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AIMS: To determine levels of remuneration for veterinarians in New Zealand, to examine associations between putative explanatory factors and gross annual remuneration, and to quantify the type and prevalence of vacant positions.

METHODS: A postal survey to 486 identifiable clinical practices and 53 identifiable organisations that employ veterinarians was used to gather data for the 2-month period of December 2001 to January 2002.

RESULTS: Data were produced for 972 veterinarians (367 females and 605 males) working in 325 clinical practices, and 299 veterinarians (88 females and 211 males) employed by 32 organisations.

Median levels of gross annual remuneration for assistants, partners/shareholders and sole owners working ≥ days per week in clinical practice were NZ$60,000, $90,000 and $75,000, respectively, and for veterinarians in organisations, irrespective of number of days per week worked, was $68,000. Pay rates increased linearly as the number of years since graduation increased for all clinicians and with increasing age for veterinarians in organisations. Full-time assistants were likely to be paid more if the practice was rural rather than urban in location, if they were males, and if administrative duties were part of the job.

The same factors, except for sex, were significant for remuneration for owners and partners/shareholders working full-time. Their remuneration tended to be higher if the practice was involved with either dairy or deer work but decreased as the number of animal species serviced increased and if they worked >5 days per week. Part-time female veterinarians were generally paid more than male counterparts.

Male veterinarians working in organisations were generally paid about 8% more than their female colleagues. Veterinarians in organisations involved with administration at a head office were generally better paid than those without administrative duties. Pay rates were, on the whole, better in private organisations than in universities, state-owned enterprises, government-operated and other types of organisations

About 50% of all services provided by clinical practices were directed to small animals, 27% to dairy cattle and about 10%, 6% and 3% to horses, sheep and beef cattle, and deer, respectively. About 31% of veterinarians worked solely with small animals but most had multiple species workloads.

Of the 325 respondent practices, 98 reported vacancies for 119 veterinarians, of which 79 were full-time, 27 part-time and 12 locum positions. Of the 32 respondent organisations, seven reported vacancies for 16 mostly full-time positions. Farmer-owned co-operative practices were less likely than privately-owned practices to have full-time vacant positions. The only factor identified as influencing part-time vacancies in clinical practices was hourly pay rate. Vacancies occurred randomly across practices, irrespective of location, and there was no indication of greater demand for services for any particular species. The odds of a vacancy in organisations was lower for state-owned enterprises and private organisations than for government organisations (odds ratios (OR)=0.14 and 0.18, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: Relatively more females than males worked part-time and 23% of all assistants in clinical practice worked part-time. Sex made a significant difference to gross remuneration for full-time assistants in clinical practice and for veterinarians employed by private or government organisations. In both situations, males were generally better paid than females. Female part-time assistants and partners/shareholders or sole owners in clinical practice were generally better rewarded than their male counterparts. Sex had no effect on remuneration levels for owners/partners working full-time in clinical practices.

The study confirmed a serious shortage of veterinarians in New Zealand. The probability of a vacancy occurring in farmer-owned co-operative (‘club’) practices was lower than in private practices. Vacancies were distributed randomly among rural, urban and rural/urban practices with no evidence of rural practices being more severely affected than urban or rural/urban practices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define and describe the population of Australian veterinarians who work with horses. METHOD: Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto an Excel spreadsheet, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: About 12% of Australia's veterinarians were doing all the veterinary work with horses, and about 3% worked exclusively (> 90%) with horses, but did more than half (58%) of the horse work. Veterinarians working with horses included more males (80%) than the veterinary population as a whole (approximately 60%). Males had an average age of 47 years, females 35. Almost all (94%) worked in private practice, with 31% being employees, 28% partners and 41% sole owners. Females were more likely to be employees than males. Males reported working 55 hours/week; females 49. More females (44%) than males (16%) had worked less than full-time for more than a year. Males expected to work for another 12 years in full-time equivalents, and females for 16. One quarter (24%) saw only horses, but treated 58% of total horse cases. One-half had < 25% horses, and 29% had < 10% of horses in their caseloads. More of the older (54% of those aged > 60) than younger respondents (27% of those < 40) had grown up on farms with animals. One-quarter (24%) decided to become a veterinarian while in primary school, and females decided at a younger age than males. Overall, younger respondents decided at a younger age than did their older counterparts. A veterinarian contributed to the decision for 21% of these veterinarians. CONCLUSION: In this survey, Australian veterinarians who work with horses were found to be typically male, and advanced in their careers. As these older veterinarians retire, there may not be enough veterinarians who are committed to and competent with horses to take their places.  相似文献   

