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Crop residue removal and subsoil compaction are limiting to yield improvement in the North China Plain (NCP). We conducted a field study composed of six consecutive crop growing seasons from 2010 to 2013 in Henan province, China, to determine responses of soil properties, crop root distribution and crop yield to tillage and residue management in a wheat–maize cropping system under irrigated conditions. Tillage practices comprised mouldboard ploughing (MP) to a depth of 15-cm, deep mouldboard ploughing (DMP) to a depth of 30-cm, and chisel ploughing (CP) to a depth of 30-cm. Crop residue management included crop residue retained (CRRet) and crop residue removed (CRRem). The results indicated that yields in DMP and CP increased by 6.0% and 7.3% for wheat and by 8.7% and 9.0% for maize, respectively, relative to MP. The CRRet treatment also increased wheat yield by 6.7% and maize yield by 5.0%. The yield increases under DMP and CP were related to reduced bulk density and soil penetration resistance, increased soil water content, improved total N distribution and improved root density (0–60-cm). Compared with MP, the root mass density under DMP and CP were increased by 43.4% and 42.0% for wheat and by 40.6% and 39.4% for maize, respectively. The yield increases under CRRet were also related to increased soil water content, reduced penetration resistance and increased N status (0–40-cm). Overall, for DMP + CRRet and CP + CRRet, a more favorable soil environment alongside greater root mass density and suitable spatial distribution resulted in higher grain yields of wheat and maize. Thus, compared with conventional shallow tillage practice, DMP or CP with residue application could improve soil quality and agricultural productivity under irrigated areas with loam soil in the NCP.  相似文献   

Adopting mixtures of legumes and non-legumes can be an efficient tool to merge the advantages of the single species in the fall-sown cover crop practice. Cover crop mixtures are supposed to provide an additional benefit in reducing N leaching risks as compared to pure legume thanks to the N trapping skill of the non-legume companion, but to our knowledge no data are available on the effect of mixed cover crops on N leaching. For this reason, in a three-year study we investigated the effect of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) grown in 100% pure stands or in 50:50 mixtures on the N leaching below the rooting zone as compared to the bare soil. The NO3-N concentration in the soil solution was monitored by suction cup lysimeters placed at 0.9 m depth during the whole growing cycle and after cover crop incorporation into the soil and the amount of leached N was calculated on the basis of estimated drainage.The mixture showed variable biomass accumulation and proportion in the biomass accumulated by companion species across years, but a rather constant N accumulation, with a biomass C/N ratio intermediate between those of the pure crops. In all years, the N trapping effect of the mixture was clear as it decreased NO3-N leaching at the same level of pure barley, both during its own growing cycle and after cover crop incorporation into the soil. Pure vetch showed the highest N source potential as green manure but no NO3-N leaching mitigation effect as compared to the bare soil. Thus we demonstrate here that a mixture of barley and vetch, which was already known to be a “self-buffered system” able to guarantee a good and rather stable N accumulation, is also a “buffering system” for the agroecosystems in the Mediterranean conditions by acting as a N trapping crop able to reduce N leaching.  相似文献   

Integrated crop–livestock systems can help achieve greater environmental quality from disparate crop and livestock systems by recycling nutrients and taking advantage of synergies between systems. We investigated crop and animal production responses in integrated crop–livestock systems with two types of winter cover cropping (legume-derived N and inorganic fertilizer N), two types of tillage [conventional disk (CT) and no tillage (NT)], and whether cover crops were grazed by cow/calf pairs or not. The 13-ha field study was a modification of a previous factorial experiment with four replications on Ultisols in Georgia, USA. Recurring summer drought severely limited corn and soybean production during all three years. Type of cover crop had little influence and grazing of cover crops had minor influence on crop production characteristics. Cattle gain from grazing of winter cover crops added a stable component to production. No-tillage management had large positive effects on corn grain (95 vs. 252 g m−2 under CT and NT, respectively) and stover (305 vs. 385 g m−2) production, as well as on soybean grain (147 vs. 219 g m−2) and stover (253 vs. 375 g m−2) production, but little overall effect on winter wheat grain (292 g m−2) and stover (401 g m−2) production. Our results suggest that robust, diversified crop–livestock systems can be developed for impoverished soils of the southeastern USA, especially when managed under no tillage to control environmental quality and improve resistance of crops to drought.  相似文献   

