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This study aimed to determine the relationships between N'Dama cows body condition score (BCS) and (i) calf growth and the milk collected; and (ii) the probabilities of pregnancy and juvenile mortality. Animals from 10 herds ranging from 20 to 210 animals in herd size were followed monthly in an extensive range management system in Southern Senegal between 1993 and 1998. For daily weight gains and milk collected, linear mixed-effects models were fitted between calving and 6 months postpartum. Cow lactation was included as random effect, with an unstructured variance-covariance matrix. Calving season, parity, herd size, and calving BCS were the fixed effects. For the probabilities of pregnancy and juvenile mortality, survival models for grouped data were fitted on a monthly scale. The model selection was based on the Akaike information criteria. In large herds, calving BCS had little effect on milk production. In small herds, calves born to cows scoring ≥2.5 points at calving grew quicker and their dam were more milked. The relative difference in milk production between thin and fat cows averaged 23%. The relative gain was higher in the cool dry season than in the other seasons, and for primiparous than for multiparous cows. Except during the hot dry season, the probability of pregnancy was twice as high for cows scoring ≥2.5 points the two previous months than for other cows. The BCS had no effect on calf survival until 1 year of age in large herds. In small herds, calves born to thin cows at calving showed a survival at 1 year more than five points lower than calves born to fatter cows. The threshold of 2.5 points on a five-point scale is pertinent to describe the production performance of N'Dama cows in such a breeding context.  相似文献   

Body condition score is used as a management tool to predict competency of reproduction in beef cows. Therefore, a retrospective study was performed to evaluate association of BCS at calving with subsequent pregnancy rate, days to first postpartum ovulation, nutrient status (assessed by blood metabolites), and calf BW change in 2- and 3-yr-old cows (n = 351) managed and selected to fit their environment of grazing native range over 6 yr at the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center, Corona, NM. Cows were managed similarly before calving, without manipulation of management, to achieve predetermined BCS at parturition. Palpable BCS (scale of 1 to 9) were determined by 2 experienced technicians before calving. Cows were classified to 1 of 3 BCS groups prior calving: BCS 4 (mean BCS = 4.3 ± 0.02), 5 (mean BCS = 5.0 ± 0.03), or 6 (mean BCS = 5.8 ± 0.06). Cows were weighed weekly after calving and serum was collected once weekly (1 yr) or twice weekly (5 yr) for progesterone analysis to estimate first postpartum ovulation beginning 35 d postpartum. Year effects also were evaluated, with years identified as either above or below average precipitation. Days to first postpartum ovulation did not differ among calving BCS groups (P = 0.93). Pregnancy rates were not influenced by calving BCS (P = 0.83; 92%, 91%, 90% for BCS 4, 5, and 6, respectively). Days to BW nadir was not influenced by BCS at calving (P = 0.95). Cow BW was different at all measuring points (P < 0.01) with BCS 6 cows having the heaviest BW and cows with BCS 4 the lightest. Cows with calving BCS 4 and 5 lost more (P = 0.06) BW from the initiation of the study to the end of breeding than cows with BCS 6. However, cow BW change at all other measurement periods was not different (P ≥ 0.49) among calving BCS groups. Serum glucose and NEFA concentrations were not influenced by calving BCS (P ≥ 0.51). Calf BW at birth (P = 0.60), branding (55-d BW; P = 0.76), and weaning (205-d BW; P = 0.60) were not impacted by cow calving BCS. Body condition score did not influence overall pregnancy rates, indicating that young cows can have a reduced BCS and still be reproductively punctual. Therefore, these results indicate that reproductive performance of young cows with reduced BCS may not be affected when managed in extensive range conditions.  相似文献   