Nebraska veterinary practitioners were surveyed to collect data about background characteristics and other factors related to veterinarians' decision to include or not include food animals in their practices and to practice in rural versus urban communities. Background characteristics that were significantly (p < or = 0.05) associated with choosing food-animal practice included growing up on a working farm or ranch; having parents who owned livestock; growing up in a town with a population of less than 10,000; majoring in animal science at university; being male; and having a primary interest, at the time of entering veterinary college, in food animal-exclusive or mixed-animal veterinary practice. The primary factor for choosing the community in which to practice was rural/urban lifestyle for rural veterinarians, while this factor was second for urban veterinarians. For all groups of veterinarians, the primary consideration in selecting their current practice was the species orientation of the practice. The primary reason for not choosing food-animal practice was better working conditions and lifestyle in companion-animal practice, followed by greater interest elsewhere.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken to ascertain the extent to which women veterinarians in New Zealand were employing their veterinary skills, and to identify some of the factors which affect women;s ability or choice to work full-time in their profession. Replies were received from 115 of 140 women registered by the New Zealand Veterinary Surgeons Board. Women in full-time veterinary employment at the time of the survey made up 63% of the sample, 19% were employed part-time, and 18% were not working. Women with children on average had worked as veterinary surgeons proportionately less time since qualification than either single women or women with no children. Women with children worked in their profession for a significantly greater proportion of time if they had both emotional and physical support in the home. Women who employed paid household help were in a minority in the sample. The distribution of women in different fields of veterinary employment was similar to that of a similar sized sample of men. The main reasons women gave for reducing their work level were pregnancy and lactation, difficulties in combining professional work with family commitments, a desire to spend time with children at home, and difficulty in finding a suitable position.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the time veterinary graduates spend in private practice and in veterinary work generally, and to determine what factors influence this.
Methods Questionnaires were completed in the sixth year after graduation by 119 veterinarians who had participated in this longitudinal study since starting the veterinary course, and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results Of those who started the veterinary course, 90% graduated, and 96% of these then entered private practice. Five years later 94% (73% in full-time equivalents) were working as veterinarians, and 64% (50% in full-time equivalents) were still in private practice in Australia. Hours, attitudes of principals and clients, and inadequate rewards were the main reasons for leaving private practice. The likelihood of being still in private practice was greater for those who had had significant responsibility for animals before they entered the course, but it was not related to geographical origin (city vs country), age at entry or gender. Women were, however, more likely than men to be working part time as veterinarians. Predictions of veterinary working life were not affected by geographical origin or by previous experience with animals or on farms, but men expected to work longer than women.
Conclusion The average veterinary career, estimated by veterinarians who graduated 5 years earlier, is 24 years in fulltime equivalents for men, and 16 years for women. Almost all (94%, representing 73% in full-time equivalents) still work as veterinarians after 5 years, most of them (76%, representing 59% in full-time equivalents) in private practice. The likelihood of remaining in private practice is related to previous responsibility for animals.  相似文献   