Different tillage systems (conventional, minimum, raised bed and no tillage) and four mulch levels (control, polythene, straw and soil) were compared in maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) production for three years on an experimental field (sandy loam) located at Dry Land Research Sub Station, Dhiansar, Jammu. Each treatment was replicated four times in split plot design. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of tillage and mulch practices on economics, energy requirement, soil physical properties and performance of maize and wheat. Tillage methods significantly affected the soil physical properties as change in soil moisture contents and infiltration rate of soil was recorded. The soil moisture contents in minimum tillage (MT) were maximum (12.4%, 16.6%) in surface soil as compared to conventional tillage (CT) in maize and wheat crops, respectively. Comparing to the CT infiltration rate was (1.16times, 1.21times and 1.11times) higher in minimum tillage (MT), no tillage (NT) and raised bed (RB), respectively in kharif season. Similar results were also found in rabi season. The greatest maize yield of 1865 kg ha?1 was achieved with CT system while not significantly lower yield was achieved with MT system (1837 kg ha?1). However, wheat yield was recorded higher in MT as compare to the CT system. Comparing to the energy requirement of different operations, MT required 34.3% less, NT 31.1% less and RB 46.0% less than the CT system. MT system saved 2.5 times energy in tillage operation compared to the CT system. The economic analysis also revealed that the maximum benefits could be obtained from MT (EUR 202.4 ha?1) followed by RB (EUR 164.2 ha?1) and NT (EUR 158.3 ha?1) and lowest in CT (EUR 149.5 ha?1). Benefit-cost ratio was highest in MT (0.71) and lowest in CT (0.44). Results revealed that mulch significantly affected the soil physical properties and growth of maize. The maximum soil moisture content, infiltration rate and grain yield of maize and wheat recorded higher in mulching practices over no mulch treatment. Polythene mulch and straw mulch were almost equally valuable in maize and wheat sequence. Tillage (minimum) and mulch (polythene and straw) have pronounced effect on soil physical properties (improved infiltration rate and conserve soil water), energy requirement, economics and growth of maize and wheat.  相似文献   

Intercropping is widely used by smallholder farmers in developing countries, and attracting attention in the context of ecological intensification of agriculture in developed countries. There is little experience with intercropping of food crops in Western Europe. Yields in intercrops depend on planting patterns of the mixed species in interaction with local growing conditions. Here we present data of two years field experimentation on yield and yield components of a wheat–maize intercrop system in different planting configurations in the Netherlands. Treatments included sole crops of wheat (SW) and maize (SM), a replacement intercrop consisting of strips of six wheat rows alternating with two maize rows (6:2WM), as well as subtractive or additive designs, based on skip-row (6:0WM, 0:2WM) and add-row (8:2WM, 6:3WM) configurations. The land equivalent ratio (LER) of intercrops varied from 1.18 to 1.30 in 2013 and from 0.97 to 1.08 in 2014. Wheat grown in the border rows of wheat strips had higher ear number per meter row, greater kernel number per ear, and greater yield per meter row than wheat in inner rows and sole wheat, indicating reduced competition. Wheat in the border rows in the intercrops had, however, reduced thousand kernel weight and harvest index, indicating that competition in border rows intensified over time. Intercropping negatively affected maize biomass and thousand kernel weight, especially in add-row treatments. This study indicates that there is a potential yield benefit for the wheat–maize intercropping system under Western European growing conditions. However, the LER was affected by yearly variation in weather conditions and significantly greater than one in only one of the two years of the study.  相似文献   

Crops generally utilize nitrogen (N) from slurries less efficiently than from mineral fertilizers. In order to compare the effects of slurry and mineral N application on yield and residual fertilization effects, a long-term field trial was established in autumn 1994, where pig slurry was applied to oilseed rape (OSR), winter wheat and winter barley at the same application dates as mineral N fertilizer. N amounts ranged from 0 to 240 kg total N ha−1. The same treatment regimes were applied to the same plots in each year. Starting in 2010 (2011), wheat (barley) received no N fertilization in order to allow for testing residual fertilizer effects. Every year seed yield and N offtake by the seeds were determined.Accounting only for ammonia N of pig slurry, similar seed yields in OSR and slightly higher grain yields in wheat and barley compared to mineral N fertilizer were achieved. This indicates that mineralization of organically bounded slurry N compensated gaseous ammonia losses. In plots without N fertilization, OSR showed no yield trends during the experimental period, whereas wheat (barley) yield started to decrease after 10 (13) years without N fertilization. In the highly fertilized treatments, no significant trend in seed yield or N amount required for maximum yield could be detected. In the subsequent unfertilized wheat crop, accumulated slurry effects increased grain yield more than those of mineral N fertilizer. Barley grown in the second year without N supply remained unaffected by the previous slurry N application.  相似文献   