人工草地绵羊系统母羊繁殖性能和羔羊育肥试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
王元素  王文  徐震 《草业科学》2003,20(4):20-22
分别以考尔木母羊和考尔木公羊杂交羔羊(R×C)、考尔木母羊和罗姆尼公羊杂交羔羊(C×C)为试验对象,在优质人工草地上划区轮牧,进行考尔木母羊繁殖性能和羔羊育肥定期监测试验。结果表明:二系统羔羊初生重和断奶重几乎一样;断奶后,R×C系统羔羊体重比C×C系统高,7月龄出栏体重和1岁龄体重分别为:R×C系统35 5、44 0kg,C×C系统30 7、39 9kg;3月龄(断奶重)羔羊日增重最高,R×C和C×C系统分别为203 3、180g/d。系统间母羊繁殖性能指标基本一样。牧草生长季羔羊育肥效益分别为:R×C系统1925元/hm2、C×C系统1781元/hm2,为原系统(860元/hm2)的2 24、2 0倍。  相似文献   

396头适繁母牦牛和226头围产期牦牛按体况评分方法进行体况评分,并在发情季节进行了发情率的跟踪观察;对446头围产期牦牛按体况评分2.0组和2.0以下组在进行不同量补饲对比试验,旨在探讨体况基础上的营养调控繁殖研究。结果表明:发情牦牛的体况评分为4.16±0.44,未发情牦牛的体况评分为3.49±0.45,差异极显著;妊娠母牦牛产前体况评分在2.63,产后体况评分下降到0.34的母牦牛产后发情率达到45.46%,而产前体况低于2.0,产后体况下降0.5以上的母牦牛产后发情周期不能恢复;围产期牦牛体况评分低于2.0,补饲1kg/d,围产期体况高于2.0,补饲0.5kg/d,能使17%~30%的产后母牦牛当年进入发情配种状态。  相似文献   

文章评估了哺乳期间母猪的饲喂频率(2或3次/d)对母猪体况、繁殖性能及仔猪生长性能的影响。试验选择68头母猪,随机分为8组(每组8~10头母猪),哺乳期间其中4组母猪每天饲喂2次,另外4组每天饲喂3次,母猪分为青年母猪(<2胎次)和老龄母猪(≥3胎次),试验结束后记录母猪体况评分、肩部组织病变、发情率、母猪生产及仔猪生长性能。结果显示:每天饲喂3次的母猪比饲喂2次的母猪采食量高(P<0.05),肩部组织病变低(P<0.05)。在每天饲喂3次的母猪中,青年母猪返情率为0%,老龄母猪返情率为29%,而在每天饲喂2次的母猪中,青年母猪发情率为20%,老龄母猪为5%。综上所述,在哺乳期,母猪每天饲喂3次较每天饲喂2次提高了采食量,对母猪体况评分和肩部组织病变有改善作用,同时也降低了年轻母猪的返情率。  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and condition score (CS) of ewes at mating on both mating performance and scanning percentage, and to determine if effects of CS were independent of LW. METHODS: Two groups of ewes, comprising 1,780 mixed-aged Romney (Rom MA) and 692 composite two-tooth (1/8 East Friesian 1/16 Finn 13/16 Romney, Comp TT) ewes were grazed separately with harnessed rams for two reproductive cycles. Romney rams were used for the first 17 days of mating and then replaced on the morning of Day 18 by Suffolk rams. Ewes were weighed and CS assessed on a scale of 0-5 before the introduction of the rams. Ewes were identified as having been mated during the first cycle only, during both cycles, during the second cycle only, or not mated. All mated ewes were scanned using ultrasound, 50 days after the end of mating, and identified as being either non pregnant, single-, twin- or triplet-bearing. RESULTS: Linear relationships (R2=0.99) between mean LW and CS at mating were evident for both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes and the mean increase in LW per unit increase in CS was greater in the Rom MA ewes (7.88 kg) than the Comp TT (4.78 kg) ewes (p<0.05). Ewes mated in the second cycle only were significantly (p<0.05) lighter than those mated in the first cycle only. In Rom MA ewes, a greater proportion were mated in the first cycle only if CS was >/=2.0 than if CS was <2.0, and the proportions of ewes mated in the first cycle only or in both cycles did not differ if CS was >/=2.5. In Comp TT ewes, there was no difference in the proportions mated in the first cycle or both cycles, if CS was >/=2.0. Triplet-bearing ewes were heavier than twin-bearing ewes, which were in turn heavier than both singleton-bearing and non pregnant ewes. Twin-bearing ewes had higher CS than both single-bearing and non pregnant ewes (p<0.05) but differences were not significant if LW was included as a covariate. In both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, greater proportions were non pregnant and lower proportions had twins if CS was <2.0 than if CS was >/=2.0. In Rom MA ewes only, a greater proportion again had twins and a lower proportion had singletons if CS was >/=3.0 than if CS was <3.0. In Comp TT ewes, the proportion that were non pregnant or twin-bearing did not vary with CS if CS was >/=2.0. Reproductive performance was maximal for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes that had CS at mating >/=3.0 and >/=2.0, respectively, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In both groups of ewes, CS and LW at mating positively affected reproductive performance measured at the time of mating and at scanning, however, no reproductive advantage was evident above a minimum CS of 3.0 and 2.0, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, respectively. Sheep farmers should direct management to ensure that no ewes are below these minimum targets rather than ensuring high average LW and/or CS of a mob.  相似文献   


