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超高压技术作为一种新的诱变技术,在作物育种中得到越来越多的应用.超高压技术具有诱导产生的变异可遗传、后代易稳定、设备简单、成本低、对人和环境无污染等特点,是产生新基因源和创造新种质的有效方法之一.本文简要介绍了超高压技术、超高压处理对作物生长发育、农艺性状、生理生化特性、分子遗传学影响的最新研究进展,分析了存在的问题,并对超高压技术在作物育种上的应用前景进行了讨论和展望.  相似文献   

肖伶俐  康玉凡 《大豆科学》2011,30(3):511-517
芽菜专用豆科作物优良品种的缺乏已成为制约我国现代芽菜产业快速发展的瓶颈.辐射诱变具有安全简便经济、突变频率高、变异性状稳定早等特点,可缩短育种年限,创造新的基因型,是现代作物育种的重要方法之一;作物辐射敏感性评价研究,是辐射育种的前提和基础,对芽用豆科作物辐射敏感性的研究有助于提高辐射育种的效率.文章从大豆、绿豆、蚕豆...  相似文献   

芽用大豆品种遗传改良研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对芽用大豆品种的育种目标、芽用特性的遗传变异、性状改良与技术、后代选择方法、国内外芽用大豆育成品种概况等进行了综述,并展望大豆种质资源芽用特性的鉴定评价与利用、芽用特性的遗传规律研究,品质育种技术综合运用等的研究方向,为芽用大豆的品种选育提供文献参考。  相似文献   

为明确峨眉问春、川茶2号、紫嫣等3个四川特色品种的光合性能和生产潜力,本研究以常绿品种福鼎大白茶和紫化品种紫娟为对照,考察了3个品种春夏梢叶片的光合指标、叶绿素荧光、光合色素含量以及芽叶性状。结果表明,川茶2号的春、夏季的叶片净光合速率(Pn)和水分利用率(WUE)较高;其ΦPSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)和潜在活性(Fv/F0)最高,光化学猝灭系数(qP)、光系统ΦPSⅡ能量分配中光化学反应的相对份额(P)和反应中心耗散的相对份额(EX)及类胡萝卜素含量较高。峨眉问春的春季PnWUE最高;但夏季Pn较低,其ΦPSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)和潜在活性(Fv/F0)最低,光合电子传递速率(ΦPSⅡ有效光化学效率Fv'/Fm'及ΦPSⅡ实际光合能力PhiPS2)最慢。紫嫣的春、夏季ΦPSⅡ有效光化学效率(Fv'/Fm')最高,Pn及光合色素含量较高。与春季相比,各品种的夏季蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔限制值(Ls)升高,而WUE和胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)降低。产量方面,川茶2号的产量显著高于其他品种,峨眉问春的产量与福鼎大白茶的差异不显著,紫嫣则显著低于福鼎大白茶(P<0.05)。可见,川茶2号的光合效率和水分利用效率较高,其产量最高;峨眉问春的春季光合能力和水分利用率较高,但夏季较低,其产量较高;紫嫣的光合色素及光合能力较高,但产量较低。  相似文献   

甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)对玉米自交系诱变效应的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯处理玉米自交系082的种子,研究了该诱变剂对玉米的诱变效应.结果表明:甲基磺酸乙酯对玉米自交系种子是一种有效的化学诱变剂,在M1代引起了较大的生理损伤和生物学效应,M2代质量性状未发生明显变异,但株高、穗位高、茎周长和穗上叶片长等数量性状出现了较高的突变频率,其中株高的负突变增加明显。  相似文献   

对空间搭载的夏大豆品种(系)合豆3号、蒙91-413和蒙9609-1的当代种子出苗率,及其SP1、SP2的性状变异情况进行研究.结果表明:空间搭载后,各品种(系)的出苗率均比对照降低,其中合豆3号降幅达显著水平;合豆3号的结荚高度显著大于对照,有效分枝数显著少于对照;蒙9609-1 、蒙91-413的单株无效荚数比对照显著增加,其它性状与对照没有明显偏离.在合豆3号的SP1群体中发现1个单株的多个性状发生变异,且在后代株系内无明显分离.在合豆3号SP2群体中获得矮秆、双茎、窄叶等变异植株共计236株,变异率为2.74%.蒙91-413的SP2群体中发现稀绒毛、晚熟、矮秆等变异植株共计66株,变异率为0.59%.还在合豆3号的SP2群体中,发现2个株系在叶形、成熟荚色、生育期多个性状上同时发生变异.  相似文献   

以实践八号育种卫星搭载的合丰25和合丰50大豆品种的SP3代群体为材料,采用田间试验的方法对一些主要农艺性状进行研究.结果表明:2个品种空间搭载后SP3的株高、主茎节数、单株结英、单株粒数的变异系数均大于各自的地面对照品种,且均有正向增加的趋势,可以为大豆育种所利用;以大于标准差2倍为依据确定变异株来计算变异率,合丰2...  相似文献   