We evaluated the re-establishment of an Italian ryegrass pasture by self-seeding on a no-till integrated crop–livestock systems (ICLS) in the southern region of Brazil. This work is part of a long-term experimental protocol initiated in 2003. We tested the effects of various management practices, such as summer crop systems (soybean vs. maize–soybean rotation), stocking methods (continuous vs. rotational) and grazing intensities (low vs. moderate), on Italian ryegrass pasture establishment. In addition, we tested resilience of the system by testing pasture's ability to re-establish following a year without seed head production. The experiment consisted in the rotation, on the same area, of Italian ryegrass pasture grazed by sheep during the winter and up to the end of the grass production cycle, and soybean or soybean–maize grain crops rotation cultivated during the summer. The pasture established itself by self-seeding since 2005. Data were collected in 2011 and 2012 stocking season. The soybean summer crop, continuous stocking and low grazing intensity, all positively affected the production of reproductive tillers in 2011. Grazing intensity in 2011 strongly influenced early vegetative tiller densities (before crop harvest) in 2012. However, none of the grazing intensity or the stocking method treatments affected herbage mass at the end of pasture establishment in 2011 or 2012. On the other hand, the soybean summer crop positively affected pasture establishment, both in term of tiller densities and herbage mass at the end of pasture establishment. The removal of all seed heads in 2011 (preventing seed production) resulted in the total failure of pasture establishment in 2012. Overall, Italian ryegrass establishment by self-seeding relies on the annual replacement of the soil seed bank. This experiment demonstrated that under various stocking methods, moderate grazing intensity and maize or soybean summer crop, Italian ryegrass pasture establishment by self-seeding remains successful even when the stocking periods extended up to the end of the grass production cycle. Self-seeding with moderate grazing intensity ensures successful pasture establishment, reduces labour and costs and allows to increase the stocking period and so animal live weight gain over the grazing season.  相似文献   

Root growth, nutrition and crop yield can be affected by soil chemical modifications caused by superficial limestone and phosphogypsum application in a no-till system. Using this approach, this study was conducted in southeastern Brazil, continuing an experiment that has been on-going since 2002 with the objective of evaluating the residual effects of the surface application of lime and phosphogypsum on the soil chemical characteristics and the root growth, nutrition and yield of soybean, black oat and sorghum in a dry winter region cultivated in 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. The experimental design was a randomized block with 4 replications. The treatments were applied in November 2004 and were as follows: original conditions, limestone application (2000 kg ha−1), phosphogypsum application (2100 kg ha−1), and limestone (2000 kg ha−1) + phosphogypsum (2100 kg ha−1) application. Superficial liming with or without phosphogypsum reduced the surface and subsurface soil acidity 5 years after application in the no-till system. The movement of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the surface layer into the subsoil over time was evident. The phosphogypsum application associated with liming increased the Ca2+ levels throughout the soil profile. Liming maintained high levels of Mg2+ throughout the soil profile with or without phosphogypsum application. The organic matter content increased with liming with or without phosphogypsum, indicating that in the long term, these practices can increase the C accumulation. Phosphogypsum application had a residual effect on the SO4-S levels, and high sulphate concentrations were observed in the subsoil after 5 years. Superficial liming improved crop nutrition and, when associated with phosphogypsum, increased Ca absorption by soybean and sorghum, as reflected in the increased yields of these crops.  相似文献   

