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The human thermal comfort is influenced by many factors, and it is fuzzy, so it is a kind of stochastic fuzzy variable. So the evaluation of human thermal comfort is fuzzy also. and the method assessing the human thermal comfort with fuzzy mathematics is reliable. The factor affecting the human thermal comfort is analysed and predigested. Based on the analysis above,the methodology of assessing the thermal comfort is presented. The methodology resolves the decision_making continuum, so it lightens uncertainty of traditional method. The simulation results are compared with the Predicted Mean Vote index, and they are in good agreement. The study shows that the methodology of assessing the thermal comfort is reliable,and it presents a new approach for studying the human thermal.  相似文献   

为了全面把握海南霸王岭国家级自然保护区的总体状况,评判自然保护区的保护成效,预警自然保护区生态质量的变化以及为自然保护区管理部门提供决策依据,运用层次分析法与模糊综合评价法相结合的方法,从生态质量、管理体系、社会经济3个方面,建立了霸王岭自然保护区多层次综合评价模型,并应用此模型对霸王岭自然保护区进行了综合评价。结果显示,霸王岭自然保护区的综合评价值为89.1分,总体上达到了较好的水平,整体功能较强。在生态质量方面,该自然保护区生物多样性丰富,保护价值高,但生态系统脆弱,仍然受到人类活动的威胁;在管理体系方面,保护管理机构基本健全,但该自然保护区法规建设滞后、自养能力差、经费不足以及科技力量薄弱;在社会经济方面,该自然保护区的文化科研价值高,休闲娱乐价值开发潜力大,应积极发展生态旅游业,以增强该自然保护区的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

The author establishes a risk evaluation index system of technology innovation according to the character of technology innovation . In this index system, technology risk, the capability of coporate risk, market risk are taken into consideration as well as the situition of the interior and the exterior of coporate besides the difficulty of the technology. The index-weighted is calculated with AHP and the whole process of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is developed , which gives the accurate evaluation for the echnology innovation risk and can be guided by an enterprise for control the risk. At last, an example is given.  相似文献   

以皇冠梨和玫瑰花茶为主要原料研究梨汁玫瑰饮料.以感官评分为评价指标,采用单因素和正交试验,同时结合模糊数学评价法探究梨汁添加量、玫瑰花浸提料液比、白砂糖添加量及抗坏血酸添加量对梨汁玫瑰饮料感官品质的影响.结果表明:相对于玫瑰花浸提液的质量,在梨汁添加量30%,玫瑰花浸提料液比4:100(g/mL),白砂糖添加量5%(质量百分数),抗坏血酸添加量0.04 g/100 mL条件下制得的梨汁玫瑰饮料颜色浅黄清亮,清香甘甜,感官品质最好.  相似文献   

为了给用户提供可信的信息服务,需要对网络信息进行可信度评估,而评价网站可信度的方法是网络信息可信度评估的基础和重要组成部分,旨在探索农业综合型和专业型网站可信度评估的方法。应用模糊综合评价法对提出的网站可信度评估指标体系中的重要指标数据进行了融合,再以涉及油菜信息的网站为试验对象,进行试验数据采集与分析,对43个包含油菜信息的综合型和专业型网站可信度进行了计算和综合排序。试验Ⅰ选取了网站PR值、反向链接数、Alexa排名、页面收录数等4个指标,试验Ⅱ选取了网站PR值、反向链接数、Alexa排名、页面收录数、专业性等5个指标,分别进行模糊综合评价。试验结果表明:从网站综合实力判断网站可信度,农博网、中国农业信息网、一亩田油菜网、中华人民共和国农业部、中国农业科学院网对评评价指标体系Ⅰ反应较好;整体上国家级网站可信度高于地方级网站;网站可信度与当地的信息化和农业水平有一定关系;专业型网站与综合型网站差距较大。从网站综合实力和专业需求两方面判断网站可信度,较好的有农博网、中国农业信息网、中华人民共和国农业部。试验Ⅰ的评测指标适合于综合型网站可信度量,试验Ⅱ的评测指标适合于专业型网站可信度量。该文提出的网站可信度评价模型可为其他网站可信度评估提供参考,其中的指标可根据实际情况来选取以及确定其权重。  相似文献   

基于AHP法的物流园区选址模糊综合评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给芜湖市物流园区布局提供规划依据,探讨最佳布局方案,通过分析物流园区选址的各种影响因素,引入层次分析法,建立了芜湖市物流园区选址的综合评价指标体系。最后用模糊综合评判法对方案进行综合评价,最后得出最优的物流园区布局方案。  相似文献   