AIMS: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and condition score (CS) of ewes at mating on both mating performance and scanning percentage, and to determine if effects of CS were independent of LW.

METHODS: Two groups of ewes, comprising 1,780 mixedaged Romney (Rom MA) and 692 composite two-tooth (? East Friesian 1/16 Finn 13/16 Romney, Comp TT) ewes were grazed separately with harnessed rams for two reproductive cycles. Romney rams were used for the first 17 days of mating and then replaced on the morning of Day 18 by Suffolk rams. Ewes were weighed and CS assessed on a scale of 0–5 before the introduction of the rams. Ewes were identified as having been mated during the first cycle only, during both cycles, during the second cycle only, or not mated. All mated ewes were scanned using ultrasound, 50 days after the end of mating, and identified as being either non pregnant, single-, twin- or triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Linear relationships (R2=0.99) between mean LW and CS at mating were evident for both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes and the mean increase in LW per unit increase in CS was greater in the Rom MA ewes (7.88 kg) than the Comp TT (4.78 kg) ewes (p<0.05). Ewes mated in the second cycle only were significantly (p<0.05) lighter than those mated in the first cycle only. In Rom MA ewes, a greater proportion were mated in the first cycle only if CS was .2.0 than if CS was <2.0, and the proportions of ewes mated in the first cycle only or in both cycles did not differ if CS was ≥2.5. In Comp TT ewes, there was no difference in the proportions mated in the first cycle or both cycles, if CS was ≥2.0. Triplet-bearing ewes were heavier than twin-bearing ewes, which were in turn heavier than both singleton-bearing and non pregnant ewes. Twin-bearing ewes had higher CS than both single-bearing and non pregnant ewes (p<0.05) but differences were not significant if LW was included as a covariate. In both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, greater proportions were non pregnant and lower proportions had twins if CS was <2.0 than if CS was ≥2.0. In Rom MA ewes only, a greater proportion again had twins and a lower proportion had singletons if CS was ≥3.0 than if CS was <3.0. In Comp TT ewes, the proportion that were non pregnant or twin-bearing did not vary with CS if CS was ≥2.0. Reproductive performance was maximal for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes that had CS at mating ≥3.0 and ≥2.0, respectively, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: In both groups of ewes, CS and LW at mating positively affected reproductive performance measured at the time of mating and at scanning, however, no reproductive advantage was evident above a minimum CS of 3.0 and 2.0, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, respectively. Sheep farmers should direct management to ensure that no ewes are below these minimum targets rather than ensuring high average LW and/or CS of a mob.  相似文献   

