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泉云4号系由VT-1为母本,NS79-12-1为父本杂交选育而成的鲜食加工兼用型马铃薯新品种。该品种生育期91d左右,叶片深绿色,茎绿带紫色,薯型为椭圆型,薯皮黄色光滑,薯肉乳白色,芽眼浅,芽眼周围红色,干物质含量18.88%,食用品质较好,产量30 300kg·hm~(-2)左右,适应市场需求,具有良好的推广应用前景。2014年6月通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

Voyager observations suggest that three of Neptune's major cloud features oscillate in latitude by 2 degrees to 4 degrees and that two of them simultaneously oscillate in longitude by 7.8 degrees and 98 degrees about their mean drift longitudes. The observations define most convincingly the two orthogonal oscillations of the second dark spot (near 53 degrees south). These oscillations have similar periods near 800 hours and approximately satisfy a simple advective model in which a latitudinal oscillation produces a phase-shifted longitudinal oscillation proportional to the local wind shear. The latitudinal motion of the Great Dark Spot can be fit with an oscillation period of about 2550 hours, whereas its dominant longitudinal motion, if oscillatory at all, has such a long period that it is not well constrained by the Voyager data.  相似文献   

The first direct images of the Jovian aurora at ultraviolet wavelengths were obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Camera near the time of the Ulysses spacecraft encounter with Jupiter on 8 February 1992. The auroral oval is not uniformly luminous. It exhibits a brightness minimum in the vicinity of longitude 180 degrees . In the few images available, the brightest part of the oval occurs in late afternoon Jovian time. The observed oval is not concentric with calculated ovals in the O(6) model of Connerney. The size of the oval is consistent with auroral particles on field lines with magnetic L parameter >8, indicating significant migration from lo, its torus, or both, if these are their origins.  相似文献   

晋早蜜二号是以Y-22-7为母本、98-3-7A-2为父本育成的小型西瓜一代杂交种。该品种易坐果,果实发育期26~28 d,果实长椭圆形,果形较瘦长,深绿色的表皮上布有隐暗花纹,披蜡质,皮质硬韧,耐贮运。单瓜质量2.0~2.5 kg,皮厚0.5~0.8 cm,表皮颜色偏深。果肉深红一致,质实脆,汁多爽口,中心可溶性固形物含量近13%,中边糖梯度小。适宜华北地区早春大棚和日光温室栽培以及秋延后保护地栽培。  相似文献   

Growth of Digitaria decumbens is severely reduced by night temperatures of 10 degrees C or below. Ultra-structure of leaves and chemical analyses show a high starch content in chloroplasts of plants illuminated and kept at a temperature of 30 degrees C. This starch disappears after a period in the dark at 30 degrees C, but it remains if the temperature during the dark period is 10 degrees C. The inhibition or slowing of starch translocation out of chloroplasts appears to account for reduced photo-synthesis and growth at low night temperatures.  相似文献   

Near-infrared images of Venus, obtained from a global network of ground-based observatories during January and February 1990, document the morphology and motions of the night-side near-infrared markings before, during, and after the Galileo Venus encounter. A dark cloud extended halfway around the planet at low latitudes (>+/-40 degrees ) and persisted throughout the observing program. It had a rotation period of 5.5 +/- 0.15 days. The remainder of this latitude band was characterized by small-scale (400 to 1000 kilometers) dark and bright markings with rotation periods of 7.4 +/- 1 days. The different rotation periods for the large dark cloud and the smaller markings suggests that they are produced at different altitudes. Mid-latitudes (+/-40 degrees to 60 degrees ) were usually occupied by bright east-west bands. The highest observable latitudes (+/-60 degrees to 70 degrees ) were always dark and featureless, indicating greater cloud opacity. Maps of the water vapor distribution show no evidence for large horizontal gradients in the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

During a detailed search of Voyager 1 frames for additional observations of the satellite 1979J1, two small dark spots were observed in transit in several consecutive wide-angle frames of the Jovian atmosphere. The size, spacing, and motion of these pairs of dark spots indicated that they were the images of 1979J1 and its shadow. Subsequent analysis of images spanning 6 days, however, proved that the satellite observed in these Voyager 1 frames would have been occulted by Jupiter at the times of the Voyager 2 images of 1979J1 and was, therefore, a new satellite. It was subsequently found in transit on Voyager 2 images within 13 degrees of the Voyager 1 prediction. Its period is 7 hours 4 minutes 30 seconds +/- 3 seconds, and its mean distance is 1.793 Jupiter radii (Jupiter radius = 71,400 kilometers). The observable profile appears to be roughly circular with a diameter of 40 kilometers, and the albedo is approximately 0.05, similar to Amalthea's.  相似文献   

