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This study was made to investigate efficacy of eprinomectin pour-on against to Toxocara vitulorum in calves. In the study, 16 calves naturally infected with T. vitulorum were divided into two groups as treatment (eight calves) and control (eight calves). Eprinomectin (0.5 mg/kg, Eprinex®, Merial) was given to treatment group calves, and eggs per gramme were determined in the faeces on the day of pre-treatment and the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 14th and 28th days of post-treatment. No side effects associated with nervous, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems were observed. In conclusion, eprinomectin was determined to be 100% effective against T. vitulorum. This is the first study to evaluate the efficacy of eprinomectin against a natural T. vitulorum infection in calves.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to carry out comparative therapeutic effect of moxidectin pour on, doramectin and ivermectin on psoroptes infestation in buffalo. A total of 318 buffalo in 77 small scale herds suspected to have mange mites were examined clinically and parasitologically. Fifty-three (16.66%) buffalo in 25 herds were recorded to be infested; 51 (16.35%) with psoroptic mites, and two (0.31%) with chorioptic mites. Buffalo with psoroptic mites were randomly allocated into three groups (17 buffalo each). First group was treated with moxidectin pour on at a dose rate of 0.5 mg kg-1. The second group received doramectin (200 μg kg-1 twice subcutaneously, 14 days apart). The third group received ivermectin (200 μg kg-1 twice subcutaneously, 14 days apart). Adjunct to each drug, deltamethrin was applied to the surrounding environment twice at a two week interval. Treatment outcomes of 51 buffalo with psoroptic mites showed that moxidectin pour on and doramectin had a significant higher effect on mite count reduction (MANOVA, P < 0.01; Walks, Lambda, P < 0.01) and clinical sum scores (MANOVA, P < 0.05; Walks, Lambda, P < 0.05) compared with injectible ivermectin. On clinical level, the number of clinically recovered buffalo in moxidectin and doramectin treated groups was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of ivermectin treated group. The result of the present study indicated that psoroptic mites are the main cause of mange in buffalo in Lower Egypt. This is the first report that describes the effect of moxidectin in buffalo. Moxidectin is a good alternative and easily applied drug for treatment of psoroptes infestation in buffalo.  相似文献   

The control of equine piroplasmosis is becoming increasingly important to maintain the international market open to the horse industry. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of equine piroplasmosis (Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) in Galicia, north-west Spain, and to compare haematological and serum biochemistry parameters between non-parasitaemic horses and horses parasitaemic with T. equi and B. caballi. Sixty serum samples (control group) were taken from healthy horses pastured on two farms, and examined for evidence of equine T. equi and B. caballi infection by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Of the 60 samples, 24 (40%) and 17 (28.3%) samples were positive for T. equi and B. caballi, respectively. Twelve (20%) samples were positive for both parasites. Haematology and serum biochemistry were compared between controls and a series of 36 horses clinically affected by T. equi (25) or B. caballi (11). Compared with the healthy group, there was a 43% and 37% decrease in the haematocrit for T. equi and B. caballi infection, respectively. Parasitaemic horses presented an intense anaemia and serum biochemistry signs of liver damage. The anaemia was more severe in T. equi-infected than in B. caballi-infected horses. Our results suggest that equine piroplasmosis is widespread in the region and is a cause for concern.  相似文献   

In this study, pathological, serological and virological examinations were performed on 15 sheep from a flock of 250 sheep and lambs that suffer from simultaneous naturally occurring BTV, PPRV and SPV outbreaks. SPV was diagnosed macroscopically and histopathologically, BTV was diagnosed by ELISA, and PPRV was diagnosed pathologically and by ELISA. Clinically fever, diarrhea, depression, polypnea, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, rhinitis, erosive stomatitis, edema of eyelids, photophobia, cutaneous eruption with erythematous areas especially noticeable in wool-free parts of the body and axilla lesions evolving into papules were observed. At necropsy, the most effected organs were lungs and gut. Subepicardial hemorrhages were also commonly seen. While typical pox lesions were observed in some lambs, usually fibrinous pleuropneumonia was more prominent lung lesion. SPV and PPRV lesions were seen at the histopathological examination of the lesioned tissues, BT lesions were mild than SPV and PPRV microscopically. Serum and leukocyte samples of 15 animals were examined for PPRV and BTV by ELISA; 5 samples were positive for PPRV and 6 BTV, 4 were positive for both PPRV and BTV simultaneously. One hundred animals died, most were lambs. Mortality rates were 100% in lambs and 80% in the herd.  相似文献   



This study aims to investigate the immunoprotection of recombinant Eg.P29 (rEg.P29) vaccine and analyze the underlying mechanism in sheep.


