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Objective: To investigate the incidence of caudal cruciate ligament (CaCL) damage in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR). Study Design: Prospective clinical study. Animals: Dogs (n=24) admitted for surgical stabilization of the stifle after CCLR and 8 healthy dogs with intact cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) and CaCL studied as controls. Methods: Preoperative radiographs and stifle joint images (arthrotomy, 6; arthroscopy, 18) were collected from dogs with CCLR. Severity of arthritis, synovitis, CCL damage, and CaCL damage were assessed using numerical rating scales. The CaCL was probed to determine whether minor fraying or a full thickness defect in the ligament was present. Data collected from the study population were compared with the control population of dogs. Results: The CaCL was damaged in 21/24 (88%) of dogs with CCLR; 6/24 (25%) had a full thickness defect in the CaCL. Severity of stifle synovitis and severity of damage to the CaCL were positively correlated (P<.05). Conclusions: The CaCL is damaged in a high percentage of dogs with CCLR. A significant and positive correlation exists between the degree of synovitis present and the extent of CaCL damage. Clinical Relevance: In dogs with CCLR, cruciate ligament pathology typically involves both the CCL and CaCL. As the severity of synovitis and the extent of CaCL damage are related, this observation supports the hypothesis that stifle synovitis may contribute to CCL and CaCL degeneration and subsequent damage.  相似文献   

Three adult large breed dogs were evaluated for chronic forelimb lameness. Clinical examination localised pain to the area of the shoulder joint. Traditional imaging methods, including radiography, arthrography and ultrasonography, were unrewarding. Arthroscopy performed via a lateral portal demonstrated complete tears of the proximal part of the lateral glenohumeral ligament in all cases. Two of the three cases responded to treatment with intra-articular methylprednisolone and rest with a resolution of the lameness, while the third failed to improve. Surgical intervention in this third case involved lateral capsulorraphy, and re-examination at five weeks postoperatively showed the dog to be without lameness. Tearing of the lateral glenohumeral ligament should be considered in the differential diagnosis of shoulder lameness. Surgical stabilisation should be considered in cases refractory to conservative treatment.  相似文献   

Four cases of partial rupture of the craniomedial part of the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) are presented. Clinical examination revealed only subtle signs of CCL injury. The cranial drawer sign was present in two dogs and in flexion only. As the cranial drawer sign is not always evident a tentative diagnosis of partial CCL rupture should be based on history, joint tenderness and joint effusion. Arthrotomy and careful probing of the ligament is indicated. In these cases the lesion was treated immediately after diagnosis to prevent further degeneration and possible total rupture of the ligament. A fascial graft using the ‘over the top’ reconstruction technique was performed leaving the intact portion of the ligament in situ. Follow-up examination after four to six months revealed normal limb function in three dogs whereas slight and periodic lameness persisted in one dog.  相似文献   

A mature male alpaca with acute lameness of the left handlimb was diagnosed as having a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Repair was achieved using a combination of surgical techniques. A patellar ligament autograft was passed under the cranial meniscal ligament, through the joint and over the femoral condyle, and anchored using a screw and washer. Two nylon sutures were passed through a hole made in the tibial crest, and secured under the screw. The alpaca was confined in a stall for 3 months. Exercise was then increased progressively for 3 months. One year after surgery the alpaca is sound and has resumed breeding activity.  相似文献   

The patellar ligament angle (PLA) was assessed in 105 normal stifle joints of 79 dogs and 33 stifle joints of 26 dogs with a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). The PLA of stifles with complete CrCL rupture was significantly lower than that of normal stifles, particularly at a flexion angle of 60~80° in both plain and stress views. If the PLA was <90.55° on the stress view with a 60~80° flexion angle, the dog was diagnosed with a complete rupture of the CrCL with a sensitivity of 83.9% and specificity of 100%. In conclusion, measuring the PLA is a quantitative method for diagnosing complete CrCL rupture in canines.  相似文献   

Medical records of 7 adult horses with single or multiple ligament failure of the femorotibial ligaments were reviewed to evaluate signalment, history, diagnostic and treatment methods, outcome, and long-term follow-up information. Acute onset of lameness was recorded for most of the horses. Horses with multiple ligament injury had more severe clinical signs than did horses with single ligament injury. Horses with single ligament injury generally required manipulative tests to localize the lameness to the stifle. In all horses, radiography of the stifle assisted in the diagnosis. Horses either were euthanatized (n = 3) or were treated by stall rest (n = 4) after diagnosis. Of the 4 surviving horses, 2 became successful breeding animals, 1 was awaiting breeding, and 1 was used unsuccessfully as a breeding animal. Necropsy findings in 2 of the 3 horses euthanatized after diagnosis revealed early articular damage in 1 horse 1 day after injury, and degenerative joint disease in the other horse 1 year after injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence, level of inbreeding, heritability, and mode of inheritance for rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (RCCL) in Newfoundlands. DESIGN: Retrospective and recruitment study. ANIMALS: 574 client-owned Newfoundlands. PROCEDURE: Medical records from January 1, 1996, to December 31, 2002, were evaluated for prevalence of RCCL. A pedigree was constructed by use of recruited Newfoundlands with RCCL status based on results of veterinary examination; level of inbreeding, heritability, and mode of inheritance were calculated. RESULTS: Hospital prevalence for RCCL was 22%; dogs in the pedigree from the recruitment study had a mean level of inbreeding of 1.19 x 10(4), heritability of 0.27, and a possible recessive mode of inheritance with 51% penetrance for RCCL. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Identification of a genetic basis for RCCL in Newfoundlands provided evidence that investigators can now focus on developing methods to identify carriers to reduce the prevalence of RCCL.  相似文献   