运用灰色模糊综合批判对信阳市农科院自选的10个杂交新组合的品比试验结果进行分析.结果表明:新组合10个性状小区产量、株高、一次有效分枝数、主花序长度、主花序角数、主花序角长、主花序结角密度、单株总角数、每角粒数、千粒重的权系数分别为:0.140、0.106、0.085、0.097、0.102、0.091、0.101、0.092、0.092、0.095;杂交新组合的灰色模糊综合评判大小顺序为:K>K5>K10>K1>K3>K8 >K2>K6>K7>K9;其中K(信油2709)的综合评价值是0.6288,综合表现最大,其次是K5,综合评价值为0.6084,K9综合评价值是0.2699,综合表现最差.结果与以产量性状进行方差分析的结果来看,灰色模糊综合批判筛选的杂交新组合与实际情况基本一致.其中,信油2709在灰色模糊综合批判筛选中表现最好,.信油2709在河南省优质油菜区域试验、生产试验中表现较为突出,现已顺利通过审定,审定编号为豫审油2012001.以此筛选杂交新组合是一种较为全面的、客观的、合理的鉴定方法.  相似文献   

农产品资源浪费一直是我国现阶段存在的一大问题,其主要原因是物流环节不能很好地服务于这一产业。通过收集和分析我国农产品物流及农产品物流中心选址问题的研究,提出了成本最低法的农产品物流中心选址模型,通过用模糊综合评价法构建其指标体系,最后用实证分析对其验证可行。  相似文献   

即食糊类产品关键在于其在水中的分散性以及粘度,本研究以穇子为主要研究对象,通过制作穇子糊为此类淀粉类作物的糊类产品提供参考。通过预试验、单因素试验以及L9(33)的正交试验,基于模糊综合评判法对穇子粉、麦芽糊精、单硬脂酸甘油酯、糖等进行穇子糊的配方及工艺组合研究。穇子糊的最佳工艺及配方为:糯米粉30 g,穇子粉12 g,糖10 g,黑米10 g,麦芽糊精质量分数10%,单硬脂酸甘油酯质量分数0.5%。所得产品色泽均匀、口感润滑、香甜可口、冲泡性良好。  相似文献   

为了筛选出适宜桂圆肉加工的龙眼品种,利用热风干燥技术对50个龙眼品种(实生单株)进行桂圆肉的加工试验,并对影响桂圆肉品质和加工性状的色泽、香味、口感、颗粒形态、加工性和成品率等因素进行评分,在定性分析的基础上,采用模糊评判法进行综合评价。结果表明:同一品种不同产地之间加工桂圆肉各性状差异不大,不同的龙眼品种(单株)之间加工桂圆肉性状差异较大,其中实生-19色泽和粒形均最好,实生-3、巨乌、桂香和实生-23分别在香味、口感、加工性和成品率方面表现最好。经综合评价,在本试验所用50个材料中,实生-19、巨乌、实生-14分别位于前3位,综合评价高于目前生产上用于加工桂圆肉的主要龙眼品种石硖,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

The hazard assessment of the highway landslide induced by the extreme rainfall is a complicated systemetic issue.By combining the modified analytic hierarchy process and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,all the factors that influence the highway landslide are analyzed.And the comprehensive evaluation index system as well as the danger rating is established.In the process of evaluation,different rainfall's dynamic weighting system is fixed,and then the membership of continuous and discrete index are calculated respectively by using the trapezoid membership function formula and expertise assignment,and finally case study is carried out.It is shown that this method is suitable and rational to evaluate the highway landslide induced by extreme rainfall.  相似文献   

The Decision Supporting System(DSS) is used to the selection of the qualified personnel in this paper.The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is applied to evaluate the gualification of the teaching and research staffs in colleges and universities,and also to analyze the appraise of the evaluating experts.The results,which are useful to the consultation of the leaders,are obtained.  相似文献   

There are many risks that influence freeway project financing and the influence of these risks differ by project stage. However, it is impossible to analyze the total risk of project financing objectively and accurately merely using the fuzzy or grey evaluation methods. These methods cannot reflect the dynamic characteristics of financing risks during freeway project construction. A dynamically grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was established and used to evaluate the financing risks of a freeway project. The results indicate that this method can not only make full use of the rich experience of the experts, but also reduce the influence of subjective factors. In addition, this method can reflect the dynamic characteristics of the financing risks during freeway project construction. Investors therefore can pertinently prevent and control financing risks based on the results of the evaluation of financing risks in every stage of the project. A demonstration shows that the method is suitable for comprehensive evaluation of financing risks of infrastructure projects such as freeways.  相似文献   