Three groups of male sheep were immunized subcutaneously with rEg.P29 and PBS, Freund’s complete adjuvant as controls, respectively. After prime-boost vaccination, the sheep were challenged with encapsulated Echinococcus granulosus eggs. The percentage of protection in sheep was determined 36 weeks after the infection. Humoral immune response was analyzed for specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgE levels. Moreover, cytokines including interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4,and IL-10 were also evaluated.


Immunization with rEg.P29 induced protective immune responses up to 94.5 %, compared with immunoadjuvant group. The levels of specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgE as well as IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 significantly increased after two immunizations (P < 0.05); however, the levels of IgM and IL-10 did not show difference.


rEg.P29 showed Immunoprotection and induced Th1 and Th2 immune responses; hence, rEg.P29 is a potential vaccine for E. granulosus infection.

Anticoccidial effects of Aloe secundiflora crude leaf extract was tested in broiler chickens following oral infection with Eimeria tenella. Sixty 22-day-old birds were divided into six groups of ten birds each. Three treatment groups A, B, and C were fed with the extract (100, 250, and 500 mg/day, respectively) mixed in feed for 10 days, and three control groups: group D (drug control) administered 300 mg/l of sulfachloropyrazine sodium soluble powder in drinking water for 5 days, group E (infected/non-medicated positive control), and group F (uninfected/non-medicated negative control). Except for group F, all groups were orally inoculated with 75,000 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella. The effects of the extract on E. tenella infection were evaluated by severity of bloody diarrhea, body weight (BW) gain, oocyst output, and lesion score. No bird in the treated groups died of coccidiosis, and severity of bloody diarrhea was milder than in the positive control group. BW gains in the treated groups were significantly higher than in group E (p < 0.05). The lesion scores of the treated groups were significantly lower than that of group E. Oocyst output in groups A, B, and C were 11.23, 8.24, and 6.82 × 106, respectively. As compared with the negative control group (12.84 × 106), the reductions in oocyst production were 12.54, 35.83, and 46.88%, respectively. Oocyst output significantly reduced with an increase in Aloe dosage. The findings of this study suggest that Aloe secundiflora extract presents an alternative anticoccidial agent for the control of avian coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Bovine sarcocystosis is caused by Sarcocystis cruzi and is known to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in cattle. This species is distributed worldwide in cattle and is the most prevalent of the Sarcocystis species infecting cattle. There is high infection rate of sarcocyst in cattle in Iran, but to our knowledge, there is no study about identification of Sarcocystis species. This work aimed to survey prevalence of S. cruzi cyst in slaughtered cattle of Isfahan, Iran. In this study, esophageal and diaphragmatic muscles of 100 cattle were collected from Fesaran abattoir of Isfahan and examined for the presence of Sarcocystis spp. cysts macroscopically and microscopically. No macroscopic sarcocysts were found in any of the samples. In light microscopy, 89 out of 100 cattle (89%) had thin-walled cysts of S. cruzi, while 21 out of them (21%) had thick-walled sarcocysts. In addition to light microscopy, ultrastructural features of the thin-walled cyst confirmed the presence of S. cruzi.  相似文献   

Ascaris suum is a gastrointestinal nematode parasite of swines. The aim of this study was to observe Pochonia chlamydosporia fungus on biological control of A. suum eggs after fungus passage through swines gastrointestinal tract. Eighteen pigs, previously dewormed, were randomly divided into three groups: group 1, treated with the fungus isolate VC4; group 2, treated with the fungus isolate VC1 and group 3 did not receive fungus (control). In the treated groups, each animal received a 9 g single dose of mycelium mass containing P. chlamydosporia (VC1 or VC4). Thereafter, animal fecal samples were collected at the following intervals: 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h after treatment beginning and these were poured in Petri dishes containing 2% water-agar culture medium. Then, 1,000 A. suum eggs were poured into each dish and kept in an incubator at 26°C and in the dark for 30 days. After this period, approximately 100 eggs were removed from each Petri dish and morphologically analyzed under light microscopy following the ovicidal activity parameters. The higher percentage observed for isolated VC4 eggs destruction was 57.5% (36 h) after fungus administration and for isolate VC1 this percentage was 45.8% (24 h and 72 h) (p > 0.01). P. chlamydosporia remained viable after passing through the gastrointestinal tract of swines, maintaining its ability of destroying A. suum eggs.  相似文献   