郑阳  徐柱  柳剑丽  师尚礼 《草原与草坪》2010,30(6):26-30,36
通过不同放牧率对内蒙古本地绵羊(母羊)连续2年(2008~2009)的体重和繁殖性能的影响的研究表明:(1)在试验期内,随着时间的推移,不同放牧率下的绵羊体重总体上都呈上升趋势;间隔1个放牧率或以上的处理间,存在不同程度的显著性差异;(2)绵羊的个体增重与放牧率之间存在负相关关系;而公顷增重与放牧率的关系符合二次曲线关系,在达到公顷最大增重前,随着放牧率的增大而增大,之后随着放牧率的增大减小;(3)单位家畜增重和单位面积增重的交点的生态学意义在于放牧率为1羊/hm2,公顷增重和家畜个体增重相同;单位家畜个体增重对应的畜产品最优放牧率为0.50羊/hm2,单位面积家畜最大增重对应的畜产品最优放牧率为2.38羊/hm2;(4)过高的放牧率导致绵羊出现空怀现象及产羔率下降;羔羊的初生重和个体增重均随着放牧率的增大而减小,但其显著性差异仅表现在较高的放牧率与较低的放牧率之间,而在相邻放牧率间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Pregnancy rate, calving interval, weaning weight, birth weight and quarterly body condition score (BCS) were collected on fall calving multiparous English crossbred cattle (ages 3 to 10) from 1994 to 2001 to evaluate the critical time of cow condition measurements that predict production. The study was initiated with 260 cows. Replacement animals entered the study at first calving (2 years of age), with 45, 54, 27, 68, 54, and 45 animals added in years two through seven, respectively. Body condition score was measured in association with calving, breeding, weaning, and midway between weaning and calving (August). Regression of the logit of the probability of pregnancy (Y) showed that pregnancy outcome was quadratically related to BCS at breeding (P < 0.0001, Y = − 4.81X2 − 0.52X − 4.339) and linearly related to BCS at calving (P = 0.009, Y = 0.32X + 4.17), but was not associated with either the pre- or postpartum change in condition (P > 0.05). Calving interval varied cubically with BCS at calving and quadratically with BCS at breeding (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.002, respectively). The largest decreases in calving interval were associated with increases in body condition score at calving from 3.5 to 4.5 and from 7 to 8. Calf weight at 205 days was related to both the BCS at breeding and the change in BCS from breeding to weaning (P = 0.01 and P = 0.004). Calf weight at 205 days was also associated with BCS at weaning (P = 0.0003). Cows with either low or high BCS at weaning tended to wean lighter calves than cows with moderate condition (4.5 and 5.5). Moreover, BCS at weaning (≈ 6 months prior to calving) was related to birth weight (P = 0.01). Dams with a BCS at weaning of 7 birthed heavier calves than dams with low (3 to 4) or high (8.5) BCS. The relationship of BCS at breeding with pregnancy rate, calving interval, and weaning weight suggests that maintenance of adequate BCS immediately before, during, and after the breeding season may be most critical to sustaining adequate reproductive performance and calf gains in animals subject to the seasonal forage production associated with a Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Body condition scoring (BCS) is widely used to evaluate the nutritional status of livestock (cows, ewes, sows). In intensive systems, rabbit does are generally inseminated 11 days post partum and, due to a hormonal antagonism and an energy deficit caused by concurrent lactation and pregnancy, they show low fertility. The aim of this investigation was to assess an in vivo method for scoring the body condition of does by verifying the association with the body fat depots, the chemical composition of body tissues, the ovarian status, the hormonal response and the reproductive performance. The evaluation of BCS, involving 66 multiparous lactating does inseminated at 11 days post partum, was based on the test of bone protrusions and fullness of muscle of the loin, rump and hind leg. The traits were subjectively scored using 0, 1 and 2 for poor, intermediate and good condition, respectively. For calculating an aggregate BCS, the hind leg score was omitted, because it is less correlated with the real body condition. Adding the respective score (0–2) of the loin and rump regions, 5 classes of BCS were obtained (0–4). This aggregate BCS was highly correlated with the body fat depots (r = 0.79), the ether extract content of muscle samples of Obliquus abdominis (r = 0.87) and Biceps femoris (r = 0.84), and the ether extract of the empty body (r = 0.84). There was a lower correlation with the body weight (r = 0.45). The increase of BCS corresponded to higher lipid content in the body parts considered, especially the Obliquus abdominis (from 2.0 to 10.0%) and fat depots (from 10.6 to 107.7 g/doe). BCS was not related to ovulation rate or embryo production, but was correlated with sexual receptivity and fertility.Plasma FSH and LH concentrations were determined by RIA, 48, 24, 0 h before and 1 h after GnRH administration and artificial insemination. Animals with extreme body condition scores (BCS ≤ 1 or BCS = 4) showed lower plasma FSH levels (20.0 vs. 34.5 ng/mL) than does with optimal body condition (2 ≤ BCS ≤ 3) and their preovulatory LH surge, released after GnRH administration, was less evident (16.9 vs. 20.3 ng/mL). The poor reproductive performance of does with extreme BCS could be explained by this pituitary activity. On day 11 post-partum, a high number of does (71.2%) had extreme BCS and showed a lower sexual receptivity (37.2% vs. 80.0%) and fertility rate (50.9% vs. 86.6%) than does in optimal condition. On these results, the possibility of applying an in vivo method for scoring the body condition of lactating rabbit does appears promising for use in on-farm reproductive management.  相似文献   