Agroforesry is a common traditional practice in China, especially in the saline-alkaline regions, like the lower North China Plain (LNCP) characterized by lower yields of food crops. Adding trees to the agricultural land creates additional fruitsets or woody biomass besides food crops, enabling farmers to diversify the provision of farm commodities. However, the productivity of many agroforestry systems has been lower than expected in recent years, highlighting the need for a mechanistic understanding of below- or above-ground interactions. The study combined investigation and experimental data together to evaluate the effects of long-term intercropping agroforestry system [jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis (Bunge) Rehd.)/winter wheat–summer maize] on soil fertility balance, crop production and system economic efficiency over the past 22 years in LNCP, with a view to developing an effective fertilization management for the moderately alkaline soils. Except remain higher pH, the soils are basically free of sodic and soil salinity is not the major restriction factor for intercrops, even through there are some fluctuation with season and distance from jujube tree. The intercropping system significantly reduced soil nutrient contents, like soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), available P (avail. P) and K (avail. K) in most parts of the ecotone of the system, but increased those nutrients in the belt of underneath the edge of tree canopy, The growth of intercrops at the belt of 3.5 m from tree was severely negative stressed by jujube tree in term of lower soil moisture, nitrate, avail. P and K although receiving more photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), whereas the winter wheat growing at the 2.5 m row had more water and nutrients supplied and thus produced more grain yield. Uneven fertilization to the ecotone (about 1–2.5 m of the intercrop field boundary) could partly offset the consumption and competition for nutrients between the tree and the intercrops, and improved the grain yields by 12.1% and 14.5% in the ecotone regions (distance from jujube trees) of 1.5 m for winter wheat and 2.5 m for summer maize by increasing respective yield components. Although the mean grain yield of intercropped winter wheat and summer maize was reduced by 35.6 and 35.2%, respectively, compared to sole cropping system, the intercropping system proved to be a profitable land use type based on net income and economic returns, in addition to the wood and ecological benefits of the jujube tree in the moderate desalinate- alkaline regions.  相似文献   

The current characteristics in the global economy have defined “knowledge-intensive services” (KIS) as part of the so-called “industries of the future” due to the attributes of their employment and central function in the development processes in science, technology, art, and culture. This study outlines as a central hypothesis that the localization of KIS depends on different factors according to the type of knowledge being developed (analytical, synthetic, and symbolic). The main objective in this work is to explore the spatial economic factors associated with the localization and changes (positive and negative) when using KIS in the “national urban system” in México between 2004 and 2014. To do so, the services sector is defined according to the “intensity” and the “types” of knowledge that they develop. An analysis of spatial econometrics is carried out that distinguishes between the geographic (local) effect and the spatial (non-local) effect of the independent variables using data and microdata from the period 2004 to 2014. The results partly correspond with the central hypothesis of the study and offer possibilities of public policies to take advantage of and to promote the benefits of KIS, especially regarding cities in developing countries looking to become part of the 21st century economy.  相似文献   

In field trials on the Loess Plateau, China, in 2012–13, maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) were sole cropped and intercropped at three densities and with three sowing proportions. Maize was generally more growth efficient for biomass accumulation than soybean during the entire growth interval, as assessed using the relative efficiency index (REIc). However, most of sowing proportion at each density displayed a trend of decreased growth with development. Throughout the growth period, the dry matter production and leaf area index (LAI) of maize increased as the plant density increased irrespective of whether it was grown as a sole crop or as an intercrop. However, the effect of increasing cropping density was less obvious for soybean. The LAI values of the sole crop treatment for both maize and soybean were greater than that of the intercropping system, indicating that the presence of maize and soybean together suppressed the respective growth of the two crops. At the final harvest, land equivalent ratios (LER) of 0.84–1.35 indicated resource complementarity in most of the studied intercrops. Complementarity was directly affected by changes in plant densities; the greatest LER were observed in 2 rows maize and 2 rows soybean intercrops at low density. The water equivalent ratio (WER), which characterized the efficiency of water resource use in intercropping, ranged from 0.84 to 1.68, indicating variability in the effect of intercropping on water-use efficiency (WUE).  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 stimulates crop yields but leads to lower tissue and grain nitrogen concentrations [N], raising concerns about grain quality in cereals. To test whether N fertiliser application above optimum growth requirements can alleviate the decline in tissue [N], wheat was grown in a Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility in a low‐rainfall cropping system on high soil N. Crops were grown with and without addition of 50–60 kg N/ha in 12 growing environments created by supplemental irrigation and two sowing dates over 3 years. Elevated CO2 increased yield and biomass (on average by 25%) and decreased biomass [N] (3%–9%) and grain [N] (5%). Nitrogen uptake was greater (20%) in crops grown under elevated CO2. Additional N supply had no effect on yield and biomass, confirming high soil N. Small increases in [N] with N addition were insufficient to offset declines in grain [N] under elevated CO2. Instead, N application increased the [N] in straw and decreased N harvest index. The results suggest that conventional addition of N does not mitigate grain [N] depression under elevated CO2, and lend support to hypotheses that link decreases in crop [N] with biochemical limitations rather than N supply.  相似文献   