Aggressive clients seem to be becoming more common. This article describes a study in which questionnaires on client behaviour were sent to veterinary assistants and veterinarians in randomly selected practices in the Netherlands. Results showed that 26.4% of the veterinarians and 29.3% of the assistants had experienced aggressive clients in the last year. Age, experience, and sex of the veterinarian or assistant did not influence the frequency with which aggressive clients were encountered. The same was true for the type of veterinary practice (companion animals, farm animals, horses, etc). The risk of encountering aggressive clients was higher among practices in large towns and in practices with a small turnover Of the veterinarians who had encountered aggressive clients at least once in their career, 31% has taken some kind of action after the aggressive encounter Nearly a quarter (24.9%) of veterinary practices have adopted a Risk Inventarization and Evaluation (RI&E) approach to preventing client aggression and 26.6% of practices have adopted another approach. While veterinarians tend not to consider aggression a big problem, they are often open to the suggestion that more attention should be paid to aggression in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to generate demographic data on veterinarians working in western Canada. A sample of 551 veterinarians was randomly selected from a population of 2474 veterinarians employed in western Canada, 425 (77.1%) of whom responded to the survey. The respondents were evenly split between males (53.1%) and females (46.9%). More than half (58.0%) of the private practitioners practised exclusively on companion animals (small animals and horses), while 2.9% devoted 100% of their time to food animals. There were 351 respondents who had had ≥ 2 employers since graduation; 80% of those who had begun their careers in companion animal (CA) practice had remained in this type of practice, while 54.3% of those who had begun their careers in mixed animal practice had switched to CA practice. Analyses of wage and workload data from 85 full-time veterinary employees showed that CA practitioners worked the fewest hours/week (47.0), had the least number of evenings on-call/month (3.7), and earned the highest hourly wage ($35.79) as compared with non-CA practitioners.  相似文献   

Rural veterinary services in Western Australia: Part B. Rural practice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
OBJECTIVE: To determine the current status of rural veterinary services in Western Australia. PROCEDURE: A questionnaire was sent to all eligible rural practitioners registered in 2006 and the replies were transferred to Microsoft Excel for analysis. RESULTS: Of the rural practitioners invited to participate in the survey replies were received from 67%. There were equal numbers of females and males. Their mean age was 44 years. Ninety per cent of respondents considered knowledge gained as an undergraduate was sufficient to equip them for practice, but only 60% considered their practical skills adequate. Thirteen per cent of those in rural practices in 2005 had left by 2006. Eighty-nine per cent of respondents were in mixed practice, the balance in specific species practice, such as equine, large animal and production animal consultancy. The majority of rural practitioners relied on servicing companion animals for their viability; 7% earned their income from servicing production animals only. Seventy per cent utilised merchandising and the sale of pet foods to supplement the income received from the traditional veterinary services and 34% found it necessary to earn an independent income. A quarter considered that rural practice did not have a future. CONCLUSION: The majority of rural practitioners in Western Australia depend on companion animals, not production animals, to remain viable, with very few operating production animal services. Poor remuneration is a major reason why veterinarians leave rural practice, and many find it necessary to supplement their income or develop an independent income.  相似文献   

The changing role of veterinarians in the global market is a current topic of debate and discussion. Few countries including South Africa have formally examined the changing dynamics of this profession. Therefore, the present study addressed 2 objectives. The 1st was to examine basic information about veterinarians in South Africa including their age, gender and distribution across provinces, the percentage whose practice was urban, rural or periurban, the numbers working with specific animal species, and the extent of business management and skills previously gained. The 2nd objective was to obtain opinions and insights from veterinarians in South Africa about the challenges and opportunities facing their business practices to better understand what they considered important dynamics to their businesses today. Several areas of business on which they were questioned and which were included in this study were: marketing, vision, human resources, leadership, financial management, ethics, competition, day-to-day operations, interpersonal skills and information management. This is the 1st known survey to employ a questionnaire to gain insights and opinions from veterinarians about business management skills.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of exposure to potentially harmful occupational hazards in Australian female veterinarians and to report factors associated with prevalence of occupational hazards in this profession. DESIGN: National cross-sectional survey of a cohort population. PROCEDURE: A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 5748 veterinarians (males and females) graduating from Australian veterinary schools from 1960 to 2000. This paper reports the prevalence of occupational exposures in 1197 female veterinarians in their current job including radiation, anaesthetic gases, pesticides and long working hours. Comparisons were undertaken between respondents by practice type and decades of graduation. Multivariate logistic regression was undertaken to predict the risk for exposure to occupational hazards in female veterinarians by age, type of practice, graduation year and number of hours worked. RESULTS: The response rate for females was 59%. We found that age under 30 years, small and mixed animal practice, graduation year after 1990, and working more than 45 hours per week were all associated with greater exposure to putative risk factors. Mixed animal practitioners worked more than 45 hours per week (53%) and reported the highest exposure to anaesthetic gases (94%) and pesticides (54%). Twenty two percent of those who were exposed to anaesthetic gases did not have waste anaesthetic gas scavenging systems. Small animal practitioners reported they took more X-rays (90%). While taking X-rays, 56% of respondents reported physically restraining animals, and only one in five of respondents used film holders and lead screens. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of potentially harmful exposures among female veterinarians and lack of use of protective equipment at work needs to be considered in developing and planning the safety of veterinary work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To give an account of the views held by Australian veterinarians who work with horses on the future of their professional field. METHOD: Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto an Excel spreadsheet, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: Their future prospects were believed to be very good or excellent by >60% of equine veterinarians but by only 30% of mixed practitioners seeing < 10% horses. The main factors believed likely to affect these prospects were the strength of the equine industries and the economic climate affecting horse owners, followed by the encroachment of cities into areas used for horses, competition from other veterinarians including specialist centres and from non-veterinary operators, and their ability to recruit and retain veterinarians with interest, experience and skill with horses. Urban encroachment, competition and recruitment were especially important for those seeing few horses. Concerns were also expressed about the competence and ethical behaviour of other veterinarians, the physical demands and dangers of horse work, the costs of providing equine veterinary services and of being paid for them, the regulatory restrictions imposed by governments and statutory bodies, the potential effects of litigation, and insurance issues. For many veterinarians in mixed practice these factors have reduced and are likely to reduce further the number of horses seen, to the extent that they have scant optimism about the future of horse work in their practices. CONCLUSION: Economic and local factors will result in an increasing proportion of equine veterinary work being done in specialised equine centres, and the future of horse work in many mixed practices is, at best, precarious. A key factor influencing future prospects will be the availability of competent veterinarians committed to working with horses.  相似文献   