The effects of frame size (FS) and body condition score (BCS) on performance of Brahman cows were evaluated using records collected from 1984 to 1994 at the Subtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville, Florida. Age at puberty (AP), calving rate (CR), calving date (CD), survival rate (SR), weaning rate (WR), birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), preweaning ADG, and kilograms of calf produced per cow exposed (PPC) were obtained from first- (n = 215), second- (n = 130), and third or greater-parity (n = 267) dams. Based on hip height at 18 mo of age, heifers were assigned to three FS groups: small (115 to 126 cm), medium (127 to 133 cm), or large (134 to 145 cm). Small and medium FS heifers attained puberty at younger (P<.05) ages (633.2+/-12.3 and 626.4+/-12.0 d) than large FS heifers (672.3+/-17.1 d). Calving rate in large FS second-parity dams was 27% less (P<.05) than in small and medium FS dams. In third or greater-parity dams, CR was greater (P<.05) for small FS cows than for medium and large FS cows. Across the three parity groups, CR improved with increasing BCS. Except for the first-parity dams, animals with better fall BCS calved earlier (P<.05). In first-parity dams, SR was less (P<.01) in large (47.9+/-11.0%) than in small (80.7 +/-5.2%) and medium (83.4+/-4.7%) FS groups. Weaning rates of large FS first- and second-parity dams were less (P<.05) than those of small and medium FS dams. Second-parity dams with BCS 3 had lower (P<.05) WR than dams with BCS 4 and 5. Within first- and third or greater-parity dams, BWT of calves born to small FS cows were the lightest, and those born to large FS dams were the heaviest; those born to medium FS dams were intermediate (P<.05). In second-parity dams, BWT of calves of large FS dams were greater (P<.05) than those of small and medium FS dams. In first-parity dams, calves weaned by small FS cows had lower (P<.05) WWT than those weaned by higher FS cows. In the third or greater-parity group, large FS dams weaned heavier calves (P<.05) than other dams. In all parity groups of dams, calves out of large FS cows had greater ADG (P<.05) than those from small and medium FS cows. In first-parity dams, PPC was comparable between small and medium FS dams, but both tended to be greater (P<.10) than PPC of large FS dams. Small and medium FS females reached puberty at an earlier age, calved earlier, and had greater calving, survival, and weaning rates, as well as greater kilograms of calf produced per cow exposed than the large FS females. As the large FS cows matured, they seemed to have overcome the negative effects imposed by FS that were observed at younger ages. Their performance traits were generally all comparable to those of smaller cows once they had reached maturity.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the relationships between BW at first insemination and subsequent body development, feed intake, reproductive performance, and culling rate of rabbit does. Young rabbit does are vulnerable to body energy deficit in first lactation, resulting in decreased reproductive performance and high replacement rate. Heavy does at first insemination might be able to benefit from the extra amount of BW to cope with the energy deficit during first lactation. Data of three experiments were used in which does were given ad libitum access to feed during rearing and inseminated at 14.5 wk of age. The first two parities of each doe were recorded. Does were categorized in three groups based on their BW at 14.5 wk of age (first insemination): heavy (BW > or = 4,000 g), medium (BW 3,500 to 4,000 g), and small (BW < 3,500 g). Among does that kindled, differences in BW at first insemination were related to differences in voluntary feed intake and body growth rate during rearing. Heavy does consumed more feed per day (+ 45 g/d, P < 0.001) and had a higher BW gain (+ 12 g/d, P < 0.001) than small does from weaning (4.5 wk) to 14.5 wk of age. Body weight at first insemination did not affect BW, feed intake, and culling rate during the first two parities. Heavy does were heavier at first insemination and remained so throughout the reproductive period, but they followed a similar BW curve as medium and small does. A higher BW at first insemination (14.5 wk of age) improved litter size in the first parity (8.9, 7.7, and 6.4 for heavy, medium, and small does, respectively, P < 0.05). Extra BW at start of reproduction improves litter size in the first parity but does not contribute to an improved feed intake or increased BW development during reproduction.  相似文献   


