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Olive oil is mostly extracted from the mesocarp (∼95%) of the fruit with the seed (endosperm and embryo, ∼5%) containing little oil. There are correlative and manipulative evidence that temperature modulates fruit oil content and fatty acid composition of the oil from the whole fruit (i.e., with no distinction being made between oils derived from each oil-bearing structure) of olive. Notably, oleic acid concentration of olive oil decreases as fruit mean growth temperature increases. This response in the olive fruit is opposite to that documented in annual oil-seed crops such as sunflower and soybean. The objectives of the present study were: i) to compare temperature effects on fatty acid composition of oil derived from seed and from mesocarp; ii) to compare temperature effects on seed and mesocarp dry weights and oil concentrations. To do this, fruiting branches were enclosed in transparent plastic chambers with individualized temperature control. Temperature was manipulated during the seed growth (Period A) and during the second half of mesocarp growth (Period B) subphases. In both periods, the oleic acid proportion in mesocarp oil decreased as temperature increased, and was accompanied by increases of palmitic acid, linoleic and linolenic acids. Mesocarp dry weight did not respond significantly to temperature, but mesocarp oil concentration fell significantly as temperature increased. Seed dry weight, oil concentration and fatty acid composition exhibited responses to temperature during Period A only, with seed dry weight increasing between 20 and 25 °C with a sharp decrease at higher temperature, and oil concentration linearly falling 1.2% per °C. In contrast, seed oil oleic acid percentage increased between 20 and 28 °C, and fell slightly with higher temperature. Palmitic and stearic acids in seed oil increased sigmoidally with temperature, while linoleic acid decreased sigmoidally. Oleic acid percentage showed opposite responses in oil from the seed and the mesocarp. The response of the seed to temperature was similar to those observed in oil from embryos of annual oil-seed crops, although the abrupt fall in palmitic and stearic acid with temperature >25 °C seems to be distinctive for olive seed oil.  相似文献   

The high stearic acid sunflower mutant CAS-3 is characterized by a low seed oil content, which might represent a constraint for the commercial production of high stearic acid sunflower oil. The objective of the present research was to investigate the relationships between fatty acid profile and seed oil content in CAS-3. Plants of CAS-3 were reciprocally crossed with plants of breeding line ADV-37, with high oil content and standard fatty acid profile. Oil content and fatty acid composition were measured in individual F2 seeds and F2 plants (F3 seeds averaged). Both F2 seeds and F2 plants from the cross ADV-37 × CAS-3 had a significantly higher oil content than those from the reciprocal cross, which indicated the existence of cytoplasmic effects in the genetic control of the trait. A consistent negative correlation between oil content and palmitic acid and a positive correlation between oil content and oleic acid were detected both in F2 seeds and F2 plants. Conversely, no consistent correlation between oil content and stearic acid was observed, which suggested the feasibility of simultaneous selection for both traits.  相似文献   

The oil content, the tocopherol composition, the plastochromanol-8 (P-8) content and the fatty acid composition (19 fatty acids) of the seed of 51 hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) genotypes were studied in the 2000 and 2001 seasons. The oil content of the hemp seed ranged from 26.25% (w/w) to 37.50%. Analysis of variance revealed significant effects of genotype, year and of the interaction (genotype × year) on the oil content. The oil contents of the 51 genotypes in 2000 and 2001 were correlated (r = 0.37**) and averaged 33.19 ± 1.45% in 2000 and 31.21 ± 0.96% in 2001. The -tocopherol, -tocopherol, -tocopherol, P-8- and -tocopherol contents of the 51 genotypes averaged 21.68 ± 3.19, 1.82 ± 0.49, 1.20 ± 0.40, 0.18 ± 0.07 and 0.16 ± 0.04 mg 100g–1 of seeds, respectively (2000 and 2001 data pooled). Hierarchical clustering of the fatty acid data did not group the hemp genotypes according to their geographic origin. The -linolenic acid yield of hemp (3–30 kg ha–1) was similar to the -linolenic acid yield of plant species that are currently used as sources of -linolenic acid (borage (19–30 kg ha–1), evening primrose (7–30 kg ha–1)). The linoleic acid yield of hemp (129–326 kg ha–1) was similar to flax (102–250 kg ha–1), but less than in sunflower (868–1320 kg ha–1). Significant positive correlations were detected between some fatty acids and some tocopherols. Even though the average content of P-8 in hemp seeds was only 1/120th of the average -tocopherol content, P-8 content was more closely correlated with the unsaturated fatty acid content than -tocopherol or any other tocopherol fraction. The average broad-sense heritabilities of the oil content, the antioxidants (tocopherols and P-8) and the fatty acids were 0.53, 0.14 and 0.23, respectively. The genotypes Fibrimon 56, P57, Juso 31, GB29, Beniko, P60, FxT, Félina 34, Ramo and GB18 were capable of producing the largest amounts of high quality hemp oil.  相似文献   

