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4种抗凝血灭鼠剂毒饵对黑线姬鼠实验室毒效比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验室比较抗凝血灭鼠剂杀鼠灵、杀鼠醚、敌鼠钠盐毒饵(浓度0.025%)和溴敌隆毒饵(浓度0.005%)对黑线姬鼠的毒效。结果显示,单养试验中,4种鼠药对试鼠的毒杀率分别为80%,80%,100%和90%;摄食系数分别为0.73,0.69,0.53和0.83。群养试验中,4种鼠药对试鼠的毒杀率都是100%;摄食系数分别为0.62,0.75,0.13和0.96。试验表明,4种鼠药都适用于防治黑线姬鼠。但从科学用药以及灭鼠成本和易用性考虑,敌鼠钠盐为首选。  相似文献   

采用自由取食和强制取食2种方法测定了0.005%澳鼠灵RB对敏感布氏田鼠的毒杀作用.结果表明,该药剂的平均摄食系数为0.171,不同性别和年龄的鼠之间不存在显著性差异.平均致死时间:强制取食为3.9 d,自由取食为5.2 d.2种处理方式以及不同性别和年龄组间差异不显著.  相似文献   

试验采用自由取食和强制取食2种方法测定了溴鼠灵0.005%膏剂对敏感布氏田鼠的毒杀作用.结果表明,该药剂的平均摄食系数为17.1%,不同性别和年龄的鼠之间不存在显著性差异。平均致死时间:强制取食为3.9d,自由取食为5.2d,2种处理方式以及不同性别和年龄组间差异不显著。  相似文献   

采用6种常用杀鼠剂进行田间和室内药效综合测试,结果表明:农田在以黑线姬鼠为优势种下,防效最好为氯敌鼠钠盐,其次为溴鼠灵和溴敌隆,再次为杀鼠醚、生物猫和敌鼠钠盐;农舍在以褐家鼠为优势种下,防效最好为溴鼠隆和氯敌鼠钠盐,其次为溴敌隆;城镇室内在以小家鼠为优势种下,防效最好为溴敌隆、其次为溴鼠隆和氯敌鼠钠盐。取得了田间害鼠日摄食量和死亡时间观察资料。在农田中等鼠密度下,每666.7 m2投饵量为:溴鼠隆75 g、氯敌鼠钠盐75 g、溴敌隆150 g、生物猫170 g、杀鼠醚200 g、敌鼠钠盐250 g。  相似文献   

应用Leslie矩阵对布氏田鼠种群数量的模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Leslie矩阵对内蒙古太仆寺旗草原的布氏田鼠作了种群动态模拟分析.结果表明:①该模型数值模拟的准确率达到87.7%.②矩阵特征值λ既表达了在调查时段种群达到稳定增长状态的周限增长率,又可作为衡量种群变动趋势的指标:当λ>1.232时布氏田鼠种群处于上升期,当λ趋于1.232时种群处于高峰期,当λ<1时种群处于下降期.③不同增长期的年龄结构与繁殖率的差异显著,在种群上升期,幼鼠比例明显高于高峰期和下降期.④在上升期,繁殖率为关键因子;在高峰期和下降期的关键因子是存活率.  相似文献   

为阐明驯化过程对季节性繁殖的布氏田鼠Lasiopodomys brandtii性腺活性的影响,采用放射免疫技术从秋季(11月)至翌年春季(3月)对室内驯化1月、3年和10年的雌雄鼠粪便中的性激素水平进行监测。结果显示,在11—12月非繁殖季节,驯化10年组雄鼠睾酮水平分别达到3年组和1月组的3.5倍和13.3倍,驯化10年组雌鼠雌二醇水平分别达到3年组和1月组的2.0倍和3.7倍,且差异均达到显著水平;长期(3年和10年)驯化组雄鼠在繁殖初期(1—3月)的睾酮水平也较短期驯化组显示出更大幅度的提升。表明在经历长期驯化后布氏田鼠对稳定的室内环境逐渐适应,非繁殖期性腺活性抑制的程度逐渐减弱,呈现出随驯化时长增加而逐渐递增的趋势,从而导致鼠类繁殖表型发生了可塑性变化。  相似文献   

为确定适于防治南疆农区鼠害的抗凝血类杀鼠剂, 在喀什地区疏勒县采用夹捕法、食饵法、粉迹法评估了杀鼠醚、溴敌隆、溴鼠灵的防治效果, 并采用灌胃法给药测试3种杀鼠剂对家鸡Gallus domestiaus和鸽子Columba livia的安全性。结果表明, 连续投放毒饵10 d后, 与溴敌隆防治区相比, 杀鼠醚防治区的阳性粉块和无毒小麦取食量的下降幅度均无显著差异, 但无毒小麦取食量下降的农户比例更高;且防治后褐家鼠比例更低, 防治期间毒饵消耗量更高。连续单独投放溴敌隆30 d的灭鼠效果可达90.9%, 但10 d溴敌隆与20 d溴鼠灵联合防治防效仅为65.9%。灌胃法测试表明, 对当地家禽类的毒性从低到高依次为杀鼠醚、溴敌隆和溴鼠灵。因此, 建议优选毒性较低的杀鼠醚或溴敌隆用于南疆农区鼠害防治。  相似文献   

紫外(UV)辐射作用于"病菌一植物"病害系统影响植物病害的发生发展,主要包括两个方面一是UV辐射对植物病原菌孢子的萌发、芽管伸长、菌丝生长等光生物学效应,不同种属的菌种对UV辐射存在不同的响应机制;二是寄主植物从形态、生理生化等方面对UV作出响应,导致植物的抗病性发生变化.研究证实,中、短波UV辐射可抑制病菌孢子萌发,减少病害的发病率;长波UV辐射对病菌孢子的萌发有诱导作用,可提高病害发病率.根据UV辐射水平、病菌侵染程度及植物抗性品种等因素的影响,UV辐射对不同植物病害系统也存在不同的作用机制.该文作者就近年来国内外有关辐射对植物病害影响的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

