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为促进北京市畜牧企业提质增效,保障北京市畜产品的市场供应,助力北京市畜牧业实现产业振兴,本研究基于2019年北京市国家级畜牧企业的监测数据,采用超效率SBM模型对企业经营绩效的技术效率进行测算及对非有效决策单元进行投入变量投影分析,并将超效率值引入Tobit模型,分析畜牧企业经营绩效的影响因素。结果表明:北京市国家级畜牧企业整体经营绩效水平高、引领作用强,大部分畜牧企业超效率值达到1及以上,但部分畜牧企业在劳动力、科研投入的冗余较大;广告投入力度和参与农业产业化联合体分别在1%和5%的水平上对畜牧企业经营绩效产生显著正向影响,财政扶持力度在1%的水平上对畜牧企业经营绩效产生显著负向影响,而企业性质、自建研发机构情况对畜牧企业经营绩效的影响不显著。根据研究结果,在畜牧企业自身经营及政府政策制定方面提出了相应的对策建议:扩展环京生产基地,提高规模效益;加强人力资源管理,提高劳动效率;强化畜牧业联合体建设,发挥集聚效应。  相似文献   

搞好国有林场的林业分类经营,提高商品林经济效益,对生态公益林实施有效的经营和保护成为国有林场当前生产经营活动中的重要问题。  相似文献   

根据生态环境建设的需要,按照森林多功能主导利用的不同,将森林划分为公益林和商品林两大经营类型。重点防护林是生态公益林的主要组成部分,是陆地生态系统的脊梁,具有抗御洪水、保持水土、减少  相似文献   

将森林、林木和林地划分为生态公益林和商品林,分别按照各自的特点和运营规律进行经营的一种模式。其目的就是在生态公益林区,通过资金的投入和建设,改善生态环境,使生态公益林区的森林资源得以恢复;在立地条件较好的、交通方便的商品林区,通过集约经营,大量生产木材,满足市场需求,获取最大经济效益。  相似文献   

将森林、林木和林地划分为生态公益林和商品林,分别按照各自的特点和运营规律进行经营的一种模式.其目的就是在生态公益林区,通过资金的投入和建设,改善生态环境,使生态公益林区的森林资源得以恢复;在立地条件较好的、交通方便的商品林区,通过集约经营,大量生产木材,满足市场需求,获取最大经济效益.  相似文献   

林场实行分类经营可使商品林真正走向市场,可使生态公益林得到有效的经营和保护,并且森林分类经营是林场林地资源有效利用的保证,因此在林区以林场为单位进行分类经营是十分必要的,也是势在必行的。  相似文献   

为了检验国家重点生态公益林管护效果,及时掌握重点生态公益林资源现状及消长变化情况,2006年对国家重点生态公益林建立了监测体系,2013年根据省林业厅的要求,对2006年的监测体系进行复查与监测。从2001年开始,国家对生态区位重要、生态环境脆弱地区的森林界定为国家级重点生态公益林,投入专项资金实行林业生态效益补助,其目的是保护这些被界定为重点生态公益林的森林,使其在改善本地区的生态环境、遏制生态环境恶化等方面发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

纵观1998年北京市蛋鸡养殖业发生了巨大变化:过去主要由集体经营的鸡场,如今转为农民个人经营,农民家庭养殖经营的比重由原来的10%提高到90%。随着畜牧产品市场的进一步开放,市场竞争加剧,国有、集体的鸡场陷入了困境。这些养殖场的产品成本构成因素过多,除f饲料、水电、兽药外,还包括设备折旧、工资奖金、贷款利息、管理费用及各种非生产性开支,导致产品失去了竞争力,企业普遍亏损。今年,北京市加大了畜牧业重组转制的力度,对亏损企业实行租赁、承包、兼并等多种形式的转制,鼓励农民个人投资经营,使农民家庭养殖业迅速发展…  相似文献   

今年以来,为深人贯彻落实《北京市养犬管理规定》和市工商局、公安局、农业局联合制发的《北京市从事犬类经营活动登记管理办法》,进一步规范动物诊疗行为,市兽医卫生监督检验所制定印发了《关于进一步加强  相似文献   