本研究对棉籽油分、棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸含量进行了不同遗传体系的QTL分析,为相关性状挖掘出更多有用的基因信息。分别于2017年和2018年,利用陆地棉亲本HS46 (P1)和MARCABUCAG8US-1-88 (P2)所构建的188个重组近交系分别与双亲杂交构建F1群体BC (P1)和BC(P2)。基于这些回交群体种子,采用专为种子性状设计的母体和胚核基因组QTL定位的混合线性遗传模型及QTLNetwork-CL-2.0-Seed软件,对棉籽油分、棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸含量进行QTL定位分析。共检测到7个控制棉籽油分含量、3个控制棕榈酸含量、2个控制油酸含量和3个控制亚油酸含量的QTL,均具有显著或极显著的源自母体和胚2个核基因组的加性主效应,其中有7个QTL的表型变异贡献率大于10%。研究结果可为这些性状的分子标记辅助选择育种提供更为可靠的参考,为这些性状的分子遗传机制研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the simultaneous analysis of seed weight, total oil content and its fatty acid composition in intact single seeds of rapeseed was studied. A calibration set of 530 single seeds was analysed by both NIRS and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and calibration equations for the major fatty acids were developed. External validation with a set of 75 seeds demonstrated a close relationship between NIRS and GLC data for oleic (r = 0.92) and erucic acid (r = 0.94), but not for linoleic (r = 0.75) and linolenic acid (r = 0.73). Calibration equations for seed weight and oil content were developed from a calibration set of 125 seeds. A gravimetric determination was used as reference method for oil content. External validation revealed a coefficient of correlation between NIRS and reference methods of 0.92 for both traits. The performance of the calibration equations for oleic and erucic acid was further studied by analysing two segregating F2 seed populations not represented in the calibration set. The results demonstrated that a reliable selection for both fatty acids in segregating populations can be made by using NIRS. We concluded that a reliable estimation of seed weight, oil content, oleic acid and erucic acid content in intact, single seeds of rapeseed is possible by using NIRS technique. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Increases in the groat-oil content of oat (Avena sativa L.) increase the energy value of the grain and improve the feasibility of extracting oat oil for use as a vegetable oil. Nine cycles of recurrent selection for greater groat-oil content conducted in a genetically broad-based oat population resulted in dramatic increases in groat-oil content. Our objectives were todetermine if selection for greater groat-oil content affected fatty acid composition, grain quality traits (test weight and seed weight), or agronomic traits (straw yield, biomass, harvest index, heading date, and height). We evaluated 100 random lines from the base (C0) population and each of the nine selection cycle populations in three environments in order to estimate means, genetic variances, heritabilities, and genotypic and phenotypic correlations of grain quality and agronomic traits. We also evaluated 20 random lines from each population to estimate changes in fatty acid contents. Oleate and stearate contents increased over cycles of selection, as did the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids. Palmitate, linoleate, and linolenate contents and all grain quality and agronomic traits except harvest index decreased over cycles of selection. There was no evidence for reduced genetic variance or heritability in C9 for any trait, but the genotypic and phenotypic correlations between agronomic traits and oil content fluctuated over cycles. Selection for increased groat-oil content improved oil quality but reduced grain quality and agronomic performance of the population. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. Bondaruk    S. Johnson    A. Degafu    P. Boora    P. Bilodeau    J. Morris    W. Wiehler    N. Foroud    R. Weselake    S. Shah 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(2):186-194
A cDNA encoding palmitoyl‐acyl carrier protein (ACP)‐desaturase from cat's claw (Doxantha unguis‐cati L.) was expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus L. with the goal of decreasing the saturated fatty acid (FA) content of the seed oil. In general, transformation of Arabidopsis resulted in a greater change in the FA composition of the seed oil than for B. napus. An increase in palmitoleic acid (16:1cisΔ9) was obtained in transgenic lines, suggesting that the 16:0‐ACP‐desaturase cDNA was expressed in the manner originally intended. Other effects on lipid metabolism, however, were observed in the seed of transgenic plants. In Arabidopsis, there was a large increase in the proportions of cis‐vaccenic acid (18:1cisΔ11) and cis‐13‐eicosenoic acid (20:1cisΔ13), possibly generated through elongation of 16:1cisΔ9. Elongation of 18:1cisΔ11 to 20:1cisΔ13, however, was not observed in B. napus indicating that certain aspects of lipid metabolism in the model plant, Arabidopsis, may not apply to B. napus. As well, the appearance of 18:1cisΔ11 was accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of oleic acid (18:1cisΔ9). Although the introduced ACP‐desaturase resulted in synthesis of some unsaturated FAs, the overall saturated FA content was maintained at similar levels to the control or was enhanced. Increased levels of saturation were mainly associated with an increase in stearic acid, which unlike 16:0, is considered non‐atherogenic. The results suggest that a mechanism exists further downstream in oil biosynthesis to counteract the decrease in saturation brought about by the 16:0‐ACP‐desaturase action.  相似文献   