Resources for crop production are often scarce in smallholder farming systems in the tropics, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Decisions on the allocation of such resources are often made at farm rather than at field plot scale. To handle the uncertainty caused by both lack of data and imperfect knowledge inherent to these agricultural systems, we developed a dynamic summary model of the soil–crop system that captures essential interactions determining the short- and long-term crop productivity, while keeping a degree of simplicity that allows its parameterisation, use and dissemination in the tropics. Generic, summary functions describing crop productivity may suffice for addressing questions concerning trade-offs on resource allocation at farm scale. Such functions can be derived from empirical (historical) data or, when they involve potential or water-limited crop yields, can be generated using process-based, detailed crop simulation models. This paper describes the approach to simulating crop productivity implemented in the model FIELD (Field-scale Interactions, use Efficiencies and Long-Term soil fertility Development), based on the availability of light, water, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the interactions between these factors. We describe how these interactions are simulated and use examples from case studies in African farming systems to illustrate the use of detailed crop models to generate summary functions and the ability of FIELD to capture long-term trends in soil C and crop yields, crop responses to applied nutrients across heterogeneous smallholder farms and the implications of overlooking the effects of intra-seasonal rainfall variability in the model. An example is presented that evaluates the sensitivity of the model to resource allocation decisions when operating (linked to livestock and household models) at farm scale. Further, we discuss the assessment of model performance, going beyond the calculation of simple statistics to compare simulated and observed results to include broader criteria such as model applicability. In data-scarce environments such as SSA, uncertainty in parameter values constrains the performance of detailed process-based models, often forcing model users to ‘guess’ (or set to default values) parameters that are seldom measured in practice. The choice of model depends on its suitability and appropriateness to analyse the relevant scale for the question addressed. Simpler yet dynamic models of the various subsystems (crop, soil, livestock, manure) may prove more robust than detailed, process-based models when analysing farm scale questions on system design and resource allocation in SSA.  相似文献   

Short persistence of renovated pastures is a major problem for pastoral production systems. Pasture species establishment, species performance and persistency and their relationships with soil–water attributes following pasture improvement methods were evaluated over two years. Fertilised naturalised pasture (FNP), non-fertilised naturalised pasture (NFNP), Lolium perenneTrifolium repens cultivated pasture (CP), L. perenneT. repens direct-drilled pasture (DP), and Bromus valdivianus, Holcus lanatus, Dactylis glomerata, L. perenne and T. repens direct-drilled pasture (DDP) were established as a randomised complete block design. Pastures were limed, fertilised and sheep-grazed. Plant growth compensatory mechanisms, by decreasing tiller number and increasing tiller size, equalised pasture yield during the establishment. In both years, the improved pastures yield was greater than that of NFNP. In the second year, DDP and FNP reached the higher pasture growth rate, with a seasonality diminishment. During the second summer, soil matrix potential at 0–20 cm soil profile exceeded the permanent wilting point, resulting in the pasture growth rate of NFNP and the sown pastures ranging from 0.0 to 3.6 kg DM/ha per day, while for FNP, it was 17.8 kg DM/ha per day. Sown species, fast-growing species spontaneous colonisation and growth were all stimulated in the improved pastures over species that tolerate stress, improving agronomical and ecological pasture features.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is important as a stop-over and wintering area for several species of waders, foraging for shorter or longer times on its tidal flats. The size of the food stocks these birds encounter varies from place to place and from year to year. We studied characteristics of the variability in time of such prey stocks, using long-term data series of annual estimates of biomass of macrobenthic animals collected on tidal flats in various parts of the Dutch and German Wadden Sea. Year-to-year fluctuations were stronger in nearly all individual benhos species than in total macrozoobenthic biomass. The various species differed significantly in their year-to-year variability. Everywhere the tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica was relatively stable, whereas species such as the cockle Cerastoderma edule and the polychaetes Lanice conchilega, Nephtys hombergii and Anaitides mucosa fluctuated heavily and rapidly in all parts of the Wadden Sea where they were found. Within species, fluctuations in biomass of individual age or size classes were stronger than those in total biomass of the species.Several species showed minimal biomass values in the same years over vast areas. This synchronization of scarcity was caused particularly by similar responses to winter character, which was each year similar over the entire Wadden Sea. Such similar responses included low over-winter survival during severe winters and recruitment failure after exceptionally mild winters. Immediately after severe winters, such cold-sensitivee species as C. edule, L. conchilega and N. hombegii were scarce all over the Waden Sea, thus liimiting the possibilities for birds to switch to other parts of the Wadden Sea to find their preferred prey in sufficient quantitu. Simultaneous recruitment failure in several important bivalve species (C. edule, Mytilus edulis, and Mya arenaria limited the possibility for specialized bivalve consumers to switch to alternative prey types in certain years.  相似文献   