AIM: To determine the effect of age and prior use of mature rams at a given ram-to-ewe ratio, and the effect of body condition on breeding performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Ewe hoggets (n=733) aged 7–8 months were weighed and their body condition scored, then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (Day 0) and joined with either four two-tooth rams (20 months of age) not used previously (n=244; Two-tooth), four mixed-aged mature rams that had not been used earlier in the season (n=244; Mature-fresh), or four mixed-aged mature rams that had been used with mature ewes immediately prior to joining with hoggets (n=245; Mature-used). The breeding period was 34 days. Ewe hoggets were identified as having been marked during the first 17 days only, during both 17-day periods, during the second 17 days only, or not marked. Hoggets were re-weighed on Day 34, and pregnancy status determined using ultrasound on Day 92. The breeding soundness of the rams was assessed on Days ?34 and ?1.

RESULTS: Semen samples obtained from the rams did not differ significantly in any of the parameters measured (p>0.05). Ewe hoggets joined with Mature-fresh rams were less likely (p<0.05) to be marked in the second 17 days of breeding only than those joined with either Two-tooth or Mature-used rams. No other breeding parameters were affected by breeding group (p>0.05). Hoggets marked in the first 17 days only were heavier (p<0.05) at Day 0 than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked. Hoggets diagnosed as twin-bearing were heavier (p<0.05) than non-pregnant or single-bearing hoggets. Those hoggets marked in the first 17 days only had a greater (p<0.05) body condition score (BCS) than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked at all. These differences were no longer apparent after correction for liveweight (LW).Correction for LW at Day 0 or change in LW during the breeding period did not affect the results for breeding performance.

CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of this study, two-tooth rams and mature rams that had been used previously were just as suitable as mature rams that had not been used previously for breeding with ewe hoggets. Further studies are warranted to verify this result. The re-use of rams without reducing breeding performance would reduce breeding costs and may make breeding hoggets a more viable option for farmers. The BCS of ewe hoggets affected breeding performance, and can thus be used to identify those animals most suitable for breeding.  相似文献   

Background: Artificial insemination is a preferred breeding method for beef heifers as it advances the genetic background, produces a predictive and profitable calving season, and extends the heifer's reproductive life span.As reproductive efficiency in heifers is key for the success of beef cattle production systems, following artificial insemination, heifers are exposed to a bull for the remainder of the breeding season. Altogether, up to 95% of heifers might become pregnant in their first breeding season. Heifers that do not become pregnant at the end of the breeding season represent an irreparable economical loss. Additionally, heifers conceiving late in the breeding season to natural service, although acceptable, poses serious losses to producers. To minimize losses due to reproductive failure, different phenotypic parameters can be assessed and utilized as selection tools. Here, we tested the hypothesis that in a group of pre-selected heifers, records of weaning weight, age at weaning, age at artificial insemination, and age of dam differ among heifers of varied reproductive outcomes during the first breeding season.Results: None of the parameters tested presented predictive ability to discriminate the heifers based on the response variable(‘pregnant to artificial insemination', ‘pregnant to natural service', ‘not pregnant'). Heifers categorized with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 had the greatest proportion of pregnancy to artificial insemination(49% and 44%, respectively). Furthermore, it was notable that heifers presenting body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score = 5 presented the greatest pregnancy rate at end of the breeding season(89%). Heifers younger than 368 d at the start of the breeding season did not become pregnant to artificial insemination. Those young heifers had 12.5% chance to become pregnant in their first breeding season,compared to 87.5% if the heifers were older than 368 days.Conclusion: Our results suggest that beef heifers with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 are more likely to become pregnant to artificial insemination. Careful assessment should be undertaken when developing replacement heifers that will not reach 12 months of age by the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

