, which are NAD-dependent Pasteurellaceae closely related to H. parasuis, were also isolated. Our results indicate similarities in the respiratory microbiota of wild boars and domestic pigs, and although H. parasuis was isolated from wild boars, more studies are needed to determine if this could be a source of H. parasuis infection for domestic pigs.  相似文献   

Since cloned pig was successfully produced, a new opportunity for porcine breeding industry to conserve genetic resources has been opened. However, there has been no report to investigate whether both somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) pigs and their offspring have the characteristics of the donor breed. In this study, we compared the reproductive and growth performance of American Large White boars cloned by SCNT with the donor boar, and analyzed the test parameters, including semen quality, re‐service rate, rate of parturition, and average daily gain. The results showed that these cloned boars and the donor boar had no significant differences in the tests (P > 0.05) and the growth performance of their offspring was similar to the naturally bred American Large White pigs. In summary, the reproductive and growth performance of cloned pigs are similar to the donor pig and within the normal range. This suggests that pigs cloned by SCNT have the potential to be used in reproduction and breeding.  相似文献   

China is one of the most diverse countries, which have developed 88 indigenous pig breeds. Several studies showed that pigs were independently domesticated in multiple regions of the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the origin and evolution of Chinese pigs using complete mitochondrial genomic sequences (mtDNA) from Asian and European domestic pigs and wild boars. Thirty primer pairs were designed to determine the mtDNA sequences of Xiang pig, Large White, Lantang, Jinhua and Pietrain. The phylogenetic status of Chinese native pigs was investigated by comparing the mtDNA sequences of complete coding regions and D-loop regions respectively amongst Asian breeds, European breeds and wild boars. The analyzed results by two cluster methods contributed to the same conclusion that all pigs were classified into two major groups, European clade and Asian clade. It revealed that Chinese pigs were only recently diverged from each other and distinctly different from European pigs. Berkshire was clustered with Asian pigs and Chinese pigs were involved in the development of Berkshire breeding. The Malaysian wild boar had distant genetic relationship with European and Asian pigs. Jinhua and Lanyu pigs had more nucleotide diversity with Chinese pigs although they all belonged to the Asian major clade. Chinese domestic pigs were clustered with wild boars in Yangtze River region and South China.  相似文献   

本试验采用DNA测序技术测定了15头野猪235bp的SLA—DQB基因外显子2序列.结合GeneBank中报道的另3头野猪和18头家猪共36个个体的相应序列,重点对野猪SLA—DQB外显子2进行核苷酸多态性分析。结果表明野猪SLA—DQB外显子2具有较丰富的核苷酸多态性;在家猪品种改良中,野猪具有潜在的遗传价值。  相似文献   

In conclusion, replacement gilts should be finally selected before 110 kg body weight and should have been stimulated to reach puberty by this time. Currently, the best method for achieving this is ad libitum feeding and the correct use of boar exposure. However, whether ad libitum feeding will always be the best feeding strategy remains to be seen. The impressive success of selection programs and the potential for the use of growth promoters and repartitioning agents in the feeder barn may require that future replacements be identified at an early stage and raised under a separate feeding regimen. To produce a large first litter, gilts should be bred at their second estrus. There is unlikely to be any further increase in litter size by delaying mating to third estrus. A major consideration when choosing when to breed replacements is the length of their productive life. For many farms, this may be maximized by delaying breeding until the sow is 120 to 130 kg body weight with a minimum backfat depth of 18 mm. For the producer who is able to exert control over lactation condition loss, however, breeding replacements at about 110 kg body weight with backfat depths of 14 to 16 mm should not adversely affect long-term performance. Although it is true that, under some conditions, the lean gilt may become a problem, it is equally true that her potential is as great as her fatter contemporaries. Whether this potential is realized is largely under the producer's control. Regarding the boar, nutritional management need not vary from that provided for gilts. However, if replacement boars are raised on-farm, it is of great importance that they be allowed to socially interact with other pigs. Failure to provide this opportunity will result in a boar with reduced libido.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the health and meat production of cloned sows and their progenies in order to demonstrate the application of somatic cell cloning to the pig industry. This study compared the growth, reproductive performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Landrace cloned sows, F1 progenies and F2 progenies. We measured their body weight, growth rate and feed conversion and performed a pathological analysis of their anatomy to detect abnormalities. Three of the five cloned pigs were used for a growth test. Cloned pigs grew normally and had characteristics similar to those of the control purebred Landrace pigs. Two cloned gilts were bred with a Landrace boar and used for a progeny test. F1 progenies had characteristics similar to those of the controls. Two of the F1 progeny gilts were bred with a Duroc or Large White boar and used for the progeny test. F2 progenies grew normally. There were no biological differences in growth, carcass characteristics and amino acid composition among cloned sows, F1 progenies, F2 progenies and conventional pigs. The cloned sows and F1 progenies showed normal reproductive performance. No specific abnormalities were observed by pathological analysis, with the exception of periarteritis in the F1 progenies. All pigs had a normal karyotype. These results demonstrate that cloned female pigs and their progenies have similar growth, reproductive performance and carcass quality characteristics and that somatic cell cloning could be a useful technique for conserving superior pig breeds in conventional meat production.  相似文献   