为了选育丰产性、抗病性更强的西瓜新品种,以高抗枯萎病母本Z10-1和优良父本J2-2杂交配制农科大9号。该品种中晚熟,露地栽培全生育期约100 d,保护地栽培全生育期120 d,果实发育期34 d。植株生长势强,坐果容易且整齐。果实椭圆形,果型指数1.4。果皮绿色,上覆深绿色中细条带。果肉红色,肉质脆,果实中心可溶性固形物含量95 mg/g、总糖85.3 mg/g、蛋白质11.1 mg/g、粗纤维0.71 mg/g、Vc 0.059 1mg/g。单瓜质量7.47 kg。区试产量66 073.5 kg/hm2,生产示范产量75 180 kg/hm2,分别比对照西农8号增产9.8%和16.2%。抗枯萎病性强于对照。  相似文献   

On 16 August 1983 the Infrared Astronomical Satellite made two separate pointed observations of Pluto and its moon Charon. Because of the small angular displacement of the system between the times of measurement, the Pluto-Charon system was identified as a source in the Serendipitous Survey (SSC 14029+0518). Detections were made at 60 and 100 micrometers with color-corrected flux densities of 581 +/- 58 and 721 +/- 123 millijanskys, respectively. Pluto is best described as having a dark equatorial band, and brighter polar caps of methane ice extending to +/-45 degrees latitude, at most. An upper limit of approximately 9 meter-amagats is placed on the column abundance of a methane atmosphere on Pluto, which is comparable to recent upper limits based on independent ground-based spectroscopy.  相似文献   

卡氏住白虫(Leueocytozoon caulleryi的裂殖子和配子体是从天然感染鸡的外周血液、肝、脾及其他内脏组织采取。通过透视电镜观察其超微结构,裂殖子呈圆形或卵圆形,外包有两层膜,外膜较薄,内膜比较厚,内含有一个圆形或卵圆形的核,在核中央有一核仁、核酸糖小体、食物空泡,具有一个管状嵴的线粒体和1~2个脂类包含体。 卡氏住白虫雄性和雌性配子体都具有三层明显的膜,但成熟的配子体仅见到两层膜。雌雄配子体含有细胞核、核仁、核酸糖小体、食物空泡、管状嵴的线粒体、内质网、雄配子体较小而细胞核较大。雌配子体染色较雄配子体深,并含有较发达的内质网。  相似文献   

A new system of high-temperature superconductors is reported. The compounds, Mo(6 - x)A(x)S(6) where A is Cu, Zn, Mg, Ag, Cd, Sn, or Pb, are rhombohedral with a approximately 6.5 angstroms and approximately 90 degrees . The transition temperatures range from approximately 2.5 degrees K for the Cd compound to approximately 13 degrees K for the Pb compound.  相似文献   

Voyager 2 photography has complemented that of Voyager I in revealing many additional characteristics of Saturn and its satellites and rings. Saturn's atmosphere contains persistent oval cloud features reminiscent of features on Jupiter. Smaller irregular features track out a pattern of zonal winds that is symmetric about Saturn's equator and appears to extend to great depth. Winds are predominantly eastward and reach 500 meters per second at the equator. Titan has several haze layers with significantly varying optical properties and a northern polar "collar" that is dark at short wavelengths. Several satellites have been photographed at substantially improved resolution. Enceladus' surface ranges from old, densely cratered terrain to relatively young, uncratered plains crossed by grooves and faults. Tethys has a crater 400 kilometers in diameter whose floor has domed to match Tethys' surface curvature and a deep trench that extends at least 270 degrees around Tethys' circumference. Hyperion is cratered and irregular in shape. Iapetus' bright, trailing hemisphere includes several dark-floored craters, and Phoebe has a very low albedo and rotates in the direction opposite to that of its orbital revolution with a period of 9 hours. Within Saturn's rings, the "birth" of a spoke has been observed, and surprising azimuthal and time variability is found in the ringlet structure of the outer B ring. These observations lead to speculations about Saturn's internal structure and about the collisional and thermal history of the rings and satellites.  相似文献   

Soter SL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,153(3740):1112-1113
An infrared observation of the dark side of Mercury made by Pettit and Nicholson in 1923 led them to suggest that the planet rotates nonsynchronously. Their early measurements, if taken at face value, would imply a brightness temperature of about 180 degrees K for the dark side. The asymmetry of the infrared phase curve is further interpreted as suggesting direct rotation.  相似文献   

Bird energetics: effects of artificial radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radiant energy reduces oxygen consumption in birds; this reduction is correlated with feather color, being greater in dark birds (26 percent reduction) than in white ones (6 percent reduction). With radiant energy (basking), the cow-bird effectively increased its insulation, thus shifting the lower end of the zone of thermal neutrality down by as much as 10 degrees C (35 degrees to 25 degrees C).  相似文献   