The influences of body condition score (BCS) at calving and postpartum nutrition on endocrine and ovarian functions, and reproductive performance, were determined by randomly allocating thin (mean BCS = 4.4 +/- 0.1) or moderate condition (mean BCS = 5.1 +/- 0.1) Angus x Hereford primiparous cows to receive one of two nutritional treatments after calving. Cows were fed to gain either 0.45 kg/d (M, n = 17) or 0.90 kg/d (H, n = 17) for the first 71 +/- 3 d postpartum. All cows were then fed the M diet until 21 d after the first estrus. A replication (yr 2; M, n = 25; H, n = 23) was also used to evaluate reproductive characteristics. Concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were quantified in plasma samples collected weekly during treatment and during 7 wk before the first estrus. Estrous behavior was detected by radiotelemetry, and luteal activity was determined based on concentrations of progesterone in plasma. All cows were bred by AI between 14 and 20 h after onset of estrus, and pregnancy was assessed at 35 to 55 d after AI by ultrasonography. Cows that calved with a BCS of 4 or 5 had similar endocrine function and reproductive performance at the first estrus. During treatment, H cows gained BW and increased BCS (P < 0.01), and had greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, and thyroxine in plasma than M cows. However, during the 7 wk before the first estrus, plasma concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were not affected by time. Cows previously on the H treatment had a shorter (P < 0.01) interval to first postpartum estrus and ovulation, and a larger dominant follicle (P < 0.01) at first estrus, than M cows, but duration of estrus and the number of mounts received were not influenced by nutrient intake. Pregnancy rate at the first estrus was greater (P < 0.03) for H (76%, n = 38) than for M (58%, n = 33) cows. Increased nutrient intake after calving stimulated secretion of anabolic hormones, promoted fat deposition, shortened the postpartum interval to estrus, and increased pregnancy rate at the first estrus. Concentrations of IGF-I and leptin in plasma were constant during 7 wk before the first estrus, indicating that acute changes in these hormones are not associated with the resumption of ovarian function in primiparous beef cows.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to study the influence of induced body condition score (BCS) differences on physiological response, productive and reproductive performance of Malpura ewes to optimise BCS for these ewes for maximising production making it economically viable. The study was conducted for a period of 1 year using thirty healthy Malpura ewes (2–4 year old). The animals were randomly divided and different BCS was induced within three groups named Group I (BCS 2.5; n = 10), Group II (BCS 3.0–3.5; n = 10) and Group III (BCS 4.0; n = 10). The parameters included in the study were allometric measurements, physiological response, wool yield and reproductive performance. BCS had a significant influence on allometric measurements, respiration rate and different reproductive parameters studied, while wool production differed significantly during spring and non‐significantly during autumn. The results revealed that the reproductive performance of Malpura ewes with a BCS of 3.0–3.5 was better in comparison with the groups with lower and higher BCS. It may be concluded from this study that an active management of breeding sheep flock to achieve a BCS of 3.0–3.5 may prove to result in an economically viable return from these flocks.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨不同日粮能量水平对青海省海南地区湖羊母羊繁殖性能和初生羔羊体况的影响。选取1岁左右健康初产纯繁妊娠80 d湖羊180只,随机分成A、B和C3组,每组60只,在粗饲料[燕麦青干草0.5 kg/(只·d)、燕麦青贮0.69 kg/(只·d)]相同的情况下(干物质),精料饲喂量分别为A组0.4 kg/(只·d)、B组0.5 kg/(只·d)和C组0.6 kg/(只·d),饲喂时间为60 d。结果表明,A组母羊流产率和死胎率高于B、C两组,C组初生单羔羊的体高和体长显著高于B组(P<0.05),胸围和管围各组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),C组初生双羔羊的体长显著高于B组(P<0.05),A组与B组和C组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),管围C组显著高于A组(P<0.05),B组多羔羊初生体重显著高于A组(P<0.05),C组单羔羊平均增重显著高于A组(P<0.05)。综上所述,妊娠后期母羊精料饲喂量较高[0.6 kg/(只·d)]时,湖羊繁殖性能较好,所产羔羊的体尺、体重较高,有利于胎儿的后期生长发育。  相似文献   

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