Frost tolerance is a main component of winter-hardiness and improving it would promote faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cropping in cool-temperate regions. In many species, leaf fatty acid composition was found to be related to frost tolerance. The objective of this study was to determine, in a representative sample of genotypes, the effect of hardening on leaf and stem (1) frost tolerance and (2) fatty acid composition, and to seek correlations between them. First leaf, second leaf and stem of 31 faba bean genotypes were analyzed after hardening and without hardening. High frost tolerance of known winter genotypes and several experimental lines was shown. Hardening had a significant, positive effect on frost tolerance of all three organs. Stems were on average more frost tolerant than leaves. Hardening induced significant changes in the fatty acid composition: oleic acid decreased significantly in leaves by 3.24% and in stems by 1.77%, whereas linolenic acid increased in leaves by 6.28% and in stems by 9.06%. In stems, correlations between frost tolerance and fatty acid composition were not significant. Correlation coefficients strongly indicated that non-hardened oleic acid content, changes in oleic acid and in linoleic plus linolenic acid content in leaves partly explained their frost tolerance; 0.347 (P < 0.1) < |r| < 0.543 (P < 0.01). The results corroborate the importance of using genetic differences in the fatty acid metabolism in breeding grain legumes for frost tolerance.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization offers potential to improve the hydroxy fatty acid (HFA) content of lesquerella. Lesquerella fendleri is currently being developed for cultivation as a potential new industrial oilseed crop because of its seed productivity. However, it has lower HFA content compared to L. pallida and L. lindheimeri. The objectives of this research were to improve the HFA oil content of L. fenderi through interspecific hybridization and to characterize hybrids and successive generations for seed oil fatty acid profile, fertility, seed set and other morphological traits. In this work, three species were successfully hybridized, self-pollinated, and backcrossed. Ovule culture was used in some cases to produce progeny where interspecific hybrids did not produce viable embryos. The traits measured were petal length, ovules per silique, seeds per silique, and weight of 1000 seed. Patterns of leaf trichomes were used to distinguish between parents and hybrids. Seed per silique indicated that autofertility occurred in L. pallida but not in the other two species. HFA oil content of L. fendleri seed were 50.5% compared to 80 and 84% for L. pallida and L. lindheimeri, respectively. The HFA oil content of the hybrids ranged from 57 to 70% in A2 and A3 generations, and the range of values depended on the parents used in the crosses. These measurements will help predict the value of different interspecific crosses for breeding. Segregation for various yield related traits should allow selection for favorable improvements in the HFA trait and in seed yield.  相似文献   

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