卫星搭载处理对玉米SP1代诱变效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对"实践8号"卫星搭载处理的6个玉米自交系进行了室内发芽测定和田间试验.结果表明:搭载后玉米种子发芽率发生双向变化,部分材料植株的根活力增强,穗部性状和生理生化指标有一定变化;部分个体植株的吐丝期延后.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):187-216

Perennial and annual forage legumes are important components of sustainable cropping systems. Forage legumes are a primary source of forage to supply protein and fiber for livestock rations. They can be grazed, or stored as hay or silage. They contribute biologically fixed N and sustain the soil by reducing erosion and increasing soil organic matter levels. Diversifying cropping systems by including legumes can also reduce weed, insect, and disease incidence. Potential new uses of legumes include phytoremediation of N contaminated sites and capturing N lost from cropping systems. Legumes also have potential use as a feedstock for renewable energy production. Legumes have traditionally been used in rotation with grain crops but more recently have been shown promise as winter cover crops, intercrops with grain crops, and as living mulches. In this review, we discuss traditional and new roles of forage legumes in sustainable cropping systems with examples primarily chosen from northern USA and Canada.  相似文献   

豆科植物应用价值综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豆科植物广布世界各地,用途广泛。从食用尧饲用、药用、肥用、生态用、园林绿化美化、材用等方面就其应用价值进行了综述,并对其应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

Arthropods are an important group of macroorganisms that work to maintain ecosystem health. Despite the agricultural benefits of chemical control against arthropod pests, insecticides can cause environmental damage. We examined the effects of one and two applications of the insecticides chlorfenapyr (0.18 liters a.i. ha-1) and methamidophos (0.45 liters a.i. ha-1), both independently and in combination, on arthropods in plots of common bean. The experiment was repeated for two growing seasons. Principal response curve, richness estimator, and Shannon–Wiener diversity index analyses were performed. The insecticides generally affected the frequency, richness, diversity, and relative abundance of the arthropods. In addition, the arthropods did not experience recovery after the insecticide applications. The results suggest that the insecticide impacts were sufficiently drastic to eliminate many taxa from the studied common bean plots.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):173-184

A field experiment was conducted to examine the possibility of introducing winter legumes, hairy vetch and faba bean, as green manures to turmeric cropping in a temperate region. Hairy vetch shoots were incorporated to determine the effect of N and P added as green manure. Higher values in plant height and number of leaves of turmeric were observed in the treatment with incorporation of hairy vetch than in that without incorporation (no-incorporation) throughout the growth periods. The differences in total amounts of N and P of turmeric between incorporation and no-incorporation treatments were the highest on 15 October, when the amount was increased by 8.0 g N and 1.1 g P m–2 compared with the no-incorporation treatment. From September to October, curcumin content rapidly increased with rhizome thickening, and gradually increased. We also quantified the N and P contribution from faba bean residues to the succeeding turmeric. The total amounts of N and P in turmeric cultivated after incorporating shoot and root residues into previously cultivated faba bean field were 2.5 g N and 1.0 g P m–2, respectively, larger than incorporating only roots. In previously fallow field, the incorporation of the shoot increased the total amount of N and P in tumeric by 4.5 g and 1.9 g m–2, respectively, compared with that without incorporation. In the second year after incorporation, growth and nutrient uptake of the turmeric crop did not significantly differ from those without incorporation. In the temperate region, these winter legumes would be used as basal organic matters for turmeric production.  相似文献   

李雅晶  吴建阳  郑雅婷 《大豆科学》2012,31(1):112-114,118
通过正交实验考察了微波提取温度、微波提取时间、料液比、提取次数对大豆皂苷得率的影响,并研究了大豆皂苷对酪氨酸酶活性的影响。结果表明:微波辅助提取大豆皂苷的较佳工艺为:微波处理时间30 min,微波处理温度40℃,料液比1∶5,提取3次。在上述条件下测得大豆皂苷得率8.11%;大豆皂苷对酪氨酸酶活性具有抑制作用,且随浓度的增加,抑制作用增强,其IC50值为222.7μg.mL-1。  相似文献   

不同大豆品种芽用特性比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以不同来源的9个大豆品种(S1~S9)为材料,模拟工厂化豆芽生产工艺条件,采用人工气候箱培养技术,系统比较研究了不同大豆品种的大豆芽生物产量、形态特征、生化组成及常规成分等芽用特性.结果表明:9个品种大豆芽产量、下胚轴长、下胚轴粗、可溶性糖等均存在极显著差异(P<0.01).从豆芽产量来看,S2S1S5S4S3S6S9S8S7;与对照工厂芽用大豆品种S1相比,S2大豆芽产量、可溶性糖含量、维生素C含量均较高(P<0.01);S5大豆芽的可溶性蛋白含量较高(P<0.01),产量无明显差异(P0.05);S3大豆芽的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C均含量较高(P<0.01).大豆芽的各项特性指标与所选原料豆的物理性状、常规成分之间存在相关;以原料豆的千粒重、比重及干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维含量为自变量,以大豆芽的生物产量为因变量,可建立回归估测方程,其拟合系数R2为0.930.  相似文献   

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