Persistent anthelmintic efficacy of topical formulations (all at a dosage of 500 microg/kg) of doramectin (DOR), ivermectin (IVM), eprinomectin (EPR) and moxidectin (MOX), in comparison with untreated control cattle (CONT), was observed in stocker beef calves during a 112-day winter-spring grazing trial. Five groups of 15 calves per group were grazed on 15 separate 2 ha pastures following random assignment of animals to specific pastures and then to treatment groups. All of the 5 treatments were represented in each of the 15 pastures. All cattle were weighed on study Days 1, 0, 28, 56, 84, 111 and 112. Fecal samples for nematode egg counts were collected on Days 7, 0, at 7 day intervals through Day 56 and at 14 day intervals to Day 1 12. Pooled group fecal cultures for determining generic composition of nematode infections were prepared at 14 day intervals throughout the study. As based on fecal egg counts, anthelmintic activity of EPR and MOX was greater (p < 0.05) than values for IVM or CONT through Day 28. Activity of DOR was greater (p < 0.05) than that of IVM on Days 7 and 14 only. Although significance levels varied little among treated groups from Day 42 to the end of the study, egg counts and percent reduction values of EPR and MOX remained consistently lower numerically than egg counts and higher than reduction values respectively, of DOR and IVM through Day 70. From Day 70 on, IVM counts were numerically, but not significantly higher than values of CONT. Based on larval culture, Cooperia predominated from Day 0 through 28 and again from Days 70 to 98; Ostertagia was second in prevalence with highest percentages, which exceeded those of Cooperia, between Days 42 and 70. Bodyweights of all treated groups, with exception of IVM, were always significantly greater (p < 0.05) than weights of CONT. Weights of IVM were numerically greater, but not significantly greater than CONT only on Days 84 and 112. From Day 56 on, there were no significant differences between weights of DOR, EPR and MOX, however, numerical values for MOX were consistently higher than values for the other two. Final average total bodyweight gains were: 153.7 kg for MOX, 148.5 kg for EPR, 146.9 kg for DOR, 139.7 kg for IVM and 127.7 kg for CONT.  相似文献   

Nigerian strain of Peste des Petit Ruminant (PPR) virus and Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) biotype A serotype 2, was used successfully to reproduce a concurrent disease in West African Dwarf goats. The development of the various pathological features were studied at regular intervals following infection. The acute inflammatory reaction which had developed by day 3 after initial infection was characterised by flooding of the alveoli by neutrophils, oedema, hemorrhage and syncytial cells together with a moderate bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial necrosis. This progressed to a milder acute broncho interstitial pneumonia with giant cells. At this stage, the mucosal immunity were well developed especially the aggregate form of NALT and more of nodular forms of BALT. The organisms were demonstrated with strong immunostaining in the necrotic center, necrotic alveolar wall, fibrin, serous exudate, and degenerated leukocyte in the alveoli and respiratory airways. The bacterial antigens were observed as a strong immunostaining in the blood vessels of the nasal septum, sinusoid in the liver and interstium of the kidney, cytoplasm of alveolar macrophages, pneumocytes, bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, in the monocytes in the blood vessels. These findings confirmed the enhancement of MH tropism especially in the respiratory tract, liver and kidney. It also showed that West african dwarf goats are highly susceptible to the intratracheal combined infection of PPR virus and MH. The fact that the infection induces strong mucosal responses, this phenomenon can be explored in Africa with the use of combined PPR virus and MH intranasal vaccines to curtail the menace of pneumonia associated with the combined infection on field.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro lethal effect of a hydroalcoholic extract (HAE) from Acacia cochliacantha leaf against three gastrointestinal nematodes species (Haemonchus contortus, H. placei and Cooperia punctata) of domestic ruminants. The HAE was assessed using five concentrations: 100, 125, 175, 150 and 200 mg/ml; 0.5% Ivermectin was used as a positive control and distilled water, as negative control. The data were normalized using the square root and analysed with a completely randomized design through ANOVA analysis using the general lineal model (GLM) of the SAS program. The HAE tannin content was determined through spectrophotometry (UV-visible) and the other major phenols, were identified by chromatographic processes. The results showed an in vitro larvicidal activity of the HAE against the three assessed nematode species with all assessed concentrations. A clear HAE increased concentration dependence effect was observed. The highest activity of the HAE was obtained at the highest concentration (close to 100%, P < 0.05). This result was similar to the one obtained with Ivermectin. On the other hand, the chemical analysis of HAE showed the presence of tannins, caffeoyls and coumaroyl derivates and quercetin as the main compounds. The results suggest that the HAE from this plant species possess in vitro anthelmintic properties. The identified compounds in this study would good candidates for further in vivo researches.  相似文献   