A workforce survey of private veterinary practices in western Canada was conducted in 2020. Data were obtained on 526 practices (response rate = 39.5%) and 1445 individual veterinary practitioners. Overall, 68.4% of practitioners identified as female, with 4 times as many females as males comprising the youngest age cohorts (26 to 35 y) of the profession. The majority of practices (67.9%) were companion animal, followed by mixed animal (21.9%) and food animal (10.2%). Most females (77.2%) and males (57.8%) were engaged in companion animal practice, whereas 23.5% of males and 6.0% of females were food animal practitioners. During an average work week, practitioners devoted 77.4% of practice time to small animals, 15.1% to food animals, and 7.5% to equine animals. A greater proportion of males (75.2%) versus females (63.2%) worked on a full-time equivalent basis (P < 0.001). Whereas males were 1.7 times (95% CI = 1.3 to 2.3; P < 0.001) more likely to be practice owners than females, 54.5% of females were owners. Practice ownership was lower than in previous surveys, a trend that may have long-term implications with respect to the corporatization of the veterinary profession.  相似文献   

Objectives To determine the patterns of work undertaken by veterinarians during the first 5 years after graduation, and to study the background to career decisions. Design Longitudinal study. Population Veterinarians (119) who started the veterinary course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who responded to a mailed questionnaire 5 years after they graduated. Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the veterinary course, and in the second and after the fifth year after graduation. The data were coded numerically and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results Most respondents (61%) planned to work in mixed practice and 61% entered mixed practice initially, but only 39% of these (26% of the total) remained in mixed practice after 5 years. Those who had grown up on a farm which derived primary income from animals were more likely to enter mixed practice, but half of this group had left mixed practice after 5 years. Most decisions to change career direction involved a move away from negative factors including inadequate private time and/or rewards, issues involving other people including the practice principal and sometimes clients, or aspects of the work itself. However, some cited positive reasons, including opportunities to learn, to help others or to travel. There were no significant differences between males and females in the numbers entering mixed practice or leaving it, or entering small animal practice, or in attitudes to many issues involving veterinarians. However, more females than males found their remuneration too small, and females did receive significantly smaller incomes than males. Conclusions Most graduating veterinarians, especially those from farms with animals, seek to enter mixed practice initially. Negative experiences are mainly responsible for moves to small animal practice. Gender does not affect the distribution of young veterinarians between mixed and small animal practice.  相似文献   