To determine the persistence period of C-strain vaccine virus in immunized animals, domestic pigs and wild boars were vaccinated orally and killed on different days post vaccinationem (dpv). Tissue samples were taken at necropsy from both species for detection of C-strain virus. From domestic pigs nasal swabs and faeces were also collected. During the investigation period (2-12 dpv) vaccine virus could never be detected in nasal secretions and in faeces of vaccinated domestic pigs. In contrast, C-strain virus was found in organs until day 8 pv in domestic pigs and until day 9 pv in wild boars. Whereas in domestic pigs virus was detected in tonsils, Ln. mandibularis or in spleen, in wild boar it only was found in tonsils. We conclude that C-strain vaccine virus is not detectable in wild boars longer than 10-12 days after intake of the vaccine baits.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of male pigs immunized against GnRH was determined in relation to the onset of their biological response to the immunization. Pigs were immunized at 9 and 17 wk of age and were housed in a pen together with both a surgically castrated and an intact boar littermate. Feed intake was restricted to 2.8 to 3.2 times maintenance requirement for energy. Animals were weighed weekly and slaughtered at 108 kg BW. Depending on the time of onset of the response after immunization in terms of biological effects, immunized pigs were retrospectively grouped into two categories. One category consisted of the immunized pigs, which had undetectable or low levels of LH and testosterone at the time of booster immunization-known as "early" responding immunocastrates (E-IM, n = 8), whereas the "late" responding immunocastrates (L-IM, n = 7) had substantial LH and testosterone levels at that time. This dichotomy of the response to immunization also was reflected in testis weight, with 17 g and 40 g for E-IM and L-IM pigs, respectively. At slaughter, testis size and weight were reduced (P < 0.001) in the immunocastrated pigs as compared to the intact boars. Androstenone concentrations in backfat of all immunocastrated pigs were undetectable. Growth performance (i.e., ADG and feed efficiency [FE, g gain/kg feed]), was better in boars and L-IM pigs than in surgical castrates and E-IM pigs (P < 0.05). Average daily gain and FE did not differ between E-IM pigs and the surgical castrates, but intact boars performed better than L-IM (P < 0.02). There were no significant differences in carcass quality (backfat thickness and meat percentage) between boars and surgical castrates at slaughter. However, for both characteristics L-IM pigs and intact boars performed better (P < 0.03) than E-IM pigs. Thus, growth performance in L-IM is better than in either E-IM or surgical castrates.  相似文献   

To determine the persistence period of C‐strain vaccine virus in immunized animals, domestic pigs and wild boars were vaccinated orally and killed on different days post vaccinationem (dpv). Tissue samples were taken at necropsy from both species for detection of C‐strain virus. From domestic pigs nasal swabs and faeces were also collected. During the investigation period (2–12 dpv) vaccine virus could never be detected in nasal secretions and in faeces of vaccinated domestic pigs. In contrast, C‐strain virus was found in organs until day 8 pv in domestic pigs and until day 9 pv in wild boars. Whereas in domestic pigs virus was detected in tonsils, Ln. mandibularis or in spleen, in wild boar it only was found in tonsils. We conclude that C‐strain vaccine virus is not detectable in wild boars longer than 10–12 days after intake of the vaccine baits.  相似文献   

BackgroundAfrican swine fever (ASF) is a hemorrhagic fever occurring in wild boars (Sus scrofa) and domestic pigs. The epidemic situation of ASF in South Korean wild boars has increased the risk of ASF in domestic pig farms. Although basic reproduction number (R0) can be applied for control policies, it is challenging to estimate the R0 for ASF in wild boars due to surveillance bias, lack of wild boar population data, and the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass on disease dynamics.ObjectivesThis study was undertaken to estimate the R0 of ASF in wild boars in South Korea, and subsequently analyze the spatiotemporal heterogeneity.MethodsWe detected the local transmission clusters using the spatiotemporal clustering algorithm, which was modified to incorporate the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass. With the assumption of exponential growth, R0 was estimated for each cluster. The temporal change of the estimates and its association with the habitat suitability of wild boar were analyzed.ResultsTotally, 22 local transmission clusters were detected, showing seasonal patterns occurring in winter and spring. Mean value of R0 of each cluster was 1.54. The estimates showed a temporal increasing trend and positive association with habitat suitability of wild boar.ConclusionsThe disease dynamics among wild boars seems to have worsened over time. Thus, in areas with a high elevation and suitable for wild boars, practical methods need to be contrived to ratify the control policies for wild boars.  相似文献   

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