Experimental separation of sensory and motor functions in pea tendrils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When illuminated pea tendrils from light-grown plants are rubbed on their abaxial side, they rapidly coil in a spiral fashion. If similar tendrils are held in the dark for 3 days and then rubbed, however, they will not coil until they are subsequently illuminated. They can remain uncoiled in the dark for as long as 2 hours after stimulation, and will still coil immediately when they are illuminated. Tendrils that are rubbed and held at 25 degrees C will coil, but those treated at 5 degrees or 10 degrees C will not. However, tendrils rubbed at 25 degrees C and kept from coiling for an hour at 5 degrees C, will immediately coil when restored to the higher temperature. These observations are interpreted to imply separation of sensory and motor functions.  相似文献   

The solar flux radiometer aboard the Pioneer Venus large probe operated successfully during its descent through the atmosphere of Venus. Upward, downward, and net fluxes from 0.4 to 1.0 micrometers were obtained at more than 390 levels between 185 millibars (at an altitude of approximately 61 kilometers) and the surface. Fluxes from 0.4 to 1.8 micrometers were also obtained between 185 millibars and about the level at which the pressure was 2 atmospheres. Data from 80 to 185 millibars should be available after additional decoding by the Deep Space Network. Upward and downward intensities in a narrower band from 0.59 to 0.66 micrometers were also obtained throughout the descent in order to constrain cloud properties. The measurements indicate three cloud regions above the 1.3-atmosphere level (at an altitude of approximately 49 kilometers) and a clear atmosphere beneath that level. At the 67 degrees solar zenith of the probe entry site, some 15 watts per square meter are absorbed at the surface by a dark ground, which implies that about 2 percent of the solar energy incident on the planet is absorbed at the ground.  相似文献   

Two groups of pigeons trained to peck a dimly illuminated disc in an otherwise dark experimental chamber with the floor horizontal (0 degrees tilt) or inclined 30 degrees to the left, respectively, show decremental generalization gradients of response rate when the floor inclination is varied from its training position. Discrimination training in which food reinforcement is available under one floor tilt condition but not under another steepens the slope of such gradients. In a secondv experiment, pigeons reinforced for pecking when the floor was tilted 10 degrees or 20 degrees and not reinforced under the alternative condition showed steep gradients with maximal responding displaced from the reinforced stimulus.  相似文献   

以金叶女贞(Ligustrum×vicaryi)和红花檵木(Lorpetalum chindense var.rubrum)为试验材料,研究不同遮荫处理下两种彩叶灌木叶形、叶色及色素变化。结果表明:随遮荫程度加大,两种灌木的叶面积逐渐缩小,叶形均由长条形向椭圆形变化。不同遮荫处理都对叶色变化有显著影响,金叶女贞由明亮的金黄色变为暗绿色,红花檵木由暗红褐色向红褐色转化,红色变浅;遮荫使两种灌木的叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量升高,与遮荫程度呈正相关;随遮阴程度加强,金叶女贞类胡萝卜素含量逐渐下降,红花檵木类胡萝卜素含量逐渐上升;遮荫时间越长,红花檵木的叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量越低,但遮荫时间不影响金叶女贞色素含量。遮荫程度可显著降低两种灌木叶片的苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性,其可溶性糖含量也表现了出差异性,含量均下降。  相似文献   

Aeolian features on Triton that were imaged during the Voyager Mission have been grouped. The term "aeolian feature" is broadly defined as features produced by or blown by the wind, including surface and airborne materials. Observations of the latitudinal distributions of the features probably associated with current activity (known plumes, crescent streaks, fixed terminator clouds, and limb haze with overshoot) all occur from latitude -37 degrees to latitude -62 degrees . Likely indicators of previous activity (dark surface streaks) occur from latitude -5 degrees to -70 degrees , but are most abundant from -15 degrees to -45 degrees , generally north of currently active features. Those indicators which give information on wind direction and speed have been measured. Wind direction is a function of altitude. The predominant direction of the surface wind streaks is found to be between 40 degrees and 80 degrees measured clockwise from north. The average orientation of streaks in the northeast quadrant is 59 degrees . Winds at 1- to 3- kilometer altitude are eastward, while those at &8 kilometers blow west.  相似文献   

Serpentine stability to mantle depths and subduction-related magmatism   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Results of high-pressure experiments on samples of hydrated mantle rocks show that the serpentine mineral antigorite is stable to approximately 720 degrees C at 2 gigapascals, to approximately 690 degrees C at 3 gigapascals, and to approximately 620 degrees C at 5 gigapascals. The breakdown of antigorite to forsterite plus enstatite under these conditions produces 13 percent H(2)O by weight to depths of 150 to 200 kilometers in subduction zones. This H(2)O is in an ideal position for ascent into the hotter, overlying mantle where it can cause partial melting in the source region for calc-alkaline magmas at a depth of 100 to 130 kilometers and a temperature of approximately 1300 degrees C. The breakdown of antigorite in hydrated mantle produces an order of magnitude more H(2)O than does the dehydration of altered oceanic crust.  相似文献   

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