赵升 《中国禽业导刊》2006,23(13):44-44
近日,北京市防治重大动物疫病指挥部出台政策,有关部门将对拟从事活禽经营的场所进行动物防疫条件审核,合格后发放《动物防疫合格证》,即可经营活禽。北京市畜牧兽医行政管理部门将依据相关规定,依法核发活禽的定点屠宰证,获得资质的场所即可经营活禽。此次出台的政策还包括:外埠活禽必须取得检疫合格证,并经市政府指定的27个检疫通道(指定路口)进入本市。用于屠宰的活禽必须直接进入活禽定点屠宰企业,用于饲养的种禽、雏禽必须直接进入符合防疫条件的养殖场所。  相似文献   

Economic evaluations are critical for the assessment of the efficiency and sustainability of animal health surveillance systems and the improvement of their efficiency. Methods identifying and quantifying costs and benefits incurred by public and private actors of passive surveillance systems (i.e. actors of veterinary authorities and private actors who may report clinical signs) are needed. This study presents the evaluation of perceived costs and benefits of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) passive surveillance in Vietnam. Surveys based on participatory epidemiology methods were conducted in three provinces in Vietnam to collect data on costs and benefits resulting from the reporting of HPAI suspicions to veterinary authorities. A quantitative tool based on stated preference methods and participatory techniques was developed and applied to assess the non‐monetary costs and benefits. The study showed that poultry farmers are facing several options regarding the management of HPAI suspicions, besides reporting the following: treatment, sale or destruction of animals. The option of reporting was associated with uncertain outcome and transaction costs. Besides, actors anticipated the release of health information to cause a drop of markets prices. This cost was relevant at all levels, including farmers, veterinary authorities and private actors of the upstream sector (feed, chicks and medicine supply). One benefit associated with passive surveillance was the intervention of public services to clean farms and the environment to limit the disease spread. Private actors of the poultry sector valued information on HPAI suspicions (perceived as a non‐monetary benefit) which was mainly obtained from other private actors and media.  相似文献   

We consider the implications of public trust administration principles for collaborative fish and wildlife management. Collaboration can increase the capacity of agencies to provide fish- and wildlife-related benefits but increases the ties of agencies to some stakeholders—potentially privileging those stakeholders’ needs. We conducted two case studies of collaborative management in which we identified ways that collaboration enhanced and detracted from agencies’ capacities. We found that collaboration led to benefits for agencies, but that agencies had to make tradeoffs in the goals and objectives they pursued. With regard to meeting public trust responsibilities, we hypothesized that: (a) agencies gain from collaboration when they do not have the capacity to provide a certain type of fish- or wildlife-related benefit on their own; but (b) it is more challenging for agencies to provide benefits through collaborative efforts when they work with organizations that have goals that differ considerably from their own.  相似文献   

肉鸡出栏体重与1周末体重呈正相关,出栏体重又与养殖效益有直接关系,而决定一周末体重的主要因素是入舍后的早期管理,尤其前3 d的管理对于肉鸡一生都至关重要。在肉鸡早期管理中需要重点关注环境条件的温度、湿度和空气质量,然后加强水线和采食管理,促使雏鸡尽快采食和饮水,为1周末达到理想的体重奠定基础。同时做好预防疾病工作,提高雏鸡体质和抗病能力,降低雏鸡死亡率,进而达到提高肉鸡养殖效益的目的。  相似文献   

The American Animal Hospital Association Computer Program should benefit all small animal practitioners. Through the availability of well-researched and well-developed certified software, veterinarians will have increased confidence in their purchase decisions. With the expansion of computer applications to improve practice management efficiency, veterinary computer systems will further justify their initial expense. The development of the Association's veterinary computer network will provide a variety of important services to the profession.  相似文献   