为了筛选适用于高寒草地鼠害及鼠荒地治理的高效、安全的控鼠药剂,本试验选用氟鼠灵(A1)、胆钙化醇(A2)、地芬诺酯·硫酸钡(A3)、D型肉毒梭菌毒素(A4)4种杀鼠剂,在若尔盖县高寒草地典型分布区域针对高原鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae进行适口性及种群密度控制效果试验研究.结果表明:氟鼠灵被采食的重量显著高于...  相似文献   

选用阿维菌素、吡丙醚、氟虫睛、吡虫啉、毒死蜱和硫氟磺酰胺等6种毒饵在室外对红火蚁进行诱杀效果比较试验,结果表明0.5%硫氟磺酰胺饵剂的防治效果最好,药后7d起效,21d后防效达42.7%,35d后达100%。  相似文献   

Samenvatting Het onderzoek van anti-coagulanten als rodenticiden in het biologisch laboratorium van de Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, als onderdeel van de middelenkeuring ten behoeve van de bestrijdingsmiddelenwetgeving, wordt volgens de hierbij beschreven methoden uitgevoerd. Naast de chemische bepaling van het gehalte aan giftig bestanddeel wordt de giftigheid nagegaan in maagsondeproeven na éénmalige toediening (LD 50). Verder wordt de sterftetijd vastgesteld: bij het geregeld dagelijks opnemen van vergiftigd voedsel, tot de dood intreedt; bij dagelijks opnemen gedurende enkele dagen (3, 5 of 7 dagen-proeven) en bij opnemen van vergiftigd voedsel, afgewisseld met opnemen van nietvergiftigd voedsel (onderbrekings-proeven). Ten slotte worden keuzeproeven gedaan om een eventuele afkeer van de dieren voor de middelen te kunnen vaststellen.  相似文献   

Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are considered inhumane, show increasingly limited efficacy due to acquired resistance, and carry environmental consequences associated with non-target species uptake. In a questionnaire study of 499 UK farms that all deployed chemical rodenticide we found a high mean reliance (79%), on second generation ARs with just over half of the respondents using no other rodent control methods. Additional methods where deployed, alone or in combination, included predation (41%), kill-trap deployment (16%) and shooting (1%). Nearly 40% of all respondents deployed rodenticides year-round. There was no evidence to suggest that “tidy-farm” measures, such as clearing food spills and minimising on-farm rodent harbourage sites aimed at minimising rodent-associated problems, were associated with a lower likelihood of year-round deployment; in fact trends in our analyses suggested the opposite. We therefore encourage operators to fully evaluate the true necessity of rodenticide deployment before AR use.  相似文献   

Poisons used in bait to control rats are of two kinds; single-dose acute poisons and those with a slow or cumulative action lethal only if two or more daily doses are consumed. The two types require different baiting techniques and different methods must be used for testing them in the field. For acute poisons, the relative sizes of rat infestations have to be measured by baiting with unpoisoned bait both before and after poison baiting and the pre-treatment sizes taken into account when analysing the results. When testing possible cumulative or multiple-dose poisons, pre-treatment baiting is unnecessary and the method used was that originally devised for field testing for anticoagulant resistance in rats. Examples of published results of field trials of both types of poison are discussed.  相似文献   

Widespread anticoagulant resistance was discovered in populations of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) in an area of roughly 8000 km2 in north-west Germany. Resistance testing was performed by feeding tests and/or by measuring blood clotting response after intraperitoneal injection of a sublethal testing solution. A hierarchical resistance system was found with warfarin resistance at the base followed by bromadiolone/coumatetralyl resistance to difenacoum resistance at the top. Warfarin resistance was spread over the whole area with reduced incidence towards the edges. Difenacoum resistance represented the highest level found so far and was restricted to the inner zone of the resistance area where it occurred with a frequency of 6% of all individuals tested. Breeding experiments with bromadiolone-resistant rats showed that expression of the bromadiolone resistance gene differed in the two sexes, suggesting additional sex-linked modifying effects to the resistance gene. Control strategy within the resistance area with respect to prevention of further selection for resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess the feasibility of monitoring the exposure of barn owls (Tyto alba) to an anticoagulant rodenticide, flocoumafen, by analysis of residues in regurgitated pellets following consumption of flocoumafen-contaminated mice. Mice were fed on a diet containing [14C]flocoumafen, equivalent to 12 mg kg?1, and killed 24 h later. A single [14C]flocoumafen-contaminated mouse was fed to each of four captive barn owls, equivalent to 0·11-0·23 mg kg?1 per bird, followed on seven successive days by control diet (i.e. undosed mice). The [14C]flocoumafen dose was eliminated by the owls over the eight-day period in pellets (44%, range 35–55%) and faeces (18%, range 11–21%), with the highest residues being observed in samples from the first 24-h period. Further detailed analysis of the pellets confirmed that flocoumafen residues in the first-day pellets represented 15% (range 8–26%) of the original flocoumafen residues ingested by the barn owls. Calculations based on these data and typical flocoumafen residues in live captured rodents (following baiting) confirm that pellet residue analysis is a sensitive and appropriate method for the non-invasive monitoring of exposure of barn owls to flocoumafen. There were no symptoms of anticoagulant poisoning in any of the birds; two of the birds were successfully paired the next season and produced fledgelings.  相似文献   

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