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芦笋斑点病病原形态特征与防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,山东省芦笋斑点病危害严重,一般地块发病率为60%~70%,病情指数40~50,造成芦笋拟叶黄化脱落,植株早衰,严重影响根内养分的积累、贮存和产量。  相似文献   

人参锈腐病拮抗放线菌筛选、形态及培养特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从吉林省集安市和通化市采集的土样中分离到249个放线菌菌株.拮抗试验表明:有13个菌株对人参锈腐病菌表现出不同程度的抑制作用.其中菌株1a效果最好,抑菌带大于16mm,抑菌率为75.8%,1014-5,1013-2,5a和313-3效果较好,抑菌带为9~16mm,抑菌率分别为61.9%,56.6%,54.1%和53.8%.依据形态特征鉴定,这5个菌株属于链霉菌属,其中菌株1a和313-3为金色类群,1013-2为粉红孢类群,1014-5为绿色类群,5a为球孢类群.  相似文献   

植物三体是遗传学研究中非常重要的非整倍体材料,对植物三体的表现型效应,导致三体表现型异常的原因,导致减数分裂过程中染色体配对及分离异常,造成额外染色体雌雄配子传递率低的原因及其在鉴别易位染色体和遗传图谱构建中的用途等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

以罗汉果生根组培苗为试验材料,研究基质种类、瓶苗质量、温湿度及施肥浓度对组培苗移栽成活率和 生长的影响。 结果表明院基质种类、瓶苗质量、温湿度是影响组培苗成活的关键因子,塘泥颐育苗土颐蛭石=1颐1颐1 的基质 组合效果最好,炼苗成活率最高达 93. 56% ,且长势好;合适的环境条件为温度 25耀30益、湿度 80% 耀90% ;施肥浓度以 0. 5% 为好,移栽苗生长较快且无肥害发生,最适于移栽大田。  相似文献   

苹果煤污病和蝇粪病症状复杂多样,症状类型是研究其病原多样性的基础。对采自陕西省苹果产区洛川、黄陵、乾县、永寿、彬县、礼泉、眉县、武功、杨凌等地果园中的苹果煤污病和蝇粪病,在体视镜和显微镜下病原菌菌体形态进行了观察、分类。结果表明,陕西主要苹果产区的苹果煤污病和蝇粪病的症状类型复杂,煤污病有4类(分枝类、煤烟类、刻点类和开裂类)9亚类(雪花状、树枝状、平滑煤烟状、粗糙煤烟状、亮刻点状、暗刻点状、底纹蜂巢刻点状、蜂巢状和条块状);蝇粪病有3类(棕点类、微点类和黑点类)。其中的雪花状、条块状、微点类和棕点类为新的类型。以上结果显示,我国苹果煤污病和蝇粪病病原菌菌体类型具有丰富的多样性,其中可能包括一些特殊的类型。  相似文献   

用2种方法对园林植物海桐Pittosporum tobira(Thunb.)Ait煤污病的病原菌进行了分离,获得海桐煤污病病原茵若干株,经鉴定均为子囊茵亚门座囊茵目煤炱科煤炱属Capnodium sp.的种类;同时还测定了甲基托布津和百菌清2种杀菌剂对其中1株病原菌(GN1)的室内生长的抑制能力.结果表明,甲基托布津、百菌清2种杀菌剂对病原菌(GN1)均有很强的毒力;而其中甲基托布津的杀菌力比百菌清的强.在不同浓度之间,甲基托布津以0.0025g·mL-1(即400倍液)杀菌效果最好(抑茵圈直径平均为5.20cm);百菌清则以0.0033g·mL-1(即300倍液)杀茵效果最好(抑茵圈直径平均为4.40cm).2种杀茵剂的持效期不同,甲基托布津为10d,百菌清为7~10d.  相似文献   

以海坛岛为例,运用Penman综合法计算研究区林地生态需水定额,并测算生态需水量.结果表明,该地区林地年生态需水量为0.3004—0.5004亿m^3,生态需水定额为374—623mm.该结果为分析海坛岛林地生态缺水状况及可持续管理林地生态系统提供参考.  相似文献   

以海坛岛为例,运用Penman综合法计算研究区林地生态需水定额,并测算生态需水量.结果表明,该地区林地年生态需水量为0.3004-0.5004亿m3,生态需水定额为374-623 mm.该结果为分析海坛岛林地生态缺水状况及可持续管理林地生态系统提供参考.  相似文献   

以我国北方典型的大型地下水盆地——下辽河平原为研究对象,在考虑地下水蒸发特点基础上,统筹考虑对地下水依赖程度较高的天然草地、天然湿地和河流生态系统对于地下水位的要求,综合水文和生态两方面因素确定地下水生态水位;利用Golden surfer软件的体积计算功能,计算出研究区内全年各月的地下水生态需水量;采用正态信息扩散模型,运用月保证率法得到不同保证率、不同恢复等级下的年地下水生态需水量.结果表明:下辽河平原不同月份的地下水缺水量41.83×108-60.07×108 m3、缺水区面积2.05× 104-2.34×104 km2、盈余水量2.73×108-6.68×108 m3、盈余区面积0.30×104-0.59×104 km2、地下水生态需水量35.15×108-57.33×108 m3;经月保证率法整合后的年地下水生态需水量变化规律为,随着保证率的降低,地下水生态需水量不断增加,而需水量等级越高,需水量增加幅度越大.  相似文献   

The results of a long-term experiment on creating steppe field shelterbelts on sloping lands are given. The most important characteristics of the steppe shelterbelts, these quasi-natural plant communities, are unlimited longevity, self-reproduction of rich flora, annual regeneration after a fire, optimal environment for wild fauna, and 95–97% reduction of runoff processes.  相似文献   

依据马铃薯Y病毒基因组序列,设计合成了1对引物,以从山西省获得的带毒马铃薯叶片总RNA为模板,通过RT-PCR扩增得到852 bp的基因片段并进行了序列测定。BLAST分析表明,该DNA序列与PVY N:O株系pl基因序列相似性最高可达99%。  相似文献   

Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss assessments using the Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) would supply a scientific basis for soil conservation planning. However, a lack of information on the cover and management(C) factor for cropland, one of the most important factors in the USLE, has limited accurate regional assessments in China due to the large number of crops grown and their complicated rotation systems. In this study, single crop soil loss ratios(SLRs) were collected and quantified for 10 primary crops from past studies or reports. The mean annual C values for 88 crop rotation systems in 12 cropping system regions were estimated based on the combined effects of single crop SLRs and the percentage of annual rainfall erosivity(R) during the corresponding periods for each system. The C values in different cropping system regions were compared and discussed. The results indicated that the SLRs of the 10 primary crops ranged from 0.15 to 0.74. The mean annual C value for all 88 crop rotation systems was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.12. The mean C values in the single, double and triple cropping zones were 0.37, 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, and the C value in the triple zone was significantly different from those in single and double zones. The C values of dryland crop systems exhibited significant differences in the single and triple cropping system regions but the differences in the double regions were not significant. This study is the first report of the C values of crop rotation systems in China at the national scale. It will provide necessary and practical parameters for accurately assessing regional soil losses from cropland to guide soil conservation plans and to optimize crop rotation systems.  相似文献   

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