Winter wheat production in northern China severely suffered from high temperatures and low relative humidity. However, the spatio-temporal pattern of heat stress and dry stress and the impacts of these multi-hazards on winter wheat yield have rarely been investigated. Using historical climate data, phenology data and yield records from 1980 to 2008, an analysis was performed to characterize the spatio-temporal variability of heat stress and dry stress in the post-heading stages of wheat growth in northern China. Additionally, these stresses’ impacts on winter wheat yield fluctuations were evaluated. Spatially, the central and northern parts of northern China have seen more serious heat stress, while greater dry stress has been observed in the northwest and north of the research area. Temporally, the heat stress has increased in the western part but decreased in the central and eastern parts of research area. Dry stress has aggravated in the entire northern China during the past decades, indicating the complexity of the exposure to adverse climate conditions. These two hazards (heat stress and dry stress) have contributed significant yield loss (up to 1.28% yield yr−1) in most parts of the research region. The yield in the west was more sensitive to heat stress, and dry stress was the main hazard in the south. Additionally, the opposite spatial pattern between the sensitivity and exposure revealed that the climate is not the only factor controlling the yield fluctuation, the local adaptation measures used to mitigate negative influences of extreme events should not be ignored. In general, this study highlighted a focus on the impacts of multi-hazards on agricultural production, and an equal importance of considering local adaptation ability during the evaluation of agricultural risk in the future. Additionally, paying more attention to higher sensitive areas and to more reasonable and practical adaptive strategies is critical and significant for food supply security.  相似文献   

A clear understanding of the feedback between plant communities and soil nutrient cycles is necessary to predict the dynamics of grassland ecosystems. Nitrogen fluxes may depend on specific functional plant traits in relation to dead and living roots, which determine a litter and a rhizosphere effect of the plant community. Two species of nutrient-rich grasslands that demonstrate either a more conservative (Dactylis) or more competitive strategy (Lolium) for nitrogen were grown at a non-optimal level of N availability and at optimal water, P and K supply. In a factorial experiment, monocultures of both species were sown on soil monoliths containing the intact dead root litter system of either species. The N fluxes were measured for two years in these microcosms.The presence of a growing stand increased the N mineralisation rate of the root litter. Both the type of root litter and that of the rhizosphere significantly affected the N fluxes. A greater N harvest was recorded in the Dactylis stand and on the Lolium litter; while greater N loss by leaching occurred under the Lolium stand and from the Lolium litter. Lolium induced a greater N turnover in SOM, while Dactylis caused a faster decay rate of litter N. Dactylis favoured the “short” N cycle between stand and root litter, while Lolium favoured the “complete” N cycle between stand and SOM. The chemical composition of the root litter was similar, but the species effects on the N cycles could be accounted for by differences in morphological root traits. A set of functional root processes is proposed that differentiates species strategies towards the nitrogen cycle. Dynamic consequences for a mixture of the two species are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic base of sunflower elite lines is very narrow, due to many years of selection and breeding. To broaden the genetic diversity of the cultivated sunflower, in 1995 73 wild sunflower populations were crossed with 3 cultivated lines (Testers), and 219 hybrid offspring’s were evaluated in the field. GCA and SCA effects were computed suggesting for all traits a genetic potential for improvement through selection. Study of the hybrids revealed that the wild accessions bear different genetic abilities to combine with the testers for traits of morphological architecture, phenology and yield (seed weight and seed oil). The variance due to GCA and SCA showed that gene action was additive for days to flowering, branching and plant height. Genotypes derived from the same geographic origin may have either good or poor general combing ability. The correlation between GCA and per se genotype performance was positive for all traits except for seed oil content. This was the first attempt to evaluate wild-cultivated hybrids in sunflower on a large scale and will be the starting point for the management of hybrid Helianthus annuus populations for breeding. GCA and SCA estimations will facilitate the definition of strategies to manage and exploit the natural diversity for this crop.  相似文献   

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