The majority of studies on cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) disease to date have been carried out on dogs that already sustained a CrCL rupture, which is the end-stage of the disease. Investigations have recently been carried out to study humoral and cellular immunopathological mechanisms in predisposed dogs before clinical rupture of the contralateral CrCL. The cruciate ligaments are mainly composed of collagen type I, and immune responses to collagen have been suggested as a cause of CrCL degradation in dogs. None of these investigations showed evidence that anticollagen type I antibodies alone initiate CrCL damage. However, in predisposed dogs a distinct anticollagen type I antibody gradient was found towards the contralateral stifle joint that eventually sustained a CrCL rupture, suggesting that there was an inflammatory process present in these joints before detectable joint instability occurred. The importance of cellular reactivity to collagen type I in cruciate disease also remains unclear. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation to collagen type I was very diverse in dogs with cruciate disease whereas some sham operated dogs and healthy dogs tested positive as well. It is not yet determined whether cellular reactivity to collagen type I exists locally in the stifle joints nor whether this could initiate CrCL degradation. Inflammatory processes within the stifle joint can alter the composition of the cruciate ligaments. In animal models of immune-mediated synovitis, the mechanical strength of the CrCL is significantly reduced. Immunohistochemical studies on synovial tissues from dogs with rheumatoid arthritis and dogs with cruciate disease revealed that the pathologic features are similar in both joint pathologies and that the differences are mainly quantitative. Joint inflammation induced by biochemical factors such as cytokines has been implied in CrCL degeneration. In several studies, the levels of pro-inflammatory and T helper cytokines were measured in dogs that sustained a CrCL rupture, but the exact role of the various cytokines in the pathogenesis of CrCL disease remains inconclusive. More recently, the levels of the cytokines have been investigated over time in predisposed dogs before and after CrCL rupture. IL-8 expression tended to be higher in stifle joints that will rupture their CrCL during the next 6 months than in those that will not, indicating an inflammatory process in these joints before clinical rupture. This review provides a comprehensive overview of all possible implications of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses published in dogs with cruciate disease together with publications from human joint diseases. Furthermore, this review highlights recent findings on cytokines and proteinases in the accompanying joint inflammation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the angles between the patellar ligament and the tibial plateau and between the patellar ligament and the common tangent at the tibiofemoral contact point (TFCP) in stifle joints of dogs with partial rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) for comparison with data obtained for stifle joints in dogs with intact CrCLs. SAMPLE POPULATION: 60 stifle joints of 54 dogs with surgically confirmed partial CrCL rupture. PROCEDURES: Mediolateral radiographic views of the stifle joints were obtained, and the angles between the patellar ligament and the conventionally defined tibial plateau (angle gamma) and between the patellar ligament and the common tangent to the TFCP (angle alpha) were measured at incidental stifle joint flexion (angle beta) by 2 independent observers. Data underwent linear regression analysis and were compared with findings in joints of dogs without degenerative joint disease. RESULTS: In stifle joints of dogs with a partial rupture of the CrCL, angles gamma and alpha were 5 degrees and 2 degrees larger than each corresponding angle in healthy canine joints. At 100 degrees of flexion, the patellar ligament was perpendicular to the conventionally defined tibial plateau. At 110 degrees of flexion, the patellar ligament was perpendicular to the common tangent at the TFCP. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs, stifle joints with partially ruptured CrCLs have marginally larger angles between the patellar ligament and the tibial plateau, compared with joints with intact CrCLs; at equivalent angles of flexion, comparatively greater shear force affects the CrCLs in stifle joints with partial CrCL ruptures.  相似文献   

Tears to the lateral glenohumeral ligament appear to be uncommon in dogs. Two Labrador Retrievers were arthroscopically diagnosed with lateral glenohumeral ligament tears of the shoulder. Both cases failed to respond to conservative management. Surgical stabilisation of the lateral aspect of the shoulder joint was achieved using an arthroscopically placed suture using a hanging limb technique. Lameness resolved in both cases.  相似文献   

An osteochondral flap was present on the medial femoral condyle of a stifle of a six-month-old female rottweiler in which there was also a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. The lesion was probably osteochondritis dissecans, but the possibilities of it being secondary to joint in-stability or a subchondral fracture, as has been described in people with knee ligamentous injuries, are discussed.  相似文献   

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