A survey by means of a postal questionnaire was undertaken to investigate the patterns of work and the need for information of veterinary practitioners in New Zealand. Of the 670 eligible veterinarians, 399 practitioners (60 per cent) participated in the survey. Of these, 38 per cent were in large animal practice (less than 20 per cent of work devoted to cats and dogs) and 31 per cent were in small animal practice (more than 80 per cent of work with cats and dogs). The remaining 31 per cent were in mixed practice, with a workload intermediate between the other two groups. Across the entire sample of practitioners, cats and dogs took up the largest number of veterinary hours per person (1092 hours per year). Dairy cattle were second (438 hours), and horses third (302 hours). Deer and goats ranked next, and each used more veterinary hours per person than did either sheep or beef cattle. Other species comprised very minor parts of the overall workload. Women spent a much higher proportion of their working hours with small animals and a much lower proportion with horses than did men. For other species workload patterns were similar between men and women. In relation to employment of the practitioner group, women were under represented, compared with men, among those with responsibilities for the management of practices, even when account was taken of the fact that the women in the sample were younger. Fewer than one per cent of men in the sample were not employed full-time, whereas 15 per cent of the women were in part-time employment. The survey indicates that there has been a substantial change in the demographic structure of the veterinary profession and the forms of veterinary work carried out. It also shows that the differences in work and career patterns between men and women need more intensive study to improve the accuracy of predictions of future requirements for veterinary manpower.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to 911 Finnish veterinarians to assess their attitudes and practices to pain relief in animals. Responses to statements about recognition and treatment of pain were either to agree or to disagree. The pain caused by specified surgical and clinical conditions was rated. Inquiries were also posed about the number of analgesics available and their use in specific surgical procedures and clinical situations. The questionnaires were returned by 441 respondents. Women and younger veterinarians generally rated pain higher and treated it more frequently than men and older colleagues. Younger veterinarians and those in larger practices also had more analgesics available than older veterinarians and those in smaller practices. Respondents agreed with the statement that relieving pain is beneficial for animals. However, large differences were present in the frequency of use of pain alleviation between different animal species undergoing similar operations and between clinical conditions scored equally in the numerical rating of pain. The severity and clinical relevance of feline pain is probably often underestimated, as cats were less likely to receive analgesics than dogs after similar operations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare some family issues and work experiences of males and females who graduated as veterinarians 15 years ago. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by 134 of 137 veterinarians who graduated 15 years ago, and who had been surveyed in their first and final years as students, and 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. Comparisons were made with official statistics, information from earlier surveys in this longitudinal study, and data from a previously published national study. RESULTS: By 15 years after they graduated, 82% had been married or in a comparable long-term relationship, and 23% of these were to another veterinarian. Thirteen percent of those who had been married were now separated or divorced, and 50% of them had remarried, a similar proportion to official statistics for Australians of comparable age. Approximately 20% of both males and females were doing no veterinary work, but more males (68%) than females (37%) were doing veterinary work full time. Most who were doing veterinary work were in private practice, and of these, small animals represented 76% of the work of the males and 88% of the work of the females. Females in private practice were more likely to be employees, especially if working part time, but those working full time were just as likely as males to be practice owners. In general males earned more than females. CONCLUSION: By 15 years after graduation, the percentages of males and females doing some veterinary work are similar, although males are more likely than females to be working full time. Females and males in full time private practice are equally likely to be practice owners, but female owners and female employees earn less than comparable males. Males and females have similar attitudes to having done the veterinary course.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the number and distribution of the Australian veterinary work-force, and to assess changes in it that have occurred since 1981. PROCEDURE: The postcode and gender of each veterinarian who was registered, resident and apparently working in each state and territory in 1981, 1991 and 2001 was obtained from veterinary board lists, entered on an Excel data base, and analysed using the statistical program SAS System 7 for Windows 95. The Official Australian Postcode Map was used to determine the location of postcode areas, and publications of the Australian Bureau of Statistics provided data on human populations. RESULTS: At the end of June 2001, 6358 veterinarians were registered, resident and apparently working in a state or territory of Australia. This was 100% higher than in 1981. Over the intervening 20 years, the number had increased by 3181, 2001 of whom were female. Between 1981 and 1991 the increase in major cities was 898 and in rural areas 682, of whom 357 were male. Between 1991 and 2001 the increase in cities was 1139 and rural areas 462, of whom only 98 were male. The density of veterinarians in Australia - 330/million people - is higher than in the UK (213/million), USA (218/million) and Canada (250/million). CONCLUSIONS: The relative number of veterinarians in Australia is now higher than in the UK, USA and Canada, and is likely to continue to increase. There is evidence of maldistribution, with many rural practices facing shortages of veterinarians with the experience and inclination to maintain veterinary services over the longer term, and some cities likely to become overcrowded with veterinarians.