State wildlife agencies (SWAs) manage natural resources for the benefit of the common good. However, effective management in today’s complex world requires institutional capacity that can address specific challenges. Nongovernmental organizations can enhance SWAs’ ability to manage wildlife as a public resource for which competing demands exist. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) led a participatory process to identify a suite of landscape species representative of habitats and human-caused threats in the Adirondack Park of northern New York. This effort benefitted the management of resources under the public trust doctrine. WCS brought additional capacity, specifically personnel, resources, programming, and credibility with partners, to conservation initiatives focused on boreal birds, moose, and black bears over a 15-year period in the Adirondack Park, NY. This investment resulted in several long-term projects that enhanced the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s ability to provide improved management and multiple benefits from these resources to the public.  相似文献   

North American wildlife is treated as a public trust resource (PTR), managed for the benefit of all people by government. Wildlife managers historically used restrictive regulations and enforced compliance to recover many species. Present-day societal needs include reducing some abundant game populations. Hunters often oppose this objective, creating tension between managing PTRs and gaining trust of hunters upon whose cooperation management depends. We assessed effects of normative and personal gains on cooperation of hunters through their purchase of antlerless deer licenses and their trust in the agency regarding bovine tuberculosis eradication from Michigan white-tailed deer. Logit modeling of hunter survey data indicated trust was influenced by procedural justice and personal gains. Only a single procedural justice variable was a statistically significant cooperation predictor. Findings suggest agencies may gain trust more readily than cooperation through procedurally just exercise of authority. Additional research is needed to identify meaningful gains associated with trust.  相似文献   

Collaboration between animal and public health sectors has been highlighted as a means to improve the management of zoonotic threats. This includes surveillance systems for zoonoses, where enhanced cross‐sectoral integration and sharing of information are seen as key to improved public health outcomes. Yet, there is a lack of evidence on the economic returns of such collaboration, particularly in the development and implementation of surveillance programmes. The economic assessment of surveillance in this context needs to be underpinned by the understanding of the links between zoonotic disease surveillance in animal populations and the wider public health disease mitigation process and how these relations impact on the costs and benefits of the surveillance activities. This study presents a conceptual framework of these links as a basis for the economic assessment of cross‐sectoral zoonoses surveillance with the aim of supporting the prioritization of resource allocation to surveillance. In the proposed framework, monetary, non‐monetary and intermediate or intangible cost components and benefit streams of three conceptually distinct stages of zoonotic disease mitigation are identified. In each stage, as the final disease mitigation objective varies so does the use of surveillance information generated in the animal populations for public health decision‐making. Consequently, the associated cost components and benefit streams also change. Building on the proposed framework and taking into account these links, practical steps for its application are presented and future challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

丝绸公司与蚕农博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔云  牟志美  慕振军 《蚕业科学》2003,29(4):412-416
随着我国市场经济体制改革的日渐深化 ,蚕业生产经营中各参与者逐渐成长为理性的经济利益个体 ,以追求自身利益最大化为目标决策自己的经济行为。蚕业发展也是一个博弈的过程 ,所有参与者相互间经济行为的选择影响着蚕业的发展。分析了蚕业发展中两大主要经济利益主体丝绸公司与蚕农间的非合作博弈与合作博弈 ,指出合作博弈可提高蚕业资源配置效率 ,增加蚕业竞争力 ,促进蚕丝业可持续发展。在此基础上 ,进一步分析了二者合作博弈存在的问题及目前蚕茧定购合同的作用 ,并提出了蚕业发展的几点建议 :加强贸工农一体化的经营体制 ,制定蚕丝业法 ,引导农民建立真正意义上的蚕业合作社 ,建立有效的机制抑制双方的不合作行为 ,加大科技投入等  相似文献   

肉牛具有生长周期短、产肉效率高、经济效益高、市场需求大的特征。近年,随消费者的物质生活水平显著提升,对牛肉制品的需求量不断增加,直接促进肉牛养殖产业的发展。肉牛养殖场养殖效益的好坏,受到新生犊牛饲养管理、早期断奶管理、疾病防治等各方面因素影响,做好犊牛养殖管理,能有效减少疫病的发生,避免由于传染性疾病危害造成严重经济损失,保证养殖户的经济效益,为广大消费者提供优质安全的牛肉制品。  相似文献   

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