The ovicidal effect of the nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia on eggs of Ascaris suum was tested under laboratory conditions. A. suum eggs were plated on 2% water–agar with seven fungal isolates (Isol. 5, Isol. 31, Isol. 1, VC1, Isol. 12, Isol. 22 and VC4) and control without fungus. After 5, 7, 10, 14, 15 and 21 days of incubation, approximately 100 eggs were removed from the plates and classified according to the following parameters: type 1, biochemical and physiological effect without morphological damage to the eggshell, type 2, lytic effect with morphological alteration of the eggshell and embryo and type 3, lytic effect with morphological alteration of eggshell and embryo showing hyphal penetration and internal egg colonization. The isolates effectively destroyed A. suum eggs and all types of effects were observed during the experiment. There was no variation in ovicidal capacity (type 3 effect) among the isolates (p > 0.05) throughout the experiment. After 21 days, isolate 5 showed the highest percentages of type 3 effect (58.33%). The results indicated that P. chlamydosporia (Isol. 5, Isol. 31, Isol. 1, VC1, Isol. 12, Isol. 22 and VC4) can destroy A. suum eggs and is, therefore, a potential biological control agent of nematodes.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium causes food-borne outbreaks and systemic diseases in humans and animals. groEL gene (also known as mopA gene in S. Typhimurium), possessing conserved sequence, plays an important role in invasion of bacteria. The purpose of present study was to identify the polymorphism of groEL gene among different avians in different regions by PCR-RFLP method. Fifty two S. Typhimurium isolates (Broiler (n = 13), Layer (n = 12), Duck (n = 5), Goose (n = 5), Sparrow (n = 8), Canary (n = 3), Pigeon (n = 5) and Casco parrot (n = 1). were identified using serotyping as well as multiplex-PCR. Then, amplification of groEL gene performed and amplified products subjected to restriction digestion with BsuRI enzyme. Three RFLP profiles, A, B and C, generated DNA fragments between approximately 100–1,000 bp in size, were observed. The RFLP profile A was observed in 35 (67.3%), profile B in 14 (26.9%) and profile C in 3 (5.77%) of isolates. S. Typhimurium isolates recovered from 13 broilers (two of which profile A, 9 profile B and 2 profile C) and from 8 sparrows (two of which profile A, 5 profile B and 1 profile C) showed all three profiles, but 12 layers and other avians (including Canary (n = 3), Goose (n = 5), Duck (n = 5), Pigeon (n = 5) and Casco parrot (n = 1)) showed profile A. None of these profiles was allotted for a special region. The result of present study showed that S. Typhimurium undergoes genetic mutations in groEL gene under unpleasant milieu in different regions and in different avians. Thus, genetic diversity, despite conserved nature of groEL gene in S. Typhimurium, may exist but it depends on the condition where bacteria have settled. To our knowledge, three RFLP profiles of groEL gene generated by BsuRI restriction enzyme were not reported previously.  相似文献   



This study evaluated the effects in vitro and in vivo of Agaricus blazei against Haemonchus contortus in sheep.


The in vitro efficacy of aqueous extract on egg hatching inhibition (EHI) was investigated and after 72 h incubation with varying concentrations the effects on, blastomeres, embryonated eggs, and first stage larvae (L1) were evaluated. Larval development inhibition (LDI) for dry powder and the aqueous extract were evaluated in fecal cultures of sheep infected with H. contortus. In vivo efficacy was determined by reduction in fecal egg count (FEC). Lambs were treated with powder A. blazei (11.4 g/kg pc) or trichlorfon, or were untreated and the possible toxicity of this fungus was monitored by plasmatic enzyme analysis.


Concentrations equal to and higher than 3.62 mg/mL and of aqueous extract were 100% effective in the EHI test. In the LDI test, LC90 was estimated for 5.66 and 106.0 mg/g fecal culture for aqueous extract and powder, respectively. The mean FEC in lambs 14 days post-treatment with A. blazei powder was significantly lower than observed for the negative control, and the serum levels of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase were normal.


The fungi supplementation promotes, respectively, high and moderate anthelmintic efficacy with in vitro and in vivo tests, respectively, suggesting it as an alternative or complementary treatment for haemonchosis in sheep.

Brucellosis caused by Brucella abortus in domestic water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised under the traditional system of husbandry in northern India was diagnosed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) with a Protein-G-based indicator system (Protein-G ELISA). A total of 1,551 animals that are positive (N = 61), negative (N = 243), and suspected (N = 1,247) for brucellosis were examined. Rose bengal test (RBT) was used to predict the disease, and accordingly, animals were dichotomized in positive and negative population for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to determine the sensitivity, the specificity, and the performance index of Protein-G ELISA. Taking all animals (N=1551) into account, the ROC curve analysis revealed cut off value of 29.6% positivity (%P) with 98.40% and 94.94%, sensitivity and specificity, respectively. The results were compared with ELISA in which anti-bovine conjugate was used. The cut off in ELISA was 37.9%P and sensitivity and specificity were 96.26% and 97.07%, respectively. The performance indexes of both the assays were almost equal and were 193.34 for Protein-G ELISA and 193.33 for ELISA. The cut off values of both the tests changed, if only known positive (N = 61) and known negative (N=243) animals were used for ROC curve analysis, and accordingly, changes in sensitivity and specificity were observed with significant decrease of performance indexes of both the tests. The high optical density (P<0.0001) background signal with negative serum control and high %P (P<0.0001) in sera from negative population were noticed in ELISA in comparison to Protein-G ELISA.  相似文献   

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