针对林农复合经营系统的多功能性,从生态功能、经济功能、社会功能3个方面构建了林农复合经营的综合评价指标体系,并且运用密切值法对不同复合模式进行评价。最后,对江苏省泗阳县的林农复合经营的综合效益进行实证研究,运用建立的评价指标体系和密切值法选出较优模式,以期为当地发展林农复合经营提供理论依据和方向指导。结果表明:无论从生态功能、经济功能、社会功能来看还是从综合效益来看,泗阳县的杨农复合经营模式都优于纯杨树的种植模式。其中,杨树-蒲公英复合经营模式和杨树-蘑菇复合经营模式在各个功能方面较优于其他模式,当地农民可以根据实际需要进行选择,以充分利用林地资源,增加经济收入。  相似文献   

According to the fuzzy and uncertainty characteristics of soil liquefaction, a comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model of soil liquefaction is presented. In the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model of soil liquefaction, the following factors, such as earthquake intensity, SPT counts, groundwater level and mean diameter of sand soil particle which affect the liquefaction of sand soil were considered, and the sketch map of trapezoid subordinate function was adopted and the subordinate function expression of each factor was given. The results show that the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model of soil liquefaction is feasible and valuable.  相似文献   

农业固体废弃物肥料化技术模糊综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周玮 《中国农学通报》2015,31(29):129-135
为了对农业固体废弃物肥料化技术的效益和功能进行综合定量评价,通过对现有成熟且已工程化运用的肥料化技术进行分析和模糊评价,构建出了一套由“目标层—准则层—指标层”3个层次、27个单项评价指标构成的肥料化技术评价指标体系,应用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,并在肥料化技术评价指标体系和评价方法研究的基础上,采用模糊综合评价方法对目前国内外常用的8种肥料化技术进行了评价。评价结果表明:条垛翻抛堆肥技术为华中地区典型的肥料化技术;槽式机械翻抛堆肥技术为东北地区典型的肥料化技术;静态通风堆肥技术为西南地区典型的肥料化技术。并以辽宁、北京2个典型肥料化项目对模型进行了验证,实际情况与结果相吻合,表明本文研究提出的评价指标体系和方法学具有适用性。  相似文献   

为筛选出鄂东大别山区油茶优良种质资源,对位于鄂东大别山区黄冈市红安县、麻城市、蕲春县的28株油茶实生单株进行调查,测定分析不同单株的冠幅产量、单果重、果纵径、果横径、果形指数、鲜出籽率、干出籽率、种仁含油率以及脂肪酸成分等性状指标,选取冠幅产量、单果重、干出籽率、种仁含油率、油酸、亚油酸等12个主要经济性状指标进行模糊综合评价。结合油茶品种选育技术的相关标准筛选出HQ-3、MF-46和QY-105 3个油茶实生单株,其平均隶属度分别为0.82693、0.80718和0.80524,高于其他单株。通过模糊综合评价筛选出的3个油茶优良单株4年平均冠幅产量、鲜出籽率、种仁含油率、油酸、亚油酸含量等指标均达到国家标准《油茶优良品种选育技术》的要求,宜作为优良单株开发利用。  相似文献   

As the real estate industry in P. R. China developed rapidly in recent years and the housing price constantly rose, the Tail Part of Real Estate (TPRE) became a new investment option for shrewd investors due to its huge profit possibilities. We appraise the investment values of different TPREs and provide the investor with scientific decision making support regarding the selection of TPREs. We introduce the TPRE concept and analyze the causes and factors influencing TPRE formation. We construct a mathematical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to analyze the investment options for TPREs. We provide an example showing how to analyze the TPRE investment choices using our method provided herein. It could be a good reference for the investors in choosing a TPRE for investment.  相似文献   

以18份高粱种质资源为试验材料,测定株高、穗长、千粒重、穗粒重、生育期等5个主要农艺性状及蛋白质含量、淀粉含量和粗脂肪含量等3个品质性状,采用隶属函数法综合评价18份高粱种质农艺性状和品质性状.方差分析表明,18份高粱种质资源农艺性状间差异达显著、极显著或者不显著水平.参试材料的农艺性状和品质性状的变异系数存在较大差异...  相似文献   

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