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE-To assess the knowledge and use of infection control practices (ICPs) among US veterinarians. DESIGN-Anonymous mail-out population survey. PROCEDURES-In 2005 a questionnaire was mailed to US small animal, large animal, and equine veterinarians who were randomly selected from the AVMA membership to assess precaution awareness (PA) and veterinarians' perceptions of zoonotic disease risks. Respondents were assigned a PA score (0 to 4) on the basis of their responses (higher scores representing higher stringency of ICPs); within a practice type, respondents' scores were categorized as being within the upper 25% or lower 75% of scores (high and low PA ranking, respectively). Characteristics associated with low PA rankings were assessed. RESULTS-Generally, respondents did not engage in protective behaviors or use personal protective equipment considered appropriate to protect against zoonotic disease transmission. Small animal and equine veterinarians employed in practices that had no written infection control policy were significantly more likely to have low PA ranking. Male gender was associated with low PA ranking among small animal and large animal veterinarians; equine practitioners not working in a teaching or referral hospital were more likely to have low PA ranking than equine practitioners working in such institutions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE-Results indicated that most US veterinarians are not aware of appropriate personal protective equipment use and do not engage in practices that may help reduce zoonotic disease transmission. Gender differences may influence personal choices for ICPs. Provision of information and training on ICPs and establishment of written infection control policies could be effective means of improving ICPs in veterinary practices.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the location, type, support from and effects of their first position for the veterinary graduates of 2005, and to make comparisons with graduates of 1950-2000. Procedure Questionnaires were sent to veterinarians who had graduated from an Australian university in 2005, and data were analysed with SAS System 8 for Windows. Results One-sixth of the graduates left for overseas, and 55% (Murdoch) to 85% (Melbourne) of the remainder found their first veterinary position in the state where they were trained. More were in small animal (48%) and less in mixed practice (48%) than in previous decades, and they spent more time (79%) with dogs and cats, and less with horses (9%), cattle (8%) and other production animals (1%). The median income of males working full-time was $43,000 and $39,000 for equivalent females. Most were satisfied with the help and support received from their boss and workplace; approximately 20% felt that support was inadequate, and many felt overworked and underpaid. The graduates with inadequate support were more likely to suffer stress and were less likely to have enjoyed their first year or to agree that they would become a veterinarian again. The levels of perceived support, and of stress, were similar to those reported by graduates of 2000, though more favourable than in the previous 2 decades. Conclusions Graduates of 2005 were less likely than their predecessors to start in mixed practice or to work with cattle and horses. Most felt poorly paid, but most, though not all, felt well supported in their first position. Aust Vet J 2008;86:357-364.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To survey veterinarians in small animal practice concerning their attitudes about delivery of behavior services, frequency of common behavior problems, manner in which services were provided, confidence in their clinical ability to treat these behavior problems, frequency of use of pharmacologic intervention, and number of dogs and cats euthanatized specifically because of behavior problems. DESIGN: Cross-sectional mail survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: Random sample of veterinarians in small animal practice in the United States. PROCEDURE: A self-administered mail survey was sent to a random sample of 2,000 veterinarians. Results were tabulated and statistically analyzed. RESULTS: It was estimated that approximately 224,000 dogs and cats were euthanatized annually in small animal veterinary practices in the United States because of behavior problems. Although veterinarians seemed unwilling to euthanatize animals for behavior problems solely on the basis of a client's request, many veterinarians did not routinely inquire about animal behavior and often were not confident in their clinical skills to treat behavior problems. Female veterinarians tended to be more proactive in addressing behavior problems and to have more positive attitudes than male veterinarians about the importance of animal behavior. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Efforts are needed to increase the number of veterinarians who systematically incorporate inquiries about animal behavior into routine clinical practice and to build the confidence of veterinarians for diagnosing and treating animal behavior problems.  相似文献   

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