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In the subtropical region of Brazil, integrated crop–livestock systems (ICLSs) are characterized by the annual rotation of pastures and crops in a no-till system where the pasture component is used to produce either meat or milk. These systems focus on integration within the farm rather than between farms, being characterized by alternating cropping and pasturing in the same area. Independent of the crop rotations possible in a subtropical environment, the main integrated farming system found was rotation or succession of summer crops (Glycine max, Zea mays, Phaseolus vulgaris or Oryza sativa) with winter annual grazing grasses (mixed or solely Avena strigosa and Lolium multiflorum) or successive natural pastures.The high variability of crop yield in the Brazilian subtropics (due to climate extremes) as well as associated high costs and low prices has encouraged farmers to integrate livestock into their enterprises as a low-risk diversification option. Long-term experiments have demonstrated the benefits of crop–livestock integration with respect to many aspects of the soil–plant–animal system. There is evidence that such a system is not only a livestock–agriculture combination but also a unique system reaching a new complexity threshold, resulting in emergent properties with novel functionalities, some of which have yet to be investigated. In addition to greater environmental gains with less vulnerability, there are higher yields and more financial gain by the farmer, compared to that in the use of monocultures or non-integrated livestock farming. We conclude that ICLSs in Subtropical Brazil provide the opportunity for intensification with sustainability.  相似文献   

Large-scale, energy-intensive, specialized production systems have dominated agricultural production in the United States for the past half-century. Although highly productive and economically successful, there is increasing concern with unintended negative environmental impacts of current agricultural systems. Production systems integrating crops and livestock have potential for providing additional ecosystem services from agriculture by capturing positive ecological interactions and avoiding negative environmental outcomes, while sustaining profitability. A diversity of ecologically sound integrated crop-livestock systems have been and can be employed in different ecoregions: sod-based crop rotations, grazing cover crops in cash-crop rotations, crop residue grazing, sod intercropping, dual-purpose cereal crops, and agroforestry/silvopasture. Improved technologies in conservation tillage, weed control, fertilization, fencing, and planting, as well as improved plant genetics offer opportunities to facilitate successful adoption of integrated systems. This paper explores the use and potential of integrated crop-livestock systems in achieving environmental stewardship and maintaining profitability under a diversity of ecological conditions in the United States.  相似文献   

We evaluated the re-establishment of an Italian ryegrass pasture by self-seeding on a no-till integrated crop–livestock systems (ICLS) in the southern region of Brazil. This work is part of a long-term experimental protocol initiated in 2003. We tested the effects of various management practices, such as summer crop systems (soybean vs. maize–soybean rotation), stocking methods (continuous vs. rotational) and grazing intensities (low vs. moderate), on Italian ryegrass pasture establishment. In addition, we tested resilience of the system by testing pasture's ability to re-establish following a year without seed head production. The experiment consisted in the rotation, on the same area, of Italian ryegrass pasture grazed by sheep during the winter and up to the end of the grass production cycle, and soybean or soybean–maize grain crops rotation cultivated during the summer. The pasture established itself by self-seeding since 2005. Data were collected in 2011 and 2012 stocking season. The soybean summer crop, continuous stocking and low grazing intensity, all positively affected the production of reproductive tillers in 2011. Grazing intensity in 2011 strongly influenced early vegetative tiller densities (before crop harvest) in 2012. However, none of the grazing intensity or the stocking method treatments affected herbage mass at the end of pasture establishment in 2011 or 2012. On the other hand, the soybean summer crop positively affected pasture establishment, both in term of tiller densities and herbage mass at the end of pasture establishment. The removal of all seed heads in 2011 (preventing seed production) resulted in the total failure of pasture establishment in 2012. Overall, Italian ryegrass establishment by self-seeding relies on the annual replacement of the soil seed bank. This experiment demonstrated that under various stocking methods, moderate grazing intensity and maize or soybean summer crop, Italian ryegrass pasture establishment by self-seeding remains successful even when the stocking periods extended up to the end of the grass production cycle. Self-seeding with moderate grazing intensity ensures successful pasture establishment, reduces labour and costs and allows to increase the stocking period and so animal live weight gain over the grazing season.  相似文献   

Combining crops and livestock within integrated crop–livestock systems (ICLS) represents an opportunity to improve the sustainability of farming systems. The objective of this paper is to analyse how agroecological principles can help farmers to redesign and improve the resilience, self-sufficiency, productivity, and efficiency of ICLS. Relying on case studies from Brazil and France, we examine how the transformation of two conventional, specialised systems into more integrated-production systems illustrates the different dynamics towards agroecological ICLS. The French case study, based on self-sufficient farming systems belonging to a sustainable agriculture network, highlights that cost-cutting management led to a win–win strategy comprising good economic and environmental performances. The farms decreased their dependence on external inputs and had only a limited loss of production. The past trajectories of the farms illustrate how increasing the interactions between subsystems improved the self-sufficiency and efficiency of the farms. The Brazilian case study compares slash-and-burn agriculture in the Amazonian region with the recovery of degraded grazing area by ICLS. A small increase in chemical inputs linked to a diversification of productions led to a large increase in production and a large decrease in environmental impacts (deforestation). The Brazilian case study also illustrates how the diversification of production increased the resilience of the system to market shocks. Reconstructing the links among soil, crops, and animals following agroecological principles could improve the different performances of ICLS. New agroecological ICLS, benefiting from diversified productions and increased interactions between subsystems, are likely to offset the trade-off between agricultural production and environmental impacts observed in current ICLS.  相似文献   

Integrated crop–livestock systems can help achieve greater environmental quality from disparate crop and livestock systems by recycling nutrients and taking advantage of synergies between systems. We investigated crop and animal production responses in integrated crop–livestock systems with two types of winter cover cropping (legume-derived N and inorganic fertilizer N), two types of tillage [conventional disk (CT) and no tillage (NT)], and whether cover crops were grazed by cow/calf pairs or not. The 13-ha field study was a modification of a previous factorial experiment with four replications on Ultisols in Georgia, USA. Recurring summer drought severely limited corn and soybean production during all three years. Type of cover crop had little influence and grazing of cover crops had minor influence on crop production characteristics. Cattle gain from grazing of winter cover crops added a stable component to production. No-tillage management had large positive effects on corn grain (95 vs. 252 g m−2 under CT and NT, respectively) and stover (305 vs. 385 g m−2) production, as well as on soybean grain (147 vs. 219 g m−2) and stover (253 vs. 375 g m−2) production, but little overall effect on winter wheat grain (292 g m−2) and stover (401 g m−2) production. Our results suggest that robust, diversified crop–livestock systems can be developed for impoverished soils of the southeastern USA, especially when managed under no tillage to control environmental quality and improve resistance of crops to drought.  相似文献   

In integrated soybean–beef cattle systems, the pasture grazing intensity affects the grain crop performance in succession. In addition, the dung cattle input influences the soil nutrients distribution in the field affecting the grain crop yield. This experiment aims to evaluate the effects of winter pasture heights and cattle dung input in soybean crop performance in succession. Main soil macronutrient content, soybean plant population, dry shoot biomass, plant height, plant nutrient content, soybean yield and yield components were assessed in the 10th experimental year. The experiment was conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, in a long-term integrated crop–livestock systems implemented in 2001. Treatments were arranged in a split plot design with four pasture heights (0.10, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 m) and two levels of dung input (with or without). For all the variables analyzed, there was no interaction between pasture heights and cattle dung input (P > 0.05). The pasture height management had only effect in soil P content, soybean dry biomass production, plant height and number of grains per pod. The increase in grazing intensity was associated to the rise in soybean plant height and dry mass production but was without effect on grain yield. The presence of grazing animals in the integrated soybean–beef cattle systems, and the resultant augmentation of dung input increased by 122% and 38% the availability of soil K and P, respectively in relation to the absence. Thus, the content of such nutrients in the plant were increased in 41% and 7%, respectively. The improvement in soybean nutrition increases the amount of pods per plant by 20%, and resulting in a 23% increase in soybean yield. These results indicate that cattle dung input resulting from grazing animals in the pasture phase increased soybean grain yield due to better plant nutrition. Although, the occurrence of cattle dung was very concentrated in some spots of the field and thus future studies should address strategies to improve spatial distribution of cattle dung input.  相似文献   

Different tillage systems (conventional, minimum, raised bed and no tillage) and four mulch levels (control, polythene, straw and soil) were compared in maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) production for three years on an experimental field (sandy loam) located at Dry Land Research Sub Station, Dhiansar, Jammu. Each treatment was replicated four times in split plot design. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of tillage and mulch practices on economics, energy requirement, soil physical properties and performance of maize and wheat. Tillage methods significantly affected the soil physical properties as change in soil moisture contents and infiltration rate of soil was recorded. The soil moisture contents in minimum tillage (MT) were maximum (12.4%, 16.6%) in surface soil as compared to conventional tillage (CT) in maize and wheat crops, respectively. Comparing to the CT infiltration rate was (1.16times, 1.21times and 1.11times) higher in minimum tillage (MT), no tillage (NT) and raised bed (RB), respectively in kharif season. Similar results were also found in rabi season. The greatest maize yield of 1865 kg ha?1 was achieved with CT system while not significantly lower yield was achieved with MT system (1837 kg ha?1). However, wheat yield was recorded higher in MT as compare to the CT system. Comparing to the energy requirement of different operations, MT required 34.3% less, NT 31.1% less and RB 46.0% less than the CT system. MT system saved 2.5 times energy in tillage operation compared to the CT system. The economic analysis also revealed that the maximum benefits could be obtained from MT (EUR 202.4 ha?1) followed by RB (EUR 164.2 ha?1) and NT (EUR 158.3 ha?1) and lowest in CT (EUR 149.5 ha?1). Benefit-cost ratio was highest in MT (0.71) and lowest in CT (0.44). Results revealed that mulch significantly affected the soil physical properties and growth of maize. The maximum soil moisture content, infiltration rate and grain yield of maize and wheat recorded higher in mulching practices over no mulch treatment. Polythene mulch and straw mulch were almost equally valuable in maize and wheat sequence. Tillage (minimum) and mulch (polythene and straw) have pronounced effect on soil physical properties (improved infiltration rate and conserve soil water), energy requirement, economics and growth of maize and wheat.  相似文献   

International trade in environmental goods (EG) provides a market-based solution to balance the development–environment relationship. How can developing economies gain new growth opportunities through trade liberalisation in the EGs? This study investigates the structural features of products and firms during the early development of China's EG trade. This study defines the import–export nexus as the product relatedness between imports and exports at the firm level, which may promote the technology spill overs and firm cooperation. This study combines two nationwide data sets and constructs a data panel covering 334 prefectures and 248 EGs during 2001–2012. The conditional logit model with fixed effects is used for coefficient estimation. Empirical results reveal that the import–export nexus promotes new EGs in domestic sectors and export baskets, primarily supported by domestic private firms. The import–export nexus allows state-owned firms, which only represent a small market share, to enrich export baskets. It also helps foreign firms to develop new EGs in domestic sectors. These findings suggest revisiting the role of state-owned firms in industrial policy and developing a broad list of EGs to make use of the product relatedness. These will make developing economies like China gain new growth opportunities from the EG trade.  相似文献   

Feeding livestock with cover crops can improve the efficiency and sustainability of integrated crop–livestock systems under no-till. However, no-till systems are based on permanent soil cover by organic material, so grazing livestock can compete for soil cover. Hence, managing stocking rates during the grazing period of the cultivated forage species is a key factor to assure enough herbage mass for maintaining long-term sustainable no-till systems. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine sward management targets for a continuously stocked mixed oat (Avena strigosa) × annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pasture in rotation with soybean in a no-till integrated crop–livestock system to determine the optimum balance between animal production and herbage mass for soil cover. The effects of sward height management on animal performance and herbage mass covers were evaluated. Treatments corresponded to four sward heights: 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm, maintained throughout the experimental period through continuous stocking and variable stocking rate, plus a no-grazing control area. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Herbage mass and animal performance increased linearly with sward height, but weight gain per hectare decreased. Grazing efficiency fitted to a quadratic regression and conversion efficiency a logarithmic model. Equilibrium between grazing and conversion efficiencies was reached on swards managed at 20 cm, indicating that this sward height provided enough herbage mass to allow both animal performance and no-till crop demand for soil cover.  相似文献   

Resources for crop production are often scarce in smallholder farming systems in the tropics, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Decisions on the allocation of such resources are often made at farm rather than at field plot scale. To handle the uncertainty caused by both lack of data and imperfect knowledge inherent to these agricultural systems, we developed a dynamic summary model of the soil–crop system that captures essential interactions determining the short- and long-term crop productivity, while keeping a degree of simplicity that allows its parameterisation, use and dissemination in the tropics. Generic, summary functions describing crop productivity may suffice for addressing questions concerning trade-offs on resource allocation at farm scale. Such functions can be derived from empirical (historical) data or, when they involve potential or water-limited crop yields, can be generated using process-based, detailed crop simulation models. This paper describes the approach to simulating crop productivity implemented in the model FIELD (Field-scale Interactions, use Efficiencies and Long-Term soil fertility Development), based on the availability of light, water, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the interactions between these factors. We describe how these interactions are simulated and use examples from case studies in African farming systems to illustrate the use of detailed crop models to generate summary functions and the ability of FIELD to capture long-term trends in soil C and crop yields, crop responses to applied nutrients across heterogeneous smallholder farms and the implications of overlooking the effects of intra-seasonal rainfall variability in the model. An example is presented that evaluates the sensitivity of the model to resource allocation decisions when operating (linked to livestock and household models) at farm scale. Further, we discuss the assessment of model performance, going beyond the calculation of simple statistics to compare simulated and observed results to include broader criteria such as model applicability. In data-scarce environments such as SSA, uncertainty in parameter values constrains the performance of detailed process-based models, often forcing model users to ‘guess’ (or set to default values) parameters that are seldom measured in practice. The choice of model depends on its suitability and appropriateness to analyse the relevant scale for the question addressed. Simpler yet dynamic models of the various subsystems (crop, soil, livestock, manure) may prove more robust than detailed, process-based models when analysing farm scale questions on system design and resource allocation in SSA.  相似文献   

The intensification of agriculture in Europe has contributed significantly to the decline of mixed crop-livestock farms in favour of specialised farms. Specialisation, when accompanied by intensive farming practices, leaves farms poorly equipped to sustainably manage by-products of production, capture beneficial ecological interactions, and adapt in a volatile economic climate. An often proposed solution to overcome these environmental and economic constraints is to recouple crop and livestock production via cooperation between specialised farms. If well-managed, synergies between crop and livestock production beyond farm level have the potential to improve feed and fertiliser autonomy, and pest regulation. However, strategies currently used by farmers to recouple dairy livestock and crop production are poorly documented; there is a need to better assess these strategies using empirical farm data. In this paper, we employed farm surveys to describe, analyse and assess the following strategies: (1) Local exchange of materials among dairy and arable farms; (2) Land renting between dairy and arable farms; (3) Animal exchanges between lowland and mountainous areas; and (4) Industrially mediated transfers of dehydrated fodder. For each strategy, cooperating farm groups were compared to non-cooperating farm groups using indicators of metabolic performance (input autonomy, nutrient cycling and use efficiency), and ecosystem services provision. The results indicate that recoupling of crop and dairy production through farm cooperation gives farmers access to otherwise inaccessible or underutilised local resources such as land, labour, livestock feed or organic nutrients. This in turn leads to additional outlets for by-products (e.g. animal manure). Farmers’ decisions about how to allocate the additional resources accessed via cooperation essentially determine if the farm diversifies, intensifies or expands operations. The key finding is that in three of the four crop-livestock integration strategies assessed, these newly accessed resources facilitated more intensive farming practices (e.g. higher stocking rate or number of milking cows per hectare) on cooperating dairy farms relative to non-cooperating, specialised dairy farms. As a consequence, cooperation was accompanied by limited environmental benefits but helped to improve resource use efficiency per unit of agricultural product produced. This article provides a critical step toward understanding real-world results of crop-livestock cooperation beyond the farm level relative to within-farm crop-livestock integration. As such, it brings practical knowledge of vital importance for policy making to promote sustainable farming.  相似文献   

Crop residue removal and subsoil compaction are limiting to yield improvement in the North China Plain (NCP). We conducted a field study composed of six consecutive crop growing seasons from 2010 to 2013 in Henan province, China, to determine responses of soil properties, crop root distribution and crop yield to tillage and residue management in a wheat–maize cropping system under irrigated conditions. Tillage practices comprised mouldboard ploughing (MP) to a depth of 15-cm, deep mouldboard ploughing (DMP) to a depth of 30-cm, and chisel ploughing (CP) to a depth of 30-cm. Crop residue management included crop residue retained (CRRet) and crop residue removed (CRRem). The results indicated that yields in DMP and CP increased by 6.0% and 7.3% for wheat and by 8.7% and 9.0% for maize, respectively, relative to MP. The CRRet treatment also increased wheat yield by 6.7% and maize yield by 5.0%. The yield increases under DMP and CP were related to reduced bulk density and soil penetration resistance, increased soil water content, improved total N distribution and improved root density (0–60-cm). Compared with MP, the root mass density under DMP and CP were increased by 43.4% and 42.0% for wheat and by 40.6% and 39.4% for maize, respectively. The yield increases under CRRet were also related to increased soil water content, reduced penetration resistance and increased N status (0–40-cm). Overall, for DMP + CRRet and CP + CRRet, a more favorable soil environment alongside greater root mass density and suitable spatial distribution resulted in higher grain yields of wheat and maize. Thus, compared with conventional shallow tillage practice, DMP or CP with residue application could improve soil quality and agricultural productivity under irrigated areas with loam soil in the NCP.  相似文献   

Intercrops of pea (Pisum arvense L.), a popular legume used in intercropping systems with winter cereals for forage and silage production, with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), and triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) in two seeding ratios (60:40 and 80:20) were compared with monocrops of pea and cereals for two growing seasons. Growth rate, dry matter yield, and N uptake were determined in each intercropping system. Furthermore, several indices were used to evaluate the intercropping systems and analyze the competition and the interrelationships between mixture components. Growth rate of cereals was lower in the mixtures than in the monocrops. Dry matter yield was higher in triticale monocrop, followed by its two intercrops, and the pea–wheat 80:20 intercrop. Moreover, triticale monocrop, pea–triticale intercrops, and pea–wheat 80:20 intercrop showed the highest crude protein yield and N uptake. The land equivalent ratio (LER), relative crowding coefficient (K), actual yield loss (AYL), and system productivity index (SPI) values were greater for the pea–triticale mixtures and the pea–wheat and pea–rye mixtures (80:20), indicating an advantage of intercropping. In most intercrops, the values of partial K, AYL, aggressivity, and competitive ratio (CR) indicated that the cereal was more competitive than pea. The highest values of monetary advantage index (MAI) and intercropping advantage (IA) were recorded for the pea–triticale and the pea–wheat mixtures (80:20). Overall, pea–triticale and pea–wheat mixtures (80:20) were more productive and produced better forage quality than the other mixtures and thus could be adopted by the farmers as alternative options for forage production.  相似文献   

One experiment lasting for two years was carried out at Pegões (central Portugal) to estimate the impact of mature white lupine residue (Lupinus albus L.) on yield of fodder oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Sta. Eulalia) as the next crop in rotation, comparing with the continuous cultivation of cereal, under two tillage practices (conventional tillage and no-till) and fertilized with five mineral nitrogen (N) rates, with three replicates. Oat as a first crop in the rotation provided more N to the agro-ecosystem (63 kg N ha−1) than did lupine (30–59 kg N ha−1). This was at a cost of 100 kg of mineral N ha−1, whereas lupine was grown without addition of N. A positive response of oat as a second crop was obtained per kg of lupine-N added to the system when compared with the continuous oat–oat. The cereal also responded positively to mineral N in the legume amended soil in contrast with the oat–oat sequence where no response was observed, partly due to the fast mineralization rate of lupine residue and a greater soil N immobilization in the continuous oat system. Each kg N ha−1 added to the soil through the application of 73 kg DM ha−1 mature lupine residue (above- and belowground material) increased by 72 kg DM ha−1 the oat biomass produced as the second crop in rotation when 150 kg mineral N ha−1 were split in the season, independent of tillage practice. Mature legume residue conserved in the no-tilled soil depressed the yield of succeeding cereal but less than the continuous oat–oat for both tillage practices, where the application of mineral N did not improve the crop response.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of varying mixture proportion of crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), used as winter cover crops, and cover crop biomass management before maize sowing (Zea mays L.) were studied in a series of field experiments in Eastern Slovenia. Pure stands and mixtures of cover crops on the main plots were split into different cover crop biomass management subplots: whole cover crop biomass ploughed down before maize sowing, aboveground cover crop biomass removed before ploughing and sowing, or aboveground cover crop biomass removed before sowing directly into chemically killed residues.Cover crop and cover crop biomass management affected the N content of the whole aboveground and of grain maize yields, and the differences between actual and critical N concentrations in the whole aboveground maize yield. The whole aboveground and grain maize dry matter yields, and the apparent remaining N in the soil after maize harvesting, showed significant interaction responses to cover crop × management, indicating positive and negative effects. Crimson clover in pure stand provided high, and pure Italian ryegrass provided low maize dry matter yields and N content in the yields in all the observed methods of biomass management. However, within individual management, mixtures containing high proportions of crimson clover sustained maize yields and N contents similar to those produced by pure crimson clover. Considering the expected ecological advantages of the mixtures, the results thereby